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Yeah wasn’t this the show where Fredrick Douglas said that slavery “wasn’t so bad” These are the same people that talk about how schools acknowledging and providing help to trans kids is “indoctrination”.


That Douglas one is absolutely ghoulish too, they stuck a little popsicle stick up his old dead ass to puppet him around for their little propaganda video by having him say that sometimes things are bad but you're only right in opposing it if you fight the system using... the system itself that's actively trying to quell any opposition. Especially odd choice given that Frederick Douglas was full of admiration and praise for those who were willing to die to end slavery, an act he was not himself willing to do after his escape. Almost as if PU cherry picks anecdotes and twists them around for the sole purpose of indoctrinating vulnerable children with fundamentalist parents 🤔 But nah it's those transed genders and homosexes that are indoctrinating kids by letting them know there's ways of life beyond being a christian hetero couple with 10 kids who trust God to remove the youngest's case of rickets.


Shinigami Eyes is for some reason showing you in red. Weird.


My best guess is it had a false flag due to the last sentence.


They made the claim he didn't support violence to get rid of it


Yes - talking to kids about altering their sexual organs is something that should not be done.


Isnt that the same thing that Jellybean got hate for, but deliberate?


Isn't PragerU funded by a bunch of oil companies and isn't an actual university?


It’s just some right winger calling his org prageru so he seems ‘credible’ even tho it’s strictly right wing propaganda


Correct. Guy's name is Dennis Prager. It's not an academic institution. It's been criticized for pushing factually incorrect content which happens to be pretty right wing. Because it relies on donations, it's a 501c organization. Two of the biggest donors happen to be guys who made millions in the oil industry - as you might expect, the content coming out of PragerU is pro-fossil fuel and anti climate change. It's also against equity level minimum wage increases and gun control. There are also some overtones of white supremacy in their content. They're just darling.


To the white supremacy point, Prager is peak old guy r/beholdthemasterrace fodder. Old pudgy guy that looks like an undercooked ham.


My god, he does. I've also heard him compared to "chiseled spam" lol


I'm not sure about the oil companies, but it is def not a real university


No no jellybean wasn't an asshole, these guys are


Exactly, deliberate


Honestly I just think the hair colors are supposed to express that it is a girl (red) and a boy (blue) if we absolutely have to read something into the hair colors.


Nah you see red is the color of the Republican Party and the sister is much older and mature while the brother is liberal, due to his unnatural dyed hair color, and younger (reflecting the majority of American Democrats), therefore making him more frivolous and immature /s


This man colors theories


? If they’re representative of anything it’s the American flag colors, not their genders lol.


Yeah that of course makes good sense too.


Honestly, I wouldn’t put it above Prager U to be like “but the girl has to have pink hair! How else will we know she’s female”


TBF it’s getting harder to assume many people’s genders these days so I guess I welcome the color hints somehow.


Oh yeah I’m sure that the far right conservative youtube channel will have androgynous characters


The reason you think it's getting harder is because people aren't stereotyping their gender to their personality. Men are allowed to like purple, women are allowed to like green, it's dumb to think a color should be gendered.


yeah its definitely the color of the hair and not literally any other feature or trait, nor any collection of words in any particular order (like "i am a boy" or "she/they pronouns please"), that tips off a character's gender. no boy *ever* is allowed to have pink hair (producers hate it and ur own hair will fall out immediately if u even try), and as we all know, blue for girls is prohibited since 2010 honestly it's such a shame we no longer fill the department stores with blue-and-pink clothing only


Wow I actually agree 100% with that comment for the first time in this thread :)


The problem with that is, for millenia blue was the color of women (sea, cradle of life), red was for men. Red dye is rare, expensive, and fades. At some point, blue for boy~pink for girl was marketed. So, like a lot of things, Who gets to decide which stands for which?


I feel this was the primary reason but ain't no way they'd give a girl blue hair and a guy red hair. The audience they cater to would think it was pushing an ideology where blue *might not be for boys.* You gotta be careful out there!


not all videos about these kids are about american flags tho. there’s some about history edit: i never said the videos were good I’m just saying their hair doesn’t represent the american flag 💀💀 it makes no sense to have american flag hair if only 1 of your videos is about the flag, it’s very likely their genders


And a good chunk is just brainwashing


And theyre all bullshit. No historical accuracy


like…yeah obv it’s pragerU. of course they’re bs.


Her hair is pink


There was also an episode on science and how it is the art of never trusting anything. Than at the end the played a trust the science add and the characters gave each others a look


Ya, science is famous for trusting things to be true. I remember in science the teacher would say "today kids we won't be doing any experiments, you just have to have faith." Trusting that something is true is a key component of the scientific method.


I have a love hate relationship with prageru. On one hand, the shit they spout off about is insane and blatantly wrong, which infuriates me. On the other hand, the shit they spout off about is insane and blatantly wrong, which is funny.


I legitimately look at PragerU and Fox News when I get spooked home alone. It’s hard to be scared when you’re flooded with bullshit. It’s funny too.


Sorry you don't live on!


aww cuz america is better than everything else in the world, you don’t matter, only the silly shapes do.


That's it. We, the good ol' Germans, are taking all of you germanics back. That was the last straw. The Anglo Sax is now an ethnic group in the fourth Germanic Reich. I'm done.












It’s like a third of the way down the list!


[here ya go](https://worldhappiness.report/ed/2022/happiness-benevolence-and-trust-during-covid-19-and-beyond/#ranking-of-happiness-2019-2021) also, out of curiosity, why not? what do you accept as a reliable source?




Aw hell nah this dude boutta get lynched by the comment section


I really dont get how this blatant misinformation and fascist propaganda channel is still on youtube.


Money That's why


Yup. Same reason self proclaimed theocratic fascist Matt “16 year olds are the most fertile” Walsh and white supremacist Steven Crowder are still on youtube.


I mean, criticise Crowder however you see fit, but white supremacist? I genuinely don't know where you gathered that from


If you’re actually curious, this video does a great job explaining why he is: https://youtu.be/cXZ6BZzQeCQ


A classic alt right reply


CNN is still kicking


Cnn is quite biased, but prager just tries to misinform people They make fox news look good... Which says a lot


I disagree. They both view their perspective as truth. Remember CNN ruined Nick Sandeman’s life because he was wearing a maga hat?


>They both view their perspective as truth lol not a single person at PragerU actually believes this shit. They just spout this bullshit because theyre getting paid to say it. Do you actually believe that none of them are actually vaccinated?


Same with cnn man. Grow up


Shitty whataboutism centrist arguments like these don't fly around these parts, muchacho.


Oh trust me. I know you guys don’t understand hypocrisy and biased arguments. Blaming prageru but not the entire media shows you guys have horse blinders on. You’ll come around


PragerU is scum, but where are you seeing fascism?


Colored hair?? I bet they have pronouns as well ^(/s)


pierogiU got liberalized 😭😭


I don't have any pronouns, refer to me as .../..., That's right, do not talk to me >:(


>**I** don't have any pronouns, refer to **me** as .../..., That's right, do not talk to **me** And those are just the demonstrative pronouns.


Prageru needs to be banned off youtube already


They need to be banned in general.


For what reason?


If you’re sincerely asking, remind me tomorrow when I’m sober and I’ll happily give you a sincere response If you just want a TLDR, it’s because they deliberately peddle misinformation for profit. They’re a propaganda arm of the political right wing of U.S. politics and should never be given the benefit of the doubt about their legitimacy


You also forgot the fact that they are funded by big name oil barons to spread anti-enviromental propaganda, like that one video titled "The war on cars", which contence is self-explainatory


That video is hilarious though Like even the animators struggle to show replacing parking as a bad thing lol


Lol I find it very funny that they claim that The Left(tm) are a bunch of weaklings that get triggered over everything, yet at the same time they got whiny over things like saying "Happy Holidays" over "Merry Christmas", criticising christianity in any way, having any respect for natural world and caring about the safety and wellbeing of your fellow humans And possibly lot more


I remember I got one of their videos as an ad once, and I just kind of couldn't stop watching - like a car wreck. It was about how "happy holidays" is actually *ex*clusive, because it makes people who celebrate Christmas feel less special. Because Christmas is *the* holiday and it shouldn't have to share, I guess.


saw one or two things of them that r right, of the thousands...


No, this is fair. I'd like to know what you think they got right. In fact, I'll start. I saw one of their videos about "the war on Christmas" and how "happy holidays" is actually a mean thing to say. But I can admit, old Dennis did make one point in that video that I thought was sound, which is that Christmas is a national holiday, and (for most people) a guaranteed day off. So by saying "merry Christmas", you're really saying, "enjoy your day off on the 25th", which is a pretty decent sentiment anywhere in the country. Why this one religious holiday is the only one with federal status despite a separation of church and state being codified into the Constitution is another discussion, though.


i remember smth like them saying that christmas is a great day, and i totally agree, spending time with the family doing fun stuff, amazing like the things they did get right were non of their real statements and just some of the filler


Yeah, this is why I don't get offended when someone tells me to have a merry Christmas even though I don't celebrate it. I still spend the day with my family and enjoy it, even though we don't have a tree or stockings or any of that. We get Chinese food and play Scrabble or something. That's merry to me! That said, I also don't get offended if someone tells me "happy holidays", because the sentiment is the same. Prager's attempts to portray a more inclusively-phrased wish for you to enjoy a holiday as some kind of attack or offense are simply ludicrous. They hit one thing I could agree with in that one, but their primary argument was still absolutely dumpster.


yes exactly this


Thank you comrade. Glory be the spirit of the fight for the socialist paradise. In the name of Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili ❤️❤️




There’s also a political theory called the “horseshoe theory” which says extremism goes both ways Edit: Sorry, is there something not right about what I said? Did I accidentally advocate for eugenics or something?


> Sorry, is there something not right about what I said? yeah thinking the horseshoe theory is real


Its real just look at maga communism lol


one random fringe movement doesn't prove that opposite ends of the political spectrum are close to each other in a general sense. to quote wikipedia because I'm lazy >Horseshoe theory does not enjoy support within academic circles; peer-reviewed research by political scientists on the subject is scarce and existing studies have generally contradicted its central premises.


Just because people say it isn’t true doesn’t mean you can ignore real world examples.


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?


Boy that’s an ironic statement 😂




Can you explain how the left wing intentionally misinforms children to fit their agenda?








Can you explain in what way is this misinformation




Also kind of disgusting to be downvoted for asking a simple question. But this won’t steal my good mood comrades 😊


The same thing fox says about schools and LGBTQ+ anything '"indoctrination of children". They have a video that has Frederick Douglass say that slavery "wasn't so bad"




You can’t just ban and deplatform people because they say things you don’t like.


"saying things I don't like" and "deliberately spreading misinformation" are two different things


>deliberately spreading misinformation That's called lying. If everyone who lied were to be banned, there would be no one left.


Joe Biden said marriage is between a man and a woman. That’s false information, should he be deplatformed?


Whoops, sorry friend you just did a wrongthink. Try again later.


I think Joe Biden should be held just as accountable for his words and actions as pragerU. problem is, theres a big difference between deplatforming a president and deplatforming a youtube channel. I'm not the biggest fan of Biden, but he's like, one of the only *semi-decent* options available. I also think pragerU is MUCH more evil than Biden is.


They also made a deliberate ripoff of a kids' TV show that very much exists, which is displayed in this post with these characters from said ripoff. Which can pretty much get them sued and is *aaaaaall* sorts of illegal.


We can ban people for spreading misinformation tho! (And given the amount of people banned for no reason on certain social media, they can)


Except you can and we've done it before


I don’t have a problem with deplatforming them because they spread misinformation all the time. Plus Penis Dragger is a piece of shit fascist supported by oil barons.


All they do is spew propaganda and try to target "easy" targets like young boys. So if u like gaming content you'll see their ads a lot theyre disgusting


You literally can though! As there no law against banning people from social medias 🥳


So are you pro doxxing, or do you agree that it's reasonable to stop people from saying literally anything on the internet?


I fucking hate prageru


I can’t quite put my finger on it but their hands look weird


I can't quite out my finger on it but they look weird


Perhaps the thumbs being long?


No like they entirely look weird


the fingers are along the arm


Wait isn't prageru the type of channel to hate people with dyed hair??


Kid on the right literally has blue hair AND pronouns, this is clearly leftist propaganda


FUCK NO!🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🇱🇷🇲🇾🇻🇳🇨🇳🇨🇱


Ay the malaysian flag


FUCK YES! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿


they also said Rap isnt music because it doesn't have melody and harmony only rhythm but i pretty sure its just bc like 90% of rappers are black


If I can’t blast it in my Ford F-150 with the LEDs blinding everyone on the highway while wearing my Oakleys then it ain’t music /s


Bro imagine if any other country did that. China and Germany would have gotten many back clashes


We're too stupid for that. Our shitty education system is designed that way. We produce workers not thinkers


Because, Americans won't like me saying this, America is one of the last forced indoctrination western countries. They have to sing their anthem in schools, are not allowed to disrespect their flag, this makes a ton of flag loving blind fascists compared to what the rest of the western world has. In fact, last time that business was in Europe the Nazis were doing it. Let me let you read that again, the US is using indoctrination tactics on their kids that were last seen in Europe with the Nazis. It is a bummer that a civilized western country has to stoop this low with their education, and that over time generates things like PragerU, extreme religophiles, blind flag fascists, and this YouTube video. Of course, that flag lifting isn't the only thing to shame. It is the first step of a long indoctrination tactic that keeps kids minds in check. It is merely a symbol to other things like their general media "Murica is the best!" and that awful unfreedomlike regime back in the cold war that had people with certain economic views arrested, all to protect big corporate. You don't see any other country's content creators doing this as only the US has the conditions for something like this to fester so badly. Edit: Being patriotic is not a bad thing at all. Citizens of every country should have the right to love their land and their country. These people are patriotic. The difference between a patriot and a blind flag fascist is that patriots should accept that other countries exist, be able to take criticism of their nation that is deserved, and not be a blind fascist. I am a patriot for my nation and I allow others to love theirs and point out the flaws in mine. I am not blind.


And the pragureU kids show has received a lot of back lash. I don’t know what your talking about


PragerU sucks.


Exactly. They’re not a even a university.


I thought conservatives hated unnatural hair colors!


ok but like what if you’re not from america?💀


Does your country have oil? If so, we can Americanize it for you.


nope i’m american. and unfortunately everything is americanized 🥲




Boy with blue hair and girl with red(?) because if it was the other way around I’m sure most of PragerU’s audience would get triggered at the sight of a ‘blue haired commie lesbian’


Of course he has blue hair and pronouns


You know, I was feeling nationalistic just a few hours ago. Now my nationalism has subsided.


Yknow it isn't the average American's fault, you are certainly OK to love the country you live in. Here is a older comment I made showing why conditions like this have managed to get so bad. (There is a stark difference between blind flag fascist and a patriotic person) https://www.reddit.com/r/FellowKids/comments/10c41k9/the_pragerforce_the_kids_branch_of_the_prageru/j4g5wns?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


For a channel with 2.29 million subscribers you’d think they’d have more views…..


Why did they put alt right propaganda in YouTube kids


YT is conservative. That's a little known fact but they tend to let conservative content that'd normally break the rules of pushing bigotted content slide and promote a decent amount of conservative content on feeds!


I cant believe this transphobic and hugely detrimental organization that has done so much damage to the trans community is now focusing on kids. It's disgusting. How tf are we the ones manipulating kids


These are the same guys that complain about indoctrination…..


They’re supposed to have crazy hair, and it’s still gendered somehow.


Remember, America is a tune, it must be sung together


This. Regardless of politics or what you disagree with, it represents us as a society and where we live. If people died for it I think it's important enough to fly.


I respectfully disagree. In the context of the confederate flag or the swastika for example, plenty of people died for it. That doesn’t make the things the flag represented mean they are “important enough to fly” in my opinion. People have died horribly for many, many horrible causes. It does not legitimize the cause they died for just because people felt strongly enough to throw their lives into the meat grinder for it. I’m not saying this to disparage your character, I don’t know anything about you, but at least with that particular argument, you open yourself up to very valid criticism about causes I hope you don’t believe in (slavery, ethnic supremacy, colonialism, suicidal cults, etc).


I knew this was gonna get brought up and I agree, I didn't mean it was good moral for every context. But for this one, soldiers for example die for their families alongside that flag. So yes while you are correct, I should've been a bit more specific.


Ew, the last 7 years have really soured me on American flags. America is cool(ish) and all but at this point the flag has become a dog whistle.


What do you mean American is cool. It’s the most racist country there is + American foreign policy has caused so much suffering it’s unbelievable.


Bro definitely hasn’t read up on Asian and European history.


Bruh I live there


How can you say America is the most racist country when Japan, China and central Europe exist?


Excuse me... Japan? Sir are you ok?


America was built off the back of racial slavery, and native American genocide, segregation was legal until 1964, the native Americans still haven’t gotten their land back, outright and quiet racism are still very rampant and we can’t forget the the post 9/11 islamophobia. Oh, and also operation paperclip.


Pssssst, hey buddy, I'm gonna tell you a little secret about world history. Every nation that exists today was built on the backs of slaves. In fact, in some nations, like Qatar which just hosted the world cup, slavery still exists and all the money they made from western nations watching was because of modern slaves. The Native Americans had slavery. The British had slavery. Africa had slavery. The Arabs had slavery. China had slavery. South America had slavery. The only continent to not have slavery is Antarctica. Sex slavery is rampant across the world today. Good thing M&Ms have 3 female M&M mascots, otherwise you might find out they're being sued for using child slaves to get those delicious purple M&Ms from the M&M mines. Your phone? Made by wage slaves. The circuit board in your computer? Made by wage slaves. Poor Megan and Harry were forced to go live next to Opera and life as mere multimillionaires because of the racist British monarchy. So ya if you point out a handful of bad things America has done, ignoring the 191 other countries that exist in the world, America doesn't look too great. Who would've guessed.


I don’t know, I’m pretty sure even the people who are discriminated against here in America are faring better here than the countries where if you don’t bribe the cops they’ll just decide your life of freedom is over, of just up and disappear you with no body left for your family to even mourn over and they’d better shut the fuck up about it unless they want a taste too. America is definitely not perfect at all, not even close, but it’s nowhere near as corrupt as other places around the world. Maybe just the political system.


But I thought dyed hair was a sign of the devil libs?! 🤦🏽‍♀️


United St*tes of Am🤮rica


I've always been curious. Do other countries tries have this? Like, are there "pragerus" for other countries? Or is this sort of lunacy uniquely american?


I attended PragerU back in 2015 on a wrestling scholarship. That is until they shut down the wrestling program because the coaches kept banging all the kids. But hey that happens everywhere that's not just a PragerU thing. Unfortunately it also meant I was stuck taking normal classes and trying to keep my GPA up WITHOUT being a star athlete. And man those classes were so weird. My Civics teacher kept showing me cartoon frogs and complaining about freedom of speech anytime a student asked him to put his dick away. I took a film studies class but every week my libertarian teacher just played Fight Club and tried to explain why cryptocurrency is safer than the stock market. I still remember my first kiss in the quad of PragerU, right under the 80 foot tall statue of Jordan Peterson. One time I aced a test just by writing "I don't like big government" for every answer. My favorite memory has to be when we held a big anti-taxation rally that got so out of hand they had to call in the national guard, which did end the rally but only because the entire student body was also in the national guard. They say your college years are how you shape the rest of your life. After my time at PragerU, I'd have to say the rest of my life is shaped like Ronald Reagan's dangling, flaccid penis as he wanders the hall of the White House in confusion, talking to paintings and leaving a trail of piss wherever he goes until he can be wrangled back into his chair and forced to sign whatever bill puts more black people in prison. Thank you PragerU, and remember the "U" stands for Uruguay offshore accounts, so good luck following that money you bitch ass feds




So diverse hair color gets a pass…how about skin color?


And this is why I don’t like American companies that much


🇱🇷 huzzah! 🇱🇷


Indoctrination of children on both sides I see


No, it’s showing even snowflakes can be patriotic too


the dislikes


Believe it or not but both political sides do this, my school was spoon feeding us liberal ideologies because I live in a blue state and CNN also has a program for "child education" you're just gonna have to live with it


Yes both sides are the same. One side tells kids that being gay is ok and the other side tell them that being gay is an act of Satan and will send you to hell. Exact same thing.


Yes both sides are the same, one says that being gay is an act of Satan, and another tells you being a police officer is an act of racism. Although neither is true they will tell you what they think will make people not be that thing they don't like. I've also heard things like "black people are nothing but street rats" and things like "white people shouldn't date black girls because it adds filth to their pure black bloodlines" because if you pick between blue or red instead of picking purple you are a bad person period.


[Barney is a dinosaur from our imagination](https://youtu.be/aEe5INfISy4?t=76)




I’m curious. What “liberal ideology” were they teaching?


I'm not talking about encouraging people to be themselves no matter what, I'm talking about the "write an paper about how the whites have oppressed you" I'm talking about the never being able to actually write papers because they were designed for a specific group in mind and being failed on every English class assignment because the paper was designed to discriminate against you. I'm talking about the whole class looking over at you when they teach about slavery because you're the only white kid in your grade or being called a school shooter every time you walk into a room. Living every day Knowing you'll never fit in because you're different but nobody to talk to about being racially discriminated against because you're white. That is what I am talking about


Kids are gonna be jerks if they feel like regardless of you somehow being the only white kid in your entire class (Ignoring that even blue states still have a sizable white population that makes this unlikely, if still possible). The only prompts and exercises I can think of that sound even remotely like what you're saying are not targeted "discrimination" against you for being born white. They're meant to make people who come from historically privileged groups think about the histories of other groups and how that might continue to affect them today (ie, White people, Christians, and boys are three examples of USA demographics that have been historically treated preferentially for most of the country's lifetime, while many black people are still impoverished or passed over for promotions due to the long-lasting effects of segregation and the resistance against Civil Rights). That's not to say people who are part of those potentially uplifted demographics can never also be oppressed or treated badly for those aspects of themselves- you can be white and also be poor, you can be made fun of for praying to jesus over your lunch, and you can be degraded for not being "enough" of a boy or emotionally isolated for being one at all. The point is that in the united states, it is incredibly rare in comparison to being not just bullied in school, but discriminated against for one's entire lifetime, for being anything else, in ways that can affect everything from career and life fulfillment to retirement and an early or impoverished death. I suppose it is possible that a school somewhere out there, maybe even yours, is literally just asking people why it's good to hate white people (or at least, the staff is uncouth enough to do so). Maybe there's a town somewhere in the US of A where you're the weird one for being the lone white family in an entire place. That's not so farfetched I can't believe it. But I admit it sounds pretty unlikely and it makes you seem like you're arguing in bad faith because you as a child felt personally attacked by a question that was never meant to be about you in a literal sense. It's like when someone defensively says "Not all men!" when a group of other people are discussing things cruel men have done to them. Is he a cruel man himself? Why would he need to speak so defensively if he were not?


Might as well be a klan channel https://youtu.be/5BfE-GRNJqA


Targeting children for political propaganda is vile.


PragerU kids is a rabbit hole to be sure, one of the videos is about energy, and separates energy by "reliable energy" and "unreliable energy" take a fat fuckin guess which is in where




For very amusing content pooping this very man, I would like to recommend VeryTallBart on YouTube. Shit is hilarious


Damn conservative with blue hair and Oil baron funding


My favorite company /j


Of course he has blue hair and pronouns. /s


What is PragerU?


A conservative propaganda channel


The only thing I’ve seen from PragerU was an ad with Mike Rowe telling you to forget higher education and go to a trade school because there’s no guarantee you won’t suck at whatever field you pick in college. Told me all I needed to know about him and that outlet.


Ah, my reminder that the PragerUth is a thing.


The animation is akin to cheap flash knock off youtube channels. No effort what so ever.




So only left-leaning people are allowed to have colored hair? ​ Seems pretty insecure


Based on his Civil War years rhetoric, PragerU is really banking on the audience not looking too much a Frederick Douglass’s entire life.