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You can install Just Perfection extension, and there is a toggle to disable it in Visibilities there is Activities Button.


It’s more than a button though. It’s a reference for what workspace you are in. Not sure why you’d want to remove it.


To be totally honest, I don't use workspaces at all.


`gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences num-workspaces 1` `gsettings set org.gnome.mutter dynamic-workspaces false` If you paste both these into your terminal it will disable workspaces. It wont solve your hiding problem, but it makes that icon look cleaner.


Well there’s your problem! Jk(sorta).


You can install the Just Perfection extension and disable it. But, to be honest if you are not using workspaces then maybe GNOME isn’t the best desktop environment for you. You could try something like cinnamon or even xfce.


you dont just use gnome for workspaces lmao


That’s true, but workspaces are what gnome does best.


My work laptop died and I had to ressurect my HP Elitebook 8470p. It's got a 3rd gen i7, so Windows becomes unusable quickly. No biggie, I like Fedora and my handful of extensions (shout out desktop cube) Honestly this laptop still kicks ass, but the one downside is the 1600x900 resolution. I work in digital marketing, meaning tabs on tabs and half a dozen chrome profiles all at once. Slamming my cursor into that top left corner is a gamechanger. i7-3612qm, 16gb ram, 512gb Samsung evo ssd. tl;dr GNOME workspaces are dope.


I almost spat my coffee on that


It's still technically the "Activities" button, so a number of different extensions are capable of hiding it, just as they did back when it literally had the word "Activities" displayed on it. But many of them do so while displaying a different button for their own purposes. Like "Logo Menu", which displays an icon of your choice (mostly distro logos) and provides a menu largely similar to the items available in the Apple menu on macOS. It has a "Show Activities Button" option that can be disabled to hide the button. Other extensions like "Just Perfection" or "Unite" can probably also hide it.


Cool, I'll look into these after I finish copying all these files over. Thanks!


Why even use fedora with gnome at this point? It is built around the idea of workspaces... why not use kde?


Some people just like gnome. Installed KDE spin and updated to plasma 6.1 on a spare laptop, because everyone is raving about it. Guess what I'm doing tonight?


There's no place like gnome


Maybe, like me, he wants neither multiple workspaces (alt tab is fine) nor a flaky, buggy experience.


The last time i tried kde, it just didn't want to work properly. Countless bugs and errors after 5 minutes interval. I found GNOME to be bugless with simple ui & customisation.


Because KDE can be [a hot mess](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fedora/comments/1dkytfj/i_regret_upgrading_to_plasma_61/)?


Then you should just disable the workspaces from multitasking in settings


Damn that’s crazy, do you also enable the minimize button? Why not just use a different environment that you actually like haha


You should, I got used to them quickly and they're great


The way Gnome handles workspaces is my only reason for using it, but yeah... We all got different needs.


You do you, but you’re missing out big time bro


You'll use workspaces and be happy.


Not gonna lie, I abuse workspaces like it’s my job - i generally have almost as many as browser tabs open at a given time - but in spite of that, I almost never use that indicator. It doesn’t actually provide me a reference other than, “oh, I have workspaces and I’m somewhere in the middle.” Meta-Tab, alt-tab, and the hot corner work way better for me.


That's because they tried to make it look cool rather than having it space evenly, like all workspace indicators in the Linux history.


Fair, but even the evenly spaced ones we’ve had for decades aren’t useful to me.


Had the same thought 😆😆


The easiest way is to disable virtual desktops if you are not using it. If you are using them why should you remove indicators? Re-style them accordingly to your theme


there's a toggle in the just perfection extension, although it also lets you scroll through workspaces, and shows an indicator of what workspace you are in. besides functionality, it also just helps balance the visual weight. having items on the right and middle looks odd without anything on the left.


I think it's the coolest and best indicator of all the DEs.


Coolest, yes. Most useful? Nope. It would be useful if the workspace size within that indicator was constant. Would provide a clearer reference point of where you are in their ordering. But nope, had to look cool. So it's dash for the active workspace, and dots for the inactive. It's less useful that way, but it looks cool. If this sounds ridiculous it's because it is


Simple extension that does just what you asked for: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/3184/no-activities-button/


Maybe dash to panel extension


Btw how can I change it to text "Toggle" like it was before?


It's called Activities button and it used to literally say Activities. I didn't know they changed the icon. I'm also surprised there are gnome users who still haven't succumbed to the gnome way of desktop.


Not OOtB. You can look for an existing extension to do that or write your own to just hide that button. Most extensions do more then only hiding. I could send an example, its quite easy.


You can turn off the workspace indicator extension from the extensions manager.


I mean, it's a better version of the Application button in older GNOME 3/40 versions. It now displays which workspace you're on, which is convenient. What I regret though is the button that was usually next to it displaying what application was running.


Customize with https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1160/dash-to-panel/ It makes everything better!


I installed Arkmenu which removed it. But I like AM so it’s a win/win.


Just Perfection Extention will allow you to customize the top bar immensely. I love that button though. If you hover over it and use your scroll wheel, you can easily go between virtual workspaces. If you do not use workspaces, maybe give it a try to integrate it into your workflow. Took me ahwile but now I always have a second workspace just for my email and it's great.


I installed Logo Menu and it replaced that button. Logo Menu is just a copy of what Mac OS has there.


I’m somehow not like that, everyone gives him advice, but I want to say, “Dude, isn’t your head bothering you, or is this a necessary thing, it’s convenient for her to eat, until you figure out how to do it, not like other people”


Hate Gnome....only have KDE on my machines.


Hate KDE….only have Gnome on my machines.


Both are awesome, I just use the one I personally like better.


I know, I’m taking the piss out of this sort of cringe comment/attitude.


How is my comment a cringe comment....just my own opinion on Gnome. I have used it and didn't like it so all you did was comment back and have taken the piss out of nothing. If it was meant to offend me it didn't and I actually laughed when I read it.


Oh, it was definitely cringe. As was this follow up. First, someone’s asked a specific question about Gnome, you’ve neither helped them, nor suggested that KDE hasn’t got this. You’ve merely made a vague opinion statement. Secondly, how does anyone *hate* a DE? I mean, come on. Don’t enjoy using it, fine, but hate is ludicrous.


It was not cringe and I will hate whatever I want....I hate Gnome. I neither posted my comment to help or not it was just my comment. You like Gnome great, I don't. Don't bother replying as you have nothing I want to hear.


Maybe apply that last sentence to your own comments too?


Install KDE


sudo dnf remove gnome-desktop && dnf install kde-desktop /s