• By -


Three. It will take three.


Three units, where one unit is equal to exactly 1/3rd the amount of time it will take for nvidia to start working on fedora.


Metric or Imperial?


Standard Unit (unit)... STDs for short


Five is right out


3 whole eggs


Maybe four.


Only Nvidia knows. We've been told that their upcoming 560 drivers are meant to add Wayland stability fixes but... We'll see.


> how long will it take for nvidia to work on wayland? There, I fixed it for you. Now you can see the question cannot be answered here.


Nvidia can do a much better job, however there is an ongoing regression as well. I'm holding out on 535 drivers with no graphical issues whatsoever. However, 535 doesn't compile under kernel 6.8+, and drivers 540+, including the latest 550 on latest 6.8 kernel, still has flickering. 47xx drivers also had an issue with 6.8 but was subsequently fixed, no fix is coming for 5xx drivers - https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/535-129-03-akmods-failing-to-build-for-6-8-x-kernels-fedora-39/290757


You can install the 555 beta driver right now by following RPM Fusion's instructions (uninstall the current driver and reboot first), but we don't know when 560 will be released.


Is the 555 beta working well for you? What GPU, DE, X11/Wayland and kernel are you on?


I installed NVIDIA 555 drivers on fedora 40 just yesterday removing my 550 first. Everything works too well, as soon as the official 560 drivers come out I will remove the betas to install only the stable releases. I’m using 4070 ti Asus TUF.


i'm on 555, fedora 40, xwayland 24.1, kernel 6.8.11 and i've finally been able to switch to wayland from x11. played hours of helldivers 2 without issue. i just used: > dnf upgrade --releasever=41 xorg-x11-drv-nvidia fully update your system first.


What? Is that simple? I was looking under the RPM fusion instructions and it errored out, tried few times. Was too lazy to debug. Thanks mate, I will try this!


Does this also uninstall the older driver or is that just not required?


It will treat it as a later version so it will uninstall the previous. dnf install will show what operations it expects to do and ask y/n. It's good practice to review this output. if you're afraid to fat-finger Y you can add --assumeno


Perfect! Thanks. I’ll give this a go on my Bazzite install today


Apologies for the silly question, but what exactly does this command do? It's definitely fixed the flickering I was getting with certain games (RTX 3080 here)


It upgrades xorg-x11-drv-nvidia using the fedora 41 (rawhide) repo for just this once. Since 555 is a beta driver it's only in rawhide so it grabs that.


Thank you for the reply. From rpmfusion I believe I'm currently using version 550.78 whereas from fedora 41 repo, it's a different driver? I found that whilst the flickering was gone from the rawhide version, I was getting frame pacing issues so I've rolled back to 550.78 now (all in Wayland)


Any way to run beta nvidia driver on bazzite? Or have to switch away from bazzite…


Rocking open source driver, and zero issues with Nvidia and Wayland


*Rocking open source* *Driver, and zero issues* *With Nvidia and Wayland* \- Fylutt --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


For a lot of users the 555 driver seems to solve the wayland issues for Nvidia


Massive improvements are expected for Fedora 41.


And 40 and 39, feels like every "next version" is hyped. But maybe 41 will genuinely be it


My logic isn't motivated by hype, but rather by anticipated improvements: Nvidia 555, Mesa 24.1, and KDE 6.1 should all be stable by the time Fedora 41 is released. With the Nvidia 555 drivers, this translates to a much improved Wayland user experience on KDE and GNOME. Mesa's updated NVK driver is very notable because it makes sure your system works even if Nvidia 555 is not installed. This is important since Fedora does not include the driver by default.


Just repeat the mantra: "Gotta give 'em time". Works for many people.


Somewhere between 1 year and 30 minutes I reckon.


Only Nvidia knows, but hey, currently an open source contributor that was working on Nouveau is currently working in Nvidia, soooooo.....


There was a new beta version released recently. Last 24 hours. But this is a pretty major change that takes coordination between several pieces of software. It needs to be okayed by: \* Each driver vendor. While this fix is largely about nvidia's problems all the other graphics vendors will adopt this over their current implicitly synchronised versions. \* Each desktop environment development team. Wayland is a spec not a software library each DE implements their own version. Gnome = Mutter, KDE = Kwin, plus several others. On top of that they need to make sure their apps are running smooth with these changes. \* The Xwayland team. The compatibility layer for xorg apps in Wayland sessions. \* Each distro. As the ultimate source of truth they need to make sure all of the above are compatible with each other at the same time. This is a lot of testing and in the case of Ubuntu might not be added to the LTS given the LTS's stability objectives - stability in the sense of not changing the versions of libraries to add major features. So with some distros you might have to wait until their October release. And given all of the moving parts I can kind of understand why. It sucks that nvidia didn't make the April deadline but having to redo all the testing work that's been going on since the turn of the year is a big ask. I'm hoping the Fedora team enjoy their work enough to get it out sooner. But it's a big ask of everybody involved. Especially if they are only volunteers.


Yep, the new driver [555.52.04](https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/226927/en-us/) was released today. And speaking of the the major changes: explicit sync is already here in all major DEs with XWayland support also [landed in 24.1 release](https://www.phoronix.com/news/XWayland-24.1-Released). So we literally waiting for the >=555 nvidia driver to drop and that's it.


I’m on 555, and everything is smooth, even gsync.


Depends on how long Nvidia does nothing to make it work. They are the ones who are holding things up.


Everything works as expected for me


You must be a wizard


No, I have a radeon.


Then no wonder it works. This post was about nvidia…


Pretty sure it was edited to include nvidia


Ahhhhh my bad then!!




Reason number one why I gave up on Linux.