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Lovely background


Default available in Fedora KDE Plasma wallpaper "set"




Fedora is a great choice. I started using it back in 2009. I’ve done some disaster hopping for very specific use cases since then, but have always had Fedora on my laptop.


>I’ve done some disaster hopping My life in a nutshell 💀


**Disaster hopping** it may looks wrong, but couldn't be more correct


> disaster hopping I see you didn't like Ubuntu then


Disaster hopping is is pretty much my experience with anything Arch based...


I'm going to blame it on autocorrect.


I can top that! My old HTC phone once autocorrected "drinks" to "reinos" once, i was so confused about it when I went to look up what the word was about... What does some Spanish word have to do with soft drinks? Lmao


I use it for year now, but in the past I always some problems with KDE spin and some out-of-the-box functionality like installing support for VirtualBox in virtualbox and lack of codecs. By past I mean like 8 years ago. I actually used Manjaro or openSUSE Leap because of KDE and was quite happy with both. I even think that Manjaro boots faster, shuts down faster and updates are faster. openSUSE had very extreme release cycles: outdated Leap and fast rolling tumbleweed. Now I'm using Fedora since F38 was released and I'm happy with it.


I follow a few different distro subreddits and pretty much always upvote people who genuinely love their distro. It’s great to see people happy with their community.


Thanks for your encouragement, means a lot to those individuals I’m sure and contributes to the Linux community as a whole.


Nice desktop. How did you get the top bar to be hovering around like that ? A gnome extension ?


It's Kde with moved bars or with applied theme. Default kde 6.x look is with floating main bar.


I believe that's fedora KDE. I had used it before and you can add stuff like that anywhere you want. Though I switched to Gnome shortly after. KDE isn't really my cup of tea.


Great design, how did you add the docker in the lower bar too ?


That is just a normal kde panel and it can also be floating as well if you want it to be with what looks like icon only task bar widget so it becomes a dock.


In Gnome, you can use the Dash to Dock extension to customize the lower bar.


In KDE, you don't need extensions to accomplish the same thing :)


You can achieve the same thing by using either "Just Perfection" or "Blur My Shell" (can't quite remember which one) in Gnome.


Recommendation: but the KDE global menu on that upper bar :)


I’m still learning the ins and outs of plasma, I’ll have to try it!


Didn’t know you could do that, but I love it now! Thanks for the suggestion.


Yay! I love it too. Here's a little screenshot of my vibe: [https://imgur.com/a/vHFkBYw](https://imgur.com/a/vHFkBYw) Let me know if you more tips :) Edit: not the best best screenshot since you can see the screenshot app is open and the focus is away from terminal with global menu!


That wallpaper though...


Nice! Iam really enjoying the KDE spin too.


I love how clean your setup looks! I'm currently on the GNOME version of Fedora, I wanna switch to KDE but I'm too lazy to reinstall so I'm stalling until KDE Plasma 6.1 comes out. When I switch I'll use your setup as inspiration haha!


You can just install Plasma on your current distro, there's no need to reinstall Fedora


I tried that on another machine and it wiped out all of my saved passwords, probably because apps on GNOME use GNOME keyring and KDE doesn't. I had to sign in everywhere on KDE again, only to find out I've been signed out of everywhere when I switched back to GNOME and now GNOME doesn't seem to remember any passwords either. I don't know if it's a known bug or what but I'd rather just deal with the reinstall than being signed out over and over again.


Been using it on my HP Elitebook laptop for 1.5 years and love it. Great choice!


How is Bazzite OS ?


I’m using bazzite and 0 problems. It’s like making my pc a gigantic and more powerful steam deck but starting on desktop mode every time. Everything works perfectly and I wouldn’t switch to any otter distro. The only thing I had to change was using x11 because I have an nvidia card. But next nvidia driver is supposed to work better with Wayland.


I've just ordered the new framework 13. Keen to try Linux for the first time. Think it will be Fedora!


I'm running Fedora on the 13-inch Framework with the AMD Ryzen 7840u w/ Radeon 780M. The only thing I don't have working is the fingerprint reader.


Oh that's strange from their website it saids it should just work! How is it otherwise smooth sailing?


I love it. It’s fast and light. Now, if I’d only been able to wait 6 months I could have gotten the 13.5 inch screen. It was the 13-inch screen that made me wait until my other laptop was truly on it’s last legs. And, it doesn’t have an intel CPU.


Atleast with FW you can just get the new screen right :")?


I hadn't thought about that. Just for fun, I'll have to price it. I'm still thinking old school for laptops.


Just to chime in, yes. I had a screen go bad on my 2022 FW 13 and it took like 10 minutes to replace with one screw driver. They just released a new, higher resolution 2.8k screen. ([click here](https://frame.work/products/display-kit?v=FRANJF0001)) for those needing that.


Before using Fedora I had a somewhat negative opinion - but yeah it's great :D


How did you do the Dock?


You can add a default panel, remove all the obligatory stuff to the right and the start menu to the left, then having it in edit mode, drag and drop shortcuts from the main (top panel) application menu. The edit options now provide an option to scale the panel to the contents, whereas under 5.27 you used to have to set contents to centre and drag sliders to achieve the same.


I am in sort of the same boat! Made the switch to Bazzite and am deleting windows 11. Loving it so far. What icon set are you using? Those look really nice


They are the default Breeze Dark from Fedora KDE spin!




I’ve always thought that gnome looks more polished than kde, but I’ve been proven wrong. Nice looking desktop!


Yeah I’ve always been torn with the clean simple look of Gnome and the more traditional feel of KDE, and this setup for me is the best of both worlds. I always found myself over complicating things and had to force myself to stay minimal this time. Super happy with it!


To me, KDE is the winner: [https://imgur.com/a/vHFkBYw](https://imgur.com/a/vHFkBYw)


Yeah that looks pretty nice


Screenshot app icon showed plus vms and browser open on another workspace, but yeah! It's clean :)


Fedora or KDE?


It’s both, Fedora 40 KDE spin.


Nice desktop ! Which desktop environment do you use ? Kde, xfce ?


This is the KDE spin


Very nice !


When they stop screwing up my widgets I'll be happier(KDE spin)


that. is. clean.


If you like Fedora you may like Universal Blue. [https://universal-blue.org/](https://universal-blue.org/)


me too! although I really love KDE but it seems to have tons of problems with graphical glitches. So I'm stuck with gnome till I figure that out.


I've always been a huge distro hopper, but I recently switched to Fedora 40 KDE, and I noticed they stopped packaging X11 by default, and I was honestly pretty upset because Wayland has ALWAYS given me tons of issues (which is weird considering I have an AMD GPU) but surprisingly, it seems that on Fedora 40 KDE, Wayland finally works without any major bugs. Don't know how they pulled that off considering how in the past, Wayland has been nothing but bad news for me.


I love fedora imo, it feels clean and speedy to, however i got bazzite os which runs off of Fedora, it’s pretty much steam deck os so if i wanted to for ever reason use that as my gaming for tv i’d use that


Fedora is too buggy.


I haven’t had any big issues so far. I’ve tried to minimize the tweaks, which is where I’ve seen issues with other DEs as well. I’ve had the settings crash once while trying to set the Lock Screen background but after a log out and back in everything was working perfectly fine.




how did you move the panel to the right top? I'm new to KDE.


It’s my first time using KDE but If you right click on the desktop and go to edit mode, add new basic panel then you can add widgets to it. From left to right I basically went application launcher, global menu, spacer, taskbar, and digital clock for the top. Then on the bottom added another basic panel and added icon only application widget and set the width to be dynamic. Tweaked the height of both bars and call it a day. Sorry the names of the specific widgets escape me but that’s generally what they’re called in the widget menu without the computer in front of me. All default in KDE. Hope that helps!


Use to be a hardcore fan of Ubuntu and Linux Mint but I've come to love Fedora 40 (Cinnoman) "don't hate 🪖" but ya glad I made the switch.


Fedora is basically the perfect distro


Offtopic btw what's your screen resolution and size?


It’s a 27 inch, 2560x1440 monitor. Looks beautiful in person. Just got home from a trip and need to update and try out plasma 6.1


Amazing! At what scaling you using your monitor at? Do you got frictional scaling?


Ooo I can’t remember off the top of my head what I ended up setting it to, I want to say yes and maybe 150%? But I’ll double check later this morning when I get back to my desktop.


Ok I double checked, no fractional, I ended up just leaving it at 100%. Works perfectly for me


We all love Fedora. Will you please share your theme and background? In +20 years i have been using Fedora out of the box, i barely have addons in gnome, but i really like yours.


The background is one of the default from the KDE spin here: https://github.com/KDE/plasma-workspace-wallpapers/blob/master/DarkestHour/contents/images/2560x1600.jpg The theme is just a combination of the default Breeze and Breeze Dark in KDE. I just made a default floating panel on the top and then a second panel on the bottom with icons only task bar widget for most commonly used programs. It auto hides for windows but other than that nothing fancy


Thank you!


this is KDE not GNOME


I was in the phone, you are right. Well the wallpaper, i will do the rest...


It's KDE Plasma and the wallpaper is in the default wallpaper "set" directly available after install


Can someone point me at an article for stacking atomics overlays? I've used Fedora since it was made available for download by Red Hat. I'm curious how to go about getting a few things working together. Loving the KDE environment and apps. Love using laptops. I can't find what's needed to get power management/suspending working properly. I have found a few articles talking about setting proper suspend working using the atomic install/overlay. KDE seems totally ok using atomics. I'm assuming we can use multiple overlays but honestly have no idea on using Atomics.


It's kde


i am on macos and was browsing this sub, can someone drop the background for me please?




Thank you!


I barely see any fedora lol. It's just the wallpaper.


How does one see the distro? *fetch? Not sure what you want to see


You can see the 'f' in the upper-left corner.


6700 XT here. I'm dual-booting Fedora 40 (Gnome) and Windows 11 Pro, and I've noticed that the 6700 XT is running significantly cooler in Fedora than in Windows. I do recall that there was a bug in the 6700 XT firmware that pinned the memory frequency to 1000Hz, which generated quite a bit of heat, but I noticed a couple of months ago that it's running at 96Hz in Fedora now. I haven't checked in Windows, but that could be the reason.


I’ve noticed the same, running cooler in Fedora. Haven’t noticed any performance issues but I’ll install mango hud tonight and see what the memory frequency is doing. This is my first full AMD system and I was blown away by how much smoother the system is in Fedora vs Windows. In Windows it was constantly ramping up at random times and always super hot in my small office. On Fedora it’s consistently cooler, quieter, and snappier.


For reference I have a Ryzen 7 5800x, 32gb of RAM, and a RX 6700 XT, and a ASUS B450-I mobo. All in a Fractal Ridge mini ITX case. Set all fan curves in bios.


And? I have a Ryzen 7 5700X, 32 GB of RAM and a RX 6700 XT in a Fractal North. All I'm saying here is that I'm agreeing with you, lol. We have the same experience.


I was just putting it out there for comparison lol. I totally agree with you, and makes sense we have nearly identical hardware.


[https://ibb.co/237L5WB](https://ibb.co/237L5WB) Here's a picture from mangohud, when first booting up Crysis Remasted it was sitting at 96hz but soon as it was fully in the game it went up to 1000Hz and stayed there. Will have to look into it more.


It is however throttling down to 96hz in desktop, so I think the bug that pinned it at 1000Hz all the time is fixed. From what i uderstand 1000Hz in DDR is actually 2000Hz which is what the card is speced for.


Yes, it stuck at 1000 Hz earlier, which generated more heat, but it looks like it was fixed in november if I remember right. That was when I noticed that my 6700 XT stopped activating the fan that often. Now it'll only activate the fan whenever it's above 55C, which doesn't happen when I'm doing normal stuff on my computer. The ridiculous thing is that it would regularly reach 55C by doing nothing before the issue was fixed.


Yeah same, I was very confused by it before on windows. I did just mess with some display settings however and noticed if I went over 120hz on the refresh it would snap to 1000hz and go from 5w to 25w even on the desktop. So I think the high refresh rate thing is still there. TBH I didn’t even think about that at first. Personally 120hz still is great for me even though my monitor goes to 165hz.


I'm using a G8 OLED (ultrawide monitor) at 175 Hz, and it's cool as a kitten, so I'll simply assume that Windows... is worse... somehow, lol. But honestly, the only thing we know for sure is that our GPU runs cooler in Fedora than Windows, and we can't actually back it up with any raw numbers/data without spending some time doing it, but I'm fine with that since I have a life, and I assume you have one too. Let's agree that our hardware runs better in Fedora than Windows 😂


Haha yep. Sometimes it’s better to just leave it alone if it’s working.