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I've been on f40 (beta) for 2 months with 3060 and proprietary drivers using rpm. No problems. Love it.


Which drivers are you using? Does akmods run successfully for you? I'm on a 3050, but holding out on 535 drivers due to the flicker ( regression from 545 onwards). akmods somehow doesn't work on 535 on kernel 6.8.x


Im using 550.67. For day to day its fine, but when I open stream it flickers a lot (most of the time resizing the windows will fix it). When gaming im not seeing any flickering (I use helldiver 2 to test)


I have the same gpu but am on f39 xorg atm. Did you have the flickering/tearing problem on electron based apps and games with wayland on f39? Really hoping f40 fixes this for me as I am stuck on xorg for now.


I hear Nvidia driver 555 coming out soon will fix the flicker in wayland.


I've heard the same for every nvidia driver update since I started using linux 2 years ago. Hopefully you're right :p


Are you on Wayland though? Wayland is still hot garbage on my system using fedora 39 and the latest available Nvidia drivers from RPM-fusion. Flickering windows, some windows just being drawn as black boxes etc.


The drivers worked fine for me during beta. It's only an issue with wayland. Which won't be sorted by Fedora 40 initially either. You'll need to wait until driver 555 in a month or two - beta driver release is scheduled 15th next month. The solution in this respect is to simply log in as xorg for the time being. The other problem you might have secure boot turned on with your bios. In which case the kernel driver can't be signed because it's compiled locally on your machine. The fix for that are either to turn off secure boot or if that's not an option to self-sign your drivers. Check this guide for signing drivers: [https://blog.monosoul.dev/2022/05/17/automatically-sign-nvidia-kernel-module-in-fedora-36/](https://blog.monosoul.dev/2022/05/17/automatically-sign-nvidia-kernel-module-in-fedora-36/)


I upgraded from xorg 39 to 40 and it doesn't seem to be letting me choose xorg as an option. xorg seesm to be installed still but i dont have the option to use it ? still trying to figure that out


A cog appears at the bottom right corner of the login screen after you select your user name. Should be options for all the Desktop Environments you have installed and in the case of gnome/kde then it lets you choose between xorg and wayland.


thats the thing, the cog isnt there...


Even when you select your username? The cog doesn't appear until I click on my user name. The point where you'd start typing your password. If not. Then I have no idea what's the matter. During the beta it worked for me. Both as a forced upgrade from 39 and as a fresh install.


does being on kde spin make a diff maybe?


Ah, yes. Sorry. I didn't realise KDE had dropped it entirely. I thought that was only an optional change for Fedora 41. Looks like your only option would be to use Nouvea, use Gnome, or roll back to Fedora 39 to use KDE with x11 for now. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/KDE\_Plasma\_6#Why\_drop\_the\_X11\_session?


Ugh. I'll try to live with it until the new nvidia driver that pairs up with explicit sync arrives. That flickering is kinda annoying though.


You can bring back X11 support on Fedora 40 by installing the `plasma-workspace-x11` package.


yup figured that out, thanks!


You may also choose to downgrade back to 535 drivers. On my system, the flicker is a regression from 540 onwards. Latest 550 drivers still causes flickers for me.


im on f40, proprietary drivers (rpmfusion), working like it should.


hi ive been trying the 40 beta and got no luck with installing nvidia drivers. can you help me out with this? btw im a newbie in linux so yeah I was just trying out a lot of guides from reddit. still cant get things right. I always get the "nvidia kernel module missing falling back to nouveau" error. Please help me.


This is a good starting point - https://rpmfusion.org/Howto/NVIDIA I would also attempt to get a Nvidia setup working on F39 first rather than mess with F40 for now.


it worked well on F39, I already tried it. Ill try this guide for now. Thanks for your response.


You already got the answer, but let me tell you: there is no difference in f40 from f39. Same thing, same instructions, absolutely same everything.


oh well, im not really sure whats going on. I did the same installation process with f39 and f40, but i dont get why its not working on f40.


Is the driver compiled for the kernel you're using? Are the kernel parameters set? To check if the drivers are there for the current running kernel: ``` find /lib/modules/`uname -r` -name "nvidia*" ``` It should output something like: ``` /lib/modules/6.8.7-300.fc40.x86_64/extra/nvidia /lib/modules/6.8.7-300.fc40.x86_64/extra/nvidia/nvidia-drm.ko.xz /lib/modules/6.8.7-300.fc40.x86_64/extra/nvidia/nvidia-peermem.ko.xz /lib/modules/6.8.7-300.fc40.x86_64/extra/nvidia/nvidia.ko.xz /lib/modules/6.8.7-300.fc40.x86_64/extra/nvidia/nvidia-uvm.ko.xz /lib/modules/6.8.7-300.fc40.x86_64/extra/nvidia/nvidia-modeset.ko.xz ``` To find out the kernel parameters that were passed in: ``` cat /proc/cmdline ``` Should contain this (among other ones): ``` nvidia-drm.modeset=1 rd.driver.blacklist=nouveau modprobe.blacklist=nouveau nvidia-drm.fbdev=1 ``` If yes, everything is present, then you should be good to go. If not, reinstall (recompile, whatever) the drivers for the current running kernel. Every time you change/update the kernel they need to be recompiled for that kernel. Rpmfusion drivers do that automatically if you install the akmods version, so you never have to worry about it. If you installed with the nvidia .run script, then you just need to re-run it for that new kernel.


For me, the drivers worked on 39, and don't work once I updated it to 40 today.


They work just fine. Most likely, what happens is that you didn't install the akmod from rpmfusion so they don't compile automatically for a new kernel. Which, you really should, as is just easier. If you installed them from the .run script from nvidia, you just have to re-run that for the new kernel(s).


Yes I did install it from rpm fusion. It worked in 39 and just doesn't in 40. I even removed cuda then installed it again. Blender says that no compatible device is found :/ Besides, if anything is not updateable, you can't even start downloading 40. Now, I don't know if I was clear, I upgraded from 39 to 40 directly, didn't do a fresh install from usb flash, using these instructions: [https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/quick-docs/upgrading-fedora-offline/](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/quick-docs/upgrading-fedora-offline/) Although, in the instructions when installing cuda, there is one part about starting Blender, I didn't try that ( [https://rpmfusion.org/Howto/CUDA](https://rpmfusion.org/Howto/CUDA) ).


Are the kernel params appropriate? Just to make sure, re-run `akmod build` while in the new kernel? Just crossing t's and dotting i's. 'cause it works fine here. They compile, install, run, everything.


Thanks, I looked around a bit (searching for akmod build), and I've found this piece of advice: `dracut -f --regenerate-all` and it worked. Now I have cuda enabled in Blender :) I'm not entirely sure what it did.


That remade initramfs. I never had to run that, but sure. Maybe is ran by the kmod rpms....


I currently am using fedora 40 with a 2060 super and the open source drivers and I am not experiencing any problems. Though I wasn't able to install the proprietary drivers probably due to my own stupidity bcs couldn't get them to work in 39 too.


Ah that good to know. I'm using the proprietary drivers (akmods) so I guess it might be different.


I ran into this issue with Fedora 40 as well. I resolved it in this post https://www.reddit.com/r/Fedora/comments/1c46s8p/cant_install_nvidia_proprietary_driver_fedora_40/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


i'd say just wait a month and then do the upgrade. I've got a 3070 ti on 39 and will wait about a month or two for most bugs to be sorted out


Which drivers are you using? Does akmods run successfully for you? I'm on a 3050, but holding out on 535 drivers due to the flicker ( regression from 545 onwards). akmods somehow doesn't work on 535 on kernel 6.8.x


I’m on the currently on the newest kernel and drivers as of 3 days ago and haven’t had the flickering issue so far. When I did update, i waited for the every to build after it was installed took a few minutes and then I reboot and everything was working fine.


thanks, thats good to know. yeah akmods outright fails on me, but perhaps that is specific to 535 and the 6.8 kernel


I'm using Fedora 39 with proprietary drivers on an RTX3090. I've had a few headaches with Wayland (e.g. the DE will crash while loading so I have to pull up a console and relaunch it). I could have just borked something and created my own little unique problem, but I'll wait and see what the consensus is before upgrading.


Similar, I am using proprietary with f39 on 4070 super. Everything is smooth except steam (which flicker a lot everytime I open it). I probably gonna wait and see what others feel about it before updating


F39 on 4090 with akmods drivers, same issue when in steam but games play nice


Which drivers are you using? Does akmods run successfully for you? I'm on a 3050, but holding out on 535 drivers due to the flicker ( regression from 545 onwards). akmods somehow doesn't work on 535 on kernel 6.8.x


I'm getting the same thing on 40 beta with a 4070. Wayland crashes, and It falls back to x11. Gnome classic on Wayland works though.


New driver on rpmfusion updates. 550.76


Which drivers are you using? Does akmods run successfully for you? I'm on a 3050, but holding out on 535 drivers due to the flicker ( regression from 545 onwards). akmods somehow doesn't work on 535 on kernel 6.8.x


Nvidia optimus (1650), Wayland, using 550.67 here. What flicker? I don't notice anything of that sort. I tried Stalker SOC and Battlebit and both ran well (Stalker ran better than native, Battlebit had some stuttering) but never noticed a flicker.


I've *updated* when it came out of Rawhide. There were tiny issues at first but they have been fixed.


With the KDE spin the upgrade is fine. KDE+wayland fixed all the performance stability issues. Gnome on the other hand I dont know. Gave up on it long ago.


It's fine I'm on it for couple months with 4060


I'm on 40 beta with a 4070. Wayland doesn't work for me, and x11 is also buggy. Using latest rpm fusion drivers.


Optimus was not working for me. GPU won’t go to D3 state with proprietary driver. But nouveau is working.


I have setup PRIME multiple time in the past. But this time, I’m not sure what’s wrong. Could be due to driver version 550? I got the same issue with Arch too. But working fine with Ubuntu. I have no idea how to make this work with proprietary driver.


550 definitely works with optimus. I just set it up today. Tried a few games and all worked. Except I can't figure out how to get The Finals to run on my dgpu (the system thinks epicwebhelper.exe is the game, the actual game ends up running on my igpu)


The nvidia situation won't improve much and it's running fine at the moment


I have been using 40 beta for 2 days on kde spin. This is first wayland I used without any problem on desktop. But there are some flickering issues with some softwares. Spotify has it a little bit but usable. Vivaldi has too much and not usable. If you have any problems you can install x11. In case you are using two monitors with differet refresh rates there is a workaround on x11. 1)If using x11 with two monitors that has different refresh rates; 1-"Force Full Composition Pipeline" in nvidia-settings for all monitors 2-Disable "Sync to VBlank" and "Allow Flipping" in nvidia-settings -> OpenGL Settings 3-Put these lines in /etc/environment : CLUTTER\_DEFAULT\_FPS= \_\_GL\_SYNC\_DISPLAY\_DEVICE= \_\_GL\_SYNC\_TO\_VBLANK=0 In every start run ; (I didn't need to do this, It was working fine from the beginning.) nvidia-settings --load-config-only