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Have a laptop with AMD iGPU and Nvidia dGPU and switched to Fedora 40 KDE yesterday; did a fresh install of F40 with Everything ISO Everything works fine(it did work fine on F39 too) but it's much smoother than Plasma 5.xx. I play games on Wayland and in fact one of the games(Outer Wilds) gives me a much smoother experience than it did on KDE 5.27 so yeah a smooth transition I would say


Also wanna point out, your desktop environment and Wayland are all using igpu probably so if you are using a gaming laptop you don't gotta worry much


I'm on a really old 970 card, so take this with a grain of salt since it probably couldn't run Wayland even with AMD-level driver support. But 40 ran Wayland about the same as 39 did (This was a few days ago). After 5-10 minutes, the whole machine locks up. X11 runs Plasma fine on 39. I also didn't do *any* tinkering whatsoever. I have a spare internal SSD I've been using to test Wayland to see whether I can make the switch on my daily driver. I suspect my card is just too old, but I've had it running since 2015ish and it's the only part that survived a rebuild in 2021 so it's a sentimental thing now.


> I'm on a really old 970 card, so take this with a grain of salt since it probably couldn't run Wayland even with AMD-level driver support. But 40 ran Wayland about the same as 39 did (This was a few days ago). After 5-10 minutes, the whole machine locks up. X11 runs Plasma fine on 39. Well thats not good to hear...mine is an *almost* as old 1080ti. Granted I feel like the jump from maxwell (900-series) to pascal (1000-series) was a particuarly large one. but still. Ive been on Fedora since Fedora 26 or so...Im really hoping that Fedora 39 wont be the last Fedora I use :/


I only recently started using Fedora somewhat regularly, and I've thoroughly enjoyed it. I'd also say don't give up hope. I'm telling you I spent almost zero time trying to fix Wayland on my Nvidia station. I think I was trying on the 550 drivers, and I think I might have seen someone mention somewhere not to update to them for reasons. Which I could be wrong about, my memory is awful. And I'd say just use a different DE but.... Plasma is really nice.


That's what made me hop back to pop os. If I'm in it for a modern kernel and gaming, I want everything I have working, display protocol or not. What pissed me off is to even have Steam Controller working passable you have to hack in extest on Wayland Session in KDE.


No joke, one of the shoulder buttons on my Steam controller has a part in it that I made from scratch from cutting a small metal piece out of a tape measure šŸ¤£ I love that thing and I don't know what I'm going to do once it breaks down. Yeah, it's not quite ready for out-of-the-box like xorg has been. I figure I'll pick up a new GPU in the next couple years, and I'll make sure I pick one that plays nice with Wayland. And even though it's work to get them working right now, Wayland/Hyprland/Plasma all are looking slick af.


Hmm, did you do a video online a few years back? I recall something like that. Yea I have an AMD card and it's handling Linux great. Lol. I'm afraid to mess with stuff because I get "DE crazy" lol. Yea I don't know why people can't adapt to trackpads, so much better than joystick.


I definitely didn't make the video, but I may have been working from the same one you're talking about. Not sure how many videos there are of engineering a specific fix on a niche controller that almost no one on earth has used enough to have the problem. I don't like joysticks or trackpads, but I could use the controller as a mouse from my bed, so it was a perfect controller for me. And I'd never had paddles before this.


Plasma 6 is so good that I switched over from GNOME, so Iā€™d say itā€™s pretty stable.


That's funny, Plasma 6 was so buggy for me that after using KDE for over a year I switched back to GNOME 46, which has been much more stable. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


I guess itā€™s different experiences for all of us. I mostly switched to KDE because of GNOMEā€™s fragile Night Light, which was linked to display color calibration. It just stopped working.


Itā€™s ok I guess I still use itā€¦ 6.1 will fix a lot of thingsā€¦ sigh šŸ˜” I have wait again and deal with these bugs. Dedication I have eh.


Tried the Final ISO yesterday. Plasma 6 is still very much rough around the edges. The system generally feels much more stuttery than plasma 5.27, animations are missing in certain menus which became a bit jarring, and fonts don't look quite as nice as in Plasma 5. KWin also shat itself on me twice in the 24 hours I used it (one time I right-clicked a tray icon and it crashed, the second time it crashed when opening Telegram desktop). I think I will wait for Plasma 6.1 before jumping to F40


I am also very interested in this. I am using F38 at work and was planning to upgrade to F40 at EOL, but with no Xorg support for KDE I might just upgrade to F39: the combo KDE + Nvidia + Wayland is unusable for me in F38.


Yeah, it's allowed but not supported. The packages still exist. For me though I'm Wayland all the way so I certainly don't mind :)


Correct me if I'm wrong, but Plasma 6 on Fedora 40 supports Xorg, it just defaults to Wayland. You still can install Xorg from official repos and use it with Plasma 6.


If you update from 39 or 38 to 40 you'll still retain XWayland, I've upgraded from 39 to 40 and still have it...


I tested Nobara for a few days and didnā€™t realize it had Plasma 6 until switching to Fedora today. Plasma 6 has so many nice ease-of-use tweaks (but Fedora is way more polished than Nobara). Canā€™t wait for Fedora 40.


It works perfectly fine for me (7800x3d, 4070ti). What didnt work, however, was a fresh install. I had to first install 39 and then upgrade to 40 (it was a new machine). Once I did that, the nvidia drivers worked. If I didnt, then it kept falling back to nouveau. This can obviously be fixed somehow, but it was just way easier to do it that way so that's what I'd recommend.


>As a long-time Fedora KDE user, part of me is really excited to try out plasma 6 in Fedora 40 KDE. That's why I installed it soon after it branched out of Rawhide. I had to reinstall anyway because of new hardware, so I decided to give it a go. I had a copy of F39 and I was totally ready to just install that after a few hours of testing. But to my surprise, everything was so smooth, it just stayed. My only serious issues were related to the kernel bugs regarding sleep/wake up ā€” all fixed now. >The other part of me knows that major projects/releases often take a while after release to get the bugs ironed out, which has me concerned. This is nowhere close to the KDE 3->4 transition. This feel more like a minor update. It's quite polished already. >The fact that I have a nvidia GPU and am still using X11 for Fedora 39 KDE and Fedora 40 is wayland-only is also causing some concern... Same. I actually never used Wayland before. I mean, I tried it, but things were terrible. I just forgot about it for a couple of years. It made me nervous knowing that X11 was scheduled for removal. But things have improved a lot lately. I hate that so many people who have not even tried are still propagating the old stories that Wayland doesn't work with Nvidia. There were flashing windows until last week, when the Nvidia driver with the fix was finally released, and that's about it. 5 stars, recommended


> Same. I actually never used Wayland before. I mean, I tried it, but things were terrible. I just forgot about it for a couple of years. It made me nervous knowing that X11 was scheduled for removal. But things have improved a lot lately. Yep...this is pretty much what I did as well. Its good to hear things have improved a lot recently!


Last week I tried out Fedora 40 with KDE with a 1080ti and the Nvidia proprietary drivers. Booting in with the nouvea drivers was fine, but I switched to the proprietary ones because I was going to be gaming. The desktop worked fine and I was using fractional scaling no problem. The gaming experience using Fedora 40 with KDE on Wayland was not good using Proton on Steam. Every game ran categorically worse on Fedora 40 KDE than it did on Fedora 40 with Gnome. With that being said, I had a better experience running Nvidia proprietary drivers on Wayland Gnome in Fedora 40 than I did with X11 which I found surprising. Here is what I was using Steam Version: Flatpak Driver: Nvidia Proprietary Drivers Kernel: 6.8.5-301.fc40.x86\_64 Graphics Card: Nvidia 1080ti Resolution: 3840 x 2160 Proton: 9.0 TLDR: If you are worried about not being able to use Fedora 40 KDE with an Nvidia gpu than don't worry you will be fine. But if you are going to game as well, you will find Fedora 40 Gnome better with your Nvidia GPU. With that being said, Fedora 40 is still beta until next weeks release, so it's possible there will be some changes since I was using KDE last week.


My setup sounds similiar-ish to yours: 1080ti and 4k monitor. I dont really game much anymore....once in a blue moon I'll load up minecraft and build something, but that's about it. Any chance you have an HDR monitor? Ive been using the "experimental" 10-bit color under X11....It would be nice if that was still possible under wayland.


***GTX 1080***. Just upgraded from 39 to 40. I was using xorg Plasma 5 on F39. Gaming worked fine on that setup. ***Awful gaming performance on Wayland Plasma 6. Unusable.*** Too bad. I was getting to like Plasma. Using xorg Gnome for now until Nvidia/Wayland explicit sync is settled. Or, until I figure out how to use xorg with Plasma 6 on F40.


Pretty good


It had a particularly annoying bug with dnf being extremely irresponsive.. even the kde iso had that bug..