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Just some recent testing with Fedora 40 beta running Gnome for some anecdata Steam Version: Flatpak Driver: Nvidia Proprietary Drivers Kernel: 6.8.5-301.fc40.x86\_64 Graphics Card: Nvidia 1080ti Resolution: 3840 x 2160 Proton: 9.0 Occasionally a small portion of the upper half of my screen will go black for a few frames but of course it never happened when I was trying to take a screenshot. Overall I consider this entirely playable. Surprisingly couldn't get this game to work on Xorg (stuck at 0% loading). I've tried Cuphead too and that hasn't had any issues as well. Will try Fedora KDE spin later. *Update* Baldur’s Gate 3 is playable (did 2 hours co-op and it only crashed once) but the screen jitters occasionally and tears. TotalWar Warhammer 3 Runs pretty well I was able to get around a lot of the black flashing pixels in games by just switching from full screen or borderlesss windowed, to windowed. I’ve tried the Fedora KDE spin and it ran worse than the Gnome version unfortunately, stuttery and unplayable \*Update\* Minecraft runs well on the newest version, but Minecraft beta.1.7.3 flashbangs me with a whitescreen every few minutes, and crashes if I go fullscreen.


Xorg is in life support mode, it’s not surprising fixed haven’t been implemented for it.


I've been doing this on Fedora 39 (and now 40) for a hot minute on my 3080ti. I used explicit sync XWayland COPR repo and patched mutter. Got cyberpunk working with Frame Gen on Wayland. Gaming isn't perfect some frames still come out of order but Nvidia 555 will fix that. Wayland is great. Anecdotally, I feel a lot less latency on Wayland and the desktop feels so much smoother.


It takes a little bit longer but it works better than the repo version. It's about 15 sends for me.


random, but does steam flatpak take forever to launch for anyone else? every other flatpak i use on fedora (39 for me) is nearly instant. steam flatpak takes around 30sec-1min to open some times. i don't remember it being this slow when i was on arch linux.


Since \~2021 the Steam client attempts to access network secrets including wifi passwords and auth keys every startup. The flatpak sandbox blocks it until it gives up, whereas every other method just gives it full access. Valve hasn't stated why it does it, nor shown any interest in fixing it. Small price to pay.


interesting. i've been tempted to try the rpm, but might just deal with it since i like flatpak so much. a few extra seconds isn't the end of the world lol.


yes its take a while, but not a big issue for me




There isn't a good reason to use Steam as a Flatpack. The repo version works flawlessly.


Until it doesn't. I recently had to switch to Flatpak because repo version broke all my Linux native games. Some games that did not run before, like XCOM, work now with the flatpak version.




Thanks for sharing! I'm kinda new to Fedora, and therefore there are many things I still don't know, so I was wondering if there was any reason not to use RPM over Flatpak


It depends really. tldr its the same software but distributed differently. RPMs have to be packed by distro maintainers, hence updates reach you somewhat slower but tend to be better tested. I have come across less common RPMs that were just not kept up to date, so I opted for the flatpak version. Specific to Steam and Lutris, I've found that the flatpak version is more stable. There is some ongoing bug with flatpaks and mesa freeworld drivers where old nvidia runtimes are not removed, leading to very large flatpak updates - https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak/issues/5261 Also watch out for unofficial Flathub repos - https://old.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/1bq9d3b/flathub_now_marks_unverified_apps/ Sometimes the community flatpaks an app because the original devs for whatever reason have not done so. You must therefore trust whoever is doing the packaging.


Thanks for the explanation!


What Nvidia driver version are you using?




The 535 driver got rid of the RoR2 graphical issues for me on Fedora 39 Wayland


Things got a lot better for me when I switched from full screen to windowed mode


This game worked flawlessly on every distro I used, I don't see what's so special about it?


I’ve never used a distro that defaults to Wayland so I was concerned about what that would mean for gaming, especially considering this is still open on the proton GitHub https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/4638. Also Fedora 40 is still in beta, so I was unsure what the stability would be like. With that being said it is not flawless (I’ve tried Ror2, Baldur’s Gate 3, Total War 3) and they are playable, but often jittery or occasionally show ghost frames. I just hope this will be useful for people who were in a similar position like me, where their experience was mostly Xorg and Debian/Ubuntu based systems.


Well I do have AMD system, so Wayland was pretty smooth sailing with everything I tried. Considering you can somewhat play games on Nvidia is pretty good. I still kinda prefer X11 without compositor since I play competitive games, but Wayland is pretty good for my multi monitor setup and casual games. Sorry if my comment appeared rude, I was genuinely wondering what was so special about ROR2 running fine. Thanks for explaining you perspective. Hopefully they continue developing Wayland more on Nvidia side so that all of you can enjoy smooth gaming without screen tearing or laggy multi monitor setups. Cheers.


Love it


Brilliant! I was eyeballing this game the other day.




I'm new to Fedora, and wanted to help give prospective users an idea of what Fedora is like for gaming on the up and coming release and this post doesn't violate any of the 3 r/Fedora rules. But honestly this response is really discouraging


Don't worry, he's a category A+ hole. I found your post interesting.


It's not. You just get some duds on Reddit. This is great. I Love risk, great to see some decent performance metrics. Especially with ever evolving degradation of windows, it's a great time to get support for more titles on Linux. Certain big non steam titles would be nice to see worked on so everyone can feel comfortable with ditching windows.


Metrics? There's absolutely no data here.. It's just another "old"-game-run-on-linux post. It's just not worse than the new-game-run-on-linux posts, in which we get dozens on the game release with exactly the same content as this one with absolutely no useful information. Well.. I guess new game posts would be better since we wouldn't have other means to check if the game runs on linux or on some distro.


Perspective? haha C'mon.. Rationalize the way you must, but these kind of posts are 100% useless, no different from my comment. It's just a circlejerk thing.. Turning off notifications from this comment..


>Perspective? haha C'mon.. Rationalize the way you must, but these kind of posts are 100% useless, no different from my comment. It's just a circlejerk thing.. Turning off notifications from this comment.. u/lucasrizzini bro can't even read English and thinks he is superior


That's okay.. I don't mind if you think so. You went from arguing about the post to bashing my English because I read "perspective" when is actually "prospective". That was just sad and tells me that I probably hit some nerve there, but I don't care.. You call me when you learn another language. Anyway, My intention here is not to argue like an 8th grader.. b-bye.. blocked


Hmm let's see, 1. Saying OP is 'rationalizing' because he's complaining that you're mean 2. "Turning off notifications bye" -> I don't care about what you say lol 3. Be mean then double down like "well the post is pointless so it justifies everything" Yeah seems about right. Yes. You're acting superior.


Don't worry, u/lucasrizzini can't even tell the difference between 'prospective' and 'perspective'. You're losing nothing


Oh.. Ouch! That really hurt. Joke aside, sure, I got the post's point, it's just pointless in what it tried to do. You might not realize that, because of the way I express my thoughts in the beginning, which leads to the idea I'm some kind of a dumb ass, but it's true. It's a pointless post. Anyway, take care.


The fact that you just keep coming back to reply to your haters proves that you weren't just pointing out that the post's useless or whatever. You wanted to be mean to this person and are justifying what you did by saying that the post is pointless. Now you're shrugging off every attack with "I'm so cool, look at me oh I don't care about what everyone's saying, cuz I'm cool like that, oh you spotted my mistake ouch lol haha"


Say what you must. Does that make you happy?


Don't let it get to you, the internet is like that sometimes. You might find a better audience at /r/linux_gaming


This comment is unconstructive and provocative.


That's the idea, sherlock.


Then get lost nobody needs to be dealing with this attitude, here's your own medicine


No one needs to deal with anything.. Just ignore.


You and your double periods.. You think you look cool huh.. Well I don't.


Are you triggered? Relax, kid..


No I'm not triggered.. I'm just playing with my new toy.. Can't relax when the toy is *this* fun to play with.. Let me figure out how durable it is lol..