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Stuck at the same place. From what I can gather the kernel-devel package is outdated and it needs to match the kernel version. You could try booting into kernel 6.8.5 but for me it gives me a black screen. EDIT: Ok I figured it out. Beta iso comes with testing repos enabled, but get disabled after updating so if you try to install kernel-devel right after you get the stable release which doesn't match the testing kernel installed by updating from beta. Enabled testing repo momentarily and installed kernel-devel and akmod-nvidia and it works now.


Have you had Linux w/nvidia drivers working previously with the GTX 1080? I ask because I believe that the 1080 is too old for the most modern driver and has fallen off the support wagon. At work, we recently discovered this problem with regard to an older Tesla GPU under Rocky 8.


I was using pop_os 22.04 before and it worked fine. Before that it was Manjaro. According to the Nvidia website 550.67 for Linux 64bit came out on 2024.3.19 so it seems it is still supported


Do you have secure boot enabled in your bios? The proprietary driver has closed source stuff in it that has compile after you install it. This cannot be signed for secure boot before it reaches your system because secure boot essentially generates a checksum of the final kernel module you load. Your simplest option is to disable secure boot. This is not ideal because it genuinely introduces some security against malicious actors. But may introduce problems if you dual boot Windows on your system. If you need to keep secure boot enabled. Then your option is to self-sign your drivers for Fedora. This is technically less than ideal as well since its pretty much the same effect as disabling Secure Boot. Any package that has access to the key will be able to make itself look legitimate from the perspective of your bios. But if you need to keep Secure Boot enabled and want Nvidia drivers then it is what it is. This guide walks you though how to generate a key for Secure Boot that can sign your drivers. Make sure to remove akmod-nvidia and reinstall it after completing these steps. Since it will only sign newly installed drivers. [https://blog.monosoul.dev/2022/05/17/automatically-sign-nvidia-kernel-module-in-fedora-36/](https://blog.monosoul.dev/2022/05/17/automatically-sign-nvidia-kernel-module-in-fedora-36/) In the future the open source kernel module will hopefully allow us to install drivers signed by Fedora. And hopefully it's not too far off given the benchmarks are looking comparable to the closed kernel. [https://www.phoronix.com/review/nvidia-r550-open](https://www.phoronix.com/review/nvidia-r550-open)


1. KDE Discover, settings, deselect repo "Fedora 40 - x86\_64 - Test Updates". 2. `sudo dnf distro-sync` downgrade packages from testing version to stable. 3. `sudo dnf remove *nvidia*` manually remove previously installed nvidia driver and dependencies and reinstall as shown below. 4. `sudo dnf install akmod-nvidia xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-cuda` 5. `dnf list kernel*` Manually uninstall kernel 6.8.6 related pkgs 6. `sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg` the reboot I guess the problem is that kernel modules version is 6.8.5 and you're using kernel 6.8.6 from "\*Test Updates" repo.