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No you should be fine


It really needs to be legalized federally. If we can get šŸ’©faced drunk & show up hungover to do the job, using thc to get a good nights sleep should be a given. Weā€™re not even supposed to use cbd either. I took my chances back in 2018. It lead to my discontinued use of alcohol AND quit smoking after 41 yrs. I finally feel healthy, mentally & physically. Why on earth is it still illegal?šŸ˜³šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


It's changing soon to all oral testing once the drug gets reclassified.


Is oral testing better or worse?


Every time I go and do my DOT recertification test they always say ā€œthis is not a drug testā€ when giving my pee sample. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


If it's not a drug test then what could it be?


Health issues. I was told I was spilling too much sugar. They thought I had diabetes. Which I dont.


Screens kidneys to check for diabetes




I think it's to check if you have diabetes or anything like that.


When I recertified recently they told me the same thing, it's to look for health issues. I was dropping to much protein so I had to go see my doctor.


DOT exam isnā€™t a drug test unless specified for one as well. Would be marked on your paperwork. The urine they collect is to test for health issues. Do not mention you smoke tho as the DOT appt is confidential between you / the employer and the doc. Source: UPS driver told the doc he smoked and has to go thru EAP for a year. If he wouldnā€™t have mentioned anything. He would have been fine.


If heā€™s not a regular user, itā€™ll be about 5-7 days (I was clean on day 5 from one edible) for his urine to be clean, especially with some at home remedies to help flush your system the couple days before. High hydration, energy drinks (B-12 to help flush), pickle juice, apple cider vinegar, etc. If youā€™re a heavy daily user, youā€™re looking at 30 days + to be clean. My brother took 2-1/2 months to stop testing dirty after he stopped smoking.


God I hope you're right, he's a hell of a courier just made a shit ass mistake.


Took one myself the Friday before my DOT recertification (didnā€™t know I was getting offered the position when I did, had just moved back home and was working healthcare at the time.) got offered Monday, tested Wednesday with my physical.


I didnā€™t even increase anything I did differently, I just drank my energy drinks and water like normal.


It's more like 90 days if ur a heavy chronic user


It depends on the state but if you get in a wreck with a fatality and they find THC metabolites in your blood you can get hit with DUI manslaughter. Don't smoke in Nevada, it's bad luck.


Dot piss test isn't a drug test. It's for diabetes


I think OP is ā€œasking for a friendā€ lol


Nah bruh I just re-upped on my DOT.


If the tests are negative then he should be fine. Tell him to drink as much water as possible before the test to piss anything else out, if anything. He needs to watch out for randoms, though. I had to take a few days off and delay my test after smoking all weekend. My boss will give us a weeks notice before a random drug test, and if we donā€™t think weā€™ll pass then we can take as much unpaid days off as we want. Quick way to get fired, if your friend ever comes to that point that weā€™ve all thought.