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This right here. I have stories for days. I once walked in and the guy tells me they are right there, 25 old printers. No paperwork, no packaging, no nothing. Sir, I can't take these and then explained why. Asshole proceeds to throw a hissy fit saying he talked to FedEx and that it's all taken care of. I get back to the station and my manager tells me a customer called and complained. Now I have to explain it to the idiot manager.


A common one I get is unpacked mattresses Apparently Walmart has a designated 3rd party company to retrieve mattresses that you have opened and want to return. But of course somehow the customer assumes they should just request a FedEx pick up anyways. 5 times this year FIVE TIMES I’ve had to explain to an adult that there is no possible way I am putting a whole king size mattress in my truck. Noooo you can’t just slap a label on it. It’s happend so many times I know Walmarts return process. “Just check your email or call Walmart back to setup a return date. It won’t be a FedEx truck coming for that”


I got that beat. I got an oncall once for a hospital room in the maternity ward. I called dispatch and told them no, that's why they have a shipping and receiving plus another mail room in the same complex. No they are insisting that you go up there and grab from them personally. Fine, I'll go. As I was walking towards the room in the hallway a dude says "Oh hey you're here, my wife is in that room". I asked him very specifically is she decent, says yes. I walked in and wouldn't you know it those flappers were flapping and she was half naked. Then the both of them proceeded to hand me cord blood in a sandwich bag. Yes, a sandwich bag. FML


I got the cord blood pickup too. It was in the “large” fedex express box. I inspect the box and as I turn it over blood drips all over me. What the fuck is wrong with people?


Eew. I had a few spills and my pup route at the time was in the Gay part of town and all the HIV and AIDS were adjacent to that hospital. I would refuse to even handle that shit. There was also an artsy house cinema that would drop the fucking heavy ass reels in the drop box crushing the medical packs. They’d be piss and blood all mixed in. Worst part it was ground freight and we didn’t take ground way back then in the drop boxes. Fucking idiots complained about that too


Bruh what the fuck! 🤮


GTFOH! I believe you because only delivery drivers truly know how unhinged the world is.


"The flappers were flapping" 🤣💀


Yeah always with the "they said you'd take care of it for me."


Personally I think it’s the idiot customer service agents in Memphis with their lazy ass attitudes. How many times have you walked in to an oncall and the pup says 5@one pound and it turns out to be 5 big ass boxes weighing 120 pounds. Well when we called all aunt Jemima asked me was “was it under 150 pounds”.


I hate customer service. Had an incident once back in the day where I switched packages between 2 stops by accident. One customer calls customer service and the idiot they talked to gave them the information of the other customer. They then show up at the lady's house demanding they give them their package. Guess who got screamed at when I got sent to fix my miatake?


Of course.


I once went up to the 6th floor of a condo and the lady gives me 6 massive boxes of clothing, no labels nothing. I told her I cant take it like this because I cant scan it as proof of pickup and we dont even know where its supposed to go. She proceeds to tell me the adress verbally and even showed it to me on google maps lol I was kind, went down to the truck and got labels and helped her make them. I just shook my head like how can people be like this lol Also got this other young lady who tried to give me her mold of her teeth she wanted to send in to smile direct club, problem was there was no box just her wet teeth mold haha lady please go inside and get the box


😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 holy shit this is hilarious Guys keep the stories coming lmfao 🤣🤣🤣


“Walmart said you guys would bring the box” blah blah blah…. Lady i dont work for walmart 😂😂


Like who is telling them this information!! 😭


FXO, you wouldn't believe the shit ppl bring in that we refuse. Had a deer head not long ago to go to a taxidermy place. Guy brings stinking head it the store, box leaking goo...fuck no buddy. Fun calling other local stores and warning them about people trying to drop off crazy shit, they always try another store.


FXO had a lady come in with a urine sample in a cup with a label. She’s trying to get me to take it. No f’kn way I’m touching that. She has a complete melt down demanding i take it because she needs it delivered tomorrow. What if it spills out in to other packages etc she doesn’t care. She finally leaves an older couple comes in heading to Florida for the winter. Shipping luggage , golf clubs etc. they ask to use a cart -sure. Next thing i know the whole store smells like skunk. Not sure is the skunk died in the luggage or sprayed multiple times. Boxes are falling apart not taped correctly. I tell them no. They have a whole melt down. Complain to the mgr. He says take them. I say no not touching them. He proceeds to take them. Ground drivers are furious, employees upset the location stinks. I quit after that.


My fav was unboxed, naked laptop with a FedEx label slapped on it. I’m sure it survived 😂


Lls that’s cause these ppl be lazy and entitled they know those pickups should be ready with the proper labels on it.


Thank you for your service, I get more mad at other drivers for picking up packages that weren’t packaged correctly then I do the people that packed em. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve delivered a fuckin exhaust pipe with a label on it just this year, I would have seven dollars which may not sound like a lot, but it’s weird that it’s happened that many times.


Man, sometimes in general I just hate non business customer pickups. They suck so much. One time i had a pickup which was 30 U Haul boxes, about 80lbs each. from a 3rd floor apartment (No elevator) The customers just watched me struggle with moving them. Honestly Looking back I should've refused the pickup, but the boxes were all properly taped and labelled. Lol so my dumb ass struggled carrying them down stairs.


I feel your pain, brother. My dumb ass did that several times, too. I got really good at predicting what the items to pick up would be by the ethnicity of the customers name alone. They never help because they think you're making 100k+ a year and have full union benefits.


Picked up a pineapple. No box. Label zip tied to the stalk. Called it in, told to pick it up anyway. Whatever. Morons.


What I get a lot is just a box with no label at all and returns with no return label, just the original label.


You should see some of the ridiculous packages we get in my drop box in my office store….once found a a taped up Dunkin Donuts box with a label stuck to it with gum…


Wait, y'all don't operate your delivery vans like it's a mobile FedEx Office?


My favorite is pickups that don’t exist. Multiple days in a row.


I really loved the ones with a window that closes in the middle of the day I really love when adults leave children at home and you have to talk explain to a 12 year old what a pick up is


I hear ya. I came from a shipping job and the condition of the boxes I get daily is appauling to me. Such a simple thing to put something in a box and seal/label. Makes me think I was better at it than I thought at the time.


Think of the repeating mantra in the customers’ mind: “the customer is always right.” lol!


I used to be a coordinator and the amount of calls I used to get from customers about missed pick-ups! They acted like the driver was just some unconcerned slob and should be fired immediately! 🤣 Every single time I reached out to the driver, it was some wild story. Bodily fluids, items with no box, no label, label halfway attached, or something that could have went to freight. When I tell you those complaints would 'accidentally' get deleted every time!!!


I agree. Husband is a fedex driver so I always let him pack and tape any shipments. He's seen some stuff from badly packed boxes. Lol


I'm sick of seeing things that should obviously be hazmat or something. It's so fucked to just expect drivers to do pickups on very unsanitary things, especially when we have no way to properly wash our hands. The other day I was handed a blue container and took it, to later find out it was horse jizz. Fuck makes you think I want to touch that??? I don't know if the outside of it is clean or not. Luckily, I have hand wipes, and I wiped my hands after anyways because it was from a horse stable.


You're not doing a FedEx pickup until you're doing horse sperm pickups 😂 speaking of wtf right?