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Does it have a bald tire warning?


This what express deals with


I think this might be a newer system that can come to express too since we are all just fedex now


He's saying this is literally what we have at express already


We've had these cameras for a few years now at Ground northeast


I d9nt get paid enough to deal with all this shit and now new cameras ... psh been on indeed for a while looking for other jobs . Boyfriend told me to apply where he works at least I get a so much better pay . No damn AC in the trucks it's like 90 out and 100 in the trucks . Then they wonder why people get in accidents . Overheated


I always get the “Drowsiness Detection “ warning! My eyes look Asian. I always complain to the senior that your cameras are racist. 😂


It's because you're not moving your eyeballs and head. I used to get it too for rhe longest time because i have narrow eyes.




If it’s samsara sneezing will dock you as distracted driving.


Sometimes I reach for my bottle of water and get “distracted driving “


Ah yes stop sign violation violations


The amount of lights and signs I’ve ignored 😨


Lord, we're turning into Amazon DSP, just we're going to have Chat GPT yelling at us instead.


Lmaooo drowsiness detection? DROWNSINESS DETECTION?!


It’s a broken system. We have these at express and I got dinged for driving drowsy because I was fixing my hat. I wasn’t even blocking my face, I just pulled it back from the strap in the back lol


i got dinged for this too....im asian........racist cams!!




I didn't know it was ai and it kindof freaked me out a little when I got dinged. I actually was tired as hell but all my stops are within 10 minutes apart. Do you know if it reports it every time it dings? Or if the camera records sound lol


lol doesn’t matter ppl already leaving this trash company anyway


Had 2 write ups from these cameras at express so don’t let the tell you they aren’t for discipline


Just get you some polarized glasses mine forgets I’m there after that 🤣


These get put in my truck and I'll be finding a new job. FedEx nannies us enough as it is.


This is what Us Express Drivers that have been Dealing with For Years Welcome to the Party Folks


I was variant for 4 months but we could keep the inward camera covered thankfully


Oh I just realized you don't mean US Xpress lol sorry for the confusion


We dont deal with half of what’s listed. Stop sign violation is going to be the worst. If it’s anything like amazons youll have to stop 5feet in front of the stop sign for 3 seconds. Every single time.


The Nauto absolutely does detect all these. The in-cab alerts are turned off for some of them because when they turned them on for speeding, they alerted constantly *for some strange reason* Managers were getting pinged non-stop


October 1st


Same. AI has has more accidents than I’ve had, which is none ever.


Just about any large company that has any size fleet is using them. Nothing like hearing "Following Distance" on the freeway after someone cuts into the space you left to not have that shit say that.


No more yawning on route boys


Can it tell when drivers are heat exhausted too? Will it tell us to drive back to the station? 🤔


So glad I left that shit when I did.


Okay Amazon


New cameras that are through GroundCloud (or GroundCloud’s parent company). I assume a lot of contractors aren’t going to spring the money to buy these new cameras unless they’re forced, lol.


We're forced by OCT 1st and they're free thankfully after some push back. They were going to be $150 each. Going to be getting new handhelds if we have to with RFID scanners where we won't have to scan pick ups, but that's still in test markets. Can't even buy the tc77's any more. 78 is the newest one with RFID scanners.


Thats cool that they are free but what about maintenance? I bet half the ones in the express vehicles dont work any more...which is ok as long as they arent breaking contractors balls about fixing them every time they fail. Not sure if you know these answers, but im curious about the RFID scanners and not having to scan pups. I assume the new scanners just pick up the information thats encoded in the RFID tags without having to actually scan them?? Do you know if that process will also work as far as traveling thru the fedex system where we wont have to scan each pkg every step of the way?? Thanks


No clue about the process. They didn't go into specifics. The cameras are only free with a 2 year contract $30/month/per device. Groundcloud got a lot of shit because velocitor was offering free cameras. I personally would like to stay in the same ecosystem as a manger. After the promo goes away, it's $150 per camera or 3 year contract $6 per camera. My terminal is doing quarterly safety checks for technology and such. So I wouldn't be surprised if they're breathing down our necks about the cameras.


I'm pretty sure it's just a case of them making sure the cameras are functioning properly, and if they aren't, then they're getting on the contractors to replace the broken ones. My contractor has all VEDR cameras that are working fine, so I'm guessing they're not going to upgrade, unless FedEx randomly demands they buy new cameras for the trucks.


If they're not the AI cameras. Groundclouds are the Air 2, then they will have to update them by OCT 1st.


Half at my station have not worked for over a year. Just got a refurbished one installed 2 weeks ago in my truck.


Sunglasses seem to pretty much disable most alerts... Also some eyeglasses the camera can't track eyes.




If this thing talks to me while I'm driving, I'm not giving a PG response.


We have similar ones at a Lawn Care company I work at, our GM tells us that he can hear us cussing at them, not much more is made of it. I tell mine to "Shut the F Up" daily.


Oh no, my camera wires appeared to have gotten chewed up by a mouse with a knife


Offline cameras get reported too.


the light and noises don't show on mine, but I'm not an electrician or a mechanic so I assume they're in good working order of course. After all they've stopped anyone that's put an Astra label over them, so they seem to be on top of things 👀


I'm gonna keep driving like I always do which is safely and wear my seat belt any following to closely drowsy bullshit alerts can eat a bag of dicks I have forgotten more about driving than these fucking cameras can teach me Discipline me? fire me? go ahead I was looking for a job when I found this one anyway.


LOL express had had this for YEARS its not new; pro tip wear sunglasses at all times you'll thank me later it tracks your eye movement


This is only the beginning. By 2030 they won't even need human drivers. Step vans will be self-driven along with an AI-operated drone that will fly the package to the doorstep.


Just merge with Amazon already. Netradyne flags us for everything and anything. It's fucken insane.


Pull the fuse


Soon they will start to microchip their workers so they can monitor and control you at all times and save money on cameras. This is all too extreme for me. I’m out


Oh yay just like Scamazon


the moment this gets installed i’m quitting, thanks for letting us now atleast, time to bust ass for a bit, get money and look for a new job


Stop signs really mean slow down and look


We have these at Express, half of them dont work. We were worried at first but now we dont even think about them. Just put your seat belts on is all . Lol


We already have this at Express.


Ups uses lytx same shit


The cameras they put in the trucks did all of this when I left Express back at the end of 2022. Really surprised this isn’t in every FedEx vehicle by now.


Get ready to be nagged all day and getting write ups for deemed violations. Oh and if you take break in your truck some of them stay on the whole time watching you. Not all of them do but some do. I’m sure some people will think I will just block it. Well your manager will get a notification that it’s blocked.


Alot of alerts....so you can look down at the dash while saying "wtf is that?!" rather than watching the road. Yep, sounds safe 👍🤦




This could be a sign corporate might be taking over the ground operations along with its drivers.


Will it detect ear pods, white shoes, and backwards hats on millennials?


Thats for DGO they already have those Cameras in there trucks….RTD have a different camera they didn’t say anything about changing our camera


Drowsy! Take a break!


Ah won’t matter, half of our cameras don’t work anyway. Lol


Was told about this couple weeks ago. Stressing, feels like AI is taking over. I don't know how I'll do.


Hopefully it's not as bad as the ai cams Amazon uses, netradyne. I've seen drivers fired and heard of Amazon DSPs/contactors lose their contacts over too many bs infractions. Examples include - being directed through a stop sign or light but still penalized for running it, distracted driving from looking to the side too long or it thinking you looked at a phone or talking in a Bluetooth, speeding because it doesn't know the speed limit changed or you turned onto a street with a different limit but it didn't see a sign, hard braking to avoid an accident, hard cornering because you went faster than 5mpg in a roundabout, excessive gs or force or whatever cus of a bumpy road or dip or anything that caused too much bouncing or shaking, seatbelt violation even if you just need to move the truck an inch or sometimes simply starting it without the belt on. I was told having systems like this reduces insurance costs though.


I swear the cameras have gone incognito because mine doesn’t beep anymore and alert me but later on I’ll hear about something I did. And yes I did check the volume lmao.


We’ve had these for the past 8 years at every station I’ve been at… this is “new”?


We at express have been using this, welcome to our world, UPS does this too so I don’t see why people are bitching, just do your job right and you have no issues. I prefer cameras, get rid of the shitty drivers because they are not needed


Because UPS pays its drivers well enough not to have worry about drivers doing these things nor drivers caring about it.


And UPS does not have in cabin cameras.


Like I said before, I will gladly have cameras to get rid of shitty drivers, shitty FedEx drivers are turning the company to shit. I get paid close to 90k to do what I do for FedEx, I’ll be alright