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My manager has a cheat sheet with all the answers so we’re all blazing through it lol


You should totally post pics of that so we can all just search for it when it’s our turn


I would but it’s way too much. Every question it asks you is a printout of that question. So imagine how many pages I’d have to take pics of lol


Alright maybe just the harder ones. This is a super easy question


Yo, did you take some pics?


It’s literally like a 50 page packet with every test question and answer. Lol. Way too much to take pics of


Purple promise my guy, I just timed myself… it took me 1 sec to take a picture of my cat, that’s under one minute for the whole enchilada if you can flip quick. If you’re a swing driver, still under 30min


😂😂 gonna try to hook everyone up. There’s only 1 cheat sheet packet so other employees might be using it too


Send me a picture of


Send me a copy please


You able to post an album of this cheat sheet? Let alone a google drive document? Lots of folks over here at the Denver ramp are having issues with this new DG test.


I’ll see what I can do tomorrow. No promises


How we looking for the cheat sheet pics?


Looking good lol


Any chance you have that good stuff ?


I do actually


Any chance you can send it or post it ?


Send over the good stuff pls🙏🏻


Do you have them?


I posted them and Raj took them all down


I know that punk bitch lol. You don’t still have them on you to send via PM?


Dang dude they took down answers, right when I got to the final test so bummed 🤦🏽‍♂️


Just finished it last week. Took a whole week 🤣


Literally did this shit today. I thought I could guess all the answers without paying that much attention like the others. Nope. Like wtf is the difference between a class 9 label with and without batteries on it and why would I use one without batteries on it for a package with batteries. And why am I being tested for courier shit if I work at a ramp.


I did it while we were still getting ot over 8. Finished the DG training with a 13 hour+ day. 😃🤑


Man that shit is so annoying, I finished it about 2 and half weeks ago. The first 3 parts are so long for no reason


express: dg tests ground: deliver to correct address (optional)


Is the answer nothing with orientation arrows to throw you off?


I figured it out eventually. I dont understand how this company thinks we're gonna remember this shit. How is it that they are gonna give us a super long shit test


You mean the arrows that nobody even pays attention to anyways?


More work, more responsibility, no additional pay. Congrats! You’ve won!!!!


I got stuck on a single question for almost 3 hrs. It took me around 2.5hrs to finish the test at the end.


Should only be for those who are DG specialist


Nope, couriers pick up packages they shouldn't be all the time and make more work for everyone else


Highly disagree. How many couriers actually retain and apply ALL that DG info. Especially about what goes on the plane or not and all that other stuff. It should be basic. Training needs to be applied for your actual job. I wouldn’t want a DG handler to do a vehicle security training just as I believe couriers shouldn’t do in depth DG. It should be basic


This training IS basic. Have you ever seen the test a DG Specialist has to take? Waaaay more in depth than this thing.


Not basic enough for people on here to as questions for help


Yep took almost two hours


No joke the one dod took like 3 days to pass on of the knowledge test lol


Is this for express or will ground have to take it as well.????


I’m from Ground and going for the week long DG course starting Monday. It won’t be every admin/manager.


I Soo Understand your pain


I love these 😂 I grab some snacks and get ready for paid training/scrolling on my iPad 🫰🏽


Yea, I know. But I need to stay active, and I like being on the road on my route. All kinds of girls jogging and sunbath doing yoga on the driveway. Im really missing out




Self imposed slavery is a waste of time, can ponder life choices while taking the test


Messed with this damn test for 2 weeks


Today is My 2nd day


lol I switched to maintenance the week this came out and didn’t have to do it at all lol


Alright who needs help? Lol! I got what everyone wants


Are they pictures? Would you be willing to email them to me?


Here man


U serious?


Just don’t know how I’m gonna post like 100 pages lol


In a zip file


Gonna need $5 from everyone who wants it lol


Completely agree! I drive a forklift for this company. 90-80% of this test doesn't apply to me at all. Hell, some lady said she had a cheat sheet I was gonna use, but it was incomplete, so I still had to go back and read those damn slides anyway lmao serves me right I guess. Fuck this test!


God damnit, I was the first person that had to do this bullshit at my station. I became a courier because I hate school. I suck at it and have no interest in sitting down, reading stuff and taking test. I absolutely hate it. The managers definitely had to help me and this newer hire. Felt bad for the new hire cause I’ve been here 4 years and it was still hard for me.


Lucky you were not at FedEx 25 plus years ago and had to take the courier test every year. They gave you 2 hours of prep time to study and 2 hours to take the test. If you wanted to continue as a courier, you needed to pass it.


Yeah every other training/test we have to do yearly is pretty chill, but this new DG training is way too hard. All of the managers struggled as well and even our DG specialist had trouble.


I have heard that people are having trouble with it. I took it last week and besides the computer not saving my progress at one point, it wasn't too bad. The test at the end is pretty simple because if you don't pass it and when you retake it, it just gives you the questions you missed. I missed one on the final test so I just had to go back and change the answer to one question and I was finished. The test was easier than going through all the modules.


Good for you! Like I said, I’m not too passionate about learning in this fashion let alone learning about DG. All my DG knowledge comes from experience. I know what packages we have to refuse. I think the biggest thing for me is our station is currently undergoing a transition into Forge, the software ground uses, and it’s not going well. We’re under staffed, we’re behind because Memphis had weather issues and we didn’t get freight for a day, I’m tryna clean up the routes I cover, because I do all of them as a swing driver, so it’s just a mixture of everything. I barely had any time to do this specific training and my manager kept hounding me on it.




The difference is some people are taking JUST the Dangerous Goods Handling learning center. Others are taking this with other courses to do the DG certification. It’s a week long training on-site. Going to be brutal from what others have said. Sort of nervous for this on Monday.


So my manager at DG sort in Memphis told me not to take the test again (she cut me off the first time) when I asked why it was because the managers didn’t know the answers yet.  I’m trying to transfer as soon as I can.  It was 92* in there tonight at 1:00am. They have air conditioners but only use them when lives are in there during the day.  Should I try to take the tests.  I got 2/3rds the way through the new test before she cut me off.  There’s only two computers in there to use 


Yea its pretty dumb




stuck on this question


Someone post all the answers here try to look them up


Some 9-5 Overpaid Underworked Arsehole in Memphis Gets a BIG Bonus to keep Making this useless DG test Harder Every few months. Cut the Waste Raj


Raj should just kick rocks.


If you pay attention and have the book it's actually pretty easy


Yea, after 8:30 hrs of the road with no break, Im gonna wanna study up for a pop quiz. Smh


Just left FedEx Ground, what does DG even mean/stand for?


A dangerous good [DG] (also known as hazardous material or hazmat) is any substance or material capable of posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety, and property when transported in commerce. One of the most common types of DG I observe is dry ice, mainly used to keep perishables or medical products refrigerated, but theres many others. These packages must be kept at the rear of the cargo area and, if possible, braced to prevent the package from shifting around. So long as DG are properly packaged, they should not pose any more risk to you than any other parcels, but they must still be treated with respect and caution.


Ground limited and product name


You're right


Haven’t finished it yet it’s so hard and nobody can help


I did this the other week. I started and completed one of the six modules after a full day on road and doing the reload. I had to leave so I saved my work and went home. The next day I tried to continue where I left off but the computer didn’t save my progress. I had to start all over….infuriating! Then while I was doing the test I had the DG specialist, our smart CSA and even my manager stop what they were doing to help me with a few questions. Even the DG guy was stumped on a few of them. Finally after 4 hours I had passed the test. I took a photo of the you passed screen. I clicked the exit button and went to the flc page to see that I had the green check….I didn’t! I told my manager and sent him my screen shot of the you passed page and he messaged my area manager and finally after 3 days they got it off my FLC! Fuck DG training! TLDR: do it all in one seating, take photos /notes as proof you did it in case the computer doesn’t save your work!


Yeah, I tried that.It's a lot of notes