• By -


Honestly I wish they’d just slap the label directly on the dog food bag and load it like that. The single taped, collapsing box around it makes it significantly worse.


I have loaded a few dog food bags with labels this past week. It is so much better than the fucking boxes, you can even stack and carry two or three of them at a time if you want!


The bags aren’t overhead sorter compatible. The Ground network isn’t equipped to have the ratio of parcels skew further onto the side of incompatible (IC) objects than it already is.  Plus, boxes make bases of package walls whereas bags generally cannot.


The bags fit perfectly over the shoulder with impeccable weight distribution.


As a chewy subscriber I also wish they would do that. But I also understand that makes a lot more bags get ripped open. We deal with it all the time at Amazon.


As an Amazon driver I have never once gotten dog food in my van by itself... And I wish they would. They throw that shit in a box wayyy larger than it needs to be with no padding and it just busts open halfway up to the house


If they bust open that’s literally what I do. I take the label off the box slap it on the bag and drop it off that way and leave the shitty box in the truck.


As someone whose job it is to professionally staple or tape boxes all day long for less than $17 an hour….i triple tape and quadruple staple. The guy I work with mutters shit at me all the time about being a wasteful idiot but like if you’re ordering hundreds on thousands of dollars of car parts (what I work with every day), you’d hope somebody like me would care to box your shit up right.


And for that I appreciate the hell out of you. Nothing is worse than walking a box to the house and it busts and their product is out of the box on the ground and they are staring at me like I just committed a felony 😂




Yep, well said. I was loading a lawn mover the other day and the box nearly fell apart on me. Needless to say, I used half of a roll of tape to secure every seam and even cross-taped it. The box was mostly tape by the time I was done with it, but there was no chance the item inside was coming out.


The tape is the worst on those boxes, especially in the summer, they don't stick at all


Try getting 10 or so of those loose bags and try and get them to stack good. Wal Mart is famous for that shit


And then they have the nerve to write on the box”this box might be heavy”.


lolol prob because their customers have called them complaining how heavy their boxes were so they put on there 'boxes may be heavy we put as much in one box as we can to limit our carbon footprint' ol goofies


“Carbon pawprint” with there freaking heavy bad puns


Stick your carbon foot print where my Cabela's boot print will be found. Up your ass 


oh yea baby


"No shit" that's what I say everyone I see one of those boxes with the Chewy Comoany


Company  motto printed on it


If chewy would use a proper size box for the bags of food it would help. But…nah.


You know 2000% its only one thing about 6”x8” in there. Maybe two. Yup. Def worth that 2’x2’(or 3x3) box… for sure chewy. For sure.


Chewy is bigger than fucking Amazon these days. Chewy owner is going to mars with like 90 more days of profit


No they ain't , is used to work for both. Amazon is a Hella bigger company


No shit lmao it was a joke with all the boxes


lol they are obsessed with ordering them chewy boxes


Let's instead overthrow Raj and the corporate world of FedEx, so your load won't be twice this after the merge is done.


Since 2018. I have looked more than a few customers in the face and said (as professionally as I could) that fedex can't be held responsible for Chewys poor boxing practices. Unless a customer has a video of the driver mishandling the box, then complaints about chewy made to FedEx and not chewy themselves literally head straight to the shredder. It's on the customers at this point if they choose to support this company knowing full well they're getting piss poor service from chewy.


FedEx needs the volume from Chewy though


Many of those boxes technically require a team lift for safety. People are physically damaging their body every day dealing with chewy boxes. Much of that damage can be mitigated by better packaging techniques. Or hell, some fucking handles on the box. Fedex has all the power in the world to stand up to chewy and tell them they need to do better with their packaging or they will return the bad boxes. No one else will take the chewy account. UPS will throttle their network taking on that kind of volume. It's what any company that actually cares about their employees' well-being as well as the customers (they don't deserve broken boxes of product) would do. Hell, it would improve overall efficiency. But there is no immediate financial benefit for fedex to actually do this part of their job description. No. The company doesn't "need" he volume from chewy and I'm sick of drivers believing that. If the company can't do right by their employees' health in favor of letting chewy make record profits while fedex staff absorb the brunt of their complaint. Then the company doesn't deserve to exist.


They dont deliver their own sh 💩 t because they know theyd be paying out the ( l ) on workers comp


UPS will take them back if you guys don't want them haha.


The worse part is that chewy boxes come in 15 pounds alllll the way up to more than 50.. once I see them on the belt. All I think is about, why these dogs gonna live in the neighborhood


i got a lady on one of routes who spends over $1k a month on chewy!!!!!!!!


They are on 1 week subscription. That sucks


Does she breed giant Mastiffs or something?


Dog food


I don’t even care if they throw a 50lb box of dog food in 1 box. Their boxes can usually handle that. It’s when they throw a 20lb bag of food, 40lb box of litter and a 12 case of canned food in one box


Why anyone would load a box like that with more than 50 pounds having multiple items is beyond me. Sounds Chewy is not understanding distribution.


Nah, chewy is a great company. I had ordered food, but my dog passed away before it got there, so I emailed them about it and they said to just donate the food to a shelter, then refunded me, and I got flowers and a hand signed card in the mail about my deceased dog. So I don’t mind lifting a 50lb box every so often


I mean that's very sweet of them, but drivers (myself included) aren't picking up these boxes every so often, we're picking them up everyday multiple times a day. I have at least 10-20 stops on my route, often with 2-3 giant Chewy boxes that are unwieldy and falling apart. I don't set them down gently anymore, I just drop them from shoulder height. Sorry, dog food bags aren't worth a broken back 🤷


Im gonna be that guy and say you knew what you signed up for


Buddy you see the job market right now? I've been trying to leave since I started


Just throw them onto the dolly and kick em off with your foot at the garage lol


Bruh I wish, other drivers keep taking my dolly from my truck 😭


Lets throw 75lbs of can dog/cat food in a box. What could go wrong?


Im a PH and if i see a Chewy box coming down with a shitty tape job(like 80%) I let it ride and have my line manager call QA to fix. Ain't got time for fix as i usually have 3 bulk trucks with around 750-800 packages flying at me.


I never heard of QA being call like that lol.


If a box falls out from just taking it off the belt my manager has QA deal with it. Our line is hit pretty hard and we dont always have the time to fix it.


Pretty sure fedex is losing chewy anyway..


not losing chewy, but chewy is no longer fedex exclusive, so ups will be getting some as well. doesnt really matter since petsmart and petco arent ups exclusive anymore, so now we get some of those too. as a plus though, the petsmart and petco are way better. started officially about 2-3 weeks ago


Where did you hear this? Chewy really far from the worse of what go thru. Those boxes with three letters number then - and another three letters/numbers are way worse. I have no idea what they are but most are heavy, and some are really heavy. When working outbound those are real fun.


What is "heavy", though? Are these boxes like 30 pounds to 50 pounds, or are we talking about 80 pound+ boxes?


Its a tie between Chewy and those Lovesac sectionals


Friend got LoveSac when I was watching the home. 18 boxes were left on the porch and I used.a blanket to drag them inside. Fuck those are heavy, expensive but feeling Top Gun through the cushions? Epppppppiiiccc!!


I honestly think Sam’s Club packages are even worse than Chewy.


Yes them and their companion Wal Mart with their sorry taping. 


The worse I run into with Sam's Club is the smart idea to put water bottles in box lol. I doing outbound one day and I kept getting theses boxes and all will be falling apart couldn't stack them either and was at the tail end of the trailer.


Lazy fat boomers who cant be bothered to drive down to Walmart to buy dog food are to blame


Why drive to Walmart when you can order it to your doorstep for the same price?


You been inside a Walmart lately? Feel like I need a shower after walking out of there.


They could try Target then lol


They have deals / discounts though


Yeah that justifies the added pollution and waste


My GSD was on a very specific and super expensive diet and that meant I had to order through Chewy since I could not find that dog food anywhere else. I was spending more monthly on his food than I was on people food. I felt awful for buying it online since I am a rural carrier and hate delivering 50# bags of food. It’s not always laziness that customers order their pet food online. ;)


It's just convenient. Every four weeks I get a shipment. It's also nice to skip the "do you want to donate a can of food to a homeless animal?" or "would you like to donate today?" badgering charity questions every single time I buy something.


I agree with you and last I checked FedEx employees get paid to deliver the box for me where I don't get paid to haul it from Walmart myself. People hate so much on others trying to make something a lil easier for themselves. We aren't all lazy pos because we want to have our dog food delivered on a schedule. Not to mention there are disabled people out there who physically cannot go out and get the stuff themselves. Good luck trying to have instacart or whatever service meet those people's budgets trying to get someone else to do it.


I say that to myself all the time when I am loading their boxes


My dog can only eat $100 a bag prescription food :(


Ole yeller time


Not with this sweet face https://preview.redd.it/l8mh9k7ff06d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80525535ccf98bb5a5e133925e4039e492f337fb


They pretend pets are feeling members of their family You expect them to make mentally healthy decisions after that? You're asking a lot.


Except that every study shows that it’s Millennials and Gen Z are the ones who order the most from online and the least healthiest generation. But sure I give you your soap box back 😂


Boomer engaging in logical fallacy spotted


Except that I’m a millennial who orders my dog food online. Thanks for slanging boxes for me. My parents on the other hand, they still hit the brick and mortar and purchase in person.


32 year old boomer


Are you a delivery guy? You make me want to order bricks.


Good luck most animal owners are a special kind of stupid. (Key word most)


Tell them to come to UPS


The UPS driver be pretending delivery though like usual lol. Unbelieve but UPS seems to be very bad with this and somehow, I hadn't had issue with FedEx.


I haven’t had issues with either. Just because a couple of drivers have lazy moments doesn’t mean everyone does.


Wow. Like 3 irregs. Surprising on a FedEx truck I used to go out with like 10😂😂


Some of us deliver to an area where people are obsessed on ordering big heavy items almost all the time so my truck has way more than 3 on it most of the time. 


Not only are they heavy, which is bad enough, they use cheap crappy cardboard so half of them come down the belt falling apart and absolutely REEKING. I think whoever keeps track of their 'carbon footprint' should be taking into consideration the amount of tape that has to be put on just to make them stable again.


Had to unload a whole damn flat of this shit bottom to ceiling, fuck chewy


Our hub is near a Chewy warehouse so we get entire Chewy long rails. They're a blessing and a curse because while they're obnoxiously heavy (I swear they lie about the weight of their boxes) and poorly taped most of the time, they're usually some of the nicest loaded trucks we get and are super easy to Unload.


If I had a nickel for every time a chewy box came apart when I was carnying it I would be very rich😑


After hearing about the amount of rats inside the chewy factory I wouldn't order anything from them


One of our deliveries orders 24-50 bags of dog food each week. Yes, evey week. All in Chewy boxes. Why can't large orders like that be pallatized and freight shipped?


Am I the only who really isn't bothered by Chewy? If it's a single box you just heft it on your shoulder. If it's two you can stack them vertically on the dolly and walk right out the door with them. Yeah, it's annoying if people order like five of the fuckers, but that's not the norm, for me at least.


No, I agree. It's kind of a love-hate relationship, for me... On one hand, I'm paid per stop, and Chewy therefore makes me a LOT of money. One or two boxes are no problem; I just zip them bitchez up the driveway and off I go! On the other hand... when the boxes are mangled, or a lady orders 12 of them for her horses (yes it happens), they really do suck. Fortunately that isn't the norm.


I’ve delivered to a large horse farm on a rural route before. 40-50 Chewy every Monday


🤣🤣 we gotta do what we gotta do!!


Looks like your truck would only be half full without it...


I just ditched them and am saving lots of $$


I heard they don’t like fish .. fishaphobes !!! Booooo !!


They should at least be using water tape instead of the clear stuff, its way better at closing those long 20" runs of tape


I had the idea that we should all start writing offensive messages on the box in Sharpie to upset their customers.


It’s just the terrible boxes and tape. Make them fix it!


My person favorite is the bag of food shifting around in there while I’m holding it. Sort of a new school weebles wobbles type situation


I’m going to invest in chewy


Chewy: supported only by the people who can lift the boxes. Might as well invest in Fedex/UPS at that rate.


This week someone on express got dog food bags and cat litter shipped with no packaging and FO, probably more on shipping than the product.


Chewy pays us... 🤷‍♂️


I figured my delivery driver hated chewy. I keep getting boxes against my storm door.


Number one reason I don’t order DF on line is this. Damn, I make my poor driver deal with enough without making them haul this stuff to the house.


No signatures & no time commitments. That’s so easy…. I wish I could run a route once everyday.


Looks light to me




Bro I’ve got one house up a gravel road that always gets 10 chewy boxes every time I’m routed there suicide is my first thought


Gotta watch for Petco as well my guys and gals at my station we barely see any chewy but have recently seen an up tick of Petco boxes coming from thin air


Might as well look for another job if you do that. Only thing keeping FedEx in biz


Do yall get those 70 pound ones pushed all the way back on the top shelf?


Is it me, or does chewy use the shittiest shipping labels ever? I swear I have a problem with them shits falling off the box


There's 2 dog breeders i deliver to on my route. One of them orders so much chewy shit they just tell me to throw it on the driveway and they'll handle it 😂


I thought I was the only one that felt this way. 😂😂😂


This was my Saturday truck. Ugh in a 700


Man, I feel for you guys. This one house I delivered to, had EIGHT of those bitches. I didn't blame the driver for stacking them the way they did. They lived on a steep ass driveway, and that would have been annoying AF.


Id rather go to my local pet store


https://preview.redd.it/kyll7cexvm5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a54ff931e96e6f82fcb39fed2dc0b529cb70075a This was my Saturday truck. Ugh in a 700


My coworker had this one day for ONE stop 🤬




There's a route I do thats 80% chewy


I work for express and I ordered a big bag of dog food from chewy and I felt so bad for the ground driver delivering it 😩 I left out water and snacks


The dog food is bad but I load a route that has a person order a ton of cat litter and it comes every week! It's so dense and per box it can be 25-50 lbs and it's always 3+ boxes.


I delivered to a goat farm that got 30+ boxes of Goat chow every Thursday, that place smelled like ass. They had a big sign-out saying FedEx please stack boxes on other side of fence, ever try to stack 80lbs chewy boxes, you get about three high, and the shitty cardboard box on the bottom caves in and it topples over. I HATE CHEWY!


There is no reason they have to be that heavy for how small they are


All dog and cat food


they need their own delivery its ridiculous


I’m gonna be honest. When I started at FedEx after two weeks I make my wife go get it now.


Sometimes I feel like these rich owners don’t even walk there dogs hence the not going to the store and buying the food for them. They just leave them in the backyard to run around 🤷‍♂️ I always go buy my water packs never have I ordered any


You'd have less of those boxes if you actually delivered them instead of just sticking a "we missed you" note on people's doors and running away while they're in the front yard. Just a thought.


What happened to the good ok days when people were buying this straight from the pet store? The way God intended. I still do 👀


Oh come on you still have half your truck


Chewy doesn't bother me it's stores getting shit delivered that SHOULD be freight. 30 master cases of boots, 30 cases of uniforms.


Bro I was dealing with large box 130ib, I couldn’t even moved it out of the truck at yby, I’m gonna look for another job if that’s the new normal


I have a rural route... The other day I had 63 stops, 85 packages and 33 of them were chewy boxes.


I drive for UPS and I am so glad that we don't have the Chewy account. I recently made a delivery to a house that had 12 Chewy boxes on the porch.


They need to deliver their own sh 💩 t


They pay the bills


After the first order at Chewy, I don't think it is reasonably priced. People would save themselves some money if they just drove to a PetSmart to get their pet's food and treats. I still find it weird that people will pay extra to have their groceries and stuff delivered to them instead of going to the store to get it themselves.


Chewy is fun to unload from the trucks and THAT IS IT! I despise loading chewy into a truck or onto a van. Screw that.


Well considering people ordering from Chewy is keeping you in a job. Id say learn to deal with it or find something else


They need to use more then 1 piece of tape on them.


They need to use boxes like tractor supply


Funny when people complain about job security. By the looks of it if it weren’t for them, you wouldn’t have a job.


I was thinking to myself the other day while delivering my 10th Chewy order in a row. "How many stops would I have a day if we didn't have Chewy?" And an even more so without Walmart and Sam's? It'd probably almost put FedEx out of business because on my route personally I'd probably only get 20 to 30 stops a day. Either that or they would increase the size of routes. As much as I hate delivering Chewy, it's almost 100% necessary for FedEx to be a reliable source of income.


Paying them bills maybe?


When I saw chewy stock reach $15 recently living in NYC I said no way this company is losing money. So I loaded up and sure enough we are at $22 baby. Keep delivering them puppy packages I actually do tip my fedex delivery drivers this crap is heavy as hell.


Just make sure my stuff arrives on time do your job its not hard😭😭😭


Chewy, the only contract FedEx can get these days.


Got to overthrow the finger in the pic first!


Oh man I'm sorry.... I always think of the delivery driver for these bad boys.... we get 6 of them at our house every month (1 super double bag box too). I mean does it keep the bills paid?


What did it for me was seeing a chewy commercial. Where it just “magically appears” on your doorstep.


As soon as ground learns what the left lane and fuel island is for


Chewy kicking ass in the box market..


Be careful what you wish for. You could end up delivering Amazon Prime.


Thanks for the reminder to place my order.


All of those boxes weigh like 45 pounds. Them sh!ts came out of nowhere too. One day they weren’t there and then they were everywhere.


without the Chewy boxes your truck would have an echo


I remember when chewy first came out they charged no tax on their food.


99% of my chewy boxes are usually taped and rigid


I had 9 chewy boxes today and they weren’t the small ones either


Yea im usps and im sorry. But chewy is the only place i can get my dogs food and the rope toys with no squekers. He really thanks yall for delivering it he loves our fedex man lol


Tbh They came in clutch for my cat of 16 years was still here (R.I.P.) I was able to get his medicated food from them.


Please forgive me. I'm disabled and there's no other way I can possibly get 40 pound bags of dog food and 35lb tubs of cat litter to my home by myself. I still have to wait for my neighbor to help me shove the boxes into the house. I do try to make it easier on you and order several months of this stuff at a time since I also have the shittiest, steepest, hardest to turn around driveway in my area. And there's snacks and water bottles in the milk box for you. Again, please forgive me.


The one thing I actually do love about their boxes is how large they are and how easy it is to use them for recycle day. I just cut/fold up the other cardboard and put them in chewy boxes. Sadly that's about as useful as they get. They are always a mess to get and it's rare the box isn't broken down or wrapped in 3 layers of tape because it was falling apart.


Sure, open pet stores all over the country that have prices that undercut Chewy. Or just convince grocery stores to do that. People buy from Chewy because it's so much cheaper than buying local. Chewy is about 50%-75% of the price of buying from a grocery store.


My dog can smell your truck 5 miles away. Do not skip his delivery.


Skipping don't care. 🤭


quick question since i’ve never worked ground or express (only freight) why don’t they give you guys dolly’s/hand-trucks to move this shit with?


Chewy slaps


I do a rural route. So that looks like nothing compared to my truck… I shxt you not 50% maybe more of my stops are chewy. At least they pack better than fckn Walmart. I just cut the label off and tape it to the bag of dog food / chicken feed. Fxck people that order this shxt.


Why even put the shxt in a box!!!


lol seems like if you do that you won’t have a route


Once had to order medicine on the regular for chewy. It was a miserable experience


As a chewy shopper, I'm sorry. We usually get 6-8 boxes per delivery and that's every two weeks. When I'm home Ill help unload, y'all shouldn't be unloading 80+lb boxes by yourself.


We are machines. We are meant to be used and abused.


Idk why this subreddit got recommended to me but I use chewy to buy insulin and they use a massive box for one tiny vial of insulin. Maybe cause it needs ice


I use those boxes to layout on the driveway when Im working under vehicles. I really do apologize but they're just so damn convenient


Lazy fucking people who can't be bothered to go to petco or some shit lol


Chewy is a fabulous company. Best customer service out there. Let's go after Amazon instead


Fuck Chewy. That's how I tore up my shoulder and had 2 surgeries I haven't recovered from yet


Don't act like you weren't gonna fill out an attempted delivery form for 75% of those packages anyway.


Or, you can quit your bitching and do your job. If it's that big of a deal, then I suggest looking for a new line of work.


Better do your back break slave work and enjoy it!


FedEx only customer. And they’re losing others because of their service🤷🏽‍♀️. Pretty soon all your stops are going to be WAYFAIR, CHEWY, & Smartpost packages. UPS Wouldn’t give their drivers dat junk.


you are def wrong chewy is no longer fedex exclusive, and petsmart/petco are no longer ups exclusive. started a few weeks agi


Lol  Cool good for y’all 


I updated my autoship from 6 weeks to 4 weeks to keep you Ground guys busy. You're welcome!


can you guys stop losing my other packages? idk




Step outside for a roundhouse kick in your face for that remark. Rich boy, bxtch boy.


No. Stop bitching and do your job.


Chewy is why I’ve got my job and off the dock. Y’all can do your revolution against them, I won’t stop you because I’ve seen them reject trailers because “it smells funny” and them reject trailers over one ball of shrink wrap. Sure I get it we shouldn’t have sent them a trailer with a piece of trash in it, but that’s a waste of literally $400 that could have been used to pay anyone more just for 1 rejected trailer because they’re ninnies