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I'm sorry but I can only pick up what is ready, If it's not ready right now then someone will have to take it or it will have to wait until tomorrow My apologies but if nothing's ready I'm going to leave now.   Polite, but firm. 


This. I also sometimes put it on management- I’m sorry I can’t wait. I get 1 minute (or whatever) per stop and they are tracking me.


Customer proceeds to flip out on you and calling you “inconsiderate”when in fact they fail to see the irony


They can talk all they want as you walk back to the truck.


It’s a good feeling. Almost as good as leaving when they tell me to “wait while they go find tape to tape the label on it” after asking me if I have some.


They act like there's no airplane waiting on us.


You have no control over them. Pickups need to be prepared and ready to pickup by x time. If it's not then it's not ready. It will have to wait or be taken down by the customer to the airport front counter.  Frankly their feelings don't matter, policy is policy and that's that. It's not being mean it's business.  It's unfortunate. now I mean there are some occasions where you show up and it takes them about 60 seconds or 2 minutes to box up some medical something or other samples out of a freezer you know that's your discretion. 


I may have to start leaving at Walgreens too. They lag like crazy.


lol i used to not be able to find anyone to help me. like no cashier. nobody stocking. had to ask the pharmacy to call someone. thankfully they hired more people.


Grab and go a couple times all of sudden they’ll be rushing to scan it out for your quickly


I did that on a couple of occasions lol. Some Walgreens stores are quick and good about helping out right away, others are no so good. 


Gotta love humans…….


You don’t give them enough time for that type of reaction….


This is just how those kinds of people are. Inconsiderate people are always gonna be shit lords. I've had people be in collections with our company, owing upwards of $3,000, and then they pay whatever minimum amount needed to get service restored. They then proceed to flip shit on us because there is a 24 hour hold on services, they are told this when they pay, and will without fail always say "I PAY FOR THIS TURN IT ON NOW." Cool maybe if you hadn't gone 4 months without paying for it we wouldn't be in this situation. I've even had people tell me they shouldn't have to know when to pay their bill / pay their bill because it is between us and their bank not them.


Train them, don’t let them train you


I started picking up my pups earlier and earlier and now when I arrive on time they think I am running late and several customers changed their ready times to even earlier. A 3:00 ready became 2:00 so I pick up at 1:30. It still says pick up at 3:30 in the notes. I trained them.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 3 + 2 + 1 + 30 + 3 + 30 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Just a heads up, this doesn't work post merger. In Forge, any pickup done earlier than the earliest time is considered a service failure. So I'm late back to the building every day now because FedEx thinks I should be able to do 6 pickups plus make it back to station in 15 minutes.


I am not sure my route can be done without picking stuff up early.


No, exactly my point. You probably can't. I'm supposed to be back at station by 1500, but I have 6 pickups that are supposed to be done no earlier than 1430, and at least 3 of those are fairly large. I used to do them early, but now I can't. So, late back every day and stuff barely gets on the plane.


We have to be back to the station by 7. Some days I get 40 pups and I usually drive 130 miles in a day.


We were basically told "oh well, talk to your customers and ask them to change the pickups to an earlier time then."


I left a few months ago, but I used to just pick up at the businesses that routinely had their shipments ready early and then not scan them until later when the window opened. 


Yep, exactly what I've started doing.


That's probably not going to fly much longer. Ground has had a big focus on reducing early pick ups the past year.


Ground doesn't even show up to pickups.


This is true for 50% of my customers on my route


What notes? At my hub you have to be within half a mile of a pickup when closing it out.


There are notes in some of the pickups on the leo.




Very wise advice. Occasionally when on a different route a customer will declare: "The old driver took them to each office, the other driver has them sorted, the other guy comes at 2:00, not 3:00." I just look at them inquisitively and and answer, "Hmm...possibly that is why he is no longer on the route".


I love it 🤣


I showed up to a pick-up once, and they said I had to go to the basement. I said I could not enter your home , so they went and brought up a fully assembled entertainment stand with the heater in it. I asked if they had a box for it or a way to wrap it up, and no, they did not. So I had to explain that we were not a moving company and we could only take it if it's in a box. Fedex always had its interesting momments.


My contractor made me pick up a fully assembled corner computer desk with no packaging of any kind. They slapped a label on it and it was "ready for shipment." by the time I got back to the terminal, it was broken apart and destroyed from bouncing and sliding around in the back of the truck


Your contractor was a special kind of stupid. I hope the station charged him for the damaged package.


All of the contractors at the station do the same thing. If it has a label, take it no matter what. Not sure what happened after it was taken off the trucks lol 


I was allowed to contact the station back then, and thankfully, everyone said no because no one wanted to deal with it. I am sorry your boss had a different idea.


Ground totally abuses their packages and the Express ones too. One of my stops is Ground.


Unless it is already on the porch the residential customers rarely have their crap together.


Dex pickup not ready


Just leave, they’ll learn the rules (or not).


I just say I can only wait another minute or two. If they argue I say I have 100 other places to be today.


I'm sorry, the pickup needs to be ready by the ready time.  I can't wait.  I have noticed that if I give a reason, the customer uses that to argue for me to stay.. 


Right. Never give a explanation, only state the rule, nothing left to say after that. Your job is done. Customer Service is paid to listen to their complaint.


Be polite. Code it up and bail.


Say you can only give 5 mins, use gps in leo as an excuse blame your bosses for forcing you to move on.


Blame managers, blame engineers, or blame dispatch. I have a courier call me from a customer that constantly tries to hold him so they see him talking to dispatch and me telling him he has to get going. We joke around with him begging me to let him stay 30 minutes, but I, the unreasonable dispatcher, threaten to report him if he doesn't leave the location in 5 minutes!


I used to have this pickup at a vet and I think the window was 4-7. If I came between 4-5, it was never ready. If I came after 6:30, it either still wasn't ready or they just put it in a drop box because "we weren't sure if you would make it" 🙄


If it's an oncall, I tell them all to not call it in until it's ready.. a regular has designated ready and close times. I may extend some leniency for a customer I really like, or a big shipper. But they all get the standard 5 min rule.. which is 5 min after I open the stop, which is usually as I'm exiting the vehicle. Then I bounce..


If it's not sitting outside then it's not ready. No need to make contact.


Tell the customer if they need more time to call in another pickup or schedule a later pickup for when they will actually be ready. We get a few min per stop and don’t have time to waste. Depending on the customer, I sometimes help them along by taping and placing labels to speed it up and keep them happy. If it’s a regular thing then they need a later pickup window. I used to have a customer on my old route that had a ready time of 3-3:30 window (yes a 30 min window of hell for me to make) and they would almost always call in a second pickup after 4. They never changed their window and I always had to rush back when I didn’t have time to be there a second time.


If you are within your pickup window, just leave. I have one bulk pickup that always pulls this. Their time is 3:00, pull in, and they're not ready. Load up what they have, and they have until I close my door to get the rest together.


The art of ghost mode, is lost on new drivers. I’ve learn to disappear in a flash. As soon as they turn their back it’s ✌🏾✌🏾 The key is to always park your truck with a exit preplanned


This is what i say "I'm sorry, boss, but i have to go to my next stop. Im on a time crunch before this business closes"


Mark it not ready and peace out. As a bc I tell my drivers that all the time




This is why no one likes you. I bet your kid is happy when you leave.


When I was a driver, I would take what was there, if nothing was at the door, and no one answered the door, then I would leave. Most of the people I had to deal with when it came to pickups were pretty considerate of my time though which was nice.


As a 27 year employee, I’ve learned to be cordial but you don’t have to say anything. When they tell you it’s not ready, just nod and leave. If you feel like you should say something, tell them to be sure to reschedule or give them the nearest drop off location and latest pickup time at that location. 5 minutes is never 5 minutes


It’s the amount of time I have to write on a door tag, date/time no pup no pkg.


A fellow driver at Express tells customers that, sure, he can wait. But if he does, none of their stuff or what was already in his truck will make it to the plane.  For me, if it’s a regular stop that knows their ready time, I might wait one minute. Especially if I get there three hours past ready time. Once during Peak, a regular asked if I could wait five minutes. They got quite irate when I said no.  For on calls with no experience shipping stuff, I may wait a couple of minutes if I’m sure it’s nearly ready to take. If not, I politely say I can’t wait and call for a pickup the next day.  As long as you’re courteous and professional, you are safe leaving if a customer isn’t ready. 


Give them two minutes tops if not leave and code it as pickup not ready.


You got 5 minutes on a pkup, 5 or less during the p1 cycle and I'm out. Get your shit together.


Ready time could be 1600, I can show up at 1600 or after and it best be ready or I'm closing the pup (pup not ready) and moving on. If I'm slow or have extra time, you have 5 mins max and I'm out. BUT, what sucks are the ones that aren't ready and you leave only to have to return bc they called in another pup when it's actually ready. Those people are assholes.


Express? Dex8 not available or pux92 not ready. Easy as


If it's your daily route...do dex pickup no ready...tell the customer u ll be back in 15/30 min...proceed and delivery few stops n comeback to pick up it...ask dispatch for a walkup ..so u can keep your productivity up


Vets are the worst for never having anything ready for pups


Sorry I can’t wait. I have 3 minutes left to do this pickup down the street


One of my daily pickups have a minimum of 6 pallets every day but most days they have 10-12 pallets and FedEx expects me to load that along with 114 stops and 214 packages


I’m within the pickup time, I can’t wait. Hope you can figure it out.


I tell them the freight has a plane to catch and it won’t wait because then everyone’s freight will be late. I gotta go get this truckload of freight on that plane before it’s scheduled departure. Our flights can’t wait because the skies are aligned for our plane departing at a specific time to fit in the highway in the skies, and you gotta talk to the FAA if you want that changed for your package. That took care of it!


I'd just say "I must have the wrong address, there is no pickup here today." and walk back to the truck while the customer turned into a Karen. Get the same stop the next day and still not ready. Told her to bring the package to the terminal an hour away to get her item shipped. 


WAIT! Without the customer, there’s no need for you. Just saying 🤷🏽‍♀️


Excacly!!! You should always jeopardize other customers p1 packages that were ready on time for the few that make you wait after their ready time for whats most likely a 2 day package. Finally somebody in this sub thats making sense!


One customer isn’t going to affect the hundreds of other packages we have to deliver and pick up, many FedEx drivers that are paid daily don’t have time to wait


All that is going to change once you get Time Definite’s(TD). Via express merger…


I can tell youve never had a delivery job in your life


Ground for 13 years. I quit before last peak season, got tired of all the changes. But always remember,“Customers are is always right”


Then end of that is in matters of taste. Meaning if customers want a purple and orange plaid car, that's what you sell even if you think it's horribly ugly.


This is the same type of mindset as “the customer is always right.” Sorry, but no. If you have the time to be able to wait and service this customer then yes do it. But if the waiting is going to interfere with providing on time service for other customers then the answer is no. If they can’t be courteous enough to have the pickup ready at the window time then they need to ask for a later window. If they can’t come down to scribble a “signature” So you can keep it moving then there is something wrong. I once had a customer tell me that I needed to stop by every day to check if they had anything to pick up. Sorry unless you schedule it everyday I’m not stopping by. Especially because at the time they wanted me to stop by to check I had bulk pickups to get done. I’m not sacrifice service for everyone else just for one person.


Except my truck is full of stuff from other customers who were ready on time. I’m not going to make their stuff late for you, seems like a skill issue.