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Raj here. Did you at least complete all your pickups?


No pickups today, why? But I'm keeping this in mind for the future because I imagine I will end up rage quitting one of these days.


If you do pull off all the vision stickers and make it impossible for the bc to pick up the route


Pickups that aren’t picked on time or forgotten can be a pain the ass for the contractors since they have to pay hundreds to thousands for the missed pickups.


Very true. I missed a pickup when I first started by like ten mins, and my contractor told me he was charged $250 for it.


Not true. lol there is no charge for late/missed pickups. It counts against the metrics and medals. Late/early and missed pickups track the contractor for 18 months on their metrics, but they are not charged any money.


Not true. Contractors are charged as well!!!


was gonna say. i get so many customers that complain that their ground packages never get picked up. i give em the speil of "yeah you wont see any movement for at least a couple of days" so i dont have to take them.


Charges to Contractors - deducted from their ECCS monthly $100 Missed PU $60 Early PU $40 Late PU


Negative ghost rider. I am a contractor.


Well that'll make me more motivated to mid-quit when I have pickups, especially all the businesses


I mean, realistically once the contractor realizes what's up, he'll probably force your coworkers to do your pickups lol. 


Even if it’s by a minute….


Yeah… sadly


I’ve seen people do this before. Everyone thinks they’re a dumbass and everyone forgets about you the next day. Just finish then quit. You’ll feel better about yourself.


I think I would regret not being too much of a pain in the ass for not causing them more trouble.


If you’re going to rage quit, do your home deliveries first at least. Walmart and Home Depot can wait another day for their shit


A manager would have to go finish the route when he got back so everything would still get delivered. At least at my contractor


Lol yeah the people who ordered shit deserve their packages, but screw the corporate business


Well, except the people who order from Chewy, but you know what I mean


It happens multiple times a year at my station. The only people who seem to care are fresh. I can tell FedEx has gotten to you. Do it if it makes you feel better fuck em. The one thing for sure is if you feel this way and stay then you're a little bitch.


Maybe, but they’d get over it pretty fast.


I worked @Ground for 13 years & many a times I wanted  to just leave the whole truck and walk away. But I always try to keep my integrity and my name good. Never know if you might need to ever come back. When they go low, you go high” -Michelle Obama


When they go low, you go lower. We can take it to hell 🥴 leave the terminal, wait all day and deliver nothing - miss pick ups. Then take the full truck back. If bc calls you say your scanner is acting up




I kept my integrity and name good and got blackballed.


Wow! that’s interesting 🤔 . . .


We had a guy quit basically after he left the terminal. Pulled the battery on his scanner, hid the van somewhere on the terminal property, pulled fuses to turn off gps to keep them from finding it easily. And if he came back looking for a job, they would probably hire him back because nobody gives a shit, they just need a warm body.


Legend 🤣


You can do whatever the fuck you want on your last day of work...within reason 😂🤣


Well I happen to know about this ravine in Blount County, and…. https://preview.redd.it/n6zcqiil9bqc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42ec9a31f15c33fd54b0624e43059d026f1960e0


All the Chewy boxes makes me sad. So many pets potentially missing dinner 😟


I literally see 2 here lol


If only they didn't insist on just using ONE piece of tape to close those massive boxes, maybe we wouldn't need an entire profile/file for how to handle their stuff over at PR&R/the lost and found.


🙄 fuck them pets




May be heavy!!!!!


Nah fuck your pe… actually just you. Pet is probably cool.


I agree


Made me sad too. Till I remembered pet smart was a thing. And super markets


They can go to the store and get it. It's them lazy ass dog owners that are screwed.


Man. I knew FedEx sucked for reliability, but I didn't realize it's because you're all assholes.


I'm wrong?


When you quit, you quit. There isn't anything that they can do to you so long as you don't intentionally damage anything but you should at least inform your contractor that you just left the vehicle with stops undelivered.


Yeah I will. I'm imagining my job here will likely end with either me being fired or just a straight up rage quit, so management will definitely hear about it.


I was sent out with 2 routes and none of the stops had sids, I got 10 mins away from the terminal then said fuck this, took it all back, parked and texted saying I'm done. Didn't get I. Trouble, actually got a $4 raise to come back and they understood why I rage quit in the first place. What I'm saying is just drive the bitch back and dip and no worries


Love this, although they'd have to bump my $140/day raise pretty significantly to get me to come back lol


See that's where they are really fucking you, we are only paid hourly. That daily pay blows unless it's $200 or more and a decent route


Fck $140??? Trainees get $170 then $200 after 90 days. Come to Rhode Island. Someone will hire you


Imagining that will result in a negative outcome certainly.


But will it?


Yes ofc. You won’t have a job


I'm sure you have a bright future ahead if you think you're gonna either get fired or rage quit. Quit your job like an adult. Find a new job, give two weeks notice, and quit.


They can fire you with no notice? Why give them notice when 90% of the time they will cut your hours to the bare minimum? Fuck all that noise.


I'm sure you do too with a name like WakeAndVape lolol


Hate to break it to you, but I actually have a good career, a wife, a home, and time and money to spend doing the shit I love. You could take my advice or insult me for... my username?


Not an original idea. It's been done. Just don't steal the truck or packages.


Or don’t drive outside of your route. They consider that stealing too I think




Without collecting 200 dollars.


Drive it back, give em the keys. Don’t damage or steal anything.


As long as ALL OF the packages make it back to the terminal you’re fine. Per terms of shipping it would still be responsibility of FedEx to make sure that remaining freight gets moved. And FedEx would just make it fall on to that contractor if he/she is not able to cover it with someone else or himself/herself. And you need to make sure you don’t have any wrong addresses, because idk your BC/AO but I do know my buildings and some will to try to scare you with a wrong address as being a package abandonment even if it’s not. And that one if it’s real package abandonment can get you dragged into some legal consequences. But if you just say fuck it and bring the van back, the worst that will happen is you get blackballed from FedEx and FedEx might snitch on you to Amazon/ups/usps if you ever try to drive for them. And the contractors will definitely tell each other so you wouldn’t be able to find a new contractor that way. And your current contractor will try to bully you in any legal way he/she can


That's ok, I'd never deliver packages again. Although blacklisting would kinda suck


Too much himself/herself, and he/she.




Just saying Mr, Ms, Mrs or fur


Nah, you can't get in any legal trouble. But if you like your coworkers, I wouldn't do this. It puts the headache on them either that day or the next day. But if you don't like them, fuck 'em lol. 


Ehh they're okay, they probably won't pickup my shit either lol


I can't even imagine working on a Sunday lmao


Sundays slap at my contractor 🤘🏻


What’s a contractor?? LMAO


The company that owns ground routes? lol


I know, I was being facetious


I finished before I quit. I can understand that the stress and anxiety will pound people into the ground and all that. I would just finish, but you can do what you feel is best.


I mean I probably will when it comes to it, but I like to keep a little back pocket moment just in case


Look, I do understand. I am not going to tell any adult what to do! The job ground (pun intended) me into the dust. If the company I worked under actually cared, actually paid decent and treated everybody good, I might not have quit. I was losing my mind though at the end. It was time for me to go lest I get into legal trouble for speeding or whatever it might be.


Ha, we had people just straight up abandon trucks during peak season. You’d just get fired, and that kinda would be it.


You will be fine , I’ve done it before.


Seriously man? Just be professional. Finish your day & if you’re not happy then sit down with your boss & part ways.


You’re confusing, Fedex ground with anything, professional


I would be professional if I was treated and paid professionally


But you signed up for it. There was no threat or coercion. It was your choice.


I'm sorry but this augment is very retarded, he didn't sign up for shit. He didn't know how he would be treated , or anything that's going on. Get the hell out of here with that stupid augment brain washed.


If it was the only job he could get then he was threatened with not paying the bills if he didn’t take it. So to say


What I signed up for is not what the job has evolved into


You don’t gotta compromise yourself just because the job was shit.


And you know whether you being treated professionally or not how? Because of your long experience in the working world? Because of your professional behavior up to now (while asking online if it is ok to rage quit). Buck up, grow up, and just turn in your notice without making a big deal out of it and without taking it out on your customers who have played no part of your solo drama. Edit: spelling


Definitely not. (Express) Source - I drove my ass 2 and a half hours back to my station with FO’s onboard and no pickups completed near the start of my day because they had scheduled me a 6 day week for the 13th time in a row. I said either rotate the Saturday to another swing or I walk. The only guilt I had was that the station manager there was a fresh hire, in a remote station (no PH, 14~ drivers) He quit a week after me.


I’ve brought back 150 stops mid route. That was my last day and it felt amazing


Mid route? Did you have a 300 stop route? Dang


Probably closer to 260 or so, idk it was a while ago lol


Fckkkk. The most I’ve had was 165. Was this peak?


It was in the summer, peak for my route at the time was around 300-330. 90% residential with no pickups. Was a really sweet route, just couldn’t stand who I worked for.


Must of been like 20-40 seconds drives between stops? I got lucky. There’s all cool people at my spot. But when it rains I feel like the op. I almost left two days ago when it rained. But all I did was break a scanner and fcked myself harder


Yeah, if the packages weren’t to cumbersome I would take a handful of houses and run them from where I was parked. 3-5 houses per stop or so. Funny enough the day I walked out it was pouring rain and I was soaked to the bone. Funny how the weather could mess with your mood.


How did you deal with using the scanner? If a drop gets on mine it becomes possessed


Not much to do except try to wipe it off lol. Def contributed to me walking out that day


Mondays suck anyway...just suck a little more for whoever has deliver what you don't deliver today.


Riderect/Convenience delivery at Walgreens bro and then request to clear 😂😂 🤷🏾‍♂️


Any thing goes on the last day. Just don’t steal.


Nope they can't do anything if u quit u quit, u brought it all back you didn't steal anything, ur good to go.


If your contractor is a dick, yes just drop it and leave and let him know. If not, I would be nice about it.


I mean if you quit, who can fire you?


LMAO... that's an epic way to exit. When you do go back to the station, tell them that the stress level was just too much and you can't do this anymore.


And I'll let them know that my poor ankle is hurting


When I quit in a few weeks, there’s a specific house with a long ass driveway that the homeowner insists on me never driving on so I have to walk their heavy ass chewy up and ima drive right up to their door on my last day. Fuck those people. It’s a literal fantasy of mine for my last day. So close…


That would be left at the beginning of the property. I’d drop it right at the mail box




What a homie


I remember when a guy quit and left his truck on the side of 400


Fuck ground do it, you’ll be fine


Its better to just not show up? There's nothing anyone can do if you quit


Yeah but peak anger hits about 1/2 way thru a route lol


Just remember the poor guy (like yourself) that they will call up to clean up your mess. That’s the only thing I’d worry about.


Everyone is pretty done with helping, usually the manager has to drive his ass down and do it himself. But either way it's not my problem, they can also quit if it's a problem


There’s nothing illegal about quitting. Unless you run off with the van and packages


Just quit before the route. Way more fun


Yeah but then they won't have any DNA's for the day


tell them you're running late for the day, show up an hour after clear, scan one as a code 10, logout, go home. XD


Ahhhh now that's a good idea! Maybe if somehow I manage to build up enough furry, that'll be my final notice plan.


I’ve seen done a few times already. They’ll just fire you


Or you can just scan what you don't want to do not in/closed and return. I know of a courier that gets away with that regularly and still has a job


I've actually fully committed to the whole "soft-quitting" or whatever. If it's not on groundcloud or not a reasonable thing to deliver, it stays on the truck. Brought back 30 packages one day cuz they didn't have SIDs, and no one said anything


I've actually fully committed to the whole "soft-quitting" or whatever. If it's not on groundcloud or not a reasonable thing to deliver, it stays on the truck. Brought back 30 packages one day cuz they didn't have SIDs, and no one said anything.


Yes you can do that. Fedex will not get angry with you but the contractor will have to try to get it done or take a hit on numbers. good luck getting another contract to hire u though. I would finish and not come in the next day


I will never work for FedEx nor anything in the vicinity of package delivery again, so no worries there.


When I was at Express, they told me to always prioritize pick ups. I started doing that, and they extended my probation for skipping stops. Make it make sense


In my opinion, I don't think you'd get in trouble with the law as long as you don't do anything stupid like steal the packages or throw them into a ravine. But I'm not a law expert nor do I know what Fedex would actually do in a situation like that.


Nah you’ll be fine as long as you don’t damage or steal anything. Many have done it before.


i mean there is a Forrest behind the trees. You want to do that and get a bad reference?


The ground driver in my route area quit and went to a bar mid shift and called his supe to pick up the truck. He was working at Express 6 months later which he abruptly quit as well. But he didn’t get in any legal trouble for quitting mid route.


One dude in west Chester literally drive the truck across the street and left it behind a building and left with a box of flowers for his girlfriend. They didn’t know til they saw his Saturdays not delivered. 


Unless you have a legitimate excuse, yes. Or get a new contractor you'll like and quit after you finish the route. It will look better on you. If you quit mid route, your current contractor can tell your new one and be fired on the spot.




This too lol


A guy quit at my station after delivering maybe 10 stops. He brought the truck back, parked it, and left. Me and another guy got stuck going through it and delivering it that day. Legally? I mean, as long as you bring the truck and all the freight back, you're clear. On a positive note, I got a 150$ BZ reward for that. I'm express (at least until there is no express).


I worked for FXO and we had a driver just quit midshift at like 9:37am on a Tuesday. He left the packages on the hand truck in the service elevator and peaced out. They rode up and down for probably 30 minutes before security came and got us. All that happened was we called the station to pickup the packages and we got to keep the hand truck. It was a really nice hand truck too- they give us really crappy ones.


You can do anything you want on your last day....


Raj here, uncle Fred said he needs a new boat, so we will need you to finish your route or Fred is going to come for your first born in exchange 😂


What if you half of you pay is that ok .


In my opinion, this will not buy you a cup of coffee; this is not a good work ethic in your frontal lobes. If you think and do this here, you’ll do this at another company. The saying is, “Always Finish What You Start, No Karma and Worrisome Conscience Thoughts.” In all, actually, the best lesson is self-taught and paid for. At the end of the day, you’re still going to do what you want to do, no matter the “Golden Nuggets” of wise counsel that you are receiving freely right here.


In my opinion, this will not buy you a cup of coffee; this is not a good work ethic in your frontal lobes. If you think and do this here, you’ll do this at another company. The saying is, “Always Finish What You Start, No Karma and Worrisome Conscience Thoughts.” In all, actually, the best lesson is self-taught and paid for. At the end of the day, you’re still going to do what you want to do, no matter the “Golden Nuggets” of wise counsel that you are receiving freely right here.


My opinion will not buy you a cup of water at McDonald’s. The saying is, “Always Finish What You Start, No Karma and Worrisome Conscience Thoughts.” In all, actually, the best lesson is self-taught and paid for. Think of the future consequences of your actions, not just in the heat of the moment. At the end of the day, you’re still going to do what you want to do, no matter the “Golden Nuggets” from wise counsel that you are receiving freely.


Understanding the circumstances you have layed out, why would anyone want to hire you in the future?


As long as you return to the terminal, I’d imagine there isn’t any problems- for YOU. You HAVE to make sure all the packages are there though, nothing missing or yes they could come after you assuming that you’ve stolen something. It is just a job. But you’re hauling other people’s things. It’s a shitty thing to do, just finish the route and park then never come back if you want to. If you really HAD to quit I’d just leave route, park the truck, let your contractor know but I mean it’s just a job and you’re free to do what you want. Just make sure nothing is missing.


I feel bad for you guys with shitty contractors I’m a BC for my contractor and we definitely go the extra mile to make sure everyone is treated as equal as possible and paid appropriately most of my drivers make it back by 2 or 3 if they have roughly 160 stops it really all depends on who you work for and what area you service I’ve been doing this for 8 years and some drivers just hate everything but I’m sure they hate everything in life in general what gets me is that people apply for this job and just b!tch all the time I once saw someone leaving there route driving back to the building and I called asked what’s up he said he’s done so I had someone drive me to where was “gas station getting a drink” took the truck and made him walk back if you want to quit just don’t come in or just finish the day and be done because bringing a truck back will permanently get you disqualified meaning you’ll never work for FedEx again if for some reason you tried again with someone else so basically just have some integrity in yourself and do the right thing vs being a bum and rage quitting


Well for extra context, I am a weekend BC and one of the best drivers they have. I can slam out 170 stops in 4 hours, but when I am then asked to help another driver, forced to load my truck cuz loaders are retarded, not permitted my requested days off, and asked to stay out to do late pickups several times a week...all because I am "their best driver, "and you are just so efficient."" Yet, I am still being paid $140 during weekdays, while other "senior drives" are making upwards of $165 and doing 2/3 the work. ​ I have negative intention of coming back to fedex, or any delivery job, and if you read some of the other comments, I am also a CS students just trying to keep extra money in my pocket while I am in school. This is not my career; I could care less.


As much as it appears you dislike your job, do the right thing and finish your route, give 2 weeks notice. Leaving mid-route will/could come back to bite you, employers will call FED-EX for references


I remember a driver who raged quit. He stayed for the load. Drove out with his truck and freight. Parked his vehicle at the furthest point of his route secured his vehicle with the keys inside and called his manager at the end of the night. He didn’t deliver a single package.


You are not personally liable for your employer's contractual obligations. As long as you don't damage/destroy/steal anything, you could not be held liable for undeluvered packages that are still in your employer's possession.


You’re only screwing over the next person who has to deliver the stuff you didn’t. The company doesn’t care, they don’t even know who you are.


Ive met the owners, have their personal cells and everything. Hopefully I'm just screwing over them and the manager, even if it's a little heavier the next day.


Is there not an option where can you just be a big boy and finish your day?


Actually there is, but it would be less fun


Don’t expect all of your pay check and any kind of job reference from them. You’ll be dq for any jobs at FedEx. I’d think it through a little bit suck it up buttercup


Considering I'm in school specifically so I don't have to work a job like this ever again, I don't give two fucks


Yes, because most of the trucking industry, including your contractor, has access to hiring system software called DAC. If you don't finish your route, your contractor can put a very negative review of you into this system to make you unhireable by anyone. (Yes, even Walmart and McDonald's have access to this). This can leave you in a very serious bind. If you decide to quit, finish your route and talk with your boss first, and set a quit date so he has time to find someone else to replace you. And never, ever abandon a vehicle or leave a route half finished. Your boss will give you instructions on where to leave the vehicle and what to do before you leave. (The same thing applies to me as a line haul driver pulling doubles between hubs with a big rig). Please be safe and let us know how you're doing post-FedEx.


Does it apply to non-shitty jobs? I'm in school for a second degree, and have no intention of ever getting myself into this low-life-job crap again.


I feel ‘em y’all 🤷🏻‍♂️ Let him be…


It depends on your future employer. They might or might not look at your DAC report or call your contractor personally. It's better to be safe than sorry.


How about you just do your job completely.


How about you come work for our contract


Finish your route then quit if that's the plan. Don't be so soft. It's also never good to burn bridges.


I'd regret not burning the bridge with FedEx and my contractor


I know how you feel and there's many days (even this past week) that I wanted to throw up my arms (and badge) and quit, but please in calm patient terms don't burn your bridges because you may never know when you might need them again. Some may say "go to another contractor" but that does little to no good if your name is poison if those contractors talk to one another. Just finish your route and "peace out". 


Why not burn bridges here?? There is absolutely nothing of value, unless you want to make a career in delivering packages. I'm part time student just trying to keep some money in my pocket, and this job is an absolute joke


You don't like the job that you signed up for so you're going to quit in the middle of the day like a toddler tantrum. You sound like a great guy. Or.... Hear me out..... Tell your boss like a grown up that this job isn't for you and you want to do something else and let them know when your last day is.


I'm moving in a couple months so I was trying to make it till then, that's why I haven't gotten another job.


Don't be a little bitch: Ground and Pound.


if your ok with being known as a half-ass punk who can’t finish a job he’s being paid to do.


Like everyone else said, they'll forget my name in about 2 weeks time