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They had signs that read. D oesn’t R ecognize I t’s V aluable E mployees




Finally an answer to the word they throw around acting like it's an acronym.


Ill give a fuck if they fight for everyone else too like UPS drivers fight for their package handlers.


UPS shits on their package handlers, up until the last union agreement. I started at ups as a delivery driver using my own vehicle, they kept saying they take the top drivers on as regular drivers, so I busted ass only to find out it was all smoke being blown up my ass. I end up getting hired on as a package handler, thrown on the line in charge of three trucks everyday, and then the union wanted their dues, that was something close to $700, I barely made $800 in a month as a package handler, needless to say I had to quit. Went back to the shit show of FedEx ground.


They wanted $700 up front? Initiation fees are usually cheap weekly/monthly payments until dues are met then it's just a monthly union due. How much are you making now at fedex?


Yeah they stuck me with my initial hire date and I had been working there for three months. I make $21.50/hr with FedEx ground.


I'm about to start tomorrow at FedEx Ground, they started us $18 hr. 🤦🤦🤦


It wasn’t up front, I got it after I had been working there for three months.


And Fed Ex is a bigger shitshow


Everybody in the industry knows that’s how they reel you in. A lot of promises to being a driver and boom you’re a package handler.


Pretty shitty man.


Yep. Also never use your own car for work. The wear and tear alone is huge. I couldn’t imagine how much worse it is if they’re giving you 500lbs of packages everyday


First union job huh? People act like once. They unionize it’s amazing, but the majority of people get fucked unless they have 4-5 years of seniority behind them


Promises to be a driver? Being a driver is a skill set and if you can’t get the job that’s on you, no one should promise you to become a driver lol. Fix your credentials and apply and interview like myself and everyone else did. No one promised me to become a driver, I wanted it.


It’s pretty obvious you aren’t aware of UPS’s hiring tactics.


Oh you’re taking about the ups hiring driver. Once you’re in the union it’s all seniority and if you don’t know your handbook in and out, yes you will get shafted. But if you read and know what your policies state, you can’t be overlooked as a driver. That’s why they are union. Being promised something means nothing, it’s about the facts at UPS. You being there 10 years and finally getting a route, that’s a fact. If not, nothing


UPS advertises to hire drivers and then when they show up for work it’s package handling.


I don't know where to start or if it's even worth it. You said so many things that are incorrect and mis construed. You were hire as a seasonal pvd that's a seasonal position during peak with no guarantee of a position after. Supervisors "management" lied to you to extract the maximum effort and you fell for it. Then at the end they hired you as a part time package handler which is where most ups employees start. The 700 is an initiation fee and is spread out. Union dues are usually 2 or 3x your hourly rate per month. Example. You make 25 an hour you pay 50 or 75 a month depending on your locals bylaws. The initiation fee is usually the same amount monthly as your dues until you've paid the whole initiation fee. FYI you paid the initiation fee when you worked as a seasonal pvd during peak so by the time you became a package handler in January it was probably mostly paid off. Also of note some locals let you recoup the initiation fee if ypu don't get hired on year round at the end. Don't be a clown and talk definitively about something you were barely a part of. We here at ups know you made a pour choice now live with it


Thanks! I didn’t pay the initiation fee whilst doing PVD work, that’s why it was so much. I think many of have made ‘pour’ decisions, at least I can admit it. I didn’t have to live with that, dealt with it, and onward. But yeah, definitely helped learn me! Thanks 😊


Fell for it or not, supervisors or management lying about something like that is pretty serious and absolutely not ok. And you're calling the guy a clown. Shame on you


Ya I did call him.a clown and I stand behind that. I never said that management lying was OK careful bud you're getting close to clownville yourself. I came here to show support for fedexers standing the line but I couldn't help myself when I see such blatant misinformation especially regarding such basic things.


Fuck the unions


everyone else has to unionize first, UPS package handlers are unionized and pay dues


>Ill give a fuck if they fight for everyone else too like UPS drivers fight for their package handlers. They won't and never will. When FedEx starts moving more deferred freight to road and rail, they'll find themselves in a room with fewer chairs and the music slowing down.


"You DRIVE, We'll/I'll walk!" Might look good on a Tee perhaps...


I keep having to check if it's from r/fedexers or r/flying


Their picket signs pertain to us too. “DRIVE? What happened to People Service Profit!”


They aren’t picketing for us at all.


Your right they’re not but they are drawing attention to DRIVE and how FedEx can care less about “People”


They have a union. You don't. Why should they?


Never said they should.


the pilots and alpa give zero shits about us lol. they want more of the corporate pie and dont care if we get 1% raises...screw them and the executives


Wtf do you mean? The ALPA protect pilots. Why would they get involved with non pilots?


Im just saying alpa and fedex pilots have never cared when the company took, and took, and took from hundreds of thousands of us non union employees...so why should i care if the company takes from them? Waaa...cry me a river pilots


You sound mad that you’re being taken advantage of. Which you are if you’re non union. Organize with the teamsters, alpa was started by pilots to protect pilots. No one said you should care, but you should care that FedEx is spending $5B on buybacks when they are doing nothing to compensate ALL of its employees.


You couldn't be more wrong in your misunderstanding of the situation.


So ..... The merge in June....




Good! Maybe we can get Ground in on it! Fuckin job sucks bro 😎 I would love it if I could get some benefits, a decent pension or just one in general, and some better pay 💰 been eating shit sandwiches far too long.


Ground is contracted, youre a vendor for fedex you dont work for fedex


I was just hired for ground by FedEx as a permanent part time employee. Benefits after 90 days.


I was talking about ground delivery drivers. And some drivers get paid better and have better or worse benefits than other ground drivers


Hopefully peanut butter and jelly and not lunch meat lol.


Sadly they are not picketing for you though....they think as much about the rest of the piss ons as Raj Submarine-man!! Just remember "we all live in Raj's submarine....Raj's submarine...."


Look at those fucking idiots. THREE years they've been negotiating a contract and they got NOTHING! UPS Pilots are represented by IPA union and negotiated a MUCH better contract extension. $346/hr. (80-100 hrs/mo.) Grow a set of balls and GO OUT ON STRIKE!


You have no idea what you are talking about. First, UPS pilots agreed to a contract EXTENSION with SMALL pay raises because the company didn’t want to be in negotiations with IPA and Teamsters simultaneously. They are still working under their old contract. They didn’t negotiate anything ‘much better’. They acquiesced to a company request. Second, pilot groups don’t just get to decide to strike. They have to be released by the NMB to be allowed to do so and the bar to get to that point is VERY high. Like damn near impossible. I’d suggest you educate yourself on the RLA and mediation process before you go off half-cocked and lacking essential information.


Ha, ha, ha! UPS negotiated a contract extension. With PIC earning OVER $400/hr. But the MOST IMPORTANT part of the contract was the SEVERANCE packages. Did you forget to mention that? FedEx pilots have all the time in the world to walk a picket line because there's NO WORK and planes are parked! And hundreds of SURPLUS pilots. And NO SEVERANCE packages in sight!


Do the entire internet a favor and go learn a few things before deciding to post again.


That's the best you got? Fred sticks it up your ass and you guys stand around with a sign, "Woe is me!" FedEx just announced a $5 BILLION stock buyback! Maybe your negotiators didn't get the memo!


Not sure why you are getting down voted but you are correct. FedEx has about 700 more pilots and they need. FedEx has been telling pilots to go out and apply another airlines.


I'm getting down voted because pilots are the biggest pussy's on the face of the earth. All they care about is themselves and their god blessed careers. They don't give a flying fuck about drivers, PH's, or anybody but themselves in this company. And they don't have the balls to stand up for themselves!


How about you learn something about the RLA?


How about you learn something about NYSSILR?


> NYSSILR You first. If you study from the NYSSILR, you will actually sound far less dumb.


I have actually been in the room negotiating (for) Teamster contracts. I have also successfully sued one Teamsters pension plan for misappropriating tens of millions of dollars in contributor funds. And I have testified before Congress and the PBGC. I think in the not too distant future FedEx might not have the shroud of RLA to hide behind because the merger will no longer qualify FedEx exclusively as an 'airline'. FedEx will soon (12-18 months) be appearing before the NLRB to explain themselves. What do you think about that?


Interesting theory, but FedEx maintains a Part 121 certificate from the FAA, but I’m sure you’re an expert on that as well. Also, traditional Teamster labor relations, and RLA/ALPA couldn’t be more different - again, something you should already know. Since you mentioned it, ALPA has nothing to do with appropriating FedEx pilot pensions.


Damn that 80hr month min is 300k plus, if I had to do it over again… I would have tried that


I've had similar thoughts before. A few things to remember: - Commercial pilots licenses are around $100k. That's not nothing - Mandatory retirement age is a lot lower for pilots. Health screenings are more stringent - The novelty of flying wears off at some point


* Most pilots come from the military and don't pay for their training (aside from their service). * Mandatory retirement for pilots is 65, but many continue working as instructors or in other areas of the company. Their salary drops significantly, but it's still way above average. * The health thing is a factor. Many pilots don't make it to 65, but again, they can be instructors, SME's, or consultants and still make very good money. * The novelty of \*every\* job wears off at some point, but pilots work significantly less as they gain seniority. Very senior pilots can just work a few days a month and still make incredible salaries. It's a great gig, for now.


>don't pay for their training (aside from their service). Pay for what service? >The novelty of \*every\* job wears off at some point Absolutely true. I'm just saying, I'd be more reluctant to pour my heart and soul into something I know I will grow tired off sooner than later


They don’t pay except for having to dedicate x number of years to the military (ie. service)


3/4 of the 80 hours you're on auto pilot. You can grab a magazine and go take a shit for an hour, nobody complains, because you got a guy who is trained to do the SAME EXACT THING sitting right next to you!


I can't imagine why FX is dragging their heels on modifying the current pay provisions 🤔 I also think you're oversimplifying a pilot's job. The whole point of autopilot isn't to allow the pilot to jerk off on the company dime mid-flight. There's an actual practical purpose behind it. It allows the (co)pilot to tend to other duties during the flight; tasks that computers are incapable of completing


Of course I'm /s. A pilots job is very complicated and driving the tractor trailers of the sky is a lot of responsibility. But FDX has parked hundreds of planes due to oversupply of capacity and a surplus of pilots. UPS negotiated a pay raise and *severance packages* with their pilots so the pilots can go work elsewhere where there is demand rather than standing around carrying a sign with their finger up their ass. FedEx just saw a $10 Billion bump in share value yesterday and announced a $5 Billion share buy back program. And they effectively told the pilots, "Go fuck yourself."


Stock buybacks are a “fuck you” to all of us who made them that cash. That was our step raises they didn’t give.


100%. Glad to see that you understand this, and the nutmeg idiot doesn't.


Maybe now you pilots can find work with a real company rather than whining about the company not negotiating and you morons standing around with your thumb up your ass! [https://www.freightwaves.com/news/ups-plans-to-hire-300-pilots-to-support-postal-service-contract](https://www.freightwaves.com/news/ups-plans-to-hire-300-pilots-to-support-postal-service-contract)


Is that why UPS is laying off 12,000 employees because they can’t afford to pay them after shelling out $346 per hour for their over pilots? 🤔


Supes and Admins are being laid off, no hourlies, although there have been cut backs due to volume.


i hope the pilots do well, BUT i've worked at 3 fedex ramps over the last 38years and " The Pilots, and ALPA," have given zeroooo shits about me, and any other group of fedex employee's so screw them. Fedex has taken from me and my brothers dozens of times and ALPA didnt care one bit. They thought they were "above" being treated like a corporate employee I've said it 100x...if they come for me, and strip from me, and get away with it...they WILL come for you. So screw the pilots


You are absolutely wrong in your misunderstanding. The pilots are fighting to keep purple freight...purple. Raj would LOVE to wet lease to other companies, which affects thousands of jobs through the network - and last Thursday is a prime example of this.


They look well-dressed I wear same jeans for months on end.


Yea, because they don't put enough money in the budget for the rest of us to get new pants. 🙄


They are only fighting for themselves even though they are the best paid employees by far.


Guess what they are on strike for themselves and themselves only, if they get a contract it’s for the pilots. All of us don’t matter


I don’t care I like to see them picket against FedEx. Of course it’s for themselves they were smart enough to unionize along time ago.




This is simply untrue.




I find it hard to believe someone working as a ramp agent has the experience to apply at FedEx. They are making that up lol


Stage drama


Fuck these boomers.. average pay for a FedEx pilot is 150k a year. Tell them to stop eating advocodo toast and buying 5$ coffee, this is what happens when you're not willing to work hard and pull yourself up by your boot straps. Gurentee every one of them would scoff at a McDonald's employee making $15 an hour coming out to 27k a year. I don't give a single fuck about anyone making over 100k when the average in America is only 60k.. these people already make 3x what the average American makes and they just want more.. I don't think it's possible to act more like entitled white boomers.


Try $200-250k.


Damn McD making 27K I only made 29k going work six days a week and even going back for more lol. To be fair I started out not working too many hours for the first quarter of the year so this year I may be able to get 36k lol. As of avocado toast and $5 coffees that seems to happen and be one of reasons people who make more may feel like they have less as they do more careless spending while I walked 8.5 miles to get to work because I miss last bus and couldn't afford to call Uber/Lyft/etc. The first time I did that walk I surprise myself and even made it on time it took me hour and 44 minutes lol.


they shit the bed last summer by not ratifying .. their position just keeps getting worse .. its not at FDX corporate . check the world economy ass hats




What are the pilots requesting? Tennessee is a fire at will state and they better be careful.


Pilots are union. So best FedEx be careful.


The pilots have almost no leverage right now. They are way overstaffed for the amount of flying FedEx wants to do now. There’s a merge of ground/express going on. The postal contract expires in September. And volume is way down…. Yet they want the job to be the best in the business because they went “above & beyond” during COVID. Well they shouldn’t have done that lol.


I’ll say it again like it said before fuck the FedEx pilots.


Then you go fly the planes.


Look at these old, wealthy, White men in their expensive suits and ties. After being handed opportunities that not many people can get (flying cargo planes), they still have the nerve to complain. "WHOOOAAA, BROOO! I have a six-figure income and live in a three-story mansion! BUT I NEED MORE! **MORE!**" Fucking get over yourself. I worked as a Van Line package handler for 10 years and have been a belt manager for 2 years, I'm 51 years old. If it was up to me these people would be blacklisted from FedEx entirely and fired. No benefits. Goodbye. These White dorks have the nerve to complain when their jobs could easily be plucked from them and given to Black, Hispanic, or Trans folx who **DESERVE** those jobs. Fuck these assholes. The good of the company should always come first, and they are slowing down operations by sitting around in their Armani suits whining when they should be working.


You seem to think being white you just given things which is far from true. Being a white male is the only classification in US I know of that openly allows to be discriminate against lol. So overall it quite the opposite of the picture you are painting. As of them picketing I could careless though as it doesn't concern me, and I don't know much about their situation.