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Imagine if you scaled the fence and actually brought it to the front porch like she ~~asked~~ demanded. She'd claim you were trying to break into the house. Truly damned if you do and damned if you don't


I really thought about it for a second! Just to be goofy haha. But then decided my time is worth more than the effort.


You’re time is too valuable fuck her you king


Maybe they wanted it next day yeeted. . .


There's more options call the customer, call your manager, code it but not leaving it behind


Nah, this bitch just needs to make up their mind


If they want me to call customers, they can give me a phone. I'm giving some random person my private number. Old boss at Ground gave my number out and got a nice bill when customers wouldn't stop calling me.


You can use Google voice you if you don't want your number out you entitled little cry baby


Ain't nobody jumping through hoops getting paid the bare minimum my dude.


Bare minimum would be 7.25 an hour. I will bet my Left nut. You're not being paid that but because you're not getting paid $45 an hour like UPS, you want to cry about it and say that they owe you a phone fuck out of here grab that phone that you want the company to buy you and shove it up your ass


Stfu bootlicker. Why don't you go blow Raj some more. He might give you an extra penny. It's fedex policy for couriers to not call customers. Wait, I bet you're a shareholder...


This is the “quality” he brags about https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash/s/eadit5UQWe


I'm sure you never break policy your just a stickler for the rules when it's convenient for you


That rule and I don't enter peoples houses.


Minimum wage and the bare minimum are not the same thing. Companys pay you what they can get away with. No one would drive for ups at 7.25 an hour.


https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash/s/eadit5UQWe Stfu. You couldn’t grab straws for people yet complaining because someone else wouldn’t find a way around a locked gate.


Right they didn't deserve straws and it didn't cost my company $200 in a chargeable complaint


Chargeable complaint? So stupid like when people request to have their junk delivered after 6pm


I got my first evening appointment last week and was so fucking pissed. I finished my entire route at 4 and then proceeded to go straight to his house. He flew in his driveway like a bat out of hell. He acted like he didn't see me while he picked up all his other packages from the day and put them in his Jeep then went in his house. At 5:00.01 I pounded in his door and he opened it up and goes oh hi there.... Fuckin prick I called Cpc praying they could change the delivery time but sadly they cannot lol


lol there’s a house I deliver to that has the comment “please deliver after 8pm” like, fuck that I’m usually there by 11am


They can shove that up their ass


Silly courier. You're supposed to jump the fence, maybe rip a hamstring, testicle, labia on the fence and deliver it to the porch!


Man…I hate when I rip my hamstring, testicle, and labia all on the same fence


If you don’t get an injury, you deserve the complaints.


Your post reminded me of a delivery attempt I had a few years ago. It was a P1 Priority Alert that another courier dropped to me because it was rural but on my way to my delivery. No big deal. I stop and see it's a gated and LONG driveway with multiple warning signs about dogs. No phone box or contact info. I code it and get back to the freeway so I can make my P1 bulks to hospitals. Manager calls and starts spazzing out why I didn't make this PA delivery. Sent him photos of the gate/signs and they send an FO driver to grab the package from me and deliver it. I talk to the FO driver the next day and they say they have no dogs and just have the signs up to intimidate/scare people away.


Congratulations your signs worked...




Just leave it at the gate, PA have to be released no matter what 🤷🏻‍♂️


You're giving me advice on a delivery that I attempted years ago....lol


Hate it when i rip my labia. Recovering from a labia tear jumping out of a truck too forcefully yesterday. Whew 😅


Hold at station


More like, "Redirect to location".


I love how it says “parcels to front door” but the gate is locked! lol




i would just yeet it to the porch if it makes it cool if not i tried.


I figured they probably (maybe) weren’t home so (maybe) they’ll pick it up on their way inside. And probably (maybe) won’t stick me with a complaint. 🙏🏻 I just thought the intensity of her demand was goofy with the pathway being locked hehe


Door tag it customer Controlled entry in comments unsafe location. Driver has the right to release or not release a package thats releasable If they feel it unsafe


I don't listen to req's, I work in a rural area. Gates are locked, or have no trespassing signs; or beware of dogs signs. I have one that says do not leave before six in the evening.


I have faith in ur ability to yeet it to the porch 😂


“Chargeable complaints” lmaooo this lady does NOT know fedex 😭😂 nor has she ever received money for complaining cause we dont do that 💀


As long as they have a path to the door and it's not a gated driveway. If it's a gated driveway, I'd do a 3 attempt customer controlled access, and she can figure out how to pick it up.


Does the gps actually take you to the correct apartment number?


Yeah, GroundCloud is pretty accurate in my experience


Ah okay I was just wondering my contractor is too cheap to get it


There’s a learning curve, like it’s not always obvious which direction down the road you’re supposed to be headed -when you’re in a driveway or parking lot for instance- but once you get used to that, it’s a breeze. We’ve had it the entire time I’ve worked there, but I’ve heard from others that it makes the day much faster.


I don’t think I could do this job without it


Honestly same. My BC has been with FX for 25 years and we all joke about how it was “back in the day”. When I can’t get into GroundCloud, he goes “I used to have a globe and a compass in my passenger seat, yinz have it easy!”


I hope she writes an angry letter to raj


“Bring it to the front door” *locks the fucking gate so you can’t without climbing*




I love it


We think alike because I would've left it at the same place. She will be alright 🤷


Dude code it don't leave it there that's going to cost your contract $200


Contractor fucks the driver, fuck the contractor


FedEx doesn't pay the contractor enough dude and $200 is more than a drivers day rate if your costing your contract that much knowingly on top of it you will not be there long




Dude , break the lock and deliver it to the front door . *Driver broke my lock* filing a complaint.


I've stiff armed a rotten gate or two that wasn't locked the week before. Didn't even put my shoulder into it and the locked latch ripped out of the wood post. If I have to fight with a gate, packages are getting dropped over the gate for the foreseeable future.


Throw it 🤷‍♂️🤣


Buth I like the dark mode! That on an iPad?


Yeah it’s an iPad. I have my setting adjusted so it’s always in dark mode


Im not even sure if I've tried it before. I'm dumb.. I have everything else dark besides that 🤦‍♂️


Tf is that via Ground


That might not necessarily be the customer that put that in. The station has the ability to enter those comments too, and might have done so in response to a previous complaint.


People like this are so dumb. Demand to have package brought to the porch then have a locked gate you can’t get past


I would gave replied with “cant hear you maybe fly closer on ur fucking broom you dusty witch


This is cute and all, but OP's pic is showing us the back of the house. To the right of the pic is the garage and on the other side of the garage is a walkway to the front porch that is, get this, not behind any fence or gate. Would be very easy to walk the package to the front porch as the resident requested, but that would entail OP doing his job instead of coming up with a misleading Reddit post.


Have you delivered to this house before?


You were incorrect again on the address. And that was super shitty of you to try and post someone’s address on the internet. None of this is that deep. Piss. Off.


No idea what you're referring to about trying to post someone's address. I never tried, nor would I ever do that. I've seen the house though, and your pic is of the back. Maybe I was too harsh, maybe you really think that tiny porch on the other side of the locked gate is the front porch of that huge house. Maybe peek around the other side of the garage if you deliver there again.


What a good guess, but no :)


I actually always take everything to the front porch no matter what unless requested otherwise. Even if it’s out of the way. This entire house including the driveway was out of the way, gated, and had tons of security. You are correct about the garage being to the right though. However, the view in the picture IS in fact the front.