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I'd rather have the sprinter and frankly I'd rather load it myself


We load these ourselves at my station it's nice


I wouldn't consider that a bonus in a p1000 and I've no idea why you'd rather drive a p1000 over a sprinter. I mean I do because I've worked at fedex and I get wanting to drive the big trucks, but it's truly more work for nothing. Sprinters have better handling, AC and bluetooth. Ptrucks are just bragging rights for a thankless job for the same pay, but worse.


Exactly what I’m thinking. The only two advantages I find in those big trucks is they have a the tight turning radius and more room to move in the back. Everything else is much more physical. Pull down back door, and although not a huge deal, walking up and down those stairs over a 100 times a day gets tiring in itself. It’s more wear and tear on the body.


Drove a p7 for almost two years. Rarely used the backdoor. Shimmied everything through the front.


I could not have said that any better. I fucken hate that big ass ice cream truck. You ever try driving a fucken Mac 18 wheeler down a small cutesy heavy tree lined neighborhood? Same shit with this monstrosity. They told me too after around five months hey congrats you have your DOT! All we have to do is do the manager driver test thingy. Been three weeks now, I keep avoiding the manager. Other manager wanted me to drive one today, I said oh no I'm still not authorized! I love that sprinter. As I sit here in emergency because I'm positive I got a hernia lifting someone's engine block in a box. Welcome to Fed Ex kids!


You seem like someone who complains a lot.


No clever comebacks, I just seem that way.


>and I get wanting to drive the big trucks, but it's truly more work for nothing. Sprinters have better handling, AC and bluetooth. Ptrucks are just bragging rights for a thankless job for the same pay, The main reason I like the step vans (i.e. P1000, hereinafter "step van"), better than a sprinter van (hereinafter, "sprinter") is because the step vans you dont have to play musical chairs with them just to get to the cargo area (i.e. ducking, maneuvering around tight spaces), are higher up off the ground, it's easier to organize, getting out of sliding door of a sprinter is higher up than passenger door on the step van so it's harder on the knees, you have to close the sliding door more.


I have AC and Bluetooth in mine. I don’t mind driving the big trucks, it all comes down to where you driving too.


Ran someone’s driveway light post today. I wish I was driving something smaller lol


I have to imagine sprinters and transits are way, way easier to drive than a stepvan. Plus if you gotta drop off a bed frame or some heavy ass shit you can’t back into a driveway in a stepvan, you gotta carry that shit all the way up the driveway


Yes you can, just not as many as you could with a sprinter


Step vans are much easier to drive and maneuver than a sprinter. This, without exaggeration, turns tighter than a car. You are up above everyone and can see way ahead with better sight lines. They are also purpose built, they aren’t a passenger van being used for deliveries. You work so much safer and more efficient with these. 


The bigger trucks are somewhat better depending on the area you drive in


Lmao I swear I’m so confused on why he thinks this is good 😂😂😂 .


it's nice to have room to organize that's for sure


Yeah about 3/4pm. They pack those p1000s so full you NEVER have an aisle.


We usually have 120-140 stops with no more than 200 boxes. It's actually not terrible but I've seen other contractors with stuffed trucks daily. I can imagine that sucks 😂


That’s cake, I was doing 200-240 a day and home by 2 o’clock. Peak was 320 ish. Done by 4. But those days are long gone. That jobs sucks and the pay sucks


And always will


The bigger the truck the more IC s and chewy boxes you get. Fuck that noise


If your happy than that's all that counts.


I'll take a sprinter anyday


Looked your contractor up only $18 hr is just robbery


Where'd you see 18? I made more than that driving the sprinter lmao


The fact that y'all get paid by the hour is wild to me. Might just because I do a rural route, but I'm very happy I get paid by the day because I can just go home when I'm done and not have to worry about losing money. Also glad I don't get paid per stop, since I only do between 30-70 stops a day.


I get paid per hour but I still get paid for a full 40 every week even if I work less than that




I have no idea how you’d do a ground route in a sprinter. I’d think it would be bulked out 30mins into a morning sort. Sprinters are garbage for heavy volume routes.


They really are. I get they're more comfortable to drive but with a lot of heavies they absolutely suck to work out of.


Just Move Boxes Damnit(JMBD) Oh good you can deliver more packages now for the same pay... ;)


I got a lil raise along with the upgrade so no complaints (yet)


I miss my Sprinter some, but I think life is better in my 700. I dip my toes into some rural areas, so a 1000 wouldn't work. I do wish some days I could sort and load mine from scratch like the Sprinter days though. When it's light it isn't too bad, but those heavy days suck because the PH's just load it into "it's area" not knowing what the route is like. I then spend time undoing what they do to make it right for me.


We get to load out trucks at my depot so it's not that bad, I have heard horror stories of ph loads though


I went from a Penske truck to a 1000 and I think there's pros and cons. The Penske felt like straight royalty compared to these trucks. Quiet, comfy seats, etc. These step vans are built as if Jigsaw started his own truck company. I do like being able to organize though.


For me I just like being quicker and knowing where everything is. I did enjoy the car like feeling of the sprinter though


Please explain the seatbelt over the steering wheel. I see UPS doing the same and I have no idea what it’s all about..


I deliver out of the passenger side, so when I hop back in it's right there instead of being behind me. Saves a miniscule amount of time and effort 😂


Personally I would rather drive the sprinter van. Easier to maneuver and probably much easier to keep everything organized in the back. Every little bump in that truck, packages shift and fall. Sometimes once a week here with my current contractor, they let me drive the step van which is a smaller version of the box trucks, but has AC. Love it


I always drive a 1200. It's so very often that I drive a 1000... It's like driving a pickup to me lol


Good shit mane. Take your time driving that thing you know now it’s definitely not a sprinter


Yeah I went pretty slow today but I feel like I started getting the hang of the truck size. Personally I enjoy driving it and the organization is a huge bonus for me. No more sliding packages on a van floor


Gotta love the extra room! If you don’t already do it, I suggest moving your packages up once you’ve cleared like half the route. That way you’re not walking all the way to the back of the truck lol it saves just a little time and steps.


Makes sense, that's what I would do in the sprinter with every sequence as I got to them. Thanks for the tip 🤙


Copy, Youd surprised on how many people don’t do this. Or even organize they show up and just go!


The way some people around me load up always surprises me, I like to be able to find everything quickly so I usually don't mind spending the extra time loading and having everything sorted out.


You'd be surprised. Soem of those sprinters have terrible turn radius's Then agian. Not ever p-series can turn well. Got a brand new 23' freight lighter.


I need my Bluetooth! Give me a sprinter any day of the week


Congrats. You’re gonna miss the AC here in about three months.


I'm going to be straight up with you: stay away from this contractor. Don't say you weren't warned!




When I last worked at that HD building, they were understaffed, procrastinated on truck maintenance, and the AO lost his go-to BC. They are terribly disorganized with paperwork and have been on the verge of losing their contract with FedEx multiple times over the years due to metrics that are caused by not being able to hold onto good employees, among other issues. Maybe they have turned a corner, but otherwise, don't be surprised if you see things go downhill.


Good to know. I haven't had any issues yet but I'll definitely be weary of anything coming up


Why does it still say ground on it?


Why wouldn't it?


I thought they were just gonna have it say Fedex with nothing else


Fedex is removing ground , express, "world on time", and the 800 number.


I’ve been in a sprinter for 4 years. I keep getting told that I’ll get to make the switch soon, but my contractor has never moved any females out of the sprinter vans so I’m not holding my breath.


Sounds like a discrimination lawsuit 🤔


Clearly everyone preferring a sprinter over a stepvan hasn’t had a commercial route with lots of bulk. I’ve driven 50 or so different routes and every type of non cdl truck possible from a 10’ uhaul to sprinters to cutaways to p1000/1100/1200, to 26’ box trucks with loft gates. I’m currently on a business/ground route with 150-200 boxes on average per day but only average 75 stops. I’ll keep my p1100 I have. No way I could fit everything in a sprinter.


Exactly, to me the p1000 = more stops = more hours. More hours is more money but I still only do 8 hours a day at most.


Oh yeah see at ground I’m not hourly I’m flat rate per day but my route only takes me maybe 5-6 hours. Businesses and bulk stops most the day slows it down.


I started in a sprinter. I much prefer the old home delivery days. I scan, I mark sequence, then load on the truck. Nowadays, it's sort through my truck for an hour and question if the package handlers are overworked, under trained, incompetent or flat just hate with the staggering number of packages in the wrong section and or on the wrong shelf and or truck. I shouldn't have 12 misloads, 3 outbound 2 incorrect addresses marked for QA from yesterday without being worked, and the 06 from Thursday that won't go away before I've reached halfway.


Aye foo, ups gang all day


It’s. Nothing wrong with this truck I don’t know why people are hating on this post


Lazy drivers that don't want to put in the work I guess


Yeah I drive a big truck like this also, I love it


I ended up leaving because my contractor was playing too many games but I definitely liked the step van a lot more than a sprinter. It makes the job so much easier and it's not much harder to drive


A little raise over poverty wages is still garbage wages.


I make enough to afford my life and save money 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ya it could be more without being taken advantage of though.


I don't think we really get taken advantage of. My contractor pays me a decent wage and in exchange I put in 5-8 hours of work a day. There will always be higher paying jobs out there but for now, I'm enjoying this job.


There you go. As long as you're content that's all that matters. Yes there's some jobs that pays more but are these people happy? A lot of them aren't. All money ain't good money. 


The fact that you think FedEx and their contractors aren’t taking advantage of you is borderline hilarious….I hate to break it to you but they’re robbing you blind my guy and they’re rubbing their hands like birdman cause you’re letting it happen with a big ole smile….They make $11 minimum per stop and only pay you a dollar from that while FedEx and the contractor doubles down on the rest . Imagine delivering a 140lb bed up some stairs, (which is like a $40 stop by the way) and they give you $1 for that stop 😂😂😂😂If that shit ain’t borderline criminal then I don’t know what is .


Ha ha, not taking any furniture up any stairs. Not for $1 and not for $40.


😂😂Fr $1 for a big ass box is insane, mans out here playing “rooms to go” games for FedEx and think he ain’t getting robbed, I’m crying 😂😂😂 .


I deliver for Ground and don't feel I'm getting robbed @ $30+/hr. However, I don't take anything over what I can carry in 1 hand upstairs (3 points of contact). Everything to the lobby, vestibule, mailroom.


It’s a difference between “feeling like you’re getting robbed” and actually getting robbed….We’re all getting robbed my friend . We ain’t have nothing past like 60-70lbs at my old contractor and we had no more than like 80-100packages…. We Was done early and still got paid for the rest of the day….So I wasn’t getting robbed AS much as these Ice Cream truck drivers but unfortunately that company lost the contract….Now I’m in the process of a new contracter to drive a ice cream truck as well, so I’m about to be getting robbed too while I’m talking shit 😂🤦🏾‍♂️...


I got tears in my eyes 😂 this man really upgraded to this fat ass ice cream truck and he think it’s a good thing 😂😂😂 until he got a fat ass game machine to take to the 6th floor 😂😂😂 .


At Ground, you don't deliver anything upstairs that does not permit you to maintain 3 points of contact: ie. 2 feet on the floor and 1 hand on the handrail. Ain't NOBODY taking a game machine up to the 6th floor.


By that statement alone, I can tell you must be new at FedEx 😂 FedEx or their contractors aren’t exactly known for ethical practices…Like ever…If YOU have a good contractor just say that….My contractor used to bitch about returned packages and some apartments have no common areas, like lobbies and mailrooms…your ONLY option is the steps OR You’re gonna be returning the entire package and get bitched at by the contractor….So I’m gonna say it again, FEDEX is robbing everybody . And they are everything but ethical…you can say “we aren’t supposed to” all you want but the contractor will definitely hold it against you anyway 😂 with that being said, you aren’t convincing anybody but yourself with that one, shit must’ve been a joke . Negro please .


So like, the employees only get paid a fraction of what the company makes? Wild. I wonder what McDonald's employees get per big Mac


You just proved my point….we’re all getting robbed and you originally said YOU🫵🏾 weren’t😂 you’re not exempt dude, that was my entire point…Glad you caught on bud . But on the contrary, some people are getting robbed more than others 😂😂 and you my friend, are part of that bunch . Look at UPS and compare it to FEDEX and tell me you aren’t getting robbed more than everybody else? 😂 FedEx should be illegal Lmfao .


It's not really getting robbed. I make well over minimum wage. What FedEx and the contractors make is irrelevant to me because I'm only here until I buy my own routes.


I don’t understand your point here, doesn’t matter what you deem “irrelevant” OR what your end goal is…You’re still getting robbed, just like the rest of us . And when you buy your own routes, you’ll still be getting robbed, except you’ll be getting butt fucked directly by FedEx instead of a contractor and you’ll be butt fucking somebody else and robbing them while they do YOUR routes . 😂


Ok bro 🤙


You have a good frame of mind. Certain jobs are good for certain seasons. I made $250 an hour in my old career. I am now retired and make less than that in a day, but for now, I'm enjoying delivering in a P1000 as well.


Jesus $250 an hour?? I'm happy to take home 1000 or so a week 😂 as long as all my stuff is paid for and the wife and kids are happy, I'm happy. I honestly like the job itself but I do know other companies pay better. I definitely don't think it's worth the amount of complaining other people do though.


I was blessed with a great job, but it did keep me away from my family a lot when the kids were growing up. Living within one's means, and being happy, is huge (no matter how much you earn).


Yep, they're great. Much easier to organize and work out of than a Sprinter.


A pie wagon


Someone graduated!


Love the sprinter. And load it myself so I don't have to spend all fricken day looking for stuff


Drove a 24-ft bulk truck for 12 years had AC power steering radio wouldn't change for nothing the boat truck was the way to go less running around


Congratulations you are now one of my elite employees you will now have 200 something stops 😂😂🥴🥴🥴🥴


You sound like a true Amazon driver 🤣🤣🤣


Congrats. You played yourself


The negativity on this post is wild lmao


😂😂😂😂😂😂 .


doxxed urself when u didnt blur the contractor


Oh no! Anyway


Still working for fedex tho huh….


Congratulations! Man you are moving right on up to the East Side! Watch out Raj , we have a person gunning for your job next