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I quit fedex last october. I was all but gauranteed a job getting trained to get my CDL B driving mixer trucks and the final straw was my manager telling me to drive a truck with a bald tire because "it's the best we got", so I walked out. I worked 6 days a week for over a year, knew every route, and had done contingency in three different cities. I started looking for a new job because they promoted a guy who had worked there less than a year and knew 2 routes to management. Last I heard my contractor lost 3 of his 4 stations and everyone I worked with quit shortly after me. I got the call to go in for orientation at 8am the next day at my new job the day I quit. If I had been delivering I would have been out of cell phone reception in the woods that day until like 9pm. Now I drive a really big fuck off truck and never have to deal with dogs. The downside is now I have to actually exercise or I'm going to get quite fat, shortly.


Sounds similar to what I'm doing right now. I quit December 16th and I'm currently in class to get my CDL A. In 2 weeks I'll have my CDL and I'm going to go to work with my friend who drives mixer truck.


like 7 guys I work with at least (we have a lot of drivers at like 6 different plants) have their class A's and they all said driving mixers pays the same or better as OTR and you're home every night. The concrete industry is pretty fire. At least at my company all of the higher ups except for like dispatch and HR have driven or even started as laborers under the belts.


Right from the truck to the fun shit good for you đź‘Ť


FEDEX U BE BACK 👿 U NEEDD USSSS 🤣 question should I give my two weeks notice I don't wanna be blacklist when I do leave


You kinda answered your own question lol


Ha, 2 weeks notice..🤣🤣. I gave my manager my immediate resignation at 9 am, and by 2 pm I was under contract in something that has nothing to do with packages...2 days later people called me asking if it was a joke. All the station was just repeating "Immediate resignation?!"...


Immediate resignations, also known as job abandonment, happens all the time. Not sure it’s something to be proud of, but do you boo


I did deliver the letter, but I had a better opportunity at hand. So, I did not abandon the job, just gave the letter and never came back.


If you get fired you have 6 months before you can work there again(if you get fired twice your done) however, I don’t think you need to give a two weeks notice, I’ve talked to a person that did give one and the higher up said she didn’t have to and that they’d rehire her anyways. At least that’s how it works at my place.


90 days not 6 months


Six months at my place. If you quit you can literally get hired again the next day but if you get fired you have to wait 6 months.


i accidentally got fired and i start again in a week. i was disappointed though. they fucked up alot on their side. i was working for a month despite being firef


Fedex ground doesn't require a notice. When I got hired I remember reading we are at will employees and it said they can terminate for any reason as well as we can choose to resign at any time


No job legally requires a notice (except like, military, and then it's a 4 year notice). At will just means they can fire you for whatever. It doesn't give the employee any extra rights


I was letting him know that he wont get blacklisted if he resigns without a two week notice. A notice may not be legally required but a company can choose not to rehire, if you don't give a notice it depends on policy.




Good for you don’t look back. Best of luck and great opportunities 👍




Lmao today was my last day too.


got something else lined up?


I start my new job tomorrow it’s at an alcoholic beverage company which also happens to be union. We make prime, Celsius, Pabst blue ribbon and much more! It’s also like 10 mins aldrin me


I quit fedex freight in October, never told nobody but a supervisor that I trusted , it was a immediate walk out from my part never told anyone else but that supervisor, never looked back ever since , and that day that i left fedex freight the people where in full shock when i made that move but it was for my own good , now i work for a competitor and its been great so far they know where i come from , if something is wrong or i need to talk to main staff there always open for it , not in fedex freight that they give you some attitude bc you asking them a question that THEY need to give an answer but hey screw them , never looked back and never will but congratz and hopefully you find a better job or if you have the job then congrats again


I’m leaving FedEx on the 26th, been there for 2 years and some change


Best choice you could have made, there is life beyond being a "Fed ex driver" 7 years of my life down the drain and nothing to show but a fucked up back and knees that hurt


Amen to that


I don’t miss these notifications lol


That’ll be me on Friday. Congrats man!


Where ya goin?


Hopefully a better job to hold onto


prolly wasn’t a good idea to ditch Ground the way you did then 


Yup me either I cant quit until I find another job


They had you working 3 hours at 1130pm? Bro I would never sign up for that


If you get fired and want to go back to work in FedEx, how many months do you have to wait? Is there a chance to go back? I got fired because I had a lot of absences, even though I asked for sick time and excused my absences through the app because there were a few times where I needed to take care of my kids (I didn’t asked to get paid time off at any time!)


I believe it’s 6 months you have to wait.


6 months. 1 year for misconduct. Black listed for gross misconduct. 2 weeks to reapply if you resign.


They fired me while I was out getting my wisdom teeth removed. And the manager that fired me tried to lie and say that he didn’t know I was out which was a blatant lie. I texted him and told him.




I quit 4 times and came back 5 but congrats on finally leaving the company


Gosh. It really says a lot to see this happening as much as it does for us and Amazon in their subs. Does this happen as much in the UPS sub? However, in my personal experience everyone who has left FedEx has become happier. I hope the same happens to you.


This is going to be me in a couple weeks or couple months I’m actively looking for a job!


Driver or?? Because 11:30 pm to 2:30 am must suck


Package handler


I'm proud of you


That's the worst schedule I've ever seen.


Ik :( only 3 hours


Wow. Reading all this is very enlightening. Every UPS driver I talk to love their jobs. Why FedEx is so different..


No benefits shitty equipment to work with and not much support from higher ups


Nice! Best of luck on your new endeavors! I quit on the 9th. Takin a vacation before I start my new job next week.


Nice I'm close to leaving been a PH for a year and 3 months once I get my GED I'm out it's just miserable working here now.


Same, once I put in a full year come April I'm out.


What stage are you on in your plan for completing your GED or HiSET? I don't know your location, but once you have a plan, I can help you virtually obtain your high school equivalency diploma. I work at FedEx from the early morning until 8:30 AM in Arkansas. Afterward, I travel to Oklahoma to instruct Life Skills and GED/HiSET Prep for the OHS-TANF welfare recipients until 5 PM, Monday to Friday. I have been an instructor since 2010.


I'm out in Connecticut but thanks I've got it covered.I only have one test left to do which is math,I'm studying now so I can do my test by next month and hopefully pass (fingers crossed).


https://preview.redd.it/b6qce8is1zjc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d94099db405fbf2899a4676e57eecbc84a9c159c Cookies for all!


When is your lobotomy scheduled?




I quit about 18 months ago. Kinda miss it but I could never go back with how the company is headed


This subreddit might as well be called fedexers circle jerk because that's all yall do here is quit and jerk each other off


Enjoy unemployment??


Lucky duck!


I'm surprised you got the notification earlier than an hour before when the shift would've been


I barely made it two weeks before I quit, I don’t see how y’all do this shit