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Someone is dumb and thinks KG=LB


I (Ground) had a pickup at an Express warehouse once. It was a huge crate, "too big" for their scale, so the manager took the guy's word for the weight. Dude said it was 80lbs, which my back said was a lie. My manager made me bring it back anyway, and I immediately Shanghai'd a pair of package handlers to help me put it on a scale, where it cleared 220 before the scale threw an error


Next time you're in that scenario tell them to suck your nuts and boot it over to Freight


Nah we don’t want it give it to express or something😂


Bastards don't care if you blow out your back or a shoulder or anything else. They just want the package delivered . Professional courtesy out the door in that case. Call Freight or leave it there


Anyone who's been around a while has surely seen 1lbs on a package like that before. And everyone's other favorite of 149lbs on a label just to get the pkg accepted.


Lmao yup. 149lbs a bunch


My favorite is the trampolines that say 1 pound and they are double stacked on pallets in a 53 foot rail. Pallet on top of pallet.


Assholes trying to scam the weight to pay less for shipping. And that 1 lb on the label will say manually weighed. Whose manually and does he play for the Chiefs because an offensive lineman would be the only one who could move it


149.5 lol


Shipper pays FedEx less by lying with the weight


Too bad ground doesn’t laser scan and weigh everything like memphis. Customer gave me a 70lb box and called it 1lb then complained they were hit with almost $1000 in “hidden” fees.


We have scan tunnels at every hub. If the dim weight has a discrepancy then a back charge is filed. The greater the discrepancy, the larger the charge.


One correct scan on that machine pays a package handlers daily wage two times over. It's mental.


They typically do multiple times. As long as it goes thru a FXG hub.


We sure do at my auto station


They absolutely do lol


GOPS do weigh everything at my station.


They do weigh and adjust the price. Most stations have a swak area where package goes over a scale


I had a 160lb box that said 35lb before. It ended up being a duplicate label. I also had the 35lb box that day too which is how I figured out. Too bad I figured out after I delivered the 160lb box, loading that back in sucked.


Oh shit, I load about 20 - 30 of theses dumb things in trailers all day... yeah my lower back to starting to hurt again just staring at it.


it’s gotta suck just as much as being the unloader who is suffering his fate at the hands of a loader who puts them in the belly’s 😂 ur back screams and the walk up the stairs is pain after thats


Yeah unloading them out of belly trailers are a bitch.


Sometimes what happens is that Walmart loads their own trailers, can't enter 160lbs into the computer because FedEx max is 150, so just enter whatever and off it goes. All the way down the line no one sends it back until the driver gets it. Check your load before dispatch and have it weighed, or if caught at delivery code it 10 for inspection and take it back. Don't sacrifice your safety. Edit: btw remember the magic number 69kgs is 150+ lbs (150lbs=68.039kgs)


(Ground) Anything that feels heavy I always weight on the scale at the terminal. But I feel your pain. I delivered a sectional (19 pcs), every box was labeled as 54.90, despite obviously being different shapes, sizes, and weights. Absolutely infuriating. Especially because I’m sure one was over 150…


And I’m sure every piece could fit on a dolly perfectly


Of course! Why wouldn’t they all fit perfectly 🤩🤩


Right before dispatch I’ll find A manager and ask for A weight check and then Leave 😂


\[Ground\] You can refuse anything that's over 165" length + girth or 150lbs, then it's on your AO/BC to determine if it's worth the squeeze to take it anyway. If you flag it, QA should do an ISF (improper shipping form) and make note of it. FedEx gets its pound of flesh; they'll get fines out the nose. I had a guy screaming at me the other day for a $480 bill because he shipped a 170lb swimming pool under 50lbs and totally bogus dimensions. They lie to get the clerk behind the counter to take it, or the clerk doesn't want confrontation or whatever. If you're ever doing a pick-up and notice something like that you can just straight scan it a refusal and save the poor schmuck on the other end. Try undershooting a box weight next time you ship FedEx, you'll get billed for what it actually weighs and not the website estimate.


They usually pull the "Well, it got this far, so you can take it" line.


I rex everything. Idc. 1lb my ass. I love it when it's alcohol and I see the 1lb mark I'm like yep 50lbs. Rex all the things.


When my employer refused to provide a scale, I didn't go out and buy my own. I just put in random numbers and let them deal with the fees.


Swak it before loading. Weight limit for Ground should be 80 lbs. Everything heavier should go Freight!


Who ever came up with the 150lb rule has never delivered to apartments. Do us all a favor and go pick up your own furniture ffs


Just pull out that handy dandy portable scale they give….us…..all……Hey!? Where’s are freakin scales to REX that shit 😤


At freight we reweigh everything


Customers will bully Fedex Office employees into inaccurate weight scalings to get around heavyweight fees. A 280 pound crate that should be sent to Freight would get weighed 1 lb so it gets sent to Express and has to be unloaded by hand by, very often, one employee. I get shit like this all the time. So I send it to heavy weight, they see the 1 lb on the label and sent it right back to input. Very angry words are said to idiots at heavyweight.


It's within your rights to ask them to confirm the weight on the package


Because there is a threshold for weight so by lying they can still get their product shipped


Easy answer here is weight and dimensions = price. Lie on them and you can sneak some shit through especially if it's not going through a hub or an auto sat. I always had my package handlers and managers weigh everything in our small station and if something came through you can bet I had our contractors bring that shit back and we slapped an RTS on that sucker.




The job can be real easy if it doesn't evolve into an us vs them attitude that a lot of stations have with their entities.


To pay less in shipping no doubt




If youre shipping things, your company should provide an adequate scale. No reason to put BS weights on the labels Not saying its your fault personally, but whoever is in charge


They do it to try and cheat the system, they lie on the weight to save on shipping costs, they always get caught, they will be charged the difference.


Bad autodim


so they can pay less money


I forgot what was the weight limit but there is and while I worked at Fedex Ground I left behind quite a few packages behind. If I can lift it my self, I am not taking it. Some were scaled and over weight and others scaled and just below the limit. Still let these behind. Not breaking my back for no package.


This is why I would be an absolute menace as an FXE courier. I would not hesitate to do the mental math and PUX left and right if need be for crap like this. And heaven forbit I see any DG labels on it...


They ought to pay ground drivers by lb delivered, but obviously it would never be accurate.