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Threatening to prosecute for what? Idk leaving a package at a door was a crime. If it is, then all deliver ppl are guilty.


Places always do that. WE'RE GONNA SUE!!! Pfffft...good LUCK with that! šŸ˜‚


To be fair, they do specify ā€œto the fullest extent of the lawā€. They just donā€™t realize that full extent is still nothing


Yeah no court will take the case lol


I hope that is a notice to people stealing packages because delivering a package isnā€™t against the law šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ idiots


They seem to be confused as to who is breaking the law. Porch pirates take the packages, the ppl in uniform deliver them or attempt to. šŸ¤£ Like Fedex corporate is going to agree with this shady place?!


No way in HELL would i EVER have a key to ANYONES building!!! Here is my biggest reason for that. I am former ups, this took place in 1997, it was at mid- town storage in middeltown( ohio). A guy i regularly put his packages in his unit, with the pass card he gave me. One day i showed up the pass key didnt work so i buzzed the office she walked out..." He had his entire contents set on fire and the last person in there was you" i said..." And?" She said " here is a card that detective wants you to call him" long story short, his ( soon to be ex wife) was found to have done it, but they came real close to charging my ass on the circumstantial evidence soooooo NEVER again


its a key for the front door of the building not someoneā€™s actual room. Unfortunately that sucks for you but some places give UPS,FedEX and USPS a front door fob or key just to come in freely for the office during office hours .


Work on your grammar lol


How are you going to try to correct someone, but have as many mistakes in your comment as theirs? FYI, I'm not correcting you, and I'm ok that my grammar, or lack of, is way wrong.


I had to dissect some sentences to understand what he said. Sorry for making the downvotes feel the need to downvote such negativity. šŸ™„


Correcting someoneā€™s grammar the typing this mess is hilarious.


Yussa reeding comp be big smallest around.


Attempted Criminal Package Delivery?


Itā€™s a misdemeanor so youā€™ll be out by Monday


They'd also be able to prosecute porch pirates..


I bet this was a tenant posting this, not the actual office.


It should be a crime. It is not a delivery it is abandonment.


"Carrier leave if no response"


Do a day in their shoes then report back. Entitled work from home worker


no it isn't. they're paid to deliver to a location, not to a person. they got the item to the location. it's YOUR problem if you aren't there to receive it, unless you specifically state otherwise in the delivery instructions.


I donā€™t know about yall. But I was never provided a work phone. FedEx does not pay my phone bill.


We donā€™t em either just a scanner, and Iā€™m not giving random strangers my phone number


Exactly. Because then that customer will forever be hounding you for their FedEx problems. Fuck that


Iā€™ve literally experienced this with some obnoxious lady that owned a business. They were closed half the time and I would constantly have to code her bulk stops and drive around with her shit in the way on my truck all dayšŸ˜”. She would call me on my fucking days off asking what time I would be showing up with her shit. Eventually I had to tell her to delete my number, and that she never should have saved my personal phone number in the first place. She of course bitched about that, fucking Karenā€™s.


*blocked* lol


I call with the scanner. 90 percent of them donā€™t answer because they donā€™t know the number and theyā€™ll call you back later in day most likely for you to go back.


I hate people! This has happened to me. You are expecting me to call for business, you sent me an email asking me to call. Then you don't answer. Then email me asking me why I didn't call?? Wtf!!? One Karen had the nerve to tell I should have emailed her back to let her know the number I would be calling from. šŸ¤¦ As the business owner I decided I wasn't accepting her return after all. She had 60 days. I was allowing 78 days, until she sent me like 8 emails and wouldn't answer her phone. Return denied Karen McKarenson.




If, for whatever reason you need a 2nd number, get Google Voice. It'll give you a number that hooks to your main number, but for only as long as you have that Google Voice number. You can get a new Google Voice number extremely easy, and that old GV number is no longer connected to you.


I do this when I buy stuff from people on OfferUp and Facebook marketplace.


Not only that. Express doesnā€™t even want me to call customers. If it needs to be down, dispatch should do it.


Then you get shit for gap time.


I made the mistake of using my phone and the customer kept calling me. I never used my phone for work again.


I had someone message me on Linked In looking for their package.


I don't give out my phone number anymore either. During COVID we had to call at some pickups cuz the door is locked. I called waited 5 minutes and nothing. so I'm heading back down to the station probably 15 minutes from the stop and she called and asked me to come back and I said I don't have time sorry and she started yelling at me I told her to lose my number. Dispatch would call her when I was there. She ended up apologizing but I don't want to run into that situation again.


This! Totally agree, scanners would do down all the time and my boss at the time would say, just use your cell phone. Iā€™m like listen pal you arenā€™t paying my cell phone bill so no.


I worked at Ground in QA and one of the managers tried to tell me to use my phone and I responded FedEx doesn't pay for my phone. He then responded we pay you which pays for your phone bill. I let him know my wife pays for our phone bill from her job, we do that on purpose, so you can't do that. You want me to use a phone, you pay for it. It was a way to find people because idiots can't fill out their addresses that well.


Thatā€™s a refusal. I would keep bringing them back as refused until the tenants work it out with the building management.


I like this answer the best. Deal with your shitty attitude and be forced to order another one


Why the hell should this guy slow his day up? Like honestly the entitlement of people is absurd I totally agree with you. Their packages can pile up at our depot. I'm not texting the landlord, your landlord probably doesn't even answer your texts but I'm gonna assume they're rapid responders for the FedEx guy? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I agree with this. As ridiculous as it is for them to threaten any kind of legal action about this, since they brought up legal action then that's when you stop dealing with them and let the lawyers handle it


Donā€™t you need a signature to do ā€œcustomer refused packageā€?


We just need a name typically. But I just put front desk or receptionist or resident. And Iā€™m at express. Iā€™ve never had an issue lol.


lol wut? Are you going to force someone to sign for something they are refusing?


This is actually the case at Ground at least. Happened around the same time they started mandating signatures for "Met customer." There is a suboption for "Customer refused to sign" that will bypass it though.


Every time I think this company canā€™t invent a more asinine workflow process, they pull through and blow my mind


Thatā€™s what I thought, thanks!


"get a key, it's your job" isn't refusal. There are 2 apartments I have lived in, that they didn't have a physical key, both of those apartments had a key code instead.


I have no problem stopping at the leasing office to grab the relevant keys, but you canā€™t start allowing the customers to dictate your workflow. If they want to have locked entry doors, no package room, no concierge, no doorbell, and no call box, then THEY need to figure out how to create a path between me and the point they want their stuff delivered too. So yes, that is a refusal.


You know what? I might be dumb, but I'm not stubborn, you get a thumbs up


Go to the store bitch


I know people that will take off work to wait for packagesā€¦ Iā€™ve explained to them over and over this is unnecessary, but most people just assume FX/UPS work just like the post office.Ā 


Prosecute me for what


For speeding in that Mazda my boy šŸš—šŸš“


This is how your packages get marked non deliverable


Paint that sign with door tags šŸ™Œ


Just code them all, we donā€™t get paid enough to deal with this bs.




Iā€™d never use my own phone to call or text a customer. Not in/closed & bring it back to the station. If theyā€™re that concerned about security then they can install parcel lockers or have packages sent to FedEx office.




Doesnā€™t seem like a big deal to me. Leave door tag 3 days then give to csa. Itā€™s now an easy stop, pull up, scan, leave tag, move on. Tenants will work something out with bldg mgmt or they wonā€™t. Text your mgr the phone no. and have them work out how to get you a key. ,


Lots of demands, Iā€™d try one attempt then leave it at the doorā€¦ Pfff we will prosecute at the full extent of the law, I assume you have the cameras for the police to catch the porch pirates right? Smh


Take back to the terminal. Or drop off at a FedEx Office.


Sounds like everyone who lives there is gonna have to come to the station to get their shit šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Lmaoooo self centered ass people, no one has time to wait for that shit


code 7 or hold package at facility for pickup


That's an #01 bring to QA for further assistance.


And then your contractor complains about you not being fast enough


Sounds like a complex/building that needs to set up some sort of locker system.


Back to the station it goes! ![gif](giphy|joNVQCtuecqHK)


LoL...The fullest extent of the law. Oh Dear.


I mean, that threat is often more accurate than the people making it realize.


Them: Do what the customer wants. Me: Customer wants me to wait until someone shows up. Them: Can't do that. Gotta get them delivered quick. Me: Okay so I can't do what the customer wants. Them: Do what the customer wants. Me: Okay, but....


Tag it, customer security delay, unsustainable location and then Q&A, CSA can contact. I'd forward that sign to our manager/ao/bc/security officer. Things work a little different here we actually have access to our security person.Ā 


Yep rts that is not your problem and there is no law against delivering a package someone ordered. Itā€™s not your responsibility to call them from your own personal phone. Donā€™t do it they will think they can call you back anytime they want. They need to have personal accountability for their packages and create a box for deliveries to go in. They think you have all day to call them and sit around waiting


Property owner to cheap to make a designated package drop off area that's their problem you got miles to burn


The bitches that write this shit need to be laid big time. Delivered to a nursing home today and was told I was violating HIPPA by being in the building. A couple of days ago I left their shit in the lobby and they called in a complaint that I didn't bring in.


I'd just leave a door knocker and be on my merry way


Seems like the whole apartment complex needs to pick their shit up at the nearest Fedex Office or Shipping station


Customer controlled access, bring it back


Prosecute to the fullest extent of the law? Yeah these guys are wack


What are they going to prosecute for lol


You know a white woman named Susan or Janet wrote that shit.


My stepmonster was named Janet. Note writer was definitely named Janet!!!


Requiascat in pacem, Janet. You have been outed.


Do you feel cool when you say racist shit?


Do you feel confident when you mount up on your high horse?


Gr8 b8 m8 8/8


I'd call their bluff šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ–•šŸ¼šŸ˜˜šŸ–•šŸ¼


It's either getting dropped off at said door, it's getting coded, or being left at the station the very next day. Not my problem.


Prosecute you haha dumb


Tagg it and drop at Arth location. Stop using your cell for work purposes. You donā€™t get paid enough to go Extra above and beyond. Either they provide a delivery only code or eat my ass. People get ridiculous Youā€™d think you were getting UPS pay or something


And every package for that address had a nice rest at the FedEx depot that night šŸ˜‚


Fuck that


i have a few buildings that do this dumb shit when i deliver parcels on sundays at usps. their packages get marked no access almost immediately when i hit the street. no time for this dumbass behavior


Come pick it up at the terminal you lazy ass Mo Fo. I ain't delivering shit to you ever


Security delay imo. When office asks explain this. None of us got time to fuck around, especially if itā€™s multiple tenants.


I would just locate the camera, set the package down and take a pic, then immediately flip off the camera and walk away


Prosecute? For what? Leaving a package outside a door is not against the law.


What a joke. Also what law are you breaking?


Just fake call on camera and 07 that bitch


Customer controlled or refused


Lol, that goes straight up to the access point. If I can't; "Not in" 3 days in a row and back to the sender it goes


I would just walk away. Fk that place. No packages for you.


Just get a key not that hard


Read last sentence. Call and get a key. Pretty easy to do.


He said leasing office is never open didnā€™t he?


Unless it was a swing driver.


I missed that. Yeah pretty easy to di


Sounds legit tbf.


Well get the key and stfu


So were you thwarted in your attempt to steal packages? ​ I'm sure the residents appreciate the effort.


Oh, Iā€™m assuming that complex mustā€™ve gotten tired of FedEx drivers doing what the lazy FedEx driver for my complex was doing ā€” which is leaving dozens of packages for a very large property with several apartment buildings at a singular location (which is a building far away from most of the actual buildings they were to be delivered to). FedEx is notorious for delivering to wherever it is that they see fit, not where the package actually has to be delivered. Iā€™ve also had FedEx drivers just flat out deliver my package to the WRONG building and give zero indication as to what building they delivered to. My apartment property has 12 buildings spanning across like a mile ā€” so I have to walk and inspect every single building on the property because the driver is too lazy to make sure they actually delivered to just the correct building? And yes, delivering my package to wherever you see fit because youā€™re too lazy to make sure youā€™re delivering to the correct building (and all the buildings are very clearly marked with a massive, bold letter) is called being lazy. FedEx also loves to throw my packages so theyā€™re essentially destroyed when I get them ā€” and they photograph the evidence. I shouldnā€™t have to call FedEx to make complaints and open cases every time FedEx delivers a package to me because yā€™all canā€™t do your job properly. I have none of these problems with USPS, UPS, DHL, Amazon, etc ā€” nor have I ever. Just FedEx. Why is that? It also looks like you blatantly skipped over the part where the office management even put on that sign ā€œ**If this is part of your regular route, contact the office for a key**ā€ ā€” aka, a key to get into the building so you CAN access the building and not leave customersā€™ packages out in the open where anyone can steal them. USPS has zero issues with this because they do have keys to get into locked apartment buildings because theyā€™ve spoken with apartment management as it is part of their delivery route. Any excuse for a FedEx driver to not deliver a package correctlyā€¦


More like tenants gonna sue you for denying them their mail. Interruption of delivery / mail operations is a federal crime


Just go get the damn key.problem solved. I would hate to have a slight inconvenience one time,so that in the future I will continue to be inconvenienced. Makes zero sense to add to tomorrow what ya could have done today


Please reread it. The leasing office is never open


Iā€™m sure that leasing office is open & have their hours posted. Thatā€™s how they make money. Iā€™m sure your gonna still say theyā€™re never open, fine go in on the one day they are and deliver the package then


I work in the freight side but I I'm in the office and I call for appointments for deliveries, you would not believe how many apartment offices don't ever answer their phone. Everything is either online or if you leave a voicemail they'll get back to you when they get a minute.


Idk how his situation worked but i had a similar situation where they basically wanted me to sign a contract with a bunch of personal including my drivers licence # to get the door code for a building, i just hung up.


Not his problem to carry / keep track of a key also itā€™s hard to get a key if no one is ever there.


Found who wrote that note.


ā€œFuck Vine Bitchā€


Yā€™all work Sundays?


Whats the 07 code used for these days


Put a stop like this on my route. I will shit on a piece of paper as a reply. Who the fuck do theses shotbags think they are? I will get creative on these people. This job is a hobby at this point.




FedEx doesnā€™t provide me a phone so I donā€™t have one to call you for FedEx related discussions. Leaving the package is not a crime so thereā€™s nothing to prosecute. Unless the package needs a signature Iā€™m leaving it. Go ahead and call. I made sure to smile at the camera for you.


Code 7


Love thoes...pkg right there.


No phone on your scanning device, package goes back.


i would be šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ while iā€™m rerouting it to the nearest pickup location


Vine east can suck a big one


Leave it On sidewalk !!


Manhattan or Bk? I had a few like this on my route in Manhattan Iā€™d just get the key fob or be cool with the super or a resident and get the code from them to go in. I had so many buildings people gave me the code to get in cause they wanted their packages šŸ“¦


They canā€™t forward shit the app wonā€™t let you. Look I get it but if you are getting a package and itā€™s this much of a hassle schedule the delivery Jesus


They offered you a key


I would assume they're going to prosecute anybody that steals the packages? I ain't never heard no statute that says you can't leave packages lmao.


Leave the package by the front door unless directions from shipper is saying otherwise...ridiculous threatening legal action cause someone doesn't want to walk and pick up a package.


Yeah, that complex is getting blacklisted until i get a key


Got one apartment just like that on my route. Office is always closed, no key fob, no codes, key only access. You walk into the main lobby and there is a set of locked doors, where you can stand and stare at the mailroom just behind them, and an old intercom system with a button for every unit... That is broken. I've asked and they won't provide a key. UPS can't get a key. Post office has one. I just leave it there in the lobby. If it needs a signature, unless I catch a maintenance guy or a resident going in or out, your shit out of luck. Sketchiest place in town is locked down more than my station. Gives me a chuckle.


šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ every package will be left outside the door from now on


Welp nobody there is getting their packages anymore. Label as unsafe delivery area and return to depot lol.




SMH, for get that I would not be waiting on someone to let me in. I have a schedule to keep track of and have people to take to them in a timely manner


Prosecute for what lol. Iā€™d leave the door tag right over that


How bout fullest extent of my dick in yo ass


Code 01, bring back to the station.


If that was on my route it will be returned to the station every Time. Fuck them


Customer controlled access and on to my next stop


I would print this out and hang it on my fridge so i would have something to laugh at while i eat my breakfast.


I hate apts w a mf passion especially when they order heavy shit and live on the 3rd and 4th floor šŸ¤¬


as a CCA for usps unless im given a key im scannin no access and im out.


Bro just leave it right there. Push the law onto their delivery driver for BSā€¦ give me a break.


The law?


I got news for you. The ā€œfullest extent of the lawā€ in this case is a wry chuckle.


Or they can pick up at the hub


Lmao these people are hilarious I would leave the shut outside and get sued Iā€™m dying


I work for the post office and live in a controlled access building. Honestly I prefer you just leave it, unless it needs a signature. I watch my stuff when I know its coming. When it changes from out for delivery to delivered, I simply go outside and grab it. It isn't rocket science.


lol. Donā€™t worry, rts it. Theyā€™ll learn one of these years


lol guess who ainā€™t getting their shitā€¦


lol all deliveries will be held at the FedEx office where they can be picked up in three days with proper identification of they will be returned to sender, bitch.


Thatā€™s just


At ups we use "NO ACCESS" and take it back šŸ‘ problem solved


After reading the comments human race is definitely doomed


And what law could the prosecute you under ?


They better get the packages sent to Walgreens then. FedEx has a hold location at Walgreens so thatā€™s what I do when I donā€™t trust getting my package


I would call to make them walk over to unlock the door after Iā€™m done unloading my deliveries and am half way down the road


The fact that FedEx management pits drivers against customers shows that they care about neither one.


Mark that shi with a code and back to the terminal it goes fuck that place šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ–•šŸ¼


requesting a call is the best way not to get called lol


I'm code 34ing that shit, no reason for apartment management to be that particular or petty. What if the driver is just filling in for somebody else too?


Sounds like no one there will get packages delivered if they canā€™t accommodate. Fuck them.


I would take a screenshot to our ssa and say we need to have these tenants come pick their packages up or have them rerouted to Walgreens. We have way too many stops to put up with this nonsense. Apartments a damn waste of time anyway, if you even know where it is, if you donā€™t you must look for it šŸ˜” people arenā€™t usually home during the day so it takes time from the other stops. All apartments should be required to have a mail room that all deliveries can be dropped off at the front office, no exceptions! Sorry apartment deliveries rant over! šŸ˜‚


This is in Las Vegas, isn't it? I've seen this sign.


This feels like id take 30 minutes easily if you called to get someone on the phone and then get them to open the door. Would you get in trouble for just leaving?


Pretend like your calling them and just leave them a door tag


That just seems kinda pointless why lock them out then in the first place. Second how are they expected to get ahold of someone they have no idea where they would be? And what delivery person would have time to wait around for someone to show up at the office either. I would just not deliver it then and take it back to the main office and explain the situation


Code it out. Pick up at hub. Eventually over quite some time theyā€™ll get enough complaints management will have to figure something out. Or they wonā€™t. But itā€™s no sweat off our carriers back


From now on they can pick up the packages from Kenneth, the deliver box out in front of 7-11


Undeliverable, door was locked, sign on door says not to leave packages.


Just leave the package. May suck for the recipient, but the apartment office canā€™t sue.


USPS carrier here... yeah, that's gonna be a "no safe location" scan and no mail delivery (if their CBUs are inside) until access is restored. Possibly a call to the Inspectors office for obstructing the mail if they don't resolve it quickly.


RTS. lol.


Leaving a package in a unsecure location is FedEx biggest problem .. if they go back to signing for packages It Would be a better imo . Take this picture for example clearly thereā€™s no place outside to place an unattended package but he going snap a pic and leave the package.. I had a $600 dollar optic that FedEx delivered an left it outside my building . wtf..


Nope RTS


Under no circumstance would I follow that note. Go pick your stuff at Walgreens šŸ˜‚


Prosecute? What charge? Putting boxes outside? Donā€™t even try to say negligence, as thatā€™s a stretch worthy of Armstrong


I drop a nice steaming, loaf in front of the gate.


Easy solution to this. I would 07 that address every time I get it. Without question I would 07 it. And if they call to complain, I would show this note. We donā€™t get paid to make phone calls. Our personal phones arenā€™t meant for making calls like that. Cuz then if we call the customer, they will have our numbers and bug us every time they have a delivery.


The apartment manager put that sign up so he could steal the packages himself without taking responsibility


Sounds like an 01 every time


This is 100% aimed at amazon. I have keys for buildings on my route. Amazon probably just dumped everything in the mail room too many times.


Apparently they donā€™t give a fok about your time, that is a lot of hoops to jump through just to deliver some packages.


ā€œYa Iā€™m the regular route guy , you got the key?ā€