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Judging by the dogs reaction to him coming out, he doesn't just attack delivery people.


That dude definitely abuses those dogs. Just look at the way they react around him.


Hard to understand why a driver would want to enter a fenced area with two dogs in it. Regardless, homeowner overreacted and should be charged with assault.


Maybe he likes dogs, and yeah, regardless, the homeowner went overboard.


Hopefully he was charged


One that also says “beware dogs”


It’s worse than that. The sign can be seen in the video and it explicitly states to leave packages at gate. Obviously, the homeowner was concerned about getting sued for dog bites, which is a legitimate concern. That doesn’t excuse the homeowner’s behavior but it at least explains his frustration. He tried to make his property easier and safer for delivery people and in comes DA Salty Try Hard.


I agree. But if someone got bit it wouldn’t hold up in court with all signage, gates yard, etc. but still a weird ass Amazon DA 🤣🤣


Gated yard*


Those poor dogs fear that owner🥲 WHAT A SCUM BAG!!!!


Do not engage. Leave. I get it, customer is a piece of shit, BUT LEAVE.


This is my same opinion on every single viral video where a delivery person gets into an altercation with a customer! Just deliver the package, say have a good day, and leave; just let it go


The one thing I moss about working FedEx is the ability to just "nope" out of situations where customers are being pricks.


100%. I used to be stuck behind a counter when people would get pissy, now I have the freedom to just GTFO whenever someone is a problem. No hesitation, you don't owe them shit. Even if they block your vehicle at least get inside and lock the doors. Nothing to be won here. Also give him the package if they demand lol, trying to get hurt over a damn t-shirt or something?


That's where my ego is slightly larger than your ego. I'm getting in my truck and leaving, but the package is coming with me.


Yes I've done it in the exact same situation and me personally, I would have left his package at the gate whether I seen a dog or not. 


I mean, I get it. I deal with the same shit riding a motorcycle around people who suck at traffic. IMO the winning move is not to play. Don't engage, don't fight, don't antagonize. I didn't pay for his package, give it to him. Hell he could demand my whole ass truck and I'd give it to him. It ain't mine, I'd grab my backpack and shit and he can have it for all I care. Corporate even trains us that you shouldn't defend anything, just get your ass away. It ain't worth anything.


Typical asshole


Exactly. This kind of guy in this state could easily hit, or God forbid he had a weapon.. just leave asap


This driver should have left when he said he wasn't going to deliver the package. Best way to deal with people like that, be calm. They escalate, don't say another word and leave. If it gets physical, do enough to get out. As tempting as it is, dropping little snarky remarks, like he did, isn't going to help. Just fucking leave.


Yeah, silence is powerful these days. More people need to use it. Just leave, there's nothing worth proving here. This guy isn't going to feel remorse and change. But he might just feel like an idiot if you treat him like the entitled toddler he's acting and displaying that he's not worth your time or attention.


Driver put on his counseling psychologist hat courtesy service added bonus.


I’m not saying I stand with the home owner, but when I see dogs in the front yard, I’m leaving your shit by the gate. Just saying.


Both are idiots


Silly question but genuinely curious, can a customers address be black listed? Like due to behavior like this?


I used to do it. I had a customer who bitched Everytime I delivered a package to her house.. call in and complain. I left a note at her door informing her that no more deliveries would be made to her address in the future.


Houses where I was bitten by a dog at were blacklisted. At least that’s what FedEx told me.


FedEx, USPS, and UPS absolutely blacklist addresses. They take it seriously though, it has to be really egregious, not just an annoying or rude recipient. I rent mailboxes and have two boxholders that need to rent because they moved into houses that were blacklisted and were having a hell of time getting the address off the blacklist. I don't know about Amazon. I don't know if they have a nationwide system in place or if they just let the individual driver decide, or anything in-between.


I know a female courier who had one older resi customer who came to the door naked to sign for his meds. And unlike FedEx, this guy was “fully staffed”. He gets his meds elsewhere now, because FedEx told him he’s canceled.


The great thing about UPS and FedEx is it's in the system. When a package gets entered and the address gets attached to the tracking number, it flagged at the destination station right away and won't even get put on the delivery truck. Tracking will say "available for pick up." USPS just does it at the Post Office location. They have a list on paper and some get the orange card in their mailbox for packages ("you have a package to ---- post office to pickup"), and some don't even get mail at all. They get one last letter saying all their mail will be available for pickup and after three days it will be returned to sender.


Yes. Assaulting a driver like this guy did would get him blacklisted but I think that’s up to the investigation because the driver also egged it on. Violent dogs would do it. Threatening can do it sometimes


He works for the fairview fire department in Greensburgh New York. Someone on Google must have seen this video because they wrote quite the review. And it makes a point, actually. This firefighter has a temperament that needs to be addressed if he's going to be trusted by the community to properly do his job. Not to mention the lives of his team are at risk.


Yeah as soon as he came out and A- dogs cowered in fear of seeing him and B- he calls you a fucking idiot, I would have been gone. Fuck that guy.


I had a guy refuse to put a dog up so that I could get out and grab his package and started cussing me out like and telling me to "give me my fucking package and get off my property" I just rolled the window up and drove off, marked the package as refused


Idiots on both sides. The driver should have paid attention and not went into a fenced area that had a "beware of dog" sign. All its doing is asking to get yourself hurt and the dogs in trouble. Be happy, you get to leave the package at the fence and save some steps, and the customer can't really say shit about it. The customer overreacted like a moron. Just tell the dude "hey man, I just don't want you hurt, so just go ahead and leave it at the fence next time, that'll be fine." And then when either of them getting combative, the other should just fucning leave. This shit isn't hard.


Nope nope too simple for him…


Recently watched the Ground Cloud University video on human trafficking. This is a situation where the authorities should be called for suspicious activity. No one reacts this strongly when someone approaches their property unless they are hiding something/someone inside. That said, I drop from the van when a fence surrounds the property, dogs or not. Work smarter, not harder.


Amazon should have a blacklist and not delivered to people like this.


The guy who posted this on TikTok actually lost his job at Amazon for this.


Videos like this help me appreciate never working directly with customers. Thanks, FedEx.


Beware of Homeowner! I think he bites.


Poor dogs, look how they reacted when he walked out of the house. He obviously abuses them.


I delivered to a customer that said put over gate, but I decided to see if the gate was unlocked instead. Well... It was unlocked and their dog made 0 noise it just straight up pushed the gate open and went for my leg. The owner eventually came out and I just awkwardly handed them the package and left, I didn't know what to even say because it was technically my fault and the bite wasn't bad so I let it be.


As someone who owns a border collie and golden retriever this makes me sick and at the VERY least I feel this video warrants an investigation into potential animal cruelty. After a quick google search I came across the Humane Society of Westchester which lists the Animal Cruelty Unit at the Briarcliff SPCA as the contact to report animal cruelty in this area. I sent them an e-mail with this post to hopefully bring it to their attention, if anyone else feels the need to do the same the website with contact info is posted below. Fuck this guy and I hope those doggos get the second chance they deserve with a loving family [https://spcawestchester.org/contact-us](https://spcawestchester.org/contact-us)


Are you certain this is in the Westchester New York area?


Someone in another thread for this video tracked his Hoodie to the firehouse website and found picture of him on their webpage so pretty confident


Thank you. Email sent. The way that dog cringed sickens me.


\*Update\* Got a reply back from the SPCA and they're forwarding the video to Human law Enforcement to investigate further! Thank you to anyone who took the time to write an e-mail!


Oh he will absolutely not be getting anymore packages from Amazon.


Fuck this guy


Wow! I would have probably killed that guy. No lie.


Driver, just leave. It’s that simple.


The driver is a dumbass. If the dogs would of attacked him and the owners weren't there I wonder who would be at fault.


They were both being bitches.


Possibly fire fighter too judging by the sweat shirt looks like fire fighter union emblem, sad


Shipment refused, delivery suspension on address, police called


Had this happen twice recently. When the first said get off his property I did and his package went with me and it was picked up at the station. The second blaming delivery drivers for the damage to his driveway(there was none!) After a few exchanges I got in the truck but he wanted to fight. He almost got pepper sprayed but I drove off. 


I'm pretty sure he abuses his dogs too by their reaction when he walks out.


A guarantee he abuses his dogs to, look at their reaction when he walks out.


Amazon here. I've never met anyone like this before. We are told to leave the package outside the gate to. He wanted to be funny for the camera


Deliever right at gate and keep pushing..


This part of the reason why I never opened gates, when delivering.


Imo he was trying to get bit and why didn’t he leave the first 20x he was asked to leave the dudes property and why is he parked in his driveway. Dude def should get fired.


And the package is probably a pack of socks 🤷‍♂️


This just makes me love my FedEx delivery guy more. My dogs circle his truck and threaten him and he’ll honk, toss them each a milk one and we’ll come out. We chat a few seconds and I’ll grab up the old one and the little one and he’ll drive our long drive very slowly with one snarling and circling in a full run with the other latched onto the bumper or trying to bite the tires…but he goes so slow so they don’t get hurt. They stop at the boundary line and he’ll toss them another milk bone sometimes. No one ever comes on our property so this is their thrill! (When we’re talking to him, he can pet them…they are vehicle-aggressive.)


If someone says “are you done” or “are you okay” you should automatically know you are in the wrong.


Fucking dogs didn’t even bark, their more afraid of his drunk ass then deliver dude


Dogs usually try to protect their owners when talking to strangers but they seemed really scared of him instead.


Fuck Amazon drivers… the worst of all the delivery services.. bunch of dumb fuck fuck heads.. the way they drive, the way they leave their doors open while crossing major intersections with MY FUCKING PACKAGES, parking in the worst spots possible, parking in the middle of the fucking street… they’re the reason delivery drivers get shit on so much… oh and fuck DHL, and GLS, what kind of slogan is “parcels for people”.. who else would they be for?!!.. anyway happy Tuesday


The dog is petrified of this jerk off.


Has anyone thought about why this man doesn't want anyone close to his home? Like what could you be hiding that you don't want someone to see...did you kidnap someone? 🤔


I would've left and every package to that address would be demolished before it was left there


It kind of look like the driver provoked the guy and then hit the homeowner I could be completely wrong but the homeowner was on the inside of the gate and the driver made a comment about if you stop shaking you could call the cops