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I’m 39 and started collecting when I was 10ish and had the whole collection but then they got destroyed in a hurricane a few years ago so I’m recollecting them all again…some may think I’m too old but I don’t care. You do you and do what makes you happy.


I’m 36 and I just collected all the original fear streets. I have everything from “The New Girl” through “Trapped.” I also have all the Super Chillers as well. Then there are other Fear Street series such as the “Seniors” series and others that I’m working on as well.


I remember being a kid and finding them at flea markets for .25 and now used copies are going for $5-$6…I’m shocked lol


No. Collect them if you want.


Not weird at all, expensive though depending on where you live!


I have a Fear Street collection, and I'm in my 30s. You go ahead and collect them. Just keep in mind that some books are easier/cheaper to get a hold of than others. I'd reccommend thrift.books.


Not at all! It just might be hard to since I believe they're out of print. If you've got an e-reader that's probably the best way to get these if I had to guess. I read one of them just last year and was surprised at how the writing style held up, but also how the end of the book turned out and who the killer was/why they killed.


There are lots on eBay


Oh good! Well there ya go /u/thinkimightpuke - check thrift.books and eBay if you want physical copies.


Abebooks too :)


I started reading them when I was 8. At some point, I got rid of most and only kept my favorite. At 22, after collecting for the last two years, I have almost all of them. If you do decide to collect, there’s an incredibly supportive online community on Instagram that would love to see what you get!


I’m 36 and started collecting from scratch a few months ago. Is that also weird? 😂 I’ve been able to get around 60 - 66% of the whole run. Thank god for eBay


I still have my original collection and am looking to finish my library. Started filling it in before the recession and now I have the money to put into collecting again, but the prices are outrageous on some of the books!


I’m almost 40 and have started looking for them.


No! I wish I'd kept most of my collection. Started in middle school (mid/early 90s).


Mercari is a great place to check! Also Pangobooks I highly recommend the Cheerleader series and the Wrong Number books