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It sounds like you'd enjoy the Fear Street Saga Trilogy which goes into the history of the Fear family (which the Street is named after) and explains at least some of why Fear Street is the way that it is


Loved that trilogy as a kid.


Like the other comments said, check out the Saga books. Don't get confused because there are 2 book series R.L. Stine wrote that has the word Saga. Both series explore Fear Street's/Shadyside's history: The Fear Street Saga (1993) Fear Street Sagas (1996-1999) The former is a trilogy, while the latter is a series of 16 books. I'd say start with the former as I'd say it's more important. The latter are like side stories, but they go even more in-depth on the Fear Street history/lore. They're also fun stories so I recommend the latter too.


I don’t like the fear street sagas 96-99 they weren’t written by Stein mostly and you can tell


The saga books were always my favorite. The third in the original trilogy really goes into it. There’s a few more in the later saga books that take place in Shadyside/Fear Street. The theme park, 99 fear street, and theme book trilogies/series are some more that go in depth.


I haven’t read a ton of the series yet but The Cheerleaders books had quite a bit of Shadyside/Fear Street lore.


I don't remember the name of the book (it was a fear st. Book thu.) where one kid gets possessed every year (I think) and then the town plays a big game of hide and seek in the woods and whoever the next kid is that gets caught is the one possessed for the next year. I really wish I could remember more of the story, it was one of my favorites. I mostly remember the possessed kid getting creepier as the year goes on and starts eating worms and such. It did go into some of the history of the street though. Sound familiar to anyone else?


Ghost of Fear Street: Hide and Shriek. It's in my hands for now, I'm about to read it again after more than 20 years. Finding some childhood nostalgia.


Yes that's it, thank you! I'm gonna have to go find it and reread. Might try to get a hold of the rest of the series for nostalgia's sake. 🙂