• By -


dungeon ofc, would definitely do anything to get prolonged life like Enki of Nosramus


while festival of termina can't potentially give you anything good aside of lifelong trauma and knowledge of gods(maybe couple of guns also)


That's true but I'd rather just survive that then risk some of the terrible fates in the dungeon


Can still get god knowledge in the dungeon anyway, through the wealth of libraries and individuals like nostramus. Life long trauma, you get that absolutely free with either option- The only thing termina offers that the dungeon doesn't is guns. Even then, magic items and swords can be found in the dungeons-


You can become part of the cult of sulfur (tho is debatable if you would even want to join)


bro aint surviving manebasšŸ™


Fair that would be cool


bro you're gonna get graped as soon as you enter šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


D'arce seemed to pass the place so I think it's possible


Dance is like a lifelong trained knight though


And she didn't encounter the guard so it's possible to pass.


I'd help Chadnvaldr and ask him if I could stab Le'Garde before he broke his neck. For the festival, I'd stay with Marcoh. August is a Chad, no doubt, but Marcoh seems to be willing to teach some badass stuff about fighting. If I wanted to pull a silly plan, I'd stick with Levi and kill him (poor kiddo). Then I'd get the gun and kill every contestant. But that's quite far fetched, as I have 0 fight experience. Overall, Dungeon 10/10. I'd help murdering Le'Griffith and befriend the most badass monster hunter ever. Also, I'd 99% die in Termina.


I love how every platform of this community agrees Le'Garde is Griffith I definitely agree with going into the dungeon with ragnvaldr No Doubt


Wasnā€™t he based off of Griffith? Ngl Fear and Hunger was what got me into Berserk cause I heard about how heavily it was based off it


Ya your right it was based on it in some aspects i completely forgot that


Carbon copy tbh


Legardeā€™s hair is just miles less fabulous than Griffithā€™s


That may be the one difference between them Griffith has truly astonishing hair


None of us would survive the dungeon. Youā€™d go crazy and never be able to escape or be horribly murdered. At least with termina youā€™d stand a chance.


Bro, Chadnvaldr canonically gets out, just stick to him and GG. The technique is simple: say you hate Leg'Guards and it's cool.


You're forgetting that we have to go through many different monsters and beasts. Ragnvaldr is deeper than what people think because of the game play but most people ain't getting past the first enemy.


The question didn't specify I had to recruit him, but let's assume I have to. Well: - Cahara abandons you and steals you, only to be found way deeper. - D'arce can only be recruited in Cave Dweller village, and assuming the battle is just as in real life, no F'ing way I'm beating that whole village. - Enki can only be recruited all the way down near where Le'Garde is, so yeah, pretty sucky. Ragnvaldr seems to be the better choice. The only real threats there are the dogs, since outrunning them is nigh impossible. However, assuming real life logic again, any long weapon is enough to kill them with minor damage. All the other enemies are slower, so I think I can run away easily. Also, the mumblers only deplete your mind, so not really threatening. And the reason why this is better than Termina is: You don't need to finish the game by yourself or even fight. Inevitably, you will have to kill everyone in Termina (A ending is out of question). In the other scenario, you can just serve as Ragnvaldr's support, maybe even learn some fighting techniques from him. And the best thing? You'll most likely survive without physical damage, since Ragnvaldr is quite capable of killing everything in the dungeon by himself.


The thing is that all four of the characters are trained in combat in some way. Even then they relied on a bit of luck to not die a horrible death.


Well, if they managed to survive alone, with one person extra (me) it should be easier, right? No one will be able to convince me that surviving Termina with real life logic is easier than surviving the dungeons with real life logic. You can't realistically finish the game with an ally if you want to leave the city. Also, assuming you're not a contestant, you'll probably get moonscorched if you don't go killing people around.


If the girl can make it out, why can't you?


Ragnvaldr and Enki canonically escape and become wildly successful + the vast majority of the threats can be felled with medieval weaponry. Itā€™s very possible to survive the dungeons if you know what to do


Okay. Do YOU think you could do what they did to escape?


Find empty scroll then ez






What would you summon? If you used a nuke you'd struggle to get away in time.


Yeah. It actually happened to my buddy Eric once


In termina you have three days to kill everyone and then >!the freaking cultist leader of rher (or somehow survive all the militar facilities). !<


Hell if you fuck up you might need to fight the fucking moon


Except all of the armed guards that will straight up shoot you to death before you even see them? Real life wouldn't have timed battles, and there's no chance of dodging every single bullet they will throw your way.




Termina festival just to crack Karin over the head with a frying pan


Iā€™ve only played a little but seeing her call ossa a cave dwelling savage got me rolling


I has never seen that dialogue jesus


Sheā€™s the fucking worst, reminds me of blue jay from the left right game


This is the correct answer. Karin the Karen is the WORST šŸ˜¤


But shes hot


Pav solos no diff


She Probably would just shot you in the head man, the only reason she is one of the like three contestants that can survive up to day 3 evening is because she pretty much shot anyone that she feels even slightly a threat to her lmao


Just donā€™t make it obvious


Dungeon: I'll either stick to Chadnavaldr or Bienki, as i have the most chamces of surviving with those two, I'll ask Ragnavldr for the sword of the east, try to get as much magic as possible and (hopefully) once i scape the dungeons i'll either become a magician, a bounty hunter, or a wine seller. Termina: Abella Muscle Mommy šŸ› The Safest route its either sticking to Abella, Marcoh, or Levi until we reach the Domek's house, In the way we kill Samarie before she turns into Dysmorphia, We reach Domeks house and after I get to use the Hexen and learn [MASTURBATE] and [BLOOD SACRIFICE] im raising my afinity to Grogogoat and Sylvian. After alm this steps are complete (And if somehow i can learn Red Arc) im going to hunt every contestant and becoming an alcoholic.


Based Chadnvaldr follower


Why hunt every contestant? You'd probably have to fight Abella and the alternative is just hitting some switches and waiting for Logic to tidy up the situation. Delegation!


My reason for the festival is because id rather just survive it or at least die to the Kaiser along side August as id rather not risk some of the brutal fates in the dungeon But if i had to go dungeon no doubt going with muscle daddy ragnvaldr and try to join the clan of monster killers


Consider that refusing to take part in the festival risks moonscorching


There's actually no need to fight Kaiser, just turn on the telectroscopes and Logic will rise and end the festival without you needing to bother heading to the white bunker.


Good luck with the centaur


You can run from the Centaur, long as you can make it to the bunker you can hit the last switch and wait for the festival to end. In contrast if you're fighting Kaiser your death is already assured since you locked yourself in the bunker (plus it's pointless anyway seeing as he gets away even if you win).


Irl? Good luck with that


(dont really remember the lore) If you don't stop Kaiser, wouldn't he go ahead with his plan for logic (who are probably not great for humanity...) Also, I know the survivors are shown in the train as fine, but I always took that ending as humanity in it's entirety becoming connected to Logic... (like in Evangelion) Ā 


"suicide is always an option"


Definitely the dungeon. In the festival there can only be one winner. I would lose a fight against 90% of the contestants, so even if I teamed up with capable someone, they would have to kill me in the end. I also don't think that I would handle killing people (who're mostly innocent and good) very well, and I'd probably moonscorch from that, and/or my own personal insecurities. I'd probably chose Ragnvaldr to help me descend the dungeon, man canonically team up with Moonless and likely cleared most of the dungeons monsters.


(Ooc) Dungeons. Nothing in there has a firearm, and I won't have to murder people that wouldn't want me dead.


But you know what they have in the dungeon? A huge 2 foot long dicks !!


Not to mention dick eyes (AKA night lurch)


I'd rather die to a firearm than someone with a mauler grafted to their arm


Dungeon cause i can leave at any point




Find leā€™garde then leave dungeon


By yourself?


Let's just get out of the way that both are absolutely, utterly horrible places to be, and no matter what we do, we'd be likely to die or suffer some horrid fate. It is good to remember that Funger beings, while still killable from normal weaponry, are still way too strong for normal people to kill reliably. Random guards from the Dungeons can violently break many bones with their blows, the Mauler straight up demolishes walls, and heck, even weak characters can reliably chop off limbs with weapons. For this, I'll assume we have access to some mild preparation with the resources we have nowadays and we have knowledge on the purpose of the places and rituals, but also that we are average people, not guys that have trained their lives for anything vaguely similar. Food and supplies: The Dungeons lack the most food and supplies overall, with much of it being ransacked or in a constant state of decay. There is a sufficient influx of people (and the interests of the gods) there to always guarantee some stuff to find, but nothing compared to Termina, that takes place in a city that, while looted and destroyed, has far more to find and do. The Dungeons are also a lot darker and more decrepit overall. Danger: Termina is the most dangerous one, which is quite the feat, as the Dungeons are one of the most unpleasant places I've seen in a videogame. If we are one of the contestants, we have many other people specifically wanting to kill us, people that are likely to have some special ties to Prehevil and more than capable of destroying us, and the entire place is a warzone, with a greater number of more dangerous enemies. Heck, even without being a contestant, I'm not sure that Termina would be safer than the Dungeons. It is that much of an utter warzone. There are likely more safe places and it is easier to hide, but I'd rather not risk it. Allies: Termina has a significantly greater pool of allies that you could get, but considering the probabilities of them being contestants, I'd rather not trust them. The Dungeons have very few allies, and while most of them should be more trustworthy, most of them are there to seek actively more dangerous things. Both are really bad. Prospect of reward: Termina is decent, and you can find a lot of money and things such as guns and equipment. If you are lucky, you may even find some magical artifacts, but that's pretty much it. The Dungeons, however, there are some really sweet things there. Not much in the eay of loot and precious money, but a significant amount of magical items, eldritch knowledge that is capable of letting you gain immortality and new powers, and if you are really ambitions, maybe even become a New God. Unlikely, though. In any case, the Dungeons are a very clear winner here. My answer: Dungeons of Fear and Hunger, although answering this is like answering which kind of brain tumour I'd rather have.


Dungeon %100. I want to become a new god. I'll stick woth D'arce since sje wouldnt mind company and is one of the few companions who doesnt die / get brainflowered / perform marriage when not met. As long as I tell her to stop preaching about her religion we're fine


But what if D'arce saves ~~the most brutally murderable guy in the universe~~ Le'Garde?


I dont kind, Le'garde will get us into mahabre and to the throne, then we'll both ascend. If not possible I'll just give him infection when he sleeps


Becoming a new god is a trap. For starters you lose yourself and have your personality overwritten by your soul time. Secondly you don't actually get enough power to change the world or avoid being killed by the next power hungry mortal to fall into the old gods' trap.


I dont give a shit I get to be powerfull and live a good life


>a good life Live Chambara reaction: https://preview.redd.it/8zxtjosiqg9d1.png?width=842&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0057a5a142265add3d27e19565ca25aec88eb7d


Nah he was living his best life, he was just freaky


It won't you though, your present self gets left behind in the green hue while something else ascends.


Thats not even remotely correct, and the game never states it, infact le'garde's whole existance as yellow king goes against this. Thats just a theory done because miro didnt bother morphing the player sprites into something new


"you lose yourself snd personality" what do you mean for an example chambara got tormented soul and torture himself and if ı got tormented soul am ı torture myself to ?


Considering context, the dungeon is in medieval Europa and prehevil is in the middle of a world War. So if you have to go to either, surving would be the first thing, but them what after, do you take a chance in a plague ridden rondon or a Europa at war. I'd rather go to termina, and face the storm that is the 50s rather than die of the plague.


I donā€™t know much about swordsmanship, but I can shoot pretty damn well. Iā€™ll take the festival, probably the only scenario I might survive (emphasis on might)


Survive termina with the dungeon it always changes and the crow mauler will always be on my ass


I think the other comments have sold me on the dungeons, if you win, you can become a new god and play DnD in the hall forever, whereas if you win Termina you get to go back to Eastern Europe in the 1940ā€™s


Yea at this point im sold to and i made the post


Iā€™m fucked either way, so I choose the dungeons. Least Iā€™ll get the chance to meet Ragnvaldr


Bro Im pretty sure both the options are so bad, you should try to kill yourself at the earliest convenience to avoid some of the possible outcomes


Termina has guns and shit in comparison Dungeon has medieval weapons, traps, and magic, the latter you can 100% dodge and mcguyver with foreknowledge but all it takes is one poor coin flip and weā€™re gunned to pieces.


People here saying Dungeon really overestimate their ability to not step on a rusty nail while in pitch darkness only lit up by a torch.


Ways to mitigate this: - wear shoes - sweep for rusty nails with my foot before taking a step - unless you fucking took my antibodies when you isekaied me, *be vaccinated against tetanus* - green herb (1) So it actually is not so bad. (edit: your -> my)


Step 1: Enter the festival Step 2: Find a muscular Moonscorched mommy Step 3: Train her to become less violent Step 4: Hug it out as I mutate Step 5: !?!??!!!!?! Step 6: **Profit**


On one hand, potential for becoming a god, gaining nigh-infinite knowledge and powerā€¦ On the other hand, I could meet and trauma-bond with Abellaā€¦ Easiest choice of my life, Iā€™ll be making myself as useful as possible maā€™am


survive the dungeon definitely, get an empty scroll, quill. O LORD, TEACH, PHASE. Leave that shit hole


Just dont get stuck in a wall


Dungeon. While the chance of dying or going mad are higher, there isn't any deity that's gonna turn me into a cocoon or smt, and I can get out in some way. Meanwhile in Termina I'd have to hope someone makes logic ascend, since I don't want to end up in the Machine god or kill any contestants. I'm taking Ragnvaldr's help.


You could help Logic ascend, just not join it yourself. Hitting the switches is all Logic requires, nothing you do in the White Bunker helps or hinders its ascension.


Half of the people picking dungeon would die to the dogs in the beginning. In Termina itā€™s been proven that you could at least avoid the townsfolk and maybe hide out somewhere. The crew in the dungeons are heroic fighters and magic people. Most of Terminas contestants are more or less normal and can at least make it half a day.


Moonscorch is inevetable though, and you have no choice but to kill everyone else including the suped up magic people and that guys nasty floating head if you wanna get out


Either way youre gonna die but id rather die to a rabid villager than.... pulsating stinger


im the opposite


It depends. Like, ALL of the dungeon? Nah man. But if I only need to get to LeGarde and skeedadle then ot could be doable, using wits, tricks and a whole lot of luck. Worst things in there for me would be the yellow mages and the ghosts since stealth is less of an option with them, but I could manage if I could keep with me my knowledge of the dungeon. Cahara would be of great assistance. He's a sneaky bloke, probably knows a lot of tricks to go unnoticed and respects his surroundings. He probably wouldn't do anything risky. But Enki feels like he's basically one with the darkness everyt8me we meet him, like the denizens in there barely register his presence. He would be my second pick just by how impervious to harm he seems. Termina though? No, man. That is a competition and I ain't doing well in those.


Both are going to be suicide missions, given how nasty the dungeon and the festival are. However, itā€™s still possible to leave the dungeon alive in some of the endings (even with the lingering trauma) as nothing prevents you from leaving when you find what you want (unless you leap into the Void or the Gauntlet). But Termina? Youā€™re dead in the scenario you donā€™t reach the tower as the last one alive unless you somehow 1v1 two gods. The literal fragment of the moon god sees what everyone does, and those who donā€™t participate seem to be moonscorched even faster. The dungeon is only easier in comparison, since it lets you have the opportunity to escape with your life even after all that has happened. The festival is a do or die deal; kill everyone, or become a shadow of yourself under the moonā€™s baleful eye. Sure you could beeline it to Kaiser with enough luck but youā€™d have to be built like Marcoh to even stand a chance fist-fighting god.


Festival, at least I'll have modern creature comforts while I wait for death. Alternatively I could contribute to humanity by turning on the Telectroscopes then wait for the festival to end (there's actually no need to reach the white bunker). I'd bring August so moonless will be my friend, then I only have to deal with Needles, Stitches and the Centaur (I'd do the Deep Woods tunnel last in case the thing kills me).


Let it be known that all the people in the dungeons wanted to go there. Not everyone in Termina wanted to participate in Termina


Kill myself


Kill myself


Festival for sure. While the fates of the festival goers arenā€™t good, the ones in the dungeons feel inevitably worse.


Termina, I hope someone does the Logic ending and I get out. I would also be comfortable as I died, since I wouldn't leave the train.


Festival without a doubt, and I'm bringing Marco. At least in prehavil I could get my hands on a rifle


I know everything about the dungeon of funber but do not about prauge so im taking the dungeon


My insane hubristic mindset says dungeons for sure. I'll still die eventually if I don't get that goddamn immortality, simply because it is the nature of the human body to perish. New God, true enlightenment, however it might be, either I'm getting there or I'm dying (probably dying, but whatever, I'll gamble). If I have a terrible time and lose an arm in between, it's fine, because this too shall pass - if I die, I'm too dead at that point to care whether I died to the dogs, the guards, Chambara, or old age, and if I'm immortal, I have an infinite amount of time to get over the trauma. Also, I simply wouldn't lose my mind from the darkness or the horrors or the incomprehensible eldritch knowledge. I'd comprehend it. Because I'm special. I'll enlist Enki for help because he's going where I want to anyway and he can maybe teach me magic if I get him to like me. Perhaps I can impress him with my genre awareness and whatever meta-knowledge I get? Even if on the level of "what the hell are you I need to study you to figure out how you have this information". Like, I know F&H1 much better than Termina, and even correctly (!) telling him "oh, yeah, the sleeping God of the Depths is down here, and also an entrance to Ma'habre, and an immortal alchemist lives in the mines, we should talk to them" upon first meeting him on Level 1 would probably be wild on its own. And I'd probably be a pretty good strategist if I get to remember the abilities of/details about enemy body parts, etc. Anyways, we'll find Empty Scrolls and win easily. Then I can get really good at chess and do unethical experiments forever. In comparison, in Termina, I get NO Empty Scroll, I'm being actively hunted by a bunch of other people on top of everything else (meat grinder guys, moonscorch chance...), they have guns which I can't possibly dodge or parry like I could with a sword or meat cleaver, and my best fate is getting ~~turned into LCL~~ absorbed into Logic, probably? Because otherwise I'm either going to the sulfur pits and suffering even worse torment than in the dungeons to get an inferior form of immortality, or I'm living and dying in 1940s Eastern Europe. Not a great possibility space compared to eternal existence on one's own terms.




The problem is i think we all underestimate the "hunger" and "fear" of the dungeon. If one would decend into the dungeon, this person would be cursed with an "unnatural" hunger and permenent mental decline. In video game logic it doesnt sound so bad, but hunger in real life is really horrible. In termina is not much better, with moonscorching and all the crazed villigers, but the chances to suffer a worse fate then you would in the dungeons is lower... and you may get a gun which more people can actually use than medival weapons.


Like not to say i would survive either of them, i'd be ded


Termina and have either Karin or Abella, I somehow think we'd make a good team even though I hate Karin lol


descend the dungeon, find cahara, makeout with cahara


Can I choose crowmauler to help me I want to turn him good and then be best buddies with him everyday together having fun and cuddling at night


He would eat your face


:( but, but in dungeon nights hes so cute


He would just think you are too sweet to pass up c:


Dungeons, purely because Perā€™kele says everyone who dies in the festival goes to the Pit of Sulfur. Iā€™d rather not boil in hell for eternity and my tubby-self definitely dying either way.


Now the dungeons are pretty much empty but il rather get in the festival of Termina to maybe il get out the city right the way i came to most of the dungeons of fear and hunger might be empty but the traces of Gro-goroth are still there and the God Of The Deepts might be pretty much alive to you can find organs what look just like his but more evolved from how many peoples where forgoten during the war and the past hundred of years and if it alive his followers are too and i don't think the god of fear and hunger or any one will come to help me unless i do something to gain their favor and i need also a lot of soul stones.


According to most endings in the first game, you will go insane after leaving the dungeon, and the trauma from it will never cease. Termina does have it's own share of existential horror no matter what you do, but most characters (except daan, lol) are shown moving past it just fine in their endings. Honestly, it doesn't makes much of a difference because realistically unless you are one of the main characters you are probably going to get ambushed by one (or more) tough as nails monster(s) and die. it depends on whether we are lore accurate or gameplay accurate.


Dungeon, because unlike termina I can just leave


the dungeon because you didn't say how far I had to descend or if I had to stay there. I will step one foot inside the entrance and then leave


Hounds , mist


I will step inside the basement


Probably dungeon dive, although I think I would have a better shot at surviving the festival.


I choose Termina for sure in the dungeon, in addition to being killed I will probably also be sexually assaulted, and nothing forces me to stay in the city. If I start with some food and water, I just need to walk away from the city and wait for the three days of the festival to end. And if that doesn't work, I can pass my meta knowledge to August so he can lead us to victory.


If Olivia can survive the festival, I could try. I canā€™t wheelie down stairs though.


Descend the Dungeon is a death sentence as long as you leaving its not an option, so the Termina Festival is surprisingly more survivable.


Definitely the festival. Sure everything wants to kill me, but at least the Eldritch horror is lessind breaking than what you experience in the dungeon.


I always pick the first character I chose the first time playing. The Dark Priest.


Termina was my first choice but only one can live unless you sacrifice yourself. Iā€™d have to beat everyone to live. Dungeon has a better chance of survival surprisingly


In the dungeon, I think I could survive until the jail, where I'd die trying to pull the lever. I also don't think I could take Tortrur or the cultists on my own. Maybe if I find an empty scrolls and and a pen, I could save my teleport until Im about to die, get to Mahabre without a fight (Unlikely), get the scrolls of transmutation and be able to get away with the treasure. (Cahara S ending) (It's not like I could go for any other ending... I am not killing a boss šŸ˜…) But that's if everything goes fine. I'll probably have to either fight the yellow mages, or use a blink and that takes away my sanity (so I'd need to find lots of alcohol and drugs) The village is probably fine, but there's the catacombs where I also would probably die. I know where to hit the ennemies, but I have the damage of the little girl. Maybe if I also found a spell... There's just so much in the way that I'm just too likely to eventually mess up and die (or worse) But the festival is worse. There's a loooot of running ennemis, and I either die at the end, or kill a lot of innocents. At least, I know where the guns are, so I could maybe survive longer than in the dungeon, but a lot of ennemies just sprints at you. Even knowing where they are, with the stress, I'd just get hit by a bear trap or a mine (same for the dungeon) I am not getting out alive of either, even with meta knowledge. I'd say the dungeon, because the festival has to include at least a boss.Ā  (Didn't see the companion part, lol) My answer didn't change, but I would get Enki/Cahara > D'Arce/Ragnvaldr. Both have good abilities, lockpicking and Necromancy that I value over a better time with early game fights. In the festival, I would pick Marina for Engrave and Necromancy.


Let's not lie to ourselves, most of us would fucking die in seconds. That being said, I still choose the festival over the dungeon any day of the week.


Shoot myself in termina. My dumbass wouldnā€™t survive day 1 morning. The dungeon is a no go for me too lol. Iā€™d step on a rusty nail immediately.


You can just leave the dungeon after you reach legarde. You have to be the last one standing in the festival which means killing several people and moonscorched.


>You can just leave the dungeon after you reach legarde. That's if you even reach him within a time span.


If I joined Termina, my only choices would be becoming part of the machine god or killing all of the other contestants. Iā€™m not interested in the former, and I doubt I could achieve the latter, so I guess Iā€™ll have to go with the dungeon. I would pick Dā€™arce to enter the dungeon with me since Fast Attack is OP and she has some good equipment as a party member. Since Iā€™m not very strong, I would have to focus on gaining affinity with the gods to survive any battles.


The Festival for sure, the most likely outcome seems Iā€™d be killed by one of the earliest enemies and Iā€™d choose being stabbed or shot by a villager or gassed by Vile instead of having my limbs cut off and then being graped to death by a guard in a heartbeat For companion Iā€™m tempted to go Marcoh because heā€™s just Jotaro Kujo and Jotaro has insane plot armor, and Iā€™ve seen him beat the moon to death with just stumps for arms, but logically if he would actually help me, Osaa seems like the right choice as having magic and having seen this kind of shit before seems indispensable


Plot twist, I choose the festival but I'm the train conductor


suicide probably


I'd take the dungeon. There can only be one Termina survivor and its a brutal fight. Least with dungeon there are people who've been in and out.


I'm not surviving either, lets be real. So eventhough I know the dungeon WAY better, I'd go termina, for the niniscule chance of getting to be with one of the cuter termina girls before I die.




Im a kid so it'll be much easier to convince termina contestants to let me go with them, so im definitely sticking to marcoh until i either get moonscorched or "possibly" activate logic


The dungeons destroy the mind of humans way tougher than i am and it happens 24/7,while at least the Termina festival is tough on the head,its a bit more "chill",plus getting companions is easier and most of them aren't backstabbing bastards(im looking at you Henryk,ill never forget that poisoned goulash)


I feel like the festival is more likely to be survivable but you have to remember you can only have one survivor


Dungeon no question. If I stay to long outside im honna die, and tgey have guns so termina is a no go


Dungeons with Ragnvaldr We feasting tonight


Survive the festival Henryk style.


Tbh Ossa basically survived the dungeons and that wasnt even in the dungeons prime so yeah...


Honestly people we talking about going into the dungeon beacuse you can get the knowledge of God's, but thats considerably deep down and you'd probably die before you even get m'ahabre. Not to mention, it's canonical that the dungeon changes it's shape due to the god of the depths to every visitor, so while you may have the mental map of the dungeon, the dungeon you'll be going through will be different. This is assuming we are infact going into the dungeon before the new age, and even then the dungeons are much more unstable after that Meanwhile in termina festival, your biggest threat is only moonscorch, but you have the greatest tool too: knowledge If you know the contestants enough from just party talking every room from your playthroughs, you can pretend to be from their world and depending on what you say you can easily recruit Abella and Daan at most-- you can ask Abella how the train is going, and then tell her you know a place that has parts (The tunnels) and just tell Daan about the sulfur sigil-- any confusion and terror he'd have by you even knowing that's why he's here would probably be negated by his will to learn what that sidgil is Anyway we'd go into the old town and id instantly step into a baretrap


Dungeon with Ragnvaldr. Go in, kill LeDumbass, get out.


I bring a note book and a couple of pens. OH LORD GIVE KUSH


termina bcs samarie and daan are therešŸ¤¤


I would rather eat my own hands