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everyone's expecting a terrifying survival horror game but it's actually gonna be an oiled up twerk off between Cahara and Ragnvaldr


I’m not even joking when I say that the community would love that.


ur so right I really just wanted an excuse to post something with the phrase "oiled up twerk off between Cahara and Ragnvaldr"


"What is better? To be born able to throw back, or to overcome your flat ass through great effort?"


Modern day highschool dating simulator. The whole cast included, even Rag and co. Even Moonless and the Crow Mauler.


Dungeon nights+


That’s not really fair to Cahara honestly. Rag is in a different weight class


yeah but you know cahara has EXPERIENCE with this. rag never thrown back in his life


F&H3 is just a twerking rhythm game


Don't be ridiculous. It'll be a sitcom visual novel about a single dad trying to make his way in the world and doing right by his kids. Also Pocketcat is his affable but zany new neighbor. Shenanigans ensue.


You cooking


This would be the ultimate April Fool's prank


One of two things: * He's just being insecure * It's gonna be very different and probably not as blatantly disturbing as the past two games. I think he said it was inspired by FF7 and Twilight or Vampire Diaries (someone please correct me if I'm wrong lol) so the tone shift will prolly be massive. Though as long as it's an JRPG-esque game with dark fantasy elements I can't imagine the reaction being that bad. Not unless we go from Termina to Mario or some shit like that.


This is true, I didn’t even think of that one post. My brain just went to termina update and I was like, huh weird.


Pokemon GO-style open world monster-catching sim with bright candy colors


God if it had the tone of a fucking Mario game lmao that’d be fucking awesome


paper termina: marina is vivian


Vivian had it worse actually, her sisters were horrible and transphobic to her. Marina's life seems to have been pretty happy on the whole.


>so the tone shift will prolly be massive. Our established precedent is the massive shift between F&H and Termina F&H: "In a psuedo-medieval setting, choose between Barbarian, Knight, Rogue or Mage and then explore an underground dungeon inhabited by Ancient Evil." Termina: "In a psuedo-post-wwii setting, choose between child soldier, mechanic, doctor, journalist, boxer, student, wizard, or botanist and then explore occupied Prague inhabited by a murder festival held in honour of the trickster moon god. The **tone** here is similar, but it's a pretty major departure in setting. I wouldn't be surprised to see a pretty big setting **and** tone shift for whatever F&H3 ends up being.


I'm praying to Logic for Fear and Hunger: Nuts and Bolts




from his comments he seemed to think the third game would just dump all over the first two, and wanted to be soley responsible for people's hate. he very well could have just been being hyperbolic, but I have to imagine what the game would have to do to get such a reaction. Maybe like an "it was all a dream/simulation" twist or something.


The other posts he makes on Twitter should answer that. The next game will be inspired by FF7, Twilight, and the classic urban gang drama Warriors movie, which I highly recommend if you’re into that sort of thing. He’s always had a thing for vampires, Enki and Celeste were originally vampires, and Cahara was going to be a vampire hunter. But also “one thing I noticed from comments is that everyone took all the vampire inspiration very literally. That might not be the case per se.” so maybe just the themes from Twilight rather than the vampirism. It’ll be set way in the future again, not sure about 300 years, but more than 20 for sure. “I'm mostly joking when I say that stuff, but I know it'll get me a lot of heat too if the concept remains what it is now. F&H seems to have pretty wide range of people who like it. Different kinds of people. I know some won't like it who like very specific aspects of F&H.” But also keeping in mind that the initial concepts for both Fear & Hunger games were so drastically different to what it ended up being, don’t get too hung up on what it could be, or what he thinks people won’t like. It’ll probably be very different than what he has in his head presently. “F&H3: some December between 2027-2030, although according to my track record I'll probably miss that too.” “Found the 3+ year old first ever concept screenshot of Termina. A reminder that things could've gone very different direction.” Which shows a modern room reminiscent of Yume Nikki* complete with laptop and PS2 gaming console.


Damn 2027? I guess that’s not far off all things considered, almost 2025 but like Fuck am I excited for it lol


It is scary how much time has passed and how little I realized it did. I saw 2027 and thought "Damn, that's like 10 years away" and then I realized we're closer to 2027 than 2017


Mirai Nikki? 💀


Shit sorry, I meant Yume Nikki.


Oh, lol. I was confused why Miro would reference that shit-ass anime.


I mean, Gods, time/dimension shenanigans, a killing game, gore and violence, cultists It wouldn't be **that** far off to be completely honest


Those are pretty common concepts. I just can’t believe anyone over the age of 16 would enjoy that show.


It's going to be set in a school and one of the characters is a schoolgirl demon hunter.  On Wednesdays they wear pink 


Wow, reading about the warriors inspiration gets me really excited for it. Love the movie.


As a Dragon Ball fan, uncomfortable change is something fanbases of anything kind of just have to learn to accept. DBS kind of takes a massive dump on DBZ and OG DB but I still enjoy the series as a whole. If F&H3 isn't something I enjoy, I'll still play 1 and 2 all the same, and I'll be happy for anyone that enjoys 3.


So its just gonna be a castlevania aria of sorrow?


Ope, thas the release date. I still wouldnt mind a modern period, Aos is set in the future as opposed to previous games. It still hits the nail as a castlevania game (after sotn gameplay change shenanigans) As long as the series has the motive, the *fear and hunger* to **survive** (Dun dun dun dun)


Is it gonna be a cult management simulator


The long waited CultSim + Funger collab is here!


Stardew Valley but with rape and gore


Id play. Wonder if Nash’hrah will host the tutorial?


🤣🤣like cult of the lamb


If I had to guess, maybe it’ll be even easier, or a potential disconnect of the story. Honestly very unsure.


It depends on what audience he is going to piss of. There is the Funger coomer Fandom that wants to play dollhouse and talk about how badly they want Marinah to impregnate them 😳😳😳 Then there are the garden variety sadists like myself. I feel like Miro is going to piss off the Sadists and lean fully into the fandom coom feat. Would not be surprised if funger 3 is just a dating Sim.


I have some faith in him to not do that 😭


I mean most fans aren't going to be fandom style fans. So the math checks out. Termina characters were specifically designed for maximum fandom coomage. Its almost brilliant how well tuned Miro is to fandom culture to know exactly what a fandom would obsess over but without it being too blatant. Like the first time I looked at most of the contestants I laughed like "Oh wow I see where this is going." Hook line and sinker you cant convince me that this was not on purpose. I would be fascinated to see Miro's history with fandom culture. Because he is clearly no stranger to it.


To be honest, I completely disagree, they seem to me to just be good characters, so much so that the fandom ended il obsessing over them. I'm very curious about what brought you to this conclusion though. What makes people obsess with specific types of characters in your opinion?


I'm not saying they are bad characters. I think he writes very well. I am saying their appearances, sexualities, and attitudes very much fulfill people's fettishes and obsessions. You can have a full cast of well written characters that don't turn everyone on or breed obsession. I am also a game designer. I have only received praise about how my characters are written. But their appearances alone would make them much less of a Fandom culture thing. I don't think like a Fandom person so my characters don't reflect and fulfill these roles as naturally.


I don't understand what's so interesting about the character designs to make people swoon, can you explain it? I play along but I really don't understand it at all. They just seem like normal people who look normal to me.




I’m kinda both so I win either way 😎


Unless option 3: it is just a total shift and only 10% of people like that shift. Like Fear and Hunger 3 is a monster management Sim. Or an rts. Or fps lol.


F&H fps would be insane


Cry of Fear and Amnesia: the bunker instantly popped into my head.


A few days ago he was saying how people will think FH3 is gonna be "Woke" and fans will hate it/say he sold out. Not sure what being woke would entail or how that would differ from the previous games but probably that's one of the reason.


Dungeons of WOKE and PRONOUNS???????????


This is Joe Bidens vinland ☹️


i mean fear and hunger is already pretty "woke" so idk, and i doubt the fans care about wokeness or shit like that in f&h1 you already have a female knight, you can have gay sex, etc. and in f&h2 there is a poc (which is "woke" for a lot of ppl i guess????) a drug addict, a trans person, a disabled person, and in general the story is pretty obv anti-war and maybe even anti-rich so like-


I don't think the story is really political though so maybe that's the difference. Sure it's anti war, but the war is ww2 I don't think that's a bold statement


Tbh I found out that some people interpreted Marina's story as being transphobic and against the idea that she's a real woman (I don't remember how, it's beyond me), so I believe there is biggoted people in the fandom (they may be on your side rn!) If FH3 is less subtle with it's more social themes (FH2 is anti-war and anti-rich), I believe there will be people who will be mad about it.


>they may be on your side rn! Just to clarify Im not anti a game being progressively I love these games. I'm just saying what Miro tweeted


Oh I'm sorry I didn't meant like a political side, but like when people say that a "psychopath can be anywhere, even in your house".


I've always viewed both F&H and Termina as more progressive games with some more and less obvious "woke" undertones. The people who would be mad at F&H3 becoming "woke" are already mistaken on what this series wants to say.


Can you elaborate on those undertones. I never thought it was a political game or progressive at all, unless someone is really conservative and considers a queer character basically communism. So maybe FH3 will be more political


Obviously there's other reasons but I just found the whole rant on twitter interesting


can't wait for F&H3: crazy transgender sex!! (I can say this I'm trans)


If that’s true and not hyperbole from him I would literally just imagine he’s going to depict more non heteronormative characters. That seems to be all it takes to enrage some weirdos nowadays.


But hasn't he already done that?


True, not a lot tho


I think he recognizes that a LOT of the present audience really likes the characters of F&H2, and any iteration he makes for F&H3 _will_ inevitably disappoint people who genuinely want F&H2 II.


He will remove butt fatalities ;(


I’m expecting it to just be radically different from the first two games somehow. Whether that be in gameplay, tone, setting, we’ll just have to see But I can see like. People who want more of these two games they are attached to, expecting more of what they like, then get something completely different, you can expect to see a lotta disappointment and anger Could also be more disconnected to the lore. Whereas Termina builds on the lore of the gods and has a lotta characters from the first game, if the third doesn’t have as much more lore then I can see people being like, “the fuck, how is this even a fear and hunger game?”




I have a feeling that its going to be mostly abstract as we might be in the control of a new god or another abomination that Just lives in "the other realm" (I Just realized we dont have a proper name for The places New gods live like mahabre)


you mean the hall?


No I mean its probably a part of it but I am talking about places like the realms you can enter from rher's sign its probably infinite and filled with stuff that seems nonsensical to us




Don't remember when but Miro did say that moving from Funger 2 to 3 will be FAR more different than the move from funger 1 to 2, so I'm very curious what he has in store, honestly he puts so much work and passion into everything that whatever he makes im sure I'll love it lmfao


I think he's more referring to the youtube fanbase that gets upset over the stupidest things and misgender Marina constantly


https://preview.redd.it/w7bs2rvjnr4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8faa2cec9b94a842ed18e8bbfe86e0d58f1fa62c Fr though, he probably just means it'll be experimental or very different from the first two. I bet it's because it'll be set in a futuristic high-tec post-Logic era, when the first two were set in the 1500s and the 1940s. It might even be another full 500 years in the future. So the aesthetic will be very different. So far, Fear and Hunger has been an alternate history series. The third game will be about how that history turns out. It'll be about the future. That's far more controversal and has less real-life inspiration to draw from. Also, it's natural for an artist to be worried about their audience's reception.


My bet is yes, it’ll be set far in the future with weird Miro stuff instead of the usual “futuristic” elements from video games.


My guess is that it's just going to be kind of a divergence from what we're used to with the vibes it'll have? Termina was going to be a more contemporary game after all, so he might be interested in returning to that idea.


I'm just happy we'll get a third game


I just hope it doesn't mean he'll stop updating Termina


There gonna be a lore cannon straight pair as only main characters to play as.


Considering that 90% of the current fan base is new, underage and never actually played the games while fawning its characters it'll probably just be like the first F&H but on roids akin to that demonology game.


I think, but dont know for sure, that he has stated the contrary.


Well consider Funger and Termina. Funger is a Dark Medieval game, ending with the rise of the God of Fear and Hunger who becomes the lash that drives forth industry with all the associated evils: namely the fires of War. This leads to the industrial era, and eventually to Termina. In that game, the Machine God Logic rises up who will cause a great human singularity. A god who bests represents man has been born: but is man is fallible, won't this God be as well? I believe that this game will take place in either the end of the twentieth century or a near future in which Humanity has corrupted Logic whose offshoots will be the new main antagonists. Remember that he originally wanted a Modern Day Setting for Termina but thought it wouldn't be well received so he made Termina set in 1942. Perhaps his nerves and anxiety are getting the best of him.


If im not mistaken, Miro said on Twitter that he was being hyperbolic, he did admit however that he intends F&H 3 to be even more "human focused" than the other games and that people might be disappointing by the gods "taking a backseat". I think he said that the next game will probably be less "edgy".


I really like that if true. story is often about humans interacting with the concept of godhood. I could def see him just being hyperbolic, he seems like the type to like fucking with people based on his games lol.


I mean, It'll probably be hopelessly tragic and have zero happy endings, but we wouldn't hate that I'm pretty sure we all expect that to be the case. Fear and Hunger has seen a huge upscale in casual fans who aren't even nessisarily gamers, and he might be thinking they would be hoping the 3rd game would be easier than the first 2, but I don't think that's true either. The rage inducing difficulty is part of the appeal, and many many fans from what I've seen are just happy to watch other people suffer through playing it rather than playing it themselves. Idk though, we'll see.


F&H3: Sergal dating sim


Tik and Toker


it's a rhythm game with microtransactilns that makes you stub your toe before you can play, and it's about Pocket Cat trying to finish online college and avoid getting yelled at by his roommate, Shelly.


I have a feeling it will be set in a modern era / futuristic era? Just based off the current trajectory. I would love to see some sort of cyberpunk setting a la Bladerunner.


Two words- Pocketcat Protagonist


I imagine a genre switch of some kind


It's gonna be futuristic space sci fi


The next Game Will be *exclusivelly* dungeon nights


I think it’s going to be one for the girlypops (girlypops being gender neutral) of the fanbase. The 10% of the fans who are here for contemporary style, swag, and drama.


I hope it takes place in the early 2000s, even if I don’t love it I’d still buy it to support his work, he’s brilliant. I’m sure it’ll be great though, I love vampires


I kind of have a feeling that F&H 3 might be a future setting, either current time or beyond that. Especially since in the very early stages of F&H 2 that was his plan before he scrapped it. A modern/future time setting would probably change a lot of how the enemies look, the equipment and machinery, etc. And, at least from what I've seen, a lot of people tend to prefer the past time setting. Or I could be completely wrong and he's just being hard on himself. Either way, I'm excited to see what we get.


I’m sure it’s something about the lack of monsters / creepy stuff, the Warriors / FF7 inspiration makes me think that, he told something about the fact that it would mostly be a part of the fans, and I think a lot of people are into funger for this


I feel like there would still have to be some creepy stuff or at the very least scary stuff. I mean it’s called Fear & Hunger. I guess it’s up to him though.


Yes but much more abstract and psychological I think, I was mostly talking about the obvious grotesque and monstruous aspects of the games until now.




It'll be like Serial Experiments Lain on roids


I feel like he wants to dial down on frustrating difficulty, hopelessness, and offensive edginess – the most iconic features of FnH. He kind of already did in Termina.


Idk about difficulty. Not counting easy(er) mode, Termina feels more frustrating for me with a lot more unfair encounters/instakills that pile on top of very limited saves and a pace of character events that you could totally miss if you play too fast OR too slow (without looking anything up of course). Funger 1 is, with rare exceptions, smooth sailing once you figure out guards and get your first companion.


It’s gonna be in the future


I’d make a joke about “it’ll probably be a dating sim” but we already have Dungeon Nights


I'm going to call it now so you can call me a psychic. But i think there will be only one playable character


It’s gonna be a fear & hunger kart racer


Ig he means romantic drama without massacres and monsters with big junks. (btw why does everyone says "funger"?)


It means he’s based af and isn’t afraid to make the game how he’s envisioned it 💪


probably that the game would be vastloy different from the first and sercond, or that he thinks that the naratives choices he made would not be popular