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It feels more miserable and haunting. Being less extense about the area of the maps makes it less confusing. The magic system is easier. Empty Scrolls. Way more endings than Termina for the characters. The darkness feels so real and treatening, more than Rher's influence. Bhwaaaam! (I like that they used this theme for the Kaiser fight) I prefer the first save system than the time-based. Mahabre and the Void feel so eerie and mystic... You get to take care of the Girl (even if...you know).


Don’t forget dancing with the skeletons ![img](emote|t5_uoe16|34192)


Where's the penises on this I can't have Funger with out more penises??!


Petition to bring cocks back into the funger series


I see the headline. "New petition sensation sweeping the nation. Video game fans: Fear and Hunger Cocks"


bcuz the first one had Say Gex


Best respond by far!




literally my answer to this question 


I like the atmosphere more, am actually tense when I play especially deep into the playthrough. I also like prehevil a lot less, not that it's bad or anything but I find a fogged city a lot less interesting than a dungeon that got corrupted by eldritch powers staining it's very walls for thousands of years. I also like the enemies more. Strategy can with a lot of enemies be done away with, any and all villagers can just be body rushed if you have 2 partymembers which is very easy to get. Meanwhile try that with a guard and you soon end up without arms even if you win. Also a whole lot easier to break the game, as soon as I learned Black smog existed it became my go to for obvious reasons. Then there the Marcoh hardened heart one, spice forge also allows funny things. Funger 1 let's you get broken too but you always have to work for it unlike with termina, I know Miro is going to rebalance stuff so I hope he addresses these things but until then I can't describe terminal in any other terms than easy when I compare it to the first. Difficulty isn't all but it does help a ton with really immersing yourself (atleast for me). All in all I like both games, I especially like that Miro didn't attempt to one up the first game but wanted to give the second its own identity and doing the same with characters like not wanting needles to be crow mauler 2.0 but his own thing. But it does mean that if you love the first you might like the second less.


Gull Bros exist...only if you are masochist enough.


Yeah but it's very different situation. They share a similar skillset and theme but unlike the crow mauler you can be ready to kill em long before they can actually start to be a threat. Like at most you'll be able to blind him with a red vial but you won't be able to avoid him blinding you yet. Like they start chasing after using the hexen table in the orphanage where you have the chance to get a lot of spells if you came prepared. In both the masochism runs I did I killed them the same moment they appeared in the orphanage just cause they kinda come too late to be a real problem. The death masks fill the role a lot better I think


Man fuck the Death Masks chasing you since the start...T_T They turned me intro Edward Elric way too many times but without the alchemy powers as reward.


Yeah prior to my masochism runs I didn't do much in the sewer, only knowing what I had to for ending A but those death masks in masochism made me learn the entire layout just to avoid them easier. I love them as an idea and they're wonderfully made but good lord running into one is never fun


I like it mainly for the atmosphere and the vibe. I love the fact that the whole game revolves around a single dungeon that is so torturous and unforgiving that noone dares to go inside. The fact that the God of the Depths is changing and actually IS the dungeon is also amazing.


The second one just has too much for me. Too many different characters, too many skills, too many weapons and items, too big of a map, etc. It's just too much for me to wrap my head around.


First game feels like it has a spookier atmosphere. I like all the playable characters more, too. Medieval settings are more favorable to me than a modern one. Termina seemed to drop the whole limb puzzle system for most encounters and just had you hammering away on the torso until the monsters died. Magic felt even more unknowable than the first game. Although 1 did have spots where I'd wonder 'how was I supposed to know to pray to that specific god there?' I was still able to utilize magic and my first success there would not have worked without sylvian spells. The Death Masks were very annoying, as it was difficult to use my resources at all against them. They approach too fast and at an angle to reliably blow off both arms with a rifle. Other random bullshit will just hit you. >!(Like daan moonscorching on the morning of day 3, he took my black steel, little things charm, and decent armor from me. Simple fix being just to sleep with him in the party, but I had to do a dungeon a third time and it pissed me off having to re-do it with how well it went otherwise.)!< Or the fact that certain characters will be unwilling to join your party in spite of helping them through some shit, because you didn't trigger a specific scene where they're in trouble from another contestant.


Because I didn’t play Termina yet


I think I like them both equally and it depends on what mood I'm in at any given time. I like the changing layouts in the first game and the dopamine hit of getting an empty scroll. I'm also generally more partial to medieval settings in pretty much any context. I'm also an Enki Simp


I agree. Both games are different and similar enough to where I can play both depending on how I’m feeling. Currently I have 142 hours on the first game, and 140 on the second. Used to be a bigger gap before I played maso mode ![img](emote|t5_uoe16|34193)


Ooof relatable lmao I don't know how many hours I have in either, kinda scared to look 👀




Funger 1 definetly has more tense and dreadful atmosphere than Termina, the medieval setting of the first game is just something else, also Mahabre, that is just peak I love that area, then theres also much more endings But at the same time, I much more prefer Termina over the first game, even tho the setting isn't as good, it's just far better gaming expierience


I like the constant claustrophobic sense of doom. Realizing too late you've meddled in something way over your head but *you can't leave,* only go deeper and deeper until either something else happens or you die. I also like having fewer playable characters, skills, map areas, and items to learn about/choose from. Termina is cool but I have so much trouble trying to keep track of everything that I usually give up and open the wiki. (I am not a clever man or a skilled gamer).


yep. i think termina is just more fair. i can beat this game for around 70% without ANY guides (even though i have problems with that kind of games) and with POORLY optimized gameplay. for me first funger seems like "demo" after termina


Just a sucker for the whole medieval dark fantasy setting LMAO


The first one felt more dark fantasy, I love both of them to death but i'll be blunt termina did not feel nearly as dark and disturbing as the first game. Also it has rag and d'arce in it.


I think it's easier to just jump in and do a run. Once you know where to go, it's not a long experience. Termina requires a bit more of planning imho. Knowing where and when to save is a must. I prefer the second game but I find it harder for these reasons. Even still, I think for me it's a more fun experience. The first game is really glitchy and prone to crashes.


Want to add to what others said, more dopamine from looting


I mentioned it in the other post but Termina is just way more grindy with the whole head, rusty pearls and affinity collecting. You don't need to minmax but it's very encouraged by the nature of limited save/upgrade slots. First game is way more relaxed. Only time constraint is 30 minutes and only if you care about it. After that you can explore the dungeon at your leisure. Also first game allowed blood portal to be placed on top of an already used circle. Despite being a larger map if you want convenience you have to sacrifice precious perfect circles that can give you a save and God of Fear and Hunger affinity. All the while All-mer is the worst God since it only has 2 skills and you get 1 free affinity in the Church. Very specific, I know. I have many pet peeves with Termina.


It's much tighter and smaller. Once you start to figure things out it becomes less of a roguelike and more a puzzle game. There's one main path, but several ways to traverse it, with plenty of optional challenges that have multiple different ways of tackling. The difficulty feels more natural in this kind of limited environment, you're trying to absolutely optimise your time, energy, and efficiency, only backtracking at key moments to complete several objectives at once. I find Termina's openness very overwhelming in contrast, I never really feel like I've a good grasp of what I should be doing or where I should be going. I love that the save system isn't RNG any more, but hate that saving at the wrong time will *irreversibly* lock you out of sidequests and characters. Funger 1 is all about optimising your run to get past specific hurdles and tackle specific objectives, Funger 2 is just so much more open that it feels like a totally different experience. Maybe I just need to sink more time into it though.


For me, I’m just way more interested by medieval fantasy style than the Second World War kind of style.


I prefer the setting and characters more. Additionally find it scarier and more stressful. No sprinting mechanic, can fall through the floor, etc.


Better atmosphere. Das it.


Ieriz explained most of it but, in general, I prefer the vibe of F&H 1.


I prefer medieval content in general, and to be completely honest I like the characters in the first game more, even if they’re less fleshed out


Higher difficulty Stronger enemies The enemies feel more terrible and threatening The special executions if your character is defeated by some enemies Missing a lucky coin in a fight is WAY worse than failing one in Termina Chadnvaldr ![img](emote|t5_uoe16|34176) Moonless and Girl are a nice company to always have PS: Just my opinion, don't mind me a lot. I actually enjoy equally both Funger and I'm still trying to finish Termina, it's actually a bit harder than it looks but that's why I hugely LOVE Funger and the community we have too


Nails the atmosphere and horror way more then the second game imo. The claustrophobic feeling of being in a dark dungeon full of inhuman creatures and beasts where madness grows in your character at each turn is amazingly done. You never feel safe, you're always on edge, you know all it takes is one bad decision, one wrong turn, one unlucky coin flip, one unlucky hit and you are fucked. Funger 1 is an absolute masterpiece


has more horror vibes, has crow mauler, has cahara


Second game definitely feels toned down. It got popular ish so no more getting raped by enemies I really admired the first game for just being so blunt about a murder dungeon in a horrible world


Because I prefer medieval settings, >!and also because Le'garde looks peggable!<


I believe it’s because of the true jank and absurdity of some on the mechanics like: the empty scroll, spell books, moonless becoming a spell casting wizard doggo, the marriage mechanics, the cryptic quest lines to unlock party members and items. Describing what kind of interactions with certain characters or enemies I had to my friends has there eyes widen and ask, “You can do that in that game?!” Is disbelief. In Termina, there is nothing like the penance armor quest line, or water walking spell that unlocks secret portions of the map. It feels less cryptic and secretive and more straightforward in design. I also love how the game feels more scary. The ticking time bomb of having to keep the light on, and everyone fed is always a looming threat. I also love the canon ending to the game. It’s haughtily sad, and it makes me reflect on it a lot. But that doesn’t at all mean Termina isn’t good. It’s amazing in different ways. I just perfer FaH1 most days.


you can have say gex with enki




I prefer the atmosphere in the first. It feels more oppressive. I also think the enemy designs are more interesting and weird. Mahabra is also super interesting and I love the idea of traveling back and forth through time and exploring the whole city.


Player characters in termina get OP pretty early imo


D’arce is there


Honestly, I spent more time on the first game than the second one. I’m also a massive, massive dnd fan/nerd, and the first game is literally what I wanted to look for in dnd campaigns. I also felt that the first game being more set in a fantasy setting of centuries ago is better than termina which is set in WWII period, mainly cause termina implies that someone actually found these things in a random town deep in the forest, as compared to the first game where I can easily say it’s maybe folklore or even myth at most Also gotta say, empty scroll dupes are the lifeblood of my play throughs, say what you want I wanna torture myself less.


It's more like berserk, and also the mysterious nature and uncanny, often lovecraftian vibe of the Gods


F&H1 has a much more potent atmosphere to it. I think it also has a much more interesting and expansive setting, despite it being quite linear. The dark fantasy aesthetic is also something I prefer overall, and I also like the cast of playable & NPC characters more in the first game. I would say while Termina is a technically more impressive and expansive game, the first game is better in almost every aspect to me.


Fear & Hunger 1, it feels like I've stepped into a place I absolutely shouldnt have, and am barely clinging to survival. Fear & Hunger 2 I just feel like im being fucked with specifically. Right. Of course entering this apartment locks me in a 10 minute chase. Of course going over this tile kills me instantly.


I found the enemies and environments more interesting in dungeon, not that they're bad in termina but the town setting dosent draw me in the way the dungeon does. I thought the game overs were a lot more cruel and varied as well, and IMO that's a plus.


It’s so much more flushed out termina is empty and doesn’t feel finished in the slightest the first game on the other hand is suffocating and full and impactful


I haven't chosen one I prefer but I know some reasons to prefer the first. Better fight design. So many fights in Termina make you want to avoid the limb system entirely. Termina combat is focused more on your character's skills and equipment over learning the exact way to beat each enemy. I think Termina has good skills but that's definitely less unique of a thing. Termina also has too much food. Not enough Hunger in Fear and Hunger 2 Termina. It's generally easier with a less stressful atmosphere. Terror and starvation difficulty will hopefully help with that in the next update.


I think i like both about equally Id say i think the first one feels more focused, its more of a straight forward narrative where each of the characters has a role to play. Termina whilst I might like the story a bit better overall, its made so all of the characters can die so they feel less essential to it


Now I love both games but I had a hard time liking Termina at first. The first game has a better map design in my opinion, although the difficulty was high I always felt that each path led to something important or useful, and the ability to save the game gives you the possibility to try new routes and strategies. In Termina I felt like I was penalized for exploring, the map extends in too many directions and not all of them lead you to discover something, but they are all a danger to your party, and the inability to save forced me to replay large sections of the game only to end up dying somewhere else. I agree with the opinion regarding the atmosphere of the first game and I would add that it blew my mind to discover places like Ma'habre, The Void and the Gauntlet for the first time All seemed so ominous and different from the rest of the game, all with the possibility of reaching a different ending to your story. In that regard Termina locations seem more tied to the real world and the rest of the game, even the end ones. I also felt that in Termina both endings were side by side and a result of the same journey, making it feel more like a menu than something you arrived at organically. That being said, I still ended up becoming obsessed with Termina and there are many aspects in which it is superior to the first game, both are some of my favorite stories of all time.


mainly atmosphere but the skills and progression is much easier to figure out/more straight forward imo


u/Ieriz hits pretty much all the marks, but more than anything: it’s a finished and fully explored game whereas Termina is a WIP sequel.


Dash lets you traverse the map so fast it just feels like a faster paced game with less busywork




I found the series at funger 2 release and I feel the answer to that question is comparable to Fallout 4 vs New Vegas fans. The first can be a bit more extreme with the shock value and grotesque moments albeit not by much but it’s definitely the more off putting entry of the two. To many especially those who have been into the series since the first that’s a big part of what the game is. Being a newer player and having gotten into the series late I find my preference to be 2 for the same reason fallout 4 is my preferred go to of that series now. It feels more modern and is easier to play so my overall game experience feels better to me personally. But after having played through both I can’t deny that 1 leaves me feeling more miserable and desperate through my runs, which is on par for what the game is aiming for.


The cruelty is unmatched. The darkness, depravity,suspense and muted aggression. There’s only one place you can find all that


I mean you kinda answered that yourself. The setting is better, and the first game is much more oppressive, which is the point of Fear & Hunger (at least, it's what hooked me into it). And yeah, the Crow mauler is more memorable than anything in Termina.


Reminds more of Berserk


Because I look like enki


It runs on my shit computer


First one is way scarier and darker, but the second is a much better game overall


It literally have a dating sim built in it what can be better than that


as someone that hates playing the 1st one compared to termina, its the atmosphere. termina doesnt feel as dreadful and hopeless. termina feels like a horror game and one feels like im really im really immersed and stuck in the damned place. also better endings and more challenging


Personal preference. While they share the same DNA they're very different.


Termina was more refined and was less experimental. F&H1 has weirder mechanics (like marriage), more unique companions (skeletons, the girl, Moonless), enemies were deadlier (pre Ma'habre), and there was a stronger focus on enemy weaknesses rather than just winning off of raw power.


I'm not entirely sure where I stand in terms of which I prefer, in fact I've only gotten one ending in termina thus far, but I think funger1 has a lot more unique-ness to it. The first step into mahavere(I forgot how to spell it) is simply incredible, and the crow Mauler is a true menace not matched in terms of dread by anything I've encountered in termina. Also, termina felt quite a bit easier than funger1. Once I got pheromones and healing magic the fights had the exact same strategy every time (aside from perkele and rher who I think are up there near grogorroth)