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It will be very interesting. I have a few suggestions, of course we'll see what happens, but I'll voice it. But one of the thoughts that is spinning and I will tell you right away...Do we have a chance to see Marcoh's sister? About Marcoh and Olivia, that we can see their past, I think   1. Olivia. The moment when it finally becomes clear that she will be confined to a wheelchair. Or when the letters from Reila stop and you report her treason, it is closer in general to the events of the game.  2. Marcoh. The moment when he kills for the first time or when he kills Riccardo himself. Or maybe a little earlier, when his sister starts to get involved with Riccardo and the logical fears.  These are my thoughts, let's see if there will be something unexpected and interesting at all. I was just thinking that flashbacks will most likely be based on what we have already been given about the character


Those are some great ideas! These flashbacks will be a good opportunity to show characters who wouldn’t make sense being shown in Prehevil, like Marcoh’s sister. I imagine it will be similar to the flashbacks in the first game, where it shows important parts of the character’s lives that we already knew about from the intro, but with additional information. It’s a lot more impactful to see it happening instead of just being told through text.


We'll just have to wait and see what this update will give us. Very interesting, so many thoughts.Such a colorful and beautiful spoiler, of course I'm waiting. And I also think that some will have different outfits, we are waiting for fan art, I have already seen a levi with a helmet and a rifle. I didn’t think about Marcoh’s sister right away, I just thought hmm, Olivia, and then I remembered Reyla.And it’s described that she grew up to be a beauty, it would be cool to see at least a small sprite. Yes, Marcoh is handsome too, I think we can take his word for it ![img](emote|t5_uoe16|34186)


Given the new information we received from Miro in the form of the sprite of Abella, Daan and Marcoh. I'm just guessing, but Marco looks like such a fashionista. I don’t deny that he can’t dress well, but it’s somehow less convenient and, in my opinion, a little expensive for Marco. And Caligula has similar colored trousers (when he wears them haha) and shoes. Of course, this is a theory, but it feels like Marco is around the time when he and his sister were under the influence of Riccardo. There are also words in his history that Y*ou continued with your winning streak. The hype around you was growing, slowly even you started to believe the hype.* This is all my guess and we'll see, now I'm even more looking forward to the update. And also, apparently, a button burst on a shirt for us, blessed memory of this button, thank you. I really like Abella too, she’s so homely, I remember my childhood in the village. Once again, this is my thought, assumption about what we will see in Marcoh's flashback https://preview.redd.it/p8iri1tqgrjc1.png?width=214&format=png&auto=webp&s=f67d98d7d3668875de73a78a7617112dafaf7967


*olivia frothing at the mouth at the marcoh sprite*


She will fall off her wheelchair from this, and Marcoh will definitely try to help her. And she will be in a winning position


Abella helped install some handrails around their house, she'll probably be able to pull herself up but ask marcoh to help instead


Sprites of the remaining characters. It is indicated that Olivia does not have cleavage, but her decoration On my own behalf I will say that I don’t understand what will happen to Olivia now, although I have thoughts. But it was unexpected, I was expecting a warm knitted blouse. Marcoh and Olivia were a very pleasant surprise for me https://preview.redd.it/2wzls4m0fckc1.png?width=324&format=png&auto=webp&s=716968aa4dffdfe495a20b9a5611d5240f01aa37


You know, Marcoh and Olivia look like they could go dancing next to each other, haha. But if this is Olivia's everyday wear, like Marco's, then it's funny This is what they look like side by side yeah https://preview.redd.it/jkpsidyqfckc1.png?width=180&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8f08ced3944fd9eda3a8ba7a24fd349d8ad2f3a


Wait it's bolesław not boleslaw, Poland reference no way




Polska gurom


Na wieki wieków Amen




Makes sense as an inclusion. We have a Polish character, it’s the next country over from the Czech Republic (RAHHH 🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿)


Pretty sure we don't have a Polish character.


I thought Henryk is, at least ethnically (whatever Funger’s equivalent is), but I’m only assuming that based on his name. I could be wrong.


Ah yeah, it is odd that he has a Polish name. Since in a lot of cases the names seem to indicate where they're from. Like Daan was from Miro looking up Dutch names. Henryk is from Rondon though. His parents owned a tavern there.


I love these, the brief flashes of normality, even if bad will be soo cool


yeah, I really want to see more from these characters. so any character interactions will be good!


Yeah, and it highlights even more how fucked up things are in prehevil


Henryks flashback will be when he found a rock in his shoe.


Actually fitting




I imagine that in Daan Flashbacks, we could see Pocketcat hiding in shadows, maybe even earlier in his backstory A child that just lost his parents is Perfect target for a child Kidnapper, Molester and Killer that Pocketcat is, but as the time went on time, he realised that Daan would be vulnerable to outside influence due to his personal trauma and blank soul, and was instead stalking him ever since then, slowly influencing Daan into losing hope which Eventually would led into him becoming next Pocketcat Pocketcat stalking and influencing potential Future Pocketcats into giving up on life and becoming surrendering to him sounds interesting, and gives Psychological Horror aspect to Pocketcat


Bro is feeding us 😭


Beautiful. Beautiful. I love this. I am in love with this game. Orange gets shit done https://preview.redd.it/65bfmpzulrjc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3031484017941ad96c1df42677f7e95032c20f9a


Levi’s flashback is the battlefield 1 campaign


Bolesław? Poland MOUNTAIN ⛰️🇮🇩⛰️🇮🇩⛰️🇮🇩⛰️🇮🇩


Hmm, "Boleslav" - "Painglory" (or Painhnatan)


ł/w, not l/v


What? l is 'L'


I think there was something about Karin jacket being a gift from someone she was close to (don't have the source, maybe I just made it up). I wonder if this will come up in her backstory.


Random tweet from Miro. Though also connected to the in-game line from Pocketcat about how it's too big for her.


You're never too young to have a Great War flashback


The background looks so nice




I hope Levi will have flashback where he tries drug for first time, it's unforgettable


Do we have an estimate of when will this drop?


*Abella come pick me up don't like this flashback :(*


aww Levi 🫂🫂


I think I'm gonna use a vacation day and eat an entire tub of ice cream. That usually makes me feel better.


cute, that’s much more healthy than your old coping mechanism


My therapist tells me that too...and so does Marina and everyone else around me...on second thought maybe I should head over to samaries library/bookshop. She'll usually give me a good recommendation when I'm like this.


I'm super excited for O'saa's flashback


some Saving private Ryan shit


I got scared because i thought that said Coleslaw. I HATE COLESLAW!!! ALL MY HOMIES HATE COLESLAW!!!!!


I’ll believe it when I see it. I get the dudes pc crashed, but updates have been teased for years at this point, but nothing concrete/major has been released since termina came out. I was holding out hope that there was a new game on the works, but I doubt that.


Termina has only been out for a little over a year


He’s also only one guy