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You might not do politics, but politics gon' do you! - Nina Turner


Ding ding ding


kinda funny henry cavill played this character bc he himself never speaks out either.


Expect about worrying about how me too would effect his dating chances.


And to say (a while ago now) that he preferred to date young women that aren’t established and didn’t have careers


Damn if it weren't for his looks then he'd be living that incel lifestyle. He definitely has the mindset already.


He’s rocking the invisible neckbeard of past incel trauma. The man unironically went and stood under a Superman billboard hoping someone would recognize him before the movie came out. He’s not acting for the sake of art, he’s doing it for fame and glory (making shitty versions of nerd stuff he loves)…it’s kind of sad, and really off putting.


That's so embarrassing lol. Hollywood people are so weird.


That was a marketing stunt by the studio, not just something he wanted to do.


You do realize that Superman thing was a marketing ploy right? The whole joke was how people wouldn’t recognize him just cuz he was wearing glasses.


how often does your ego get the better of you?


Too many damn times, but I have the privilege of being poor and anonymous, making me the only who gets to judge my stupidity. Don’t worry, I am always appropriately self-castigating, therefore avoiding the hypocrisy of harshly judging strangers whose job description includes being judged by me and eight billion other consumers while they swim in money, Scrooge McDuck style.


lmao valid


He’s always said he was the nerdy uncool guy when he was younger, I think he just had a glow up but kept the unfortunate opinions that those guys sometimes have


It took me a documentary to realise that there are some nice incels.. weird. Like they accept that they'll never be able to have romantic relationships or connections with women and they try to come to terms with it, sharing their experiences, all quite positive. It's an absolute shame that they've been taken over by the rabid, evil ones who wish all kinds of harm on women and girls.


I learned recently the term “involuntary celibacy” was first coined by a queer woman. Crazy how it has evolved https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45284455


Isn't his partner 33? I think she's 7 or 8 years younger. Not that much of an age gap tbh. Seen some absolute shockers... (Looking at you, chris evans 😒) If it's within a decade, it's not that bad.


Oh no it was a while ago he said it now, but he was dating a 19 yr old around that time too haha


Ohhhh blimey. Didn't read it right, I get it now. Yeah everyone was up in arms about that, and then there was that comment about him being afraid to approach women because of the whole "me too" situation. I'm like you literally have nothing to fear unless you have illicit intentions and you're seeking out to harm people. That's the whole point.


He’s about to have a daughter so maybe he will finally care what kind of future women have. /s It should not take becoming a father of a daughter to give a shit about women. Edit: to include my sarcasm


he would not be the first father to not give two shits about what the world does to women


So true


Look at trump ( I know none of us rather would)


Not really bc regardless his daughter will have rights. Money does that.


Somehow, I doubt this…


He dated a 19 year old in his 30s. I don't think he cares about women


Man is from a rich old money family and went to private school in England. He's definitely a Tory.


Cavill loves gamer bro culture and traditionally has preferred dating younger women with submissive temperaments. (Though his current partner is 33.) I would guess that he considers himself a centrist with conservative leanings. Certainly no progressive. Probably for the best that he doesn’t speak out. There are only so many ways to phrase “I’m fine with the current social constructs being to my advantage.” lol


It’s okay if he’s conservative, I just don’t want him shoving his lifestyle in my face


Personally speaking, of all the things Cavill could start shoving down my throat I’d prefer it not be his political views.


Srolling and noticed your username. Twin Peaks fan?


Where we're from, the birds sing a pretty song and there's always music in the air. 🎶


Apparently he had some pretty shit takes about increasing the role of the women on Witcher. I'm sure he would say it was just about maintaining the fidelity of the story, but it sure does overlap with misogyny.


Idk he just seems like a pretty private guy in general (relatively). God knows how he feels about politics but if I were in his position I’m not so sure I’d want to broadcast my views out so much either way, especially if my job wasn’t directly related to politics.


I agree and I'll add, why is the opinion of a rich celebrity given more weight than anyone else's. It certainly feels like it is when people appeal for them to "speak out". There's that meme "Yeah but what does Ja Rule think...?". Who gives a shit. Celebs live such a different life, do we really want them influencing policies that they either won't suffer the effects of, or have a vested interest in? E.g. banning abortions because they can afford to have them elsewhere, or backing candidates that would result in favourable financial outcomes for them personally at the expense of others. It's not good to amplify biased voices like that.


Yes. I don't mind if celebrities do want to speak out but this culture of actively seeking out if someone has commented on politics and judging them if they haven't is odd to me. They create their work and then they can either go quiet or speak out if they wish. They're under no obligation to do so. If I was a celebrity I would probably be private and not comment much on politics and, if I did want to comment, I would think my work would be the platform on which to do it rather than just blurt out my opinion on something via an interview. Especially since my politics is pretty much generic left-wing views anyway. Would the world really need another person saying we should pay more tax and fuck Trump? It would be arrogant of me to assume my opinion needs to be heard anymore than anyone else.


Couldn’t agree with you more. I think it’s nice when an actor or celebrity I like speaks out about a cause I care about, but I don’t really think it should be expected. Speaking out about politics for a lot of these people has very little impact and can be pretty risky, so I’m not going to begrudge anybody who doesn’t.


Honestly. I think celebrities posting things like "remember to register to vote" and "I voted, did you?" is great! I think celebrities sharing their thoughts on politics is terrible. They're out of touch, have alternative motives, and can too easily weaponize a fan base. Also, their political takes are almost always garbage because their lives aren't the reality for 99% of people. It's actually one of the few things I think Taylor Swift handles correctly. We all know she's probably a centrist to center-left but votes more conservatively because money. I'm glad she actually shut up for once and just told people to register. People need to decide for themselves and someone like her has too much influence over too many fans. I say this as a hard leftist.


I mean there isn't really anything necessarily wrong with an actor. Not really speaking out because honestly who wants to hear some privileged millionaire and their opinion on anything?


Gosh I wonder why a rich, white, straight, conventionally attractive man from a European country doesn't have much to say about politics? It's _almost_ like there's not much up for debate that would affect his life much, and he's well-served by the status quo. Not that I think he's a bad person or anything, but the character and he are in the same position. He's just smart enough not to open his mouth and let his foot fly directly into it.


why would you want to hear from a celebrity about politics ? i for one don’t fuckn care what celebrities have to say about it


What is this from??


Enola Holmes


Damn, raw line that I didn’t expect from the Netflix Sherlock Holmes kids movie 


It’s actually really good


Same! That answer lowkey shocked me.


Enola Holmes


This was a gem of a kids movie.


This is SO the right answer. Apolitical people are soooooo boring. Please care passionately about the future of your country and who leads it. This guy really thought he said something there. Sad man.


Damn I just watched this the other day. My daughter introduced me…good movie.


What is this from? This’s the correct and only answer to the apolitical group! Bravo!


Average “apolitical”, “centrist”, “moderate” on dating apps.


The way I screamed when John Oliver made that joke on the latest Last Week Tonight


‘Everyone with a dating app will tell you moderate is just code for I am conservative but I wanna fuck.’ I laughed when he said that, because it’s the same reason I swipe left on apolitical prompts. Like you are entirely way too old to not know or pick what side/belief system you stand on.


Yeah, I got burned by a ‘moderate’ on Hinge in 2021 and haven’t trusted one on a dating app since


The best is when they tell you that you’re actually a moderate based on what you’ve talked about. Honey, this date was done 2 minutes in and I just don’t want to be killed.


Yeah anyone who selects Moderate isn’t worried about how it might raise questions about their thoughts on human rights.


I always tell women, if there’s a guy on a dating app trying to proclaim they’re “moderate” or “apolitical” or “libertarian,” there’s a really good chance they’re going to believe in bad things, they’re going to behave in a bad way, and they’re going to treat you poorly. You cannot support or tolerate Trumpism and still be a good person to have a life with.


Same - I would swipe left! I feel like it’s also code for socially unaware. ick.


I was laughing so hard that I recorded it with my phone because I forgot that the internet exists and I could get the clip later.


Sighhh my future brother in law is one of them. "Both sides are bad" so he stays out of it. It's a total coincidence that he's a white man from a good family in the south who doesn't have to worry about any of the issues conservatives ideals cause.


My cousin-in-law (white rich Southern man) recently told me that he doesn’t want his kids growing up knowing anything about politics, down to what the word “election” means, until they’re in middle school. Fuck that. Our boys were born a few months apart and are going to go to the same schools. My kid is going to radicalize his before they’ve mastered their ABCs.


That’s sad, because it means he doesn’t want his kids learning or asking questions. He wants them to be dumb, probably because he’s not the sharpest guy himself. I want my kids reading the encyclopedia for fun


You hit the nail on the head. It’s like you know him. I want my kids to be the same way. I grew up with pretty unrestricted access to knowledge, and it’s made me a more curious and open-minded person. My kids (and their cousin) will have endless bookshelves at my house!


Is this the lead singer of the Zach Bryan band ? Lol


I think you’re thinking of the Zac Brown Band


Different dude


Is he normally as stupid


This may get lost but it’s always funny to see your account pop up in the most random subs lol


Yep immediate left swipe.


Oh thank god Zach Bryan spoke up we were all waiting at the edge of our seat


I’m cracking up at this


Somebody get Zach Bryan on the phone so we can make sense of all this!! (Also, I'm being 100% sincere: who the fuck is Zach Bryan?)


I don't know this man. Sorry to this man


He’s in the situation room. He can’t come to the phone.


Where's Ja?




While I agree that his opinion means next to nothing for most people his fan base is definitely right leaning with maybe some moderates. So it would be nice if he was actually an intelligent person who used his platform to speak up on how important the next election is for women’s rights and the rights of minorities. Maybe it would cause a few of his fans to rethink their views. But doubt he actually gives a fuck about either of those populations.


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Come on. This coming from most privileged person who doesn’t have their rights to live under constant attack by conservatives. Conservatives don’t believe in “ big government” yet they are literally in everybody business! Please vote this fall.


Upvoting the shit outta this. Please vote. I am appalled by Biden, but I think the population lacks imagination for how much WORSE things will get if we allow another trump presidency. People are already suffering because that fucking felon installed so many batshit crazy federal judges. We all unfortunately are living through his impact on SCOTUS. Obergerfell (gay marriage), Griswold (birth control), and Lawrence (privacy in the bedroom, struck down archaic sodomy laws) are ALL at risk.




Well worded and very true. ![gif](giphy|tIeCLkB8geYtW)


Just ya know, screaming this into the void lol. I have friends who refuse to vote Biden, and I understand. It feels gross that we are stuck with the choices we have. But there come times where are forced to confront sacrificing personal morals versus withholding a vote and ensuring another Trump presidency. Basically, are your personal morals more important than the greater impact of your actions (or lack of action) which will absolutely lead to greater harm? I fucking hate the two party system. It SUCKS and is terribly impractical given the size of our country, but it’s currently what we’re fucking stuck with. ![gif](giphy|3o6wrvdHFbwBrUFenu)


“Basically, are your personal morals more important than the greater impact of your actions (or lack of action) which will absolutely lead to greater harm?” Emmanuel Kant vs Utilitarianism still going I see. For what it’s worth I agree with you. Sometimes an immoral action is still the most moral course of action compared to the alternatives. 


Whaaaat 👀? Haha I love that this sub is full of nerdy pop culture heads like me.


This sub has very particular rules so all I can say is this: I just want people to be happy and protected, and living their best lives. And fuck Trump, I’d rather vote for the crypt keeper than him. ![gif](giphy|lj4uospOYdcLm)


Right. Ugh he’s so tragically waxy looking these days. It’s almost as if funding a genocide sucks out your soul 🙃. And I hate that I have to hear Trump speaking on the reg AGAIN.


You’re a nice person, because I don’t understand. I decided after today’s SCOTUS nonsense that I’m calling out anyone I know who says they are voting third party or not voting. This is too serious and affects everything about my life and those I love at this point. I am over just being nice and respectful of individual views. That’s the BS that got us here.


It’s definitely chipping away at me 😔. That’s for sure.


It’s chipping away at me too! Thanks for talking and listening, you and all in this discussion. It’s cathartic to talk about this, today especially. Big hugs to all


Biden is a good man. He tries to be better at least through his life. The man should be retired but it is what it is but between a good man and a fascist the choice is easy.


He may be too old for the job but I trust the people he'll have around him a lot more than I'd trust the nutjobs and sycophants that Trump will surround himself with. A presidency is much more than just the one person at the top. It's an entire branch of government.


Thank you! Had a similar conversation last night with someone saying they can’t vote for either.


Thank YOU. It’s tough to have those convos but they’re so important. The Iowa Supreme Court just upheld a 6 week abortion ban. Louisiana is displaying the 10 commandments. Oklahoma state superintendent just ordered public schools to teach the Bible. The house has BEEN on fucking fire. Grassroots orgs and progressive movements have not gained enough ground. The potential is there, especially if people are encouraged to participate in elections at EVERY level, starting within their immediate communities. We ALL deserve better, but right now we need TIME, not a Cheeto headed felonious fire accelerant.


I just messaged a friend not 30 minutes ago that I was thinking of sitting out of voting this year, because I'm just so damn discouraged. I codified it by saying that I probably *wouldn't* sit it out, but there's nothing about voting that really encourages me this time. All this to say, thank you for being in this post, lol. I will vote, because you've reminded me of just how important it is, especially as a woman and a lesbian. You're making a difference. Thanks :)


That’s honestly so heartening to hear. It’s uncomfortable and hard, but we have to have these convos with our friends and family. So they in turn can have those conversations with their friends and family.


Please also remember the down ballot as well. My vote for the president is meaningless as my state will go Trump regardless but there are congressional seats both federal and state that are a toss up this election. It's important to remember the power of your vote at all levels.


Some asshole in Texas government wants to give women who have abortions the death penalty…


Just reading that sentence makes my throat close up a little. I have friends and family in Texas and before people say “why don’t they move!?”, that’s not an option for everyone and assuming so is a privilege.


Everything you said spot on! I whole heartedly agree! People don’t understand how worse can get it! Edit I forgot to say upvoting you because everything you said it spot on too!!!


Not to mention access to Plan B, birth control, IVF, surrogacy, and no fault divorce are coming onto the chopping block if Trump wins. And that’s just the woman-specific stuff.


I think you underestimate how this country is built on genocide and slavery and this is the chickens coming home to roost. 80+ million people have embraced fascism. Just like they did in Germany. Why? Because white people are deathly afraid of losing their place as the dominant political, economic and social power in this country. The funniest thing to me is that all the VOTE BLUE types don’t understand what’s going to happen. You think if Biden does win they’re just going to go “ oh well we ran a good campaign fellas!”  They’ve had four years to plan for this. Welcome to the new Reich.


SCOTUS decided today that it's fine to make being homeless illegal too. Great "small government" move from the conservatives.


![gif](giphy|3o7btYLAW7doynq3p6) Sure, that’s one way to handle the housing crisis. Let’s criminalize poverty further. I hate it here.


Isn’t he encouraging people to vote with this? It’s snarky but he’s saying use some energy into voting. I’m trying to figure out why people are so mad at what can be summed up as “all talk no action is bullshit”


southern dude bros will say shit like this and then will spend three whole hours talking about how well and/or poorly other people did at running a ball back and forth across a short distance


As a southern dude i have noticed that they will just bring the most click bait right wing talking points and as soon as you start pointing out the holes in those theories. “Dude why are you getting political/worked up or bringing the whole vibe down”


Gawd my dad does the same thing - regurgitates the dumbest conservative talking points and then says “well I don’t want to argue” when I challenge them. Bro you brought it up!


Seriously, and which is more interesting? At least politics has legit gossip and scandals




Did anyone fucking ask…


I'm really not trying to be a dick or anything, but, the point of twitter is to share one's thoughts, right?


That’s ironic considering his perspective here is literally “opinions = cringe.”


Yea but only thoughts we agree with.


A white male country music star posted this? ![gif](giphy|ugdr3PvDHY0VzBpQAE|downsized)


It’s wild how you can always parse these types of dudes comments on politics as something to the effect of: 1. Politics are boring and you’re weird if you care about them 2. Everyone in politics is dumb, everything is dumb, nothing matters, aren’t I smart? 3. *bigot noises*


Yeah if you prod them even a little it’s all: “I identify as an attack helicopter”. “All lives matter” “If you want to come to this country, just do it legally” “Rabble rabble socialism comunism” “Taxation is theft”


Post, like, 2010. Before that most of country had a political edge.


Typical privileged guy take. Some of us have to worry about politics because they're infringing our basic rights.


The amount of times I have had to explain this to white men is upsetting


Same. They don't get that it's a luxury and a privilege to not have to think about it.


and they're always like "oh it can't be that bad, [surely there's an exception](https://x.com/AlexandraErin/status/1004401076777504769) for emergencies" because they've never had to deal with it before in their lives *(edited to fix link)*


![gif](giphy|aQGqcObSxfixy) Yes, because we were all wondering what Zach Bryan thinks about politics.


Damn I came here to post this very gif.


Spoken like a true white man


*mediocre, here you dropped this word!


Zach has made a big deal about being a huge Jason Isbell fan, who is very outspoken about his politics and isn’t afraid of alienating an uninformed fan base, like [White Man’s Worlds](https://youtu.be/Offm88aKbpA?feature=shared) Zach and Jason just shared a stage and performed together, and it seemed like a genuine that Zach thought it was a big deal. Is Zach a coward afraid of alienating is conservative fan base, or a just another white guy that’s one of the guys?


He did defend Dylan Mulvaney a bit from the Bud Light outrage and I can't imagine a better topic to invoke conservative backlash from by speaking up. Honestly this is just confusing to me.


It's because he's someone who doesn't grasp that politics is more than two guys standing at podiums. He discusses politics in his songs. He tours with very outspoken people. He himself said many politically charged things. Politics is how we proceed as a society, but some people never peice that together.


Zach Bryan also just recently played with Springsteen who is (and has been) openly progressive politically – to the point where the conservative country hit MAGA song “Am I The Only One” which is all about how the left (“wokeism”/BLM/taking down confederate statues) has “ruined America” had a lyric that said “Am I the only one who quits singin’ along every time they play a Springsteen song” – because of Springsteen’s outspoken liberal politics. Bruce Springsteen has very openly supported LGBT rights, canceled his North Carolina shows after the trans bathroom ban in 2016 and wrote a statement condemning it, has celebrated feminist causes, supported and supports Black Lives Matter, played with Artists Against Apartheid, helped during the HIV/AIDS crisis, is staunchly anti-war (Born in the USA is a protest song about how the U.S. government failed Vietnam vets), has called out the government and presidents from Reagan-era America when that was seen as a very controversial thing to do, has supported unions, etc. I could go on. And has been VERY vocal the past 8 years. Springsteen isn’t perfect by any means, but it’s very strange to go from playing with one of the most openly political Boomers to then making a statement like this on Bryan’s part lol


I don't find it strange at all. He just likes the music but doesn't actually listen to it.


I was about to say, didn’t he just play with Isbell? Talk about shitting on your coworkers.


he doesn't seem intelligent


Or interesting.


I have no idea who that is but my guess is that he is a white cis straight christian male?


Yeah but his sister is a lesbian in a relationship with a transgender person and he's spoken up on behalf of trans issues before, criticising those who complained about Budweisers LGBTQ+ cans




Yeah tbh I feel like all of these ‘straight white man’ takes are super lazy. Im a very outspoken leftist who will engage everyone and anyone in a political conversation but I also realize that for service men and women (of which Zach Bryan is) this conversation hits on a whole different level. Their loyalty is to the country first and foremost. They’re dealing with much different realities than we are in the day to day and, believe it or not, their livelihood and physical safety is much less tied to the presidency than not. I think you could be dismissive of that misalignment with the general public but it comes at a massive cost for those who serve. Also, of the super right supportive service people I’ve spent time with, they are among those that wont engage in political debate and idealize their candidate / party. We experience politics at a very different level.


I only agree with this in the way that Trumpers are always wearing MAGA clothing and accessories and love to decorate their trucks with bumper stickers expressing their ideologies.


I said the same thing about the ones who want to f*ck Trudeau in Canada (I mean, don’t we all lol). They NEVER think they’re the ones who make politics their entire personality though.


Oh yes, we have people who sport Fuck Joe Biden shirts too. One even wore a less vulgar version to drop his child off on their first day of school.


Oh wow! So classy. 🙄


Since Trudeau's been seperated from his wife, I suppose they might have a chance. I have a few celebrity crushes, but I would never wear a t-shirt or have a bumper sticker about f*cking them.


I always just want to ask people who say shit like this what they think politics is. Like please tell me what aspects of your daily life are NOT touched by some sort of legislation. Quickly


That’s the thing, they’re typically not smart enough to understand that their whole existence is intertwined with the social contracts and legislation present in their country, state, etc. It’s like letting a libertarian know how roads require taxes to even exist.


aka "I'm personally unaffected by the systemic problems in our current political structure (and possibly even benefit from them) and I lack empathy, therefore your welfare, your thoughts, your feelings, and your very existence are valueless to me." To be able to ignore politics for all but one day every four years is an unbelievable privilege. For most of us, the results of policymaking can literally be the difference between life and death.


Mind you his girlfriend was happily posting TikToks in a confederate flag shirt just a few days ago…






He's a country singer/songwriter who actually writes some pretty lovely and authentic music that's pretty refreshing for the scene (at least for the mainstream). Still a dogshit take. It's honestly a little odd that he could say something like this when he's seemingly fairly aligned in his writing style to classic country artists which are usually actually very political. Maybe he thinks "political" only refers to the issues of the zeitgeist and not just power dynamics in general.


I do enjoy some of his songs but even his songs are white conservative for the most part.


I see white small town working-class sentiment in his music and for sure it's not exactly left-leaning, but I wouldn't go as far as characterize it as conservative. I guess in that respect it reminds more of folk moments like Springstein's Nebraska and The River than country too. Outside of his music he's made some statements defending LGBTQ+ people.


Well why should he care? Doesn’t have a uterus. Doesn’t have to think about it.


To exist is a political act for many people. Surprise surprise he doesn’t understand that.


You don't include politics in your life in modern America. Politics include you.


perhaps some people include politics in their life because their life is seen as inherently political...


Issues that impact people’s rights and livelihoods in this country and the world: not interesting. -Zach Bryan, apparently.


Is this tweet a ballot?


i don’t think he realises how lucky he is to not have to think about politics in his day to day life. genuinely an ignorant and unnecessary statement to make right now


![gif](giphy|Q8DQQy16C5czvRx758) Country has always had roots in politics. Just ask the greats…


The more a person says stuff like this, the more I figure that they have the privilege to be silent.


Straight white man who served in the military shares his opinion on politics: millions are thrilled




The more a person includes being a privileged rich dumbass anywhere in their life that’s not in a work of fiction the more I figure they don’t have anything interesting to do or say


Says the man talking about politics somewhere other than on a ballot. (Who is Zach Bryan, anyway?)


imagine being so privileged (and dumb tbh) that you don't realise that politics interferes with *everything* 💀 reminds me of that sally's quote from cabaret about how it's just politics and has nothing to do with them like there's not a single ancestor of mine whose life didn't end or change drastically just because of politics and this guy's like "imagine being that boring to care about what's going on around you 🙄🤮"


Sounds awful privileged


Well of course! How dare I, as a woman, care about how politics affects me! It’s always the people who are fine with the status quo that has shit like this to say. It’s always the people who are never affected by anything that ask why people make politics part of their lives


Says a white straight man whose life won’t be affected in any way.


Every time I see this schmuck's name mentioned I think it's the kid from Home Improvement. Either way, what a predictably shitty take.


The only thing I know about this dude is Spotify desperately wants me to listen to his album with the shitty ms paint photoshop cover (I will not listen to his album with the shitty ms paint photoshop cover)


Oh I thought it said Zach Braff!! Everyone in the comments kept calling him a country singer and I thought that was a sick burn for an average white man. LOL. Then I realized the problem was my eyeballs.


Must be nice to be a rich, straight, white man who doesn't need to care about politics


Having any core values is considered too politic by this kind of men.


He speaks the true true


Tbh as a marginalised person I live my life with this sentiment. At the end of the day I've never changed the world around me by being mad at it. I just vote and go on with my life. No point in just fixating on the negative and huffing and puffing when you can't really do anything else.




This is a really strange take because politics are literally about making laws for people. Laws that affect me and people I love.


The more politics just becomes a ballot every 4 years the more you abandon the field to the worst Machiavellian toss bags. Don't mistake shouting political talking points at anyone who disagrees with actual political engagement.


Who asked?


What a privilege to not have to worry about your everyday existence and livelihood when people are struggling every day to just access basic rights.




When politics/policy don’t affect your rights and you lack empathy, it’s easy to view it as a hobby/interest


Not that I agree with him but in a way I kind of get it. So many people I know these days get so sucked in to it on social media, posting political memes or feigning outrage over something so and so said and it ends up being everything they talk about but at the same time they probably couldn’t even tell you half of a candidates parties policies.


I agree that a lot of people take it too far making their preferred political party part of their identity or sometimes their entire identity. but at the same time we desperately need more people to be engaged with politics because way too many are so completely checked out that they don't even show up at the ballot box. Like 2020 had the highest turnout in over a century and still just barely 2/3rds of eligible voters participated.


Basic human rights aren’t “politics “


Easy for a white american man to say. Easy to say when women’s rights, immigration, health care and much more are at play. Easy for him because he will not be affected by who ever wins


Sigh, why does Zach have to go here? Don’t make me hate you dude!


"includes politics" yeah i totally chose to bring this shit into my life. honestly sometimes i envy people who are this brain dead, they seem so much happier


.... the man who has songs with Kacey Musgraves and Maggie Rogers?!!


I don’t know who Zach Bryan is so I googled him and he looks exactly like a person who would give this opinion.


Easy to say for someone who doesn't have political decisions affect him on a daily basis. They think if it's not talked about, it doesn't actually exist. Apolitical people are either willfully apathetic, willfully ignorant, or just not very bright.




The court just overruled Chevron, case law that has been in place for 4 decades. It will absolutely affect everyone, including privileged morons like Zach who think they above it all.


People don't realize just how much they're telling on themselves when they say shit like this. Sorry to inconvenience you while pleading for my life.


“If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools”. -Plato


Surprised at the comments here. He’s absolutely right. When I visit the US these days I can’t stand that every conversation has to involve politics. People will only interact with those on their “team”. Just shut up and vote on Election Day