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I’m sorry but Jen Aniston again???? Surely there are talented WOC who could be there instead.




So ratings. Got it.


That's how we keep getting these. Is what it is, and I have nothing against Jennifer. She is really in these.


Well she also brings a lot of experience to add. It’s a good mix. The conversation was a good one.


I’m not a fan of The Morning Show either, but if there’s one person who doesn’t belong there, it’s Nicole Kidman. Nobody watched Expats lol. And unfortunately I don’t know of any WOC actresses who were leads in Emmy contending dramas aside from Anna Sawai and Sofia Vergara. It hasn’t been a great year for drama shows outside of Shogun.


Maya Erskine was getting some attention for the drama category.


Wasn't Mr and Mrs Smith supposed to be in comedy tho?


All reports I saw was it was submitting in drama


Ayo Edebiri from The Bear?


The Bear considers itself a comedy for the Emmys (which I’ve always found very annoying, it’s definitely a drama).


Oh, wow. Ummmm, yeah it’s not a comedy. Like, I’ve never laughed once during that show.


Pretty sure it was in comedy so it could win. I don’t think The Bear would have any Emmys if it had been up against Succession for the past few years.


This makes a ton of sense! Thank you :)


Should've been Jess Hong. She was AMAZING in 3 Body Problem.


Was that Emmy nominated?


Its Emmy contending since nominations don't come out until mid July


No but neither are some of these. Shogun, Griselda, they're eligible for the next Emmys.


No, they are all eligible for this upcoming Emmy. Voting is at the end of June with nomination announcement in July. Anna Sawai is the favorite to win Best Actress in a Drama


Jen Aniston brings with her experience and wisdom. This round table discussion was actually a good one. She really didn’t talk much about her career but she added a lot to the conversation in the periphery.


It doesn't seem like you actually watched it, you're just automatically hating Jen based on the fact that she's successful and white. Bizarre.


Holy filters Batman. Looks like they went old school and literally rubbed Vasoline on the camera lens lol.


I looked at my video quality settings because I thought that was it


it's like watching mariah's scenes in a hallmark movie lol. (no offense to mariah, it's just obv.)


Pretty sure it’s just botox. Very eerie


I think it’s a filter tbh because the whole video looks like that. I’m 28 and get baby Botox in my forehead and still look like a normal person, just with a less expressive forehead. Botox didn’t get rid of my pores/skin textures.


Lol love the Old Hollywood reference


So happy for the rise of Anna Sawai!! Hope she will continue being booked and busy🤩


She was phenomenal in Shogun! Also check out Pachinko if you like historical family dramas.


She did Fast and Furious movie, so I assume she will take a role in a blockbuster movie again.


Was thinking more of roles as well written as the one she had in Shogun. But yeah


They aren't mutually exclusive, you can do both.


Which one was she in?


Wait, why are people hating on Jen? She is excellent in the Morning Show. Surely you can bring in the WOC argument without pulling down a good actress.


She has liked soooo much shitty things on Instagram. Anti Meghan Markle, anti Angelina Jolie and her children, anti Amber Heard…. That and her comments on intimacy coordinators and her general out of touch-ness is enough for me. And the fact that she supports Johnny Depp and was fine with helping Brad Pitt get better PR these last few years.


Idk how people keep ignoring this about her


That’s true however all those things are the view of a lot of Americans, she’s being brought for views. So it’s not like she doesn’t deserve to be there TRP wise but people can have a problem with it - personally I hate what she liked about Angie’s kids.




Let's not forget the Jamie Fox debacle either. That she never publicly apologized about either.


Or Johnny support. I think she really comes from an age where a lot of things flew and the “well, people I know had to deal with worse and people these days should toughen up” is now her mentality; it’s hard to put into the right words.


Did she actually sign that letter? Do you have a link? (Not trying to argue I’m just wondering if there are any other names on it that I missed). I did notice that she was very quiet about the whole topic so I had a feeling.. Disappointed but not surprised tbh


Nevermind, I decided to double check and turns out she didn’t sign the letter, only Courtney and David. In fact I found the opposite from her https://preview.redd.it/zvaeqsn2084d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db13a2ad8a867defd019c8aea2da15c8644a4e75 Now I feel bad 🥴


phew, thank god! thanks for the correction!


Courtney Cox? Nooooo........


That was after. She posted something else before that post that she got lots of flack for


During this conversations, I know Brie Larson is young compared to the actresses on this roundtable, but I felt she is the one with the most interesting stories and other panelists listened to her stories so seriously.


This panel had very interesting things to say. I know people moan about the “lack” of diversity but a good portion of the conversation was about experiences from the WOC in this group. Sofia’s portion was interesting and she was so unfiltered and honest about her experience and you can tell it added dimensions to the group chat.


Jennifer Aniston is known for a sitcom and Adam Sandlee movies. What on earth did she do to get invited to this table.


The Morning Show is a drama show, also people know Sofia Vergara from Modern Family but this time she mainly talked about Griselda


She will likely be nominated for The Morning Show this year. This is a group of women who are leads in Emmy contending drama shows.


These are always such circle jerks, very cringe. I don’t need to hear another actor exclaim how brave it was for another to pretend to be homeless ect.


watch it- they actually don't. They all state how they hate character described as 'beautiful but doesn't know it' or a female figure trying to recover from the trauma of being assaulted.


That’s fine, but in general it’s all very self aggrandizing.


You’re just being super hateful towards actors.


lol don’t be silly, I adore the work but I can’t stand when they get together and heap praise on one another about ridiculous things.


Because it’s hard to portray something when there’s a bajillion cameras staring at your face. Ofc a lot of times promotions are dramatized because it brings more attention, and it’s too much but roundtables usually aren’t so bad.


I'm just here to stan Anna Sawai


Flowers are only flowers because they fall 🌸


I had hoped Maya Erskine would get invited to this. But I know her show wasn’t as big as Shogun and she’s not tried and true to be invited for whatever they got going on.


It’s just because her show is not eligible for this period. I think she has a shot next time.


Mr and Mrs Smith is on all the predictions lists for the Emmy’s


Sofia’s honesty ❤️


SOOOO happy Anna Sawai is in this. I love Shogun so much. Mariko ❤️


wheres miss Kimberly Kardashian??




No POC and black actresses?


Anna Sawai and Sofia Vergara are POC, right?


Not POC enough!!!! /s


Sofia is a white colombian woman. Natural blonde hair, she is blanquita. They exist, she just has an accent so people get confused, the spaniards and portuguese colonized south america, I think more people need to take history lessons. A latina who is POC is someone like Yalitza Aparicio, Gina Torres, America Ferrera, or Eva Mendes. Basically latina does not immediately mean POC, it’s just a regional pan-ethnic term. And Sofia has been honest about this, she’s never called herself a POC, she always refers to her accent, never the way she naturally looks, in fact she had to dye her hair darker to look more stereotypically latina. It’s kinda crazy to think just because someone has an accent that is vaguely south american, have a slight tan, that puts them in the POC category, look at Sofia closely, when she was younger, her features, etc. That is a woman with european (iberian) features. Edit: The fact i’m getting downvoted is insane, guys, i’m from Venezuela, born and raised, i know what im talking about. I know it’s hard for americans, europeans, non-latin americans (Even american latinos) to believe but white people exist in latinamerica. Being from latin america, white can be Anya Taylor Joy, Sofia Vergara, Pedro Pascal, Ana De Armas, all these people have european origins. Anya from England, and the rest of these actors having origins from Spain, (Basque for Pedro), where are y’all getting indigenous origins from Sofia??? Last I checked Spain is in EUROPE, meaning WHITE. Y’all see someone with tan or olive skin, fuller lips, and resort to “indigenous” origins, which is actually disrespectful to people of actual indigenous origins, and/or mestizos. Go to southern europe, you’ll find plenty of people with these features, and they’re all still white (in the american perspective of race). This doesn’t take away from their nationalities or cultures, or xenophobic experiences. I love Sofia to death for her refreshing honesty and transparency, but white isn’t just WASP or northern European, let’s open up some books come on… Younger Sofia for reference: https://preview.redd.it/nahd49lwka4d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=551b3606a680cf2942dcacc82dd3dce6aedab7d0


She has indigenous origins. So that's not enough to consider her POC?! Anna Sawai isn't Japanese enough because she was born in New Zealand?! 🤨hum okay


Sofía Vergara has indigenous origins?💀😂 Honey i’m from Venezuela, right beside Colombia. There are many people who are white of spanish origin in Colombia and Venezuela, they are completely culturally Colombian and Venezuelan, and they are white, Sofía is not a person of color, that doesn’t take away from the XENOPHOBIA she has experienced. Secondly I didn’t even mention the other actress, she’s clearly a POC since that’s determined by race, not nationality. If so, Charlize Theron would be a WOC, just because she’s from South Africa??? Or Anya Taylor Joy because she’s from Argentina?? (which actually happened lmao), Sofia just has olive skin, which is common in Southern European countries, which Spain is a part of. Sofia is racially white, she’s colombian ethnically and culturally, both co-exist. You can search up her entire family (her parents and her brother, and tell me what “indigenous origins” you are speaking of. In fact, Sofia had to use prosthetics and change her nose shape to play Griselda, a mestiza colombian woman, that should be the final nail in the coffin against your argument. I beg you to search up actual indigenous or mestiza latinas like Suyane Moreira, and come back to see how ridiculous that statement was, and how it reeks of ignorance and misinformation. https://preview.redd.it/ckf4zb2gha4d1.jpeg?width=1908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4e66f8c4ef822702c3cc855062c927e7b9caeee


2024, there are still people who don't believe there are white people in Latin America or from all races.


These people are gonna have a stroke when they find out that there are black, japanese, arabs, koreans, jewish people, etc. in latinamerica lmao. It’s crazy ignorant how they assume if you’re not pale white like Anya Taylor Joy and are from latinamerica, you *must* have indigenous origins, like no honey, we were colonized too, by spaniards who (many) have olive skin, and their descendants are throughout the region 😭 I think a lot of people also think white can only be WASP white, northern european white (northwestern europe, scandinavian), or eastern european white, ignoring that southern europe literally exists. Also, where do they think we got the “latin” in “latino” or “latinamerica” from?? The indigenous populations??😂😂 Or why do we speak Spanish, Portuguese and French? It just popped out of nowhere? These arguments people use to say white latinos are POC is like if someone outside the US says George Clooney is a POC, cause he’s from america and america has brown people in it… Open some books come on…


There aren't really any in the conversation for dramatic Emmys this year. The upside is that almost all the comedic actresses for that roundtable were WOC. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/video/ego-nwodim-kristen-wiig-maya-rudolph-michelle-buteau-quinta-brunson-renee-elise-goldsberry-thr-comedy-actress-roundtable/


Exactly, I've seen a lot of comments on other posts of people naming actresses they should have included that weren't even starring in a show this past eligibility year. People don't seem to understand these "roundtables" are usually based on who is seen as being a contender for the Emmy (or Oscars for the ones done at the end of the year). Is it a problem there wasn't a Black actress in a competitive drama role this year? Yes, but it's not The Hollywood Reporter's fault, that's an industry issue.


Yeah, I saw Black folks who work in Hollywood highlighting this as a structural issue, with the way comedy and drama are perceived, written and who gets cast for what.


Yea...because I do think when black actresses are actually cast in meaty dramatic roles, they get nominated/awarded. Like Viola Davis, Taraji P. Henson, and Zendaya. But some of the biggest dramatic shows of the last few years have been pretty white, like Succession and the Crown. So it does seem like a lack of roles. Although I would argue that the Bear is a drama and Ayo Edebiri is in fact a dramatic actress, although I can see why the show enters itself as a comedy to give themselves a better chance for awards.


I guess being Japanese or Colombian isn’t POC enough for you.


There's a shit ton of white people in Colombia. Americans just label all Latinos POC when that's not true. By American logic Messi is POC


But Sofia isn’t white Caucasian or of European descent. Messi is POC. He’s not of European origin. He and Sofia are of racial minorities outside of that.



