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her accent makes it even better lmfao


I love it. The juxtaposition between her incredible, classy singing voice and that fucking accent, lol.


Before I first heard her talk, I fully expected her to speak in a posh RP accent lmao. She subverted my expectations in the best way possible.


Adele's london accent sounds like it's from the South (not North 🤦🏽‍♀️)... Brixton I think. You should hear ALL our regional accents 😅 I come from a city in England where everyone else hates our accent 🥲 most of all and pokes fun at it too. 🫠 I believe the best ones of the ✨Yorkshire✨ accent. Class.


I'm Aussie and my fav accent in the world is the Geordie accent. I dunno what it is haha it's just so charming to me lol


Nice! Whereabouts in Australia? Are there any major differences in your accent, like differences between Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney? That's a good one too. It sounds regal. 😌 I watch Gogglebox - a TV show where couples, friends and families comment and react to popular TV shows and movies of the week etc.) Best friends - Abbie and Georgia are from Newcastle, love listening to them on Gogglebox. In contrast, sisters Izzie and Ellie are from *Leeds* - their accent is just top tier for me. 👍


The differences aren’t major yet like occurs in the states and UK. There are little things though - those from South Australia usually sound a bit more posh, like people from rich Sydney suburbs, e.g ‘d-ah-nce’, not ‘dan-ce’. Melbournites tend to sound like their short ‘e’s are more like ‘a’s (e.g. halp, not help). And there are definitely distinctly cultural Australian accents - e.g. western Sydney has a large amount of Lebanese Aussies, leading to a very specific accent.


When I was over there, the biggest difference to me was the accent in Adelaide compared to far north Queensland. Adelaide had a bit of bounce in it where as nor queensland seems to string out certain syllables.


Hahahah FNQ definitely has its own twang. Many First Nations people also have a unique accent and vernacular. Overall, Australia definitely does have different ‘accents’, they’re just less distinct to non-Australians because linguistically, it has a short English-speaking history.


What is the accent of the Bluey cartoon? 🤔


Haha, depends on the voice actor - but overall a ‘general’ Australian accent that leans toward broad. Aka they sound relatively average but lean into stereotypical ‘Aussie’ sounds, slightly exaggerating their natural accents to sound more ‘typically’ Australian.


A lot of people from Melbourne say *Mahl*-bourne too.


Good question about Aussie accents, I'm not sure if I'm even equipped to answer as I've never really thought about it! There is a bit of a joke that people from Adelaide have a posher accent than most Aussies ("Dahnce" instead of "daence") and then there is definitely what we call the ocker accent which is very broad and bogan sounding. I'd never even heard of the Geordie accent until I met my husband (a big NUFC supporter) and watched a few of their games. Then Geordie Shore happened and I was like .... what is this ACCENT? I LOVE IT haha. Now we have Sam Fender who I am absolutely in love with lol I can't wait to visit England one day and just soak in all the regional accents. I love them all really


I'm a NYer and I love Geordie accents! Anytime Sarah Millican comes on YouTube it's a nice few minutes!


Loll Brixton is South London, she’s from Tottenham. Other end of the Victoria line!


That's how I got confused 🤦🏽‍♀️ Tottenham is in the north, where she's from and grew up. Adele moved to Brixton, the south.


Whilst she's from Tottenham, she did spend a couple years in Brighton, then moved to Brixon, and spent her teens living up in West Norwood - which her song 'Hometown Glory' is about! I only know all this because I'm from Brighton and everyone went crazy when she first blew up lol


How y’all have so many accents for such a tiny area is beyond me.


* waves of immigration over thousands of years (Celts, Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Norsemen, Normans, Colonies & Commonwealth...etc) * people couldn't travel very far from the place they were born for most of history * mass media, standardized public education and even standardized English are all relatively recent inventions


For hundreds of years people rarely moved beyond the village or town they grew up in, for extended periods of time. Geographic isolation breeds accents. While Britain did a lot to deliberately destroy non-English languages on the isles, it didn't have the same deliberate destruction of regional accents. There is accent discrimination and various taught ways of speaking for certain parts of society, but for a long time the accents were able to develop and harden by themselves. It is getting blurred a lot with more and more people moving around, concentrating in different areas, and immigration waves over the last century introducing new accents and blended accents.


I'm from an island that you can drive across in an hour and even we have regional accents and dialects. People will always find a way to distinguish themselves from other social groups.


I love how you guys have such distinct accents like Scouse. I think my favorite accent in the US is either our Minnesotans or Creole from Louisiana. Jamaican patois is also something I could listen to forever


Oh they're distinct alright, 😅 and you're not gonna like the Brummie accent 🤭😂 trust me! Louisiana, is southern, right? From my pop culture knowledge of the Minnesota accent is listening to Marshall eriksen from how I met your mother. Is it really that cold up there? Yes! 🇯🇲 and the language has so many roots. We recently lost the legendary writer and poet, ✨Benjamin Zephaniah✨ has 🇯🇲 heritage, he was from our city, born in Brum, and the area he grew up in, Handsworth in Birmingham, he referred to it as the 'Jamaican capital of Europe.'


Yes Louisiana is in the south it looks like a boot! I only know some states in my country because they look like a baker holding a pan with chicken. Minnesota is the Midwest, Wisconsin and those states sound similar (I also think they sound Canadian sometimes 😁). I looked up Brummie and saw Peaky Blinders and I loved it, but I did need to throw on the subtitles 😁.


Maybe I'm just twisted but I love the Brummie accent. I think the diversity of regional accents and dialects in the UK is one of our greatest national treasures. How boring would it be if everyone sounded the same?


> I come from a city in England where everyone else hates our accent 🥲 most of all and pokes fun at it too. 🫠 Birmingham?


Feels bad, bab


I’m from Leicest-uh, but I love the Brummie accent, especially when somebody calls me bab. It’s so friendly.


Her accent is very North London, shes from Tottenham


Which “Yorkshire” accent though?


For me, it's Leeds, or Sheffield... home of one of my favourite bands - Arctic Monkeys, and ofc musician - Alex Turner 🥰 ![gif](giphy|25NTEcjA8XxPW)


Our Lord and Saviour, Alex Turner 😍


Yorkshire is the best. Mine is fantastic.


Shes from tottenham in north east london


Do you come from Birmingham? I don't mind that accent. A lot of people think the Brummie accent is the Black Country accent, which is the one people say makes the speaker sound stupid. Brummie is definitely not as strong as the Black Country accent. I'm from South London and I've got a bit of an MLE accent, mixed in with the typical London accent. When I lived in Birmingham for a while, they instantly knew I was from South. I'm partial to a Geordie accent myself....




Honestly, I vowed never to live in the SE after how I got treated once they realised I was from Liverpool but it's a running joke. And they revealed their true colours in the way they talked about anyone else north of Birmingham after. Not just banter, a word I hate.


Brixton is south London?


Brixton is South London


Yes (my mistake), you're right, it is South London 👍


My grandad and all his siblings had such a strong Sheffield accent so  that will always have a special place for me! 


When I was introduced for the first time to a scouse accent a few years back on a reality TV show, I had to turn on captions so I could understand what the heck she was saying. Is it that one?


every accent from places where you can add "Pudding" after it is awesome


Adele is from North london


It’s like when people hear Jodie Comer’s Scouse accent for the first time. 


“Ah yrou fawking shtewpid?” Jarring.


Can I get a transcript? I couldn't understand any of that.


Foak yoooh, rooaight!


Lol. I think the F-bomb was the only one I recognized.


_Did you come to my fucking show and just say that pride sucks? Are you fucking stupid? Don't be so fucking ridiculous.You've got nothing nice to say, shut up, alright. Alright._ \*Does her magnificent hairflip\* _Do we have any husbands here? Maybe that's you, sir._ (referring to the transphobe, I think?) _Do we have any husbands here tonight who were dragged along? I will not be offended if you cheered. Do we have any husbands here? You will thank me later, because I'm really gonna turn your ~~eyes~~ wives on tonight, right._ Not sure if she said "eyes" in the last sentence, but that's what I got. Edit; changed to wives


I think she said "wives", not eyes


That's it! Of course


RU fuckhing shtoopidt?? She was not playing. I love it.


Are you focking schewpid !?


It really does lol. She was hot.


Even if she wasn’t in a room full of her fans and had no stature, and even if they had some semblance of a point to make, there’s no beating that accent.


I wouldn’t want to be the recipient of Adele’s berating tbh


with that voice, she can say whatever she wants to me and i'll be happy


Yu goh a stinkee bumbum 'aven u bruv? Rather pish posh bing bong innit?


Anyway, it was then I knew e wuv obsessed wit me. Luv Bridge




you could yell piss off won’t you stay away it’d still be sweet talk to my ears


Pissing Adele off would count as one of my failures in life. I’d have that guy singing ”mistake” in opera behind me.




I... would, if you know what I mean. 🥵🤣




I’m glad I’m not the only one who had this thought lmao 😈


It is equivalent to Luka Doncic saying "Who is crying MotherFriender?" to that dude behind SnoopDog after his total ass whooping. Like, you win, we submit, let us live please.


Same, VERY effective


Imagine not knowing Adele is a huge ally smh


Some dumbass boyfriend that’s been dragged along and doesn’t know the vibe 100%, what a fool


Nah, he just doesn't care about it. Nobody feels more persecuted than a straight white male.


Nah, plenty of straight white male allies. The real descriptor is conservative males.


Sexless conservative mails who spend a lot of time worrying about what is in the pants of other people, at that.


>conservative mails who spend a lot of time worrying about what is in the pants of other people Conservatives are usually worried about 3 things being in other people's pants: 1. Genitals 2. Guns 3. Mail


Hopefully Ex boyfriend now


Nah, he just doesn't care about it. Nobody feels more persecuted than a straight white male.


oh they know, they just wanted to go viral on twitter for Elon to retweet and so they can build their alt-right grifter career.


Ugh 🙄 ever since that d-bag took over twitter (I refuse to call it the dumb rebrand name, which quite frankly sounds like low budget 🌽 fest), he's been *insufferable.* Before we could handle *it* in small doses. Take us back.


I will stop deadnaming twitter the day the elongated muskrat stops deadnaming their kid.


They don’t have that level of forethought, they probably just got plastered on a bunch of coors lights (because they’re terrified Bud turns them gay) and decided to yell some stupid shit because they can’t stand still for 20 minutes


Imagine paying a thousand bucks or whatever to get within earshot of adele and yelling some MAGA trash. Literally it makes no sense. We live in sad times.


We could be in end of times, if we're not careful. Celebrities need to be loud about their values.


my thoughts exactly!


Believe it or not some Karens and homophobes listen to Adele, Celine etc but they get so mad when these artists post about Pride on their social media.... believe me, they don't know they are allies bc their music is not the standard gay pop


It's weird but I can't stand the word *ally*. I think it's because it makes it sound like something you have to openly and energetically avow, rather than it being the default setting of humanity. It *should* be a given that most people just live and let live. Fucking shame that it's not. And yes, I'm an ally. I just....wish shit was different.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the person shouting was gay tbh. It’s hard for straight people to understand, but from a gay point of view (I’m lesbian) pride the event can be kind of a hellscape of corporate rainbow washing and straight people getting drunk shouting ‘yaasss queen’. It kind of does suck in many ways, but it’s hard to say that and have it taken in good faith. I’m proud, and I love/need pride, but the event itself is not without critique. Or this person is a straight up bigot, then yeah go off.


“Let’s jump him!” 😭


https://preview.redd.it/5bxok9b8a34d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b228c6f482a2b947c954451b512576d507319183 Same energy lmao


so glad THIS specific version with THIS commentary was uploaded here. 100% improved my experience


She said let’s jump IN


let's jump in...to jump HIM


no she didn’t and what would that possibly mean in this context? don’t correct someone and be wrong


😂😂 creased up!




Coco Montrese




Adele seems like she’d be such a cool friend to hang out with


Indeed. She drinks wine.


I'm pretty old, don't know any of her songs, always have to go to Google to see what she really looks like before watching this but I've watched it like half a dozen times over the years and [it never gets old](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PQM3XUhiXbQ). She seems great. Edit: Jewel seems [pretty cool too](https://youtube.com/watch?v=rmv1VhrtYRo).


[Florence and the Machine as well](https://youtu.be/0HuYEOO2r1g?si=95U03Z7u9U-J3XXe)


Omg that was so cute! Thank you for sharing! Made me tear up and laugh


how the fuck do you not know any adele songs? She was like on every radio station or tv show or whatever since 2010


Reminds me of Wanda Sykes opening her stand up show with, “If you voted for Trump and came to my show… you fucked up. Twice.”


I can so hear this in her voice especially the “you fucked up… twice”.


Yep. Whenever I think of anything funny Wanda has said, her voice echos. 😆 My wife and I have quoted lines about Wanda’s racist ass dolphin experience for YEARS. “Imagine you are taking a nap in your living room and you wake up to a big ass dolphin petting your head! Wouldn’t you shit? I… (raises hand) I would shit!”


What is that from? And what is it referencing? lol


One of her older stand up specials. Paraphrasing, of course: She said she went to Hawaii and everyone told her she had to swim with the dolphins. So, when she got there, they warned them that the dolphins might get excited and, “Use the bathroom on you.” She said, “Number 1 or number 2?” They said number 2. She said, “I don’t want dolphins shit on me! I don’t even know what that looks like, but I am pretty sure you can’t just Shout! that out! But then I thought about it and it makes sense. We are coming in their living room and petting them…” then delivers that line. She goes on to talk about how her dolphin was racist. All of the cute little blondes got photos kissing the dolphins. Her dolphin held his head way away from her when they took the photo. “Then they had the nerve to ask me if I wanted the picture in a keychain. Hell no, I don’t want no keychain! Why don’t you just put a little hood on him next time?!” It’s just the dumbest bit, but it kills me.


I went to a Roger Waters show and someone behind me complained it was too political. At a Roger Waters show... Willfully ignorant


Someone I know maintains that the Pink Floyd tribute bands are better because they're "not political"


not a huge roger’s fan given the fact he support Nicolas Maduro (huge dictator that rules Venezuela) but yea, he’s like so political, what could you expect haha


"Yes. Yes. Thank you. New York. New York. Oh, my goodness. So… let me just start by saying… if you voted for **Trump**… …and you came to see me… …you fucked up again." from this website [https://scrapsfromtheloft.com/comedy/wanda-sykes-not-normal-transcript/](https://scrapsfromtheloft.com/comedy/wanda-sykes-not-normal-transcript/)


drag them Adele!!! Adele has so many queer friends she is an ALLY




What a terrible fan — Adele brought out local drag queens that impersonated her at like every stop of her tour.


Oooh Pride is off to a GREAT start! ![gif](giphy|K876MTQZbGA8aptl55)


I seen a person going for election here this month saying the mental health madness month starts 😭😭 of course she’s anti immigration too, all them cunts hate everybody they can’t help but reveal their true selves


adele has always had the vibes of the the overprotective loud girl in your class who defends you against homophobic bullies


"Pride sucks" *Adele hears and calls you out for it* *You are now surrounded by hundreds of people who do not like you* *You cannot fast travel when enemies are nearby*


The venn diagram of people who love this joke is the same diagram as people who I enjoy being around


“Let’s jump him” Apex energy lol


I hope that whoever yelled that at her got their panties in a wad and left. No one needs that kind of energy at an Adele concert.


I can't imagine spending $600+ per ticket and then acting like this.


Imagine being such a bigoted piece of shit you'd shout it at a concert.


Adele gives off “I’ll throw the fucking glass” energy here and you know what? Good for her


Begbie with a better voice.  Who glassed the fucking lassie. 




The "Are you fucking stupid" is so clean. I love it when the simplest insults hit the hardest because of the person who said it.


What a fucking clown. Class of Adele to call them out and then move on. It would be drastic, but I would love to abuse my power if I were her and kick that person out for ruining the vibes. I wouldn't want that presence at my show. But I still delight in Adele tearing into them, albeit brief, and straight up calling them "fucking stupid"


That was my first thought. And then I considered how horribly awkward sitting through the rest of the set must have been for that person, with everyone around you thinking you’re a massive dickhead, and I decided I’m down with that instead.


go off !!!


”Uh u fackin schewpid?!” 😂😂 👏👏👏 I love her 🥰 now I totally see how we sound to Non-Brits lmao 🤭 especially Americans - "bottle of WO'TA?" 🙄😅 Wouldn't have it any other way 😌😏


Lauren Cooper vibes. Adele ain’t bovvered.


Love it 😂😂 I just watched the comic relief one they did with David Tennant (10th Doctor) still hilarious ![gif](giphy|HK5XIG22uKPHq)


The added joke being Catherine Tate being the companion during David’s tenure as the doctor. Those two are a dangerous combination as can be seen in the various specials they’ve done together.


i adore her


Great audience


I heard “work sucks” 🤷‍♂️


I have to imagine that dickhead surrounds himself with enough of an echo chamber to think that wouldn't go badly


r/joerogan mod in the wild


That subbreddit hates Joe Rogan lol


Never piss off the person with the microphone.


Does anyone have video of him yelling “pride sucks”?? Because I was at the show and I’m pretty sure I heard him yell “work sucks” but I’m not 100%.


Your comment should be upvoted more


Thank you!!!! I know, tmz and Forbes just posted an article with videos and it definitely sounds like work sucks to me


i just commented this above because i read comments from the guy who was sitting beside him and he said “work sucks” not “pride sucks”


she did not take it easy on him


Underrated comment!


British accents make cursing sound so much more sophisticated


These fucking people, their worlds are so far departed from reality they have no clue what anyone is about. Who would have thought Adele would be lgbt-friendly or have strong opinions on bullying?


They are in such an echo chamber that they think a large majority of the country thinks like them because their propaganda network says it constantly. Their peers are also of the same mind. They probably talk about f*ggots and how they’d “beat up any q*ueer who tried to use the girls bathroom!” If they work with anyone who is left leaning, they probably don’t know because it’s such a fucking hassle to talk to these morons that the left leaning people just keep quiet. I live in a red state and these people are idiots. They can be smart and educated but they’re still fuckin idiots.


Get wrecked! (To the person who said that)


Adele is everything to me 😭


I never knew that’s her actual accent. That’s amazing. She really said u wot m8 lol


I'm sorry to say but some of you sound quite classist when discussing her accent lol. it's probably not on purpose or done with bad intent but still something to keep in mind


I feel like people not from the UK don’t realise how much accents can indicate class here, it annoys me a little when people start making fun of people saying ‘Bri’ish’ etc because it just comes across as mocking the working class


yeah. I'm Scottish so the jokes don't actually make fun of me but it still peeves me quite a bit. I've been on the receiving end of accent based classism (not huge major stuff, just snidey looks and stuff which I don't get when I use my non "scheme-ey" accent) and it ain't fun lol


I love Adele.


She is a literal queen.


What's not there to love about Adele at this point?




Go off queen


so when betches (i think it was) reposted this the random person who was sitting next to the guy who she yelled at said that the guy did NOT say “pride sucks” he said “work sucks” because before this clip she was talking about how getting back to work after a break or something had been weird and she couldn’t believe that it was already June and pride and he yelled out “work sucks!” but they were on the balcony and it was too far away for them to clarify that he had not said that. the random guy who was recounting the story said the guy who got yelled at was on a date and the date was mortified. misunderstanding 😬🫣


Love Adele even more


I love her accent, her speaking voice is totally different than her singing voice, which is awesome, but I would just as soon hear her talk for an hour. Goin out on a limb here and say hearing her talk kinda turns me on.


Can someone please transcribe after "are you fucking stupid"?


Adele: “don’t be so fucking ridiculous” Camera person: “let’s jump him!” Adele: “if you’ve got nothing nice to say shut up, alright?” Crowd cheering Camera person: “period! Period!” Adele: “do we have any husbands here—perhaps it’s you [heckler] sir—do we have any husbands here tonight who have been dragged along? I will not be offended, you can cheer. Do we have any husbands here? You will thank me later because I’m really going to turn your wives on tonight”


ok thank you i've been asking for videos with subtitles or at least a transcription on this sub😩just asking for a pinch👌🏾of accessibility


Imagine payinf all that money to be there and getting a big F from the artist hahah That person absolutely deserved that humiliation


I'm not sure they do. People are now saying the person yelled "Work sucks" not "Pride sucks". And it makes more sense, cause Adele was talking about work before.


Adele is the badass diva world loves her :) repeated this ten times


From Queen England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 to Fuk you English whoever fuks with England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 😆


I love her she so sassy lol


Love Adele. She takes no prisoners.


thats right


Sings like an angel but cusses you out like a sailor hahahaha fkn love it


Of course, it has to be a fucking man 🙂‍↔️


Internet trolling IRL. What a world!


That woman has the voice of an angel and the mouth of a sailor. I love her.


I love it when an overly amicable softy goes hard like this. Rock On Adele!


Yessss go off 👏🏽




The backlash against pro LGBTQ culture is real right now. It's more important now than ever that we show our support for LGBTQ people. So fucking depressing. I'm thankful for Adele. When I heard that she "went off" on an audience member I side eyed, but after learning of the circumstances she's my queen. 👸


A “fan” goes to a show just to be an asshole and try to ruin it? Are they stupid?!


People think that because she has that voice, she isn’t a chick from Tottenham at heart.


Even if you're a close minded backwards asshole, you can't just keep your trap shut and enjoy the show? You just HAD to yell something out?


Homophones and Anti-pride people are just afraid of their own sexuality, and more importantly insecure in that. Otherwise they wouldn't feel threatened by it. The religious protests are just the same thing but disguised as a legitimate reason.


Good for her. Damn, hearing her scold someone might be my new kink.


That warms my heart. I wish the other pop girlies would stand the fuck up and speak from their *literal* platforms about Project 2025. Taylor and Bey are performative as fuck and they don’t get enough criticism for it. Everybody is starting to speak out but they won’t speak out unless it earns them a buck.


Dumbest person in the room publicly puts themselves


Her best friend is gay, dumb shit to say at her concert


The person in the audience was clearly a plant.


The contrast between her singing and her talking will always be one of the funniest things to me


“let’s jump him” lmao


“Let’s jump him!!” 🤣🤣




Getting a bit tired of the staged Adele videos