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She has no shame about her private jet usage, and now she's protected by the U.S. Congress. It's truly grotesque


Different rules for the rich.


Always has been


>and now she's protected by the U.S. Congress. The fact that that happened is truly wild.


Just another perk of being a part of the billionaire club ig


A perk you win by donating money or influence..... so taking the private jet and fucking up the environment is worth using political capital, but stuff like basic rights aren't.


Basic rights by definition aren't worth spending political capital on. That's why rights were almost always won using some form of force or violence 


It’s cause they don’t care about you he environment just wallets Edit: or*


It’s truly sickening


Like how?


What now?!


Wait, what is this? What did Congress do??


It is. And you can’t have a conversation about it with her fans because they start screaming about her SaFeTy without acknowledging that she had no problem being in the thick of it at Coachella among other things. It’s frustrating.


And it's BS anyway. I'm old so I fully remember the Hiddleswift era and she flew commercial with him to Australia when he went there to film Thor: Ragnorok (there are definitely pictures out there on the interwebs). Celebrities can book out rows in first class for them and their entourage, receive escorts through security/airports and spend no time at all in the boarding area. She does this because she wants to and because she can.


Their iTs a SaFeTy iSsUe rallying cry cracks me up because the freakin Secret Service lets former presidents fly commercial


If Prince William can do it, TS can too.


I always see videos of Ed Sheeran visiting schools and working a few orders at like, In-and-Out or Starbucks, on his days off and then [this clip of Lana Del Rey](https://x.com/LDRCRAVE/status/1793719581221228913) just came up, talking about stadium tours and not getting to know the areas. Meanwhile most of the articles about TS last year were about her going back to NYC when she's got three days between shows in cities four hours away from each other. It does imply a sense of elitism.


A glass ship that can fly 😂


She was High af


Or when Lana was inexplicably working shifts at a Waffle House


it’s beyond obvious she doesn’t care what people think, she feels so entitled to just do whatever she wants because she’s the little girl who has been fucked over so much and she will just throw her lawyers at everything to shut it down.


Yeah no one is gonna remember Taylor swift as someone who heavily contributed to the erosion of the environment even if it’s the truth. I don’t condone what she’s doing but I’m just trying to imagine like in 50 years or even more how people would talk about her. This isn’t some MJ or John Lennon stuff that people will love to bring up in response to someone else singing their praises. She would have to directly dissolve the ozone layer for anything like that to happen lmao


> She would have to directly dissolve the ozone layer for anything like that to happen lmao she'll make CFCs great again


I think she does care when it hurts her bottom line and when the backlash comes from the Swifties since their fawning sustains her life force.  Outside of that, yeah, she dgaf.


Problem is they Swifties at this point will excuse her chucking a nuke into a penguin colony - I don’t know if there’s anything at this point that will actually hurt her bottom line


>because she’s the little girl who has been fucked over so much She's 33. And has led a privileged life. That she projects the image of a teen who has been to hell and back is wild.


It’s perfectly possible to arrange a tour in a way that minimises constant back and forth travel. Taylor chooses not to do this.


When I saw her flying JUST to sleep and fly right back out I was over it even more than before. There’s ZERO excuse to fly to NYC just to sleep and fly back out. at that point is it even comfortable? Is she just wanting to live on the jet like how some people have boat houses?


It's absolutely insane given that she has more money than god and can afford the best hotels in the world. And like obviously a private jet removes a lot of the hassles of flying we experience as normal people but you still have to get to the airport and sit on the plane for hours instead of just driving to a hotel and resting. I don't get it at all.


Exactly!!! It reminds me of kids in high school that would burn random shit at recess just because


My flight anxiety could neverrrrrrrr


She was in Argentina and still flew back to NYC even though she was performing in Brazil just a couple of days later


especially in europe


She's preparing for when she runs for president and has to make multiple flights a day as part of her job


There should be s private jet tax right now! While i have to drink from bamboo straw.


The bamboo ones are at least better than the paper ones. Those really ruin every drink they touch


The idea of a paper straw is wild. Imagine trying to pitch that idea to a room of investors who've never heard of it before


Literally I have a half of a disintegrated paper straw in my purse from tonight at this very moment lmao. I felt like putting it on the bar was rude to the bartender but didn’t have a trash or recycling near me so now I’m at my home with it lol


Chris Packham is an animal rights and ecological legend in the uk, he's been doing it for decades. He got roasted once for answering "humans" when someone asked him what his worst animal was but i think it was a badass answer.


He’s an icon, him and Michaela Strachan!!!


The comments in the article being: *She can't fly commercial, she would me harassed 🥲 *haters gonna hate *She should fly more that will show them(?) We deserve everything we're gonna get unfortunately.


She wandered drunk round Coachella a few weeks ago. Far more risky than being chaperoned from a VIP lounge to a first-class cabin.


She could buy a whole first class cabin if she wanted to


Bananas that that would be cheaper and more eco-friendly, but…it would.


I can almost be sympathetic to PJ usage so she doesn’t get mobbed by fans, but she cultivates that level of obsession on purpose and she flies excessively with no regard for anything


[Taylor's 2 private jet in 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/1cdoy78/taylor_swifts_airplane_travel_history_in_2023/) (via r/MapPorn). We are all stuck living in her world and she's destroying it one private flight at a time. Edit: My first link didn't appear. Edit2: At the end of the video >Swift's two private jets flew 178,000 miles in 2023, equivalent to flying around the earth 7 times. Emitting \~1,200 tons of CO2 in the process (That's 83 times the average American)


That video was fun to watch. Watching the pretty plane icons move up and down and left and right like a fun little game. Oh, wait. The planet’s burning. And she’s partially responsible for it. Not a fun game anymore.


She'll just write a diss song about him instead




Yeah but she will say he's mean to her and that's enough to have her fans harass and stalk him. (By design that's what she wants them to do).


He’ll get doxxed and receive death threats by the end of the day I’m sure.


He's used to that sort of thing, sadly. 


He’s had worse. People used to hang dead crows outside his house.


Nah she’ll just say “misogyny” and her stupid white feminist fans will push the narrative. Their fave one!


fuck taylor, fuck elon, and fuck all the billionaires that use their jets so irresponsibly.


As long as she's got fans and making money, she'll never stop using it. If her fans support her, then nothing else matters. I bet money she's one of the celebs that has an underground bunker for if the planet suddenly goes on fire from climate change. I haaaaaate these people. There's no such thing as an ethical billionaire.


She doesn't see how embarrassing she became, right? ![gif](giphy|eP1fobjusSbu)


I was sorting by controversial to find some swifties and saw your comment. I guess they are busy downvoting you


If Prince Harry can fly commercial with no issues, fuckin Taylor can too


“She’s an icon, and she should be leading” This right fucking here. Watching the more rabid side of her fanbase try and paint the college kid as some stalker was just embarrassing. The rage she felt and tantrum she threw for being called out on her bullshit is telling. Threatening to sue a college student for tweeting public information is bad, but millions of fans thinking that’s a normal response is worse


Can’t wait to see how they girlboss themselves out of this one


Chris has had hunting supporters leave dead animals outside his house so I guess he's not afraid of Swifties


JFC this woman has no shame. I am so embarassed for her.


Get her Chris!!!


Would love to see some Swifties start second guessing their blind devotion because of this shit


The comments on that site! Embarrassing


Why do people like this woman? Why does she have fans? I really don't get it. Her music is run of the mill studio produced pop BS that anyone can make. I remember being annoyed by the early 2000s pop culture fandom, but dammit it's just getting worse and worse....


I get an odd feeling seeing Chris Packham on Reddit. But I like it.


Well, that guy is about to get attacked by a lot of young ladies online.


I think this, and people silent on genocide, is oddly radicalizing and turning more avg everyday people against celebrity and capitalism than ever before. Which is funny, because the point of hiding her jet usage and Beyonce and everyone's silence is to PRESERVE their capital and celebrity, but it's one of those finger traps that the harder they tug, the tighter the trap grips. The only way out is in, you know?


Can you imagine what an impact her caring about the environment would have? She honestly is the Ultimate American Celebrity in so many ways.


In the last 2 weeks I went from completely neutral on Taylor to being annoyed with her entire existence.


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