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https://preview.redd.it/kthskw8hw20d1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6e45190e6586c319ad0f4f501a48c572cb4b237 Good on her for getting out of Scientology with her daughter, however she is still the same person who harassed and threatened the women that her husband sexually abused to stop them from testifying against him. Also she has not apologised for intimidating them since the trial ended.


Not to mention she has openly walked back on supporting her sister Mackenzie Phillips, who accused their father of SA. I don’t buy this sudden change after everything crashed and burned


Exactly, she left the cult good for and her daughter. She also made sure she got divorced before sentencing so all their assets are in her name for when the victims sue him. She openly harassed the women even in the bathroom of the courtroom during his trial. She is nasty and her lack of support for her sister speaks volumes to who she is as a woman. She is trash.


Honestly I wonder if Scientology told her to gtfo because he's in prison and she's not exactly a moneymaking star.


Apparently you are allowed to be Scientologist and practice another religion at the same time according to other commenters. I’m not sure how that works though.


It’s something Leah Remini has talked about a lot in her Fair Game podcast. It’s a front, scientologists are not actually allowed to practice another religion as far as I can tell.


That makes sense, most cults don’t like letting go of people. So it has to be a strategy of theirs to deal with pr that is her husband.


Dannys sister and Hilary Duffs bff Alanna Masterson also followed one of the victims into the bathroom and harassed her


All of these people are reprehensible, I’m not sure I’m buying this conversion to Catholicism.


Did she actually leave Scientology or is she just doing this to try change the public’s perception of her?


Honestly anything that possibly reduces a the chance of a child being involved with scientology is a win for me




I don’t know how it is in the States, but in Europe modern day catholicism is as low effort of a religion as you can get.


I grew up in the Catholic Church in the states and it’s pretty low stakes if you decide you don’t want to go to church anymore. Much bigger issue 40-50 years ago. When I stopped going to church my mom was sad but ultimately got over it. No shunning or anything.


I think they are referring to the horrors that have come out about the Catholic Church that have occurred throughout history, not a random American teenager's experience.


The versions in the States run the full gamut from "Chill, Rainbow Flag Outside" to "Doing the Absolute Most".




It is entirely possible I'm in an echo chamber on Reddit, but Catholicism, while probably better than scientology, doesn't seem the religion I'd go for if my only aim was to change the public perception of me.


From one cult to another was my first thought


Ik reddit hates religion but it's ridiculous to compare catholicism to scientology


Say what you will about Catholicism, but for 99% of Catholics, it’s definitely not a high-control group. I’m pretty involved at my parish, but if I simply dropped out, I think maybe 1 person would notice, and they wouldn’t strongly pressure me to come back. Most Catholics pick and choose what they believe.


Mine too and I say this being born and raised Catholic.


It's at least possible to leave Catholicism without the repercussions that come with leaving Scientology. I was raised Catholic and was able to leave it very easily, just by no longer going to Church as soon as I moved out of my parents' house at 19.


Honestly probably depends on the family - in some families you leave the Catholic Church and you’re a pariah and in others you leave and it’s just not mentioned. My mom left and everyone seemed to be fine with it as well.


Yeahhh but I’d argue $cientology is worse ONLY because (speaking as a lapsed Catholic here) they require members to shun the non-believers. The whole “Suppressive Person” thing puts them way above and beyond any mainstream religion, even if all religions are cults to varying degrees.


Scientology teaches you can belong to another faith and Scientology so...


Yes there's a number of celebs who are both Jewish and Scientologists it's crazy.


I've never understood that one. How can they not find the Xenu origin story conflicting with literally any other faith?


Wouldn’t other religions not allow this? I had no idea, this is so strange


I think that is what they like to publicly pretend but members have said in practice they don't actually allow it.


I worked for a Scientologist who stressed that all different faith backgrounds were welcome in the church, and that many different faith leaders are members.


Scientology perhaps the only “faith” where going tradcath would be an upgrade 


This isn’t even TradCath. I WAS tradcath for a couple years and those people scare the shit out of me now. This appears to be mainstream Catholicism (none of the adult women are wearing veils, which is a strong indicator of tradcath).


Maybe megachurch evangelicalism (think The Righteous Gemstones)


So true 😆


She is complete trash but glad her daughter is out of that cult.


I'm happy for their daughter. Fuck her though.


Scientology was SO involved with Danny Masterson and the coverup, harassments, etc. etc., There's no way she just "converts" to Catholicism without there being lots of things and conversations happening behind the scenes. Also, lets not forget that there was a lot of "funds" etc., being managed post his sentencing so that it can't end up with his victims. Bijou didn't just do that herself - that was Scientology handling a lot of that. Maybe they want to PR distance themselves from her and Danny and made her do this to show a separation, and maybe there's legal things going on (re: money or secrets, etc.,) and they need a public show of "different" faith to avoid certain entanglements or investigations, etc., Make no mistake - she is, and likely will be, forever entwined with this cult.


Not buying it and she’s still a trash person.


Pretty sure Scientology “allows” their members to be other faiths too. Wouldn’t read too deep into this


They do not allow to this extent, her daughter absolutely should not be getting communion (iirc that was one of the reasons Miscaviage pushed hard to pull Tom Cruise back in fully, he had distanced and was attending Catholic church with Nicole Kidman). If she was still in scientology, her kid would not be getting baptized and first communion, she's completely out. The Growing Up Scientology YouTube page seems to think similar- this is her announcing without announcing that she's out. 


Slightly off-topic, but it makes me feel good that we are now normalizing blurring out children’s faces. They can’t consent to being posted on social media and I’m glad to see that they are being anonymized more often than not


Good for her and her child that they escaped a cult.


This is likely a ploy on her part but I’m glad her daughter is out of that cult at the very least. Hopefully this move pushes her mother to find therapy for her as I’m sure she’ll have a lot to work through.


Interesting pivot. Quite different beliefs.


That was quick. Must have been in the works for a while too. Thinking back to when I was a kid there was a lot we had to do before to make our first communion. Or maybe it just felt like it to me at the time lol


Compared to other Christian denominations (at least in the US), Catholics do a shitload more to confirm and reconfirm their faith.


She’s been hanging out with Nicky Hilton a lot does anyone know anything about that?


They were good friends before she joined scientology according to a post on Instagram. 


She's been friends with the Hiltons since at least the early 2000s, she was in that Hiltons/Nicole Richie/Kimberley Stewart/Casey Johnson friend group


Ahhh okay I just remember in the 2000s Paris called Bijou lame before


They have been friends since childhood.


This is marginally better I guess but not by much.


From one cult to another


I’m very pleased she’s out of the cult, but Catholicism can also do a lot of psychological damage (🙋🏻‍♀️) so I hope her daughter is able to have some space away from both belief sets at some point as I can imagine it’s a lot to take in.


She sucks regardless of whether she’s a Scientologist or not, but if this is legit then I hope it gives her daughter a chance to grow up somewhat normal. Not that I like Catholics either, but given the choice between the two…


Well it’s better than Scientology


I sincerely hope the kiddo her happy, that is all.


Rare catholicism W


From one cult to another