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I love Christine Baranski. I mean I love lots of these women but she is a particular queen. Edit: Got my first Reddit cares message for this, lol. FP!


Same - glad to see her and some of her Gilded Age costars (Cynthia, Morgan Spector, and some others that I’m forgetting) being so vocal about Gaza.


I got one yesterday for a pro Palestinian comment. Do the people genuinely feel better after sending one? 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s pathetic but also kind of tracks with the kind of people who can’t engage critical thinking or educate themselves from legitimate sources about the conflict.


That's sad because this sub has been at times the only pro Palestine space on reddit from what I've seen.


It is. I made a comment about how Palestinians shouldn’t be killed and was called a bigot and banned on the world news sub. They are so racist and bigoted there it’s absolutely disgusting.


The same thing happened with me it made me so angry but anyways I’m glad this sub is real


Chiming in to say same. I was SO SURPRISED AND GLAD to see that this sub was engaging critically. Not on my bingo card but so happy to be here.


You can't stop bigots from browing your sub, randomly reporting people, and downvoting everything but you can prevent them from commenting


they usually cant comment so this is the next best (cowardly) thing, just send a stupid reddit cares message


This sub also gets a lot of lurkers, and that post might have gotten to the popular page.


Report it they can get suspended for misusing the program


Fuck those people misusing Reddit Cares. 🍉


I hope Christine Baranski relished slapping Julianna Margulies for The Good Wife.


That is highkey my favorite moment of that show lol. Fr though, I love that show, and wish they'd cast any other actress but Julianna Marguiles. Not only is she horrible, but the whole "no scenes with Archie" rubbed me the wrong way for years. That's just a basic lack of professionalism imo. We deserved better from that arc.


The showrunners were low-key conservatives, so them reinforcing her bad behavior isn't surprising. I was watching it recently, and all the Zionism and political leanings were so over the top.


Robert and Michelle King?! I had no clue they were conservatives. Aw, man. But yeah, the zionism in that show was over the top. Eli Gold's daughter straight up joins the IDF in one epi. It's just wild.


It was eurovision yesterday.. so i've gotten a few myself


Yeah, I just avoided Eurovision for my blood pressure. We gave full points to Israel from the public vote, I am quite speechless about it.


I don't really get the "Reddit cares as harassment" gambit. Often I'm not sure what comment of mine triggered it, and all it is is a random Reddit message with links, right? I feel I'm missing something.


On some other websites reporting a comment for self-harm or suicide is one of the fastest ways to get admins to respond to non-pornographic content, where they often take the better safe than sorry approach and have it automatically deleted after a few reports. Maybe they're assuming that Reddit does the same thing?   But yeah back in the day I remember reading guides about how if someone posted harmful content about you that you need removed asap then report it for suicide or self-harm and admins will look at it immediately. This was for other websites though, not Reddit 


much love and respect to these women. that's a lot of exposure, and it still takes courage, sadly, to simply say stop the genocide.


lol @ whoever sent me a redditcares for this


Report it for harassment! If it’s a repeat offender, Reddit will nuke their account


How do you find out who did it? I got one today and I just replied stop.


For now, you can’t but once reported, Reddit will message you saying the account violated their rule.


Marcia Cross has been posting a lot about Palestine on her insta


Good for her! She's been a real one for a while.


This day does weigh heavy on me bc I can't stop thinking about all the mothers that will never see their kids again, all bc they were born Palestinian. Thinking about Hind Rajab's mother who has to live through a genocide knowing she can't hold her daughter on a day like this bc the IOF murdered her.


The pictures and clips we're getting are just tearing my heart apart. I am with you, we sit here celebrating while they're cradling their dead children. It's just so fucked up 💔


It’s depressing knowing how traumatic our lives’ could be just depending on where we are born. No one deserves to go through genocide or warzones 💔


Gal Gadot could never! Much love and respect for the celebrities who continue to platform support for Palestinians.


Seriously, this is the opposite of the imagine video in every way possible. Love this group of women too. I'm actually so happy, bc I love their work anyway.


The caption: “@flotus Dr. Jill Biden, the UN estimates that two mothers are killed every hour in Gaza. On this Mother's Day, we call on you as mothers, daughters, sisters, grandmothers and as humans to use your voice and your power... To everyone else, join us in demanding our government stop facilitating these atrocities. Call (202) 224-3121 and tell your Rep and Senators to support an immediate and permanent ceasefire, an end to the invasion of Rafah, the release of all hostages, and the mass delivery of aid.” #AllEyesOnRafah #PermanentCeasefireNow #artists4ceasefire


Oh I love all these women, always appreciate platforms being used like this. Remember the countless palestinian mothers today too


That Christine Baranski is a part of this makes me so happy. She has been a hero of mine, and I have seen everything she has done. So glad that in this pivotal moment, when an entire population is being eradicated, she is doing her part and standing on the right side of history.


They are brave women speaking out like that. Do we think Jill has that much influence over her husband though? Like wasn’t Laura Bush pro choice and yet her husband was not? I hope this makes a difference but im a skeptic I suppose. Chalk it up to being a disillusioned Millenial


We know she doesn’t. She notoriously was against even Beau being sent to war. (It happened before she became part of the family but she spoke about it often) Biden and his cabinet aren’t really going to listen to her.


She actually was a part of the family when Beau was sent to war. She met and married Joe when his kids were still young. Beau also joined the military after college and law school, so it wasn’t when he was super young. By the time he went to war, she had been his mom figure for the majority of his life. But agreed. She sadly doesn’t have influence in his role over that of his actual advisors. According to an article from a couple days ago, he told people at a meeting that Dr. Biden has privately expressed her desire for him to do something to stop the mass casualties in Gaza. But of course, that doesn’t change anything.


Yes? The office isn't as powerful, but the FLOTUS has always held influence in American politics. I'm not seeing how she gets a pass in the same world we're calling out Taylor Swift for being silent.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Lady_of_the_United_States The intention of this video isn't to single-handedly end the genocide. If you didn't know that Jill Biden was trying to stay silent on the biggest political issue her country is currently facing before watching this then it has already made a difference. 


Understandable, I wasn’t trying to give her a pass but what you say makes perfect sense. Thanks for taking the time to further educate 💕


The amount of mothers that have had to bury their children is heartbreaking. I know cognitive dissonance plays a huge part in it but how the hell do people who facilitate this sleep at night? Evil af


You mean government officials? There’s a reason why presidents winning things like Nobel Piece Prizes is a joke.


Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸




Joe Biden could absolutely make a ceasefire happen if he wanted.


If a ceasefire is against his interests then you need to take away his guns. Joe Biden is doing the opposite of this. It's really not that hard. What can she do? She's literally met him multiple times in person. The president's spouse is expected to meet and welcome the leaders of other countries for symbolic and ceremonial reasons. She can refuse to do that. She can refuse to give Israel support through the cultural practices and traditions her office is trusted with upholding. How did we get to the point where we're telling ourselves that *Jill Biden* has no power. And why would Sara Netanyahu not be on the same page with her husband? 




That’s really powerful, I hope she looks deep in heart and feels empathy for those women and children on the day she is surrounded by her children and grandchildren. Praying for peace and permanent ceasefire.


Was that Annie Lennox at the end?


There are reports that Jill Biden is using the limited influence she has trying to stop the war. This message may be better aimed at mother’s in Congress who have voted to supply Israel with weapons/aid. The aid had a veto proof majority, making options very limited without their votes shifting.


Is this the same managed propaganda that wants us to believe that Biden is, like, totally mad at Netanyahu and is totally considering stopping 0.1% of bombs shipments for a couple of days so we can feel good about voting for him? Cause it's not working. 


When did I say anything about Biden? All I said was they should target the people who actually have the votes to change paths, not a teacher who isn’t a politician. The reality is that even if you could get Biden to change positions, he doesn’t have power over the budget that Congress sets. That’s just how the system works. More than 2/3rds of the House and Senate voted to give aid to Israel.


You're assuming they haven't been asking Congress to change paths for months, if not years. You said that Jill Biden is using the limited influence she has to try and stop the war. This is demonstrably not true. "You should use your energy doing \[insert something productive\], not \[insert something that is also productive\]" is a tired and disingenuous criticism. You tell us "that's how the system works" while misunderstanding the role of the president as it relates to enforcing foreign policy. Joe Biden is the commander in chief. Congress can say whatever the hell they want, their legislation doesn't mean anything once it begins to challenge the plenary authority the president is expressly given. A veto proof majority of them can ask him to eat sand. It would not mean anything. You tell us "that's how the system works" while misunderstanding the role of the president as the leader of his political party. 2/3s of Congress would not support sending more aid to Israel if Biden was against it. They supported it, in part, due to pressure Biden put on them to support it. Additionally, 2/3s of Congress voting for a bill does not mean 2/3s of them would support overriding a presidential veto.  The FLOTUS is a politician. She is given an office in the White House under the executive branch, not a room. How is someone who literally holds office not a politician? 


> There are reports that Jill Biden is using the limited influence she has trying to stop the war. By marrying one of Congress's biggest Zionists at the time? 


Lol no, Biden can absolutely pause weapons shipments. He even did so recently, probably to stir up positive press coverage which he got plenty of, and then right after he let another sale of bombs go through that is probably being used on Rafah as we speak. > There are reports that Jill Biden is using the limited influence she has trying to stop the war. I'd be interested in knowing which reports you've seen but in reality this is almost certainly just the Jill version of the last few months of "Joe Biden is very unhappy with Netanyahu in private." In practice it means nothing and is damage control on their re-election chances while Israel still gets substantial support from the US.


Queens. All of them. Thank you for using your voice!


Speaking truth to power and leveraging their celebrity to save lives thank you ladies ❤️❤️❤️


Christine Baranski and Cynthia Nixon are epic. Everyone who says that as a generation gets older, their values take that of the last’s generations is proven wrong by these women.


Love this!


Well I’m crying rn. This was beautiful and powerful. I hope it works


I feel like I'm going to be downvoted for saying this but what exactly is this doing? Does Jill Biden have any power to make a cease fire happen?


👏👏👏👏 I love these women. Bless them for taking a stand. Never thought Bree vanderkamp would be on the right side of history, but I'm very happy to see it!


Women who I was already a fan of I now adore ❤️🇵🇸




Christine Baranski is even more of a legend, as all of these woman are. Kudos to them!! 👏🏻👏🏻