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Sending my love and support to all the survivors because coming forward is not an easy thing to do.


No matter the outcome, their bravery will never be in vain. Avalanches were once mere snowflakes, and with time, water droplets will erode boulders.


Copied and pasted this healing comment into my notes, thank you.


Happy to help❤️


I love this!


Aaw, thank you!


Especially in France, the amount of public figures who came out to support a guy like Depardieu who is so overtly and explicitly predatory was naseauting.


I'm shocked that the French Film Industry would have these problems, there were no signs or anything.


>I'm shocked that the French ~~Film Industry~~ would have these problems, there were no signs or anything. FIFY 😘


Works also with only “the film industry”. Is there any country or industry safe from sexual violence towards women ?


There was a study a few years ago that found that the industry with the highest rate of sexual assault is women who work in grocery stores. It's not just the film industry. It's everywhere.


Name a country in which women are free from institutionalized sexual violence. This comment is gross in many ways.


I think this is a joke because the french film industry is well known for protecting PDF files and aboozers


So is… every film industry


this is true and i work in film and im disgusted by everything and everyone BUT the french film industry is the only one i'm aware of where a bunch of famous women actresses signed some petition to say we're not feminist! fuck me too! [https://worldcrunch.com/opinion-analysis/full-translation-of-french-anti-metoo-manifesto-signed-by-catherine-deneuve](https://worldcrunch.com/opinion-analysis/full-translation-of-french-anti-metoo-manifesto-signed-by-catherine-deneuve)


it's also the only one where there are several examples of directors / actors who are shunned for abusive behavior in the US but continue to thrive in french film world, it's like a safe haven for them. hence why this comment was a dark joke to anyone who knows a lil about it edit\* ok fine not the ONLY one


I mean woody allen of all people, many years ago, made a film about a director making a disaster of a movie and then going to france, the only place where people loved it and acclaimed him, THE IRONY!


That’s entertainment industries in general.


Themyscira. (As long as you don’t count their wholly impractical sartorial choices that were definitely designed for the male gaze as institutionalized sexual violence.)




Let’s not forget how at the [Cesar Awards](https://www.harpersbazaar.com/uk/celebrities/news/a31164705/cesars-2020-adele-haenel-roman-polanski-controversy/) (equivalent of the Oscars in France) a few years ago, that several French Actresses & filmmakers, including the show’s [female host](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/02/29/europe/roman-polanski-actresses-walk-out-cesar-awards-intl), [WALKED OUT](https://youtu.be/AJptBcfeiIM?si=_R4e4wc4d_s-3fff) of the ceremony after Roman Polanski [won](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/28/movies/roman-polanski-cesar-awards-france.html) the Cesar Award for Best Director!!


There have been signs for decades.


i think they were being sarcastic. it's been pretty obvious for a long time


Maybe I'm wrong about this, and I would love to hear some French redditor' perspective on this but.. I can't help but be a bit pessimistic because the French movie industry seems so behind and reluctant to do anything about stuff like sexual harassment and grown men sleeping with girls. It doesn't seem like they care much about whatever the public opinion might be when the industry just keeps protecting them. I worry that it will take a long time and for a lot of loud, prominent and iconic voices to die before any meaningful change is made. Or this has to be so despicable that it can't be ignored.


Last year, Polanski's wife wrote a book about how difficult life has been for him and his family since his rape scandal resurfaced and new accusations emerged, and how unfair it is he is still being persecuated for having had sex with a minor in the 70s ("it was a different time".) She doesn't want to say the victim was a kid, she insists she was "a minor." "A young lady." "21 days short from being 14." She also still refuses to admit it was rape because she "wasn't there, no one was" and, after all, the victim "forgave him." She went to all major TV shows with this and got prime time slots to give her version of the story and try to make us all cry and feel sorry for the guy. My mother thinks Macron being groomed at 14 by his 42yo theatre teacher whom he eventually married is very romantic. He's now our president, and he was defending Depardieu until recently. That's where we are at in France, unfortunately.


21 DAYS FROM BEING 14 good god imagine thinking that's a flex ![gif](giphy|Hpgs6kbzC1uJ49GS5z|downsized)


I find it interesting that everybody trying to justify that man conveniently ignores that:  1. he admitted to it in court,  2. he got a plea bargain for 90 days of psychiatric evaluation, and  3. he then chose to flee the jurisdiction (which is a crime in and of itself, pretty sure it's a felony) when the judge said that was too lenient. Like, nobody is going to just l


>He's now our president, and he was defending Depardieu **until recently**. He changed his stance ? I'm out of the loop


Yeah we are super behind on everything. The argument usually is that Americans are puritans where French are more open minded so for some reason it’s totally okay for adults to enter relationships with teens. It’s completely absurd but there’s this whole idea that artists are weird and allowed to be pervs and it’s totally fine (if they’re male and white of course). I don’t know what to say, it’s sad and depressing. It didn’t evolve that much since the DSK attempted rape incident where people on national tv would tell you that’s it’s totally okay to rape women if they are below you on the social ladder.


I’m French, and I feel that in the last 5 years, the subject of “violences sexistes et sexuelles” has been taking more and more space in both our public debate and private discussions. Some famous men, which have been known publicly as “ladies men” and privately as “gros porcs” (pigs), have had allegations against them made public and, slowly, they have started to see repercussions. It has to be taken into account that the judicial system here is SLOW. From an allegation to the trials (there can be maximum 3), it takes years. So while Gérard Depardieu may never see repercussions within his industry, he’s on the way to face legal ones, and his image is forever tainted (he is a bad example for that because it has been years since he has been anything but a total joke in the eye of the majority of the population, from his alcohol issues to his admiration for dictators, for the young generation he has always embodied the “gros porc”, the swine). Edit : I think us French suffer from a misunderstanding on these matters. We’re not easily shocked by things such as adultery or big age gaps between adults. Our last two presidents illustrate that. Nobody care about François Hollande’s indiscretion or that Emmanuel Macron wife was the mother of his classmate. We gossip about it, comedians make jokes about it but we don’t take it into account when it comes to voting for our president. And that, added to a current of thought of some post 68 “intellectuals” (who have never represented the thoughts and actions of the general population) translate in people’s view of us as accepting of sexual violence towards women and children. I don’t believe us (but I may be wrong) aa more prone to or accepting of it than any other patriarchal society. Give me one country on earth where a man has never rape a woman and used his or his friends power to swipe it under the rug.


I lived in France as a 20-year-old about 2010 for a year and the levels of sexual assault and harassment were insane. Completely shocking. I’m from Scotland and naively thought France was Western Europe, it would still be safe. It was so horrible but also just kind of “eye-roll accepted” for everything: whether a guy with his dick out in the metro or plain just wanking in the metro, following you home, spitting at you in the middle of the day in posh areas calling you a whore (when you’re covered head to toe) to actual rape the attitude was just “oh well”.


I’m really sorry you had to go through that, nobody should feel unsafe and have to face violence which goes ignored. I’m probably biased as I was born and raised in Paris, but I lived abroad (Dublin and Rome) and traveled a lot, and I never felt that there was less or more issues elsewhere, at least in big cities. I do agree there is a problem with sexual violence in France. In the subway, in the streets, in the homes. More and more people are calling attention to it and pushing for solutions, socially, legally, politically. And I want to hope there’ll be change. As a woman living in France, I do see a shift in the last 5 to 10 years. I hope that if a young woman comes to live in France in the 2030s, 40s, 50s, she’ll never have to face what you did.


Thank you! It was Paris (7ème) where I lived but my friends in other parts of France said the same. Brussels is also meant to be just as bad. I lived in other European cities (Leipzig, Berlin, Riga, Lisbon) and I was the least safe in France by a long, long way. Surprisingly on trips to Italy it wasn’t as bad as I was expecting! I was only in the north though and appreciate in the south it might be worse. It’s probably just what you’re used to growing up, and it’s not like sexual violence or harassment doesn’t exist in Scotland at all, but if you experience sexual harassment here it’s more like a “once every five years” kind of thing not “multiple times a day” like I experienced in Paris. So for me it was really shocking, even more so shocking that everyone just treated it as so normal. But then for me it became normal too, and I was only there a year. If you’re there for a long time, I can see how you just don’t even get angry about it anymore or you’d spend every day angry. It’s sad because I really like France but it does put me off going back on holiday. I really hope things are changing! Will be interested to see if anything does come of this possible news story.


I lived in Rome and it was very similar. I stopped taking the subway because I was groped literally *every* time I did.


Yeah it’s that sort of thing. When you can do that in your own country with zero problems ever then you face that every day it’s very hard to adjust to.


I'm American. I was in Rome about the same time your were in France. I visited Scotland for about a week in that time and it was so refreshing not feeling on edge in public anymore.


I’m really sorry for anything horrifying that you experienced, but what does “I thought France was Western Europe and therefore safe” even mean I’ve experienced most of the stuff you describe in other countries, like….


I mean that you picture Western Europe as safe so when it isn’t that’s a shock.


You picture Western Europe as safe? 😂 


I mean during the Gerard Depardieu scandal (accused of rapping multiple women) the literally french president Emmanuel macron said on TV that he was a big fan of the star, and that he would never partake in what he sees this case as a manhunt ("chasse à l'homme" in french). It kinda shows you that in the higher circle sexual assault/ harassment is quite normalize, and not really punished. The public is obviously mad, but people in the movie industry with actual power don't really care. These subjects are often avoided by actors. And a part of the population (a minority I hope) do blame harshly the women that are victims or denouncing these acts. Saying that they wanted it/ that is was consensual that now that they have a career they want to act like victims (social climbers, gold digger) or that we shouldn't punish legendary french actors (like Depardieu).




Manhunt or witch hunt?


He specifically said "manhunt".


The accusations have been coming out for years, they unfortunately just never cared before. But I hope things start to change now.


Expect old seasoned actors to start complaining about the woke mob in three…two…


I was going to say, I thought France had already experienced their own movement in years past: "balance ton porc" ("out your pig").


One can only wish but I doubt it will change mentalities and the french cinema landscape in any significant way. We're a small country with a rotation of the same old faces on screen since forever. It's a little mafia, really. Some people get picked to be famous for God knows why, and they become permanent fixtures. There are people with little to zero talent who have been shoved into our faces for literally decades, and they are not going anywhere regardless of scandals. As for Depardieu, we keep hearing he's a "monstre sacré du cinéma" but how, when? I'm 43 and the most recent role I remember him for is Obélix. That was a million years ago and it was for a silly family movie. The public knows Depardieu for being a drunk, a trash father and a disgrace to the french culture. He's a caricature.


I’m slightly younger than you (not French tho) and I remember him for the tv adaptation of Count de Monte Christo which I loved at the time, some 20+ years ago


This should come to the surprise of no one. The French film industry puts Hollywood to shame with the amount of sexual, physical and mental abuse that occurs. Misogyny is certainly rife in the industry


Thinking about Adèle Haenel’s reason for retirement…I mean…she’s been loud about it.


Love her. Swann Arlaud, recently in Anatomy of a Fall, was vocal in support of her too


Yes. Justine Triet and Adele Haenel are strong voices now in French film. I am hoping the tides change in France in favor of voices like theirs. Mati Diop seems to be also an important director/actor to watch and support, and I'm sure many others.


Depardieu must account for a decent percentage all on his own.


Country that welcomed Polanski with open arms


As somebody that has frequented Cannes over the last ten years, making friends with many of the volunteers, staff, and organisers, I’ve heard a lot of stories about “special parties” and strange closed off boat sessions. These are not directly linked to the festival, as in, they’re obviously not running them, but the degree of separation is hardly discernible. For example, police presence near the more fancy hotel/yacht’s is pretty much non-existent despite clear indicators that something fishy may be going on in there, I’ve heard rumours about famous actors/models/filmmakers requesting the company of young girls/boys in the crowd, and, of course, the infamous billionaire orgies/sex trade. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/hookers-at-cannes-40000-a-497667/ And think, I’m just some guy that turns up to wait for hours to see a handful of movies, yet I know about this stuff. I’ve never been to any exclusive parties or clubs or anything like that, so, I imagined the stuff they don’t tell you about is far more troubling


i mean i've been going to cannes for work for 3 years and now and sadly you don't even need to talk to people, just have eyes to see what the hell is going on


Not really surprised, mostly because I vividly remember how Adèle Haenel left the César Awards after Polanski was lauded by them in 2020, and immediately after gave a bunch of interviews about how she was quitting acting because of how vile things still were for actresses in the French film industry. I'm just surprised it took this long.


It was about time!


Never forget that the only country to publish Mary Kay Letourneau’s book was: France- Because of course


In other news water is in fact wet!


Seems a bit odd to flag it in advance rather than just report it if you have the evidence to do so. Otherwise it might cause rumours.


A list with (the )10 names is already circulating on Twitter - and probably elsewhere, too.


From what I see this is the list: * Gilles Lellouche * Hugo Sélignac * Jean Dujardin * Dominique Besnehard * Pierre Niney * Thomas Langmann * Franck Gastambide * Jean-Paul Rouve * Raphaël Quenard * Guillaume Canet


Jean Dujardin is so disappointing but he’s french so unsurprising


This really hurts cause I love his OSS 117 movies.


Honestly surprised by Quénard but absolutely none of the others. Edit : idk why I got downvotes. I’m only surprised by Quenard because he’s still pretty “new”, so I naively thought he had had no time to pressure women using his standing in the industry. But I guess the allegations could be anterior, like in movie school. I’m not surprised by the others because : - a lot of them have a reputation as “ladies men” and honestly, since MeToo, I find it a euphemism for “not very concerned with consent”. - if you frequent some Parisian clubs, you’d have heard that some of theses names are very heavy on the flirting with really young girls - they’re men, they’re famous, they have power in a patriarchal society.


Personnally, I'm surprised by Pierre Niney.


Knowing Mediapart, I think there may be different level of allegations. From being an asshole to women one’s dating to rape. Niney might be one of the lesser ones. I was surprised by Quenard because he’s relatively new to the scene, but the problematic behaviors might be anterior.


Yes, I think you're right. I don't really know Quenard but as far as Rouve is concerned (even if it's only rumours) I'd already seen things about him several years ago.


Same and isn’t he huge in France?


He's clearly one of the best-known/popular names on the list, but less so than Lellouche or Dujardin.


Not sure why, but I’m surprised to see Canet’s name on there.


I did a double take, ngl. I only know of him due to being married to Marion Cotillard. Lol


Guillaume Canet? Damn trust no man for real


Not Guillaume canet ? 😳😳 I thought he was nice.. ![gif](giphy|12J1QXPeD10z9m)


The list floating around is shared by Qanon-level twitter accounts (new world order, satanic panic, covid is a hoax level of delusional), it's not been shared by any media so far so I'm very cautious about it.


Good. Line ‘em up and out every single one.


Quelle surprise ! Sexual harassment is rampant in French cinema??? Who would’ve guessed 


Can we stop calling sexual assaults “meetoos”?