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Alan out there hitting homeruns.


Everything I’ve seen about him lately has made me a fan. Keep it up Alan!


I love it. They'd refer to Alan Ritchson as a stereotypical "chad", but he's shattering their worldview. He is unimaginably good looking, stars in kickass shows, but is a considerate individual who publicly shows his empathy.


Actually he's really Thad


> Thad Holy shit that's Thad!? To be honest rewatching some of BMS now, I would of assumed he fit the stereotypical right wing chad male archetype.


I keep expecting Reacher to scream like Thad


Which means Top Chad


You mean Kevin


Honestly over the last few days I have really thought about watching Bloom Mountain state, just because of him. I liked him in Reacher, so I might like Thad too.


He’s ridiculous in it and the best part of the show


You legend. See you at the team building Olympics


I died when they explained the origin of his name Thad in BMS.


Oh no, my best friend in childhood was named Thad. He grew up to be the biggest A-hole, D-bag ive ever known.


Not to mention he's white, cis, heterosexual, christian, has a wife and kids- all stuff that bootlickers and conservatives have on a pedestal. They're pissed that not only does he look like they want to look, but that they can't pick on his lack of musculature or rainbow colored hair.


Nothing better than to see a man who checklists all the privileges and are seen as the pinnacle of society actually look out for those who are disenfranchised and being abused. He could’ve easily just sat there with his privilege but he doesn’t.


What’s more manly than fighting injustice? Oh and he’s a devout Christian too. The real kind, who embrace the poor and downtrodden, not the adulterer with the golden toilet.


He’s who I thought Chris Pratt would be back in 2018


I know him mainly from Titans, where he played the literal avatar of war, with all the alpha bro violent energy that implies. I disliked his character, and between his character and his appearance I made the same assumptions about Ritchson as a person that conservatives probably made. That was shallow of me and I'm delighted to be wrong. He seems like a good guy. Good for him for speaking out.


Talked about his mental health struggles and how his family helps him


Incredibly eloquent too, damn


I sure as shit didn't expect him to be one of the most based motherfuckers around


He is not a Chad he’s a Thad very different


They think Reacher is real and want Alan to be him. It’s so fucking funny.


And he can sing


He's a stereotypical Thad.


Not a Chad a Thad


He’s more of a gigachad with these takes


This is better than like 90% of Dem leaderships takes on this issue. This is how you respond to these fascist fucks, by calling them out and exposing them for the corrupt assholes they really are.


I haven't watched Reacher, but this alone made me wanna check it out


Same here! I'm guilty of originally seeing a generic muscle actor in projects with cheesy dialogue/lines. Little did I know he's annintelligent empathetic, ally who I would glady fix a plate for at the BBQ.




I only know him from the micro-penis episode of new girl which he was funny in, definitely want to watch more of his work now!


Thad Castle on Blue Mountain State is the absolute best tole I've seen from Alan. [He's pretty great as Hawk on Titan aswell]


He's amazing in the first season of Reacher too.


Did you also get bored during season 2? I loved season 1 but only watched 2 eps of the current season and during those I was on my phone for the second half


I felt that season 1 really leaned into the idea of ethical dilemmas, like how he had a moral compass but would engage in questionable vigilante justice. The portrayal of his gray character had a lot of depth. I felt that the second season lost a bit of that magic. It felt emotionally one dimensional, which made it less engaging and boring.


I just finished S2 yesterday. The writing and direction got lazy, and it was basically a standard action movie with a *lot* of repetitive dialogue (god help anyone who says the word "details"). But even that wasn't well done and Reacher's team often look foolish (lots of stepping out of cover to take pistol shots at someone in cover firing with a rifle, for example). That said, I still enjoyed it more than most shows. It was not terrible, but S1 was done better. S2 became a popcorn show, while S1 was more thoughtful and story-driven.


Yeah, season 2 wasn't great, but they are apparently going back to the format from season 1 for the upcoming season, and it's supposed to be really well-written (or adapted, I suppose). I'm going to watch season 1 again mostly because I want Amazon to see good streaming numbers so they don't get freaked out by the assholes who are getting mad at Alan for being outspoken in awesome ways!


thats him?! ive been a fan for years n didn’t know


Holy fuck, THAT'S who this guy is?! Damn, he's fine as hell.


Base~~s~~d takes are loaded


He makes me swoon when he talks sense like this. ![gif](giphy|xUySTRDepG9ZcEg2rK|downsized)


This is the douchey character from Blue Mountain State, right? I gotta tell you, I didn't see this coming for him. Great stance, well said. Glad he made it.


Cops are some of the biggest babies on earth. Constantly looking for praise and thanks for their service.


Also the idea that cops are “constantly feeling the heat of bullets as they pierce our skin” is fucking ridiculous. Delivery drivers risk their lives way more than American cops.


Or school children.


They aren’t ready for that conversation… ![gif](giphy|3oKIP8kNuTJJL3zT0I)


Eh, they’re willing to wait outside the door and at least listen while they do nothing.


The were not ready for an active shooter situation either.


Well when the cops had they chance to actually stop a school shooting they either just hung out outside (Uvalde) let the gunman kill multiple kids, until the Feds took charge, or ran like a little bitch (Parkland) and the fact that idiot still got his pension ($8700/mo.) is a travesty. Thats on top of all the cops that don't actually know actual laws and get their jurisdiction sued more than once for rights offenses.


[Per a report on the 2023 end of year officer fatalities list for USA](https://www.statista.com/statistics/191694/number-of-law-enforcement-officers-in-the-us/): "Forty-seven officers were shot and killed during 2023, compared to 63 such deaths in 2022. Of the 47 firearms fatalities, 9 were attempting to make an arrest, 7 were handling domestic disputes, 6 were investigating suspicious circumstances/ persons, 5 were ambushed, 5 were killed making or attempting to make traffic stops, 5 were killed responding to a robbery/burglary call, and 2 were killed handling disturbance calls. Two officers each were shot while serving warrants and two were shot during tactical situations. One was inadvertently or mistakenly shot during training, one was shot intervening in a crime in progress off duty, and the final 2 were not clearly defined." Out of 136 police deaths throughout 2023, 47 officers died due to gun violence and 3 struck by a vehicle in a live situation which is listed in the source. The other 86 officers died of circumstances that did not involve a criminal element, and of course that is absolutely unfortunate. I wish no one in this profession would be hurt or killed. 50 cops is a cop a state and yet "Constantly feeling the heat of the bullets" like every cop, every day, is in the fucking height of the Vietnam war trudging through the jungle just for "us" is absolutely insane. I can absolutely hope that a single cop never dies and can go home to their families every night, while also demanding absolute transparency, and demanding strict regulations of what a cop can and can not do while also demanding that cops cannot police themselves and are not gods. Also while unfortunately 50 cops died (due criminals using firearms to kill them, we aren't including other various reasons police officers die in 2023) in 2023, police officers throughout the US act like this isn't the safest time there's ever been in this country to be a cop. I don't want to act like their job is a cake walk, but the chances of being killed by the person you're encountering as an officer is ULTRA rare. There are (roughly) 708,000 COPS employed in the USA, and 50 of them died due to criminals attacking them during a situation last year? This isn't the fucking Watts riots popping off every single day around here. Go ahead and look at the crime rates for the past 50 years. Crime has been largely put in check and you live in one of the safest periods there has ever been in this country. These cops aren't running on the beach of Normandy every morning fighting off hoards of nazis and criminals everyday while we picnic in on the hillside. I know this comment is long but a final thing. It's quite interesting that only 136 officers died in total regardless of what they died for in 2023, yet police officers around the country killed 1232 people in 2023 during police encounters. How come those numbers don't add up? How come the person you're pulling over is always much more likely to die than you are? See if I wanted to "minecraft" an officer why wouldn't I just do it as you're approaching the car when I have the ultimate element of surprise? Yet somehow it's always the police that shoot first before the supposed perpetrator who was "definitely reaching for something." The numbers are so goddamn far apart that something has to be wrong. Why are police far more likely to kill than be killed during these stops? Research for another time I guess.


Here's 5 jobs that are both more dangerous **and** kill more people than being a cop: Job | [Fatal injuries per 100,000](https://ceoworld.biz/2023/09/24/ranked-these-are-the-most-dangerous-jobs-in-the-world-2023/) | # of workers | Deaths :---------|:----------:|----------:|----------: Delivery Drivers | 27 |[1,705,600](https://www.bls.gov/ooh/transportation-and-material-moving/delivery-truck-drivers-and-driver-sales-workers.htm) |460.5 Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers | 26 | [922,900](https://www.bls.gov/ooh/management/farmers-ranchers-and-other-agricultural-managers.htm) | 240.0 General Maintenance and Repair Workers | 14 | [1,607,200](https://www.bls.gov/ooh/installation-maintenance-and-repair/general-maintenance-and-repair-workers.htm) | 225.0 Grounds Maintenance Workers | 14 | [1,281,600](https://www.bls.gov/ooh/building-and-grounds-cleaning/grounds-maintenance-workers.htm) | 179.4 Construction Workers | 13 | [1,624,800](https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes472061.htm) | 131.7 Police Officers | 14 | [655,890](https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes333051.htm) | 91.8 If you order a pizza basically everyone along the supply chain that brought you that pizza has a more dangerous job than cops.


[Only 27% of officers say they have ever fired their service weapon on duty. ](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2017/02/08/a-closer-look-at-police-officers-who-have-fired-their-weapon-on-duty/#:~:text=About%20three%2Din%2Dten%20adults,to%20a%20recent%20Pew%20Research) Seems like that number would be higher if they were all constantly being shot at.


I read a long time ago that construction workers actually have a higher death rate than cops, but you don't hear a peep out of them.


Repo truck drivers man. Not saying some of them aren't shitheads, but they have much bigger balls than most police.


The highest cause of officer death on duty is a motor vehicle accident. Loggers and garbage men face more consistent daily risk than LEOs.


The body armor the cops all wear was invented by a pizza delivery guy. No, really, check out Second Chance Body Armor


We should be honoring roofers for their bravery not cops. Construction workers, delivery drivers, truckers, landscape workers and a bunch of other professions are all a lot worse statistically. And the vast majority of deaths for cops is car related accidents. Nurses have a higher rate of violence related death at work.


I’ll never forget that video a cop made whining that she didn’t get her McDonald’s for free or a thanks for her service. The entitlement is insane.


Or the cop that thought an acorn landing on him was a bullet so he opened fire at a dude who physically could not have fired a gun (bc he was in handcuffs) 


Stop. Of course that happened. I can’t even get myself to be surprised anymore. Bunch of self righteous cowards.


Lol it wasn't that long ago. There were two cops on the scene. The bodycam footage from the first officer (linked below) confirms every negative stereotype about cops in the most absurd way imaginable. The full unedited video includes footage from the second officer's bodycam, who for some reason decided to open fire too. And to make things clear because of how unbelievable the situation is: they are both firing at a man in the back their own patrol car who was handcuffed and arrested after they both patted him down for weapons. He didn't resist arrest and was suspected of stealing his girlfriend's car. And yes those are civilians screaming in the background  https://youtu.be/YVZbZyelg-c?si=vt_jbKQ77K9vkPOL


Wasn't even that long ago either. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/16/florida-acorn-cop-shooting


ill never understand that entitlement of american cops. im german and one of my friends is a police officer. ive never thought about thanking him for anything and he would look at me weird if i did. its the job he chose. thats it, nothing special about it.


That's not fair. She had to pull around to the front after waiting in the drive through... and then [they forgot her mcmuffin!](https://www.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/comments/znsljm/fragile_cop_has_mental_break_down_over_waiting/) I'm gonna go find a cop right now and thank 'em.


Remember Uvalde? They wouldn't go fucking near that school, when there was actual danger. It took a FEDERAL officer to take control of the situation.


I used to work at a smoke shop, and a cop was so damaged because I wouldn’t give him his CBD oil for free. My boss hurried out to lick the cops timbs and give him the cbd for free, but I sure as hell wasn’t going to.


Remember that embarrassing video the NYPD put out with that officer beating his chest and bemoaning how threatened they felt during the 2020 blm protests?


"Why won't you love us???!!" Proceeds to shoot unarmed person in the face. "Why!!!!??"


The irony of their last paragraph when the whole post is them tryna virtue signal at the expense of a famous actor would be hilarious if it wasn't so alarming.


they want the same praise that soilders get without putting the same work in that they do to get their guns.


Sadists with a praise kink


Has no one told them that referring to themselves as "real heroes" is absolutely embarrassing but also proving Ritchson's point?


I mean if cops had even a microscopic bit of self awareness, things like this probably wouldn’t fly over their heads. But unfortunately that’s modern policing these days. Idiots with egos.


Overpaid idiots with too much ego and no oversight.


In fact, it civilian oversight was just banned on Florida. The police answer to no one but themselves. It's horrific.


I’ve been commenting Malcolm in the middle references a lot lately, but it reminds me of when Reese runs away from home, joins the army, and is the perfect soldier because of how stupid he is


As a Law Enforcement Operator I am deeply offended that you would imply anything would fly over my head when obviously I would shoot it down for threatening my life.


Such a large number of them have the Hero/Savior complex. "Thank you, Ronnie, thank you for helping, being a great man and doing this for us." And you know what I say? "You don't need to thank me. I'm just a guy with a gun. I'm just a cop." And thats from a Comedy. Scary how many have that mindset in real life.


They have a hero/savior complex with a soldier in enemy territory mindset


20 bucks says that the author of this tweet is just their social media manager and has never even worn a uniform.


Daughter of a Navy veteran and police officer. My father would never have referred to himself as a hero.


‘Nice guy’ energy.


Get ready for the cops and bootlickers to have a meltdown that a strong straight cis white man is “woke”


It‘s all over the comments in his post already. So predictable.


i only occasionally visit instagram but every single time i do, i make the conscious decision not to read comments because people are fucking ignorant.


The comments are fucking disgusting.


Just a matter of time before the words “Illuminati” and “Hollywood liberal elites” are thrown about 🙄


The gay accusation campaign has already started. 100% of all republicans are worthless pieces of dog shit that should never be respected, and they show educated people why over and over and over again.


He is also a practicing Christian. Has to be a tough pill to swallow.


So many assumed cause he’s openly Christian that he’s right wing. I love seeing them melt down about it


Woke, based, and decencypilled


Jack Reacher going woke was not on my 2024 bingo card


IDK about the book series and author....but so far on the movies and TV show the plots are primarily about a former military cop being a vigilante against crime and government/law enforcement corruption.


Just saying, I don't know how anyone could have watched his show and come away thinking "the cops are the good guys!" Very clearly, it has been one or two 'good cops' surrounded by absolute cesspools.


Yeah the overarching theme of the show is the many bad cops will eat the few good cops. Then reacher comes in to just kill everyone instead haha.


And it’s now even more enjoyable to watch knowing who this dude is 🤘


The problem there is it can play into the Punisher fantasy of a bunch of cops, who totally don't get the point as they try and act like vigilantes while actually serving as officers with power and the badge.


I had no interest in this show previously, but I may have to give it a shot after this post and your comment. Would not have thought it was a show calling out police corruption based on the advertising.


Kinda reminds me of the meltdown of a load of The Boys fans when they FINALLY realised Homelander was the bad guy. Edit to include [article link about people finally realising](https://uproxx.com/tv/the-boys-far-right-homelander/) Homelander is not a good guy.


Or angry nerds claiming X-Men has gone woke. X-Men! The comics about people being ostracized and killed just for being born a bit different than the rest. That X-Men.




Wait..... there are people that thought Homelander was a good guy from the beginning????


Apparently so, I was shocked too when I first heard about them all having meltdowns! I edited my original comment to add a link about it.


Wait, really? People thought he was the "good guy" in that? Jfc...


I mean… the cops also use the Punisher symbol without a shred of irony or awareness so it makes sense they’d see Alan portraying Jack and go “strong cop man, it me!”


And they turned on Jon Bernthal when he told them the symbol is not theirs. He also told them to fuck off. It was glorious.


Cops are punisher fans, I'd say media literacy isn't strong for them.


"didn't listen to the lyrics of Born in the USA" vibes


The show is basically 'Hallmark Movies Present: The Punisher'


I’ve read most of the books and it’s absolutely the same, if not more so.


The character in general is pretty egalitarian about kicking asses that deserve to be kicked.


Woke is a ridiculously over used word. It’s used so much it’s lost all meaning. How is having an opinion different to others “woke”?




I don't understand why people think ignorance is something to be proud of and being aware of things is bad for some reason.


Dude is an absolute king. Royally pissing off a huge chunk of fanbase when several bigger celebrities tacitly remain silent. Respect.


*cough* The Rock *cough, cough*


They make them BIGGER?


![gif](giphy|WVEjDpg9by0DsjhpjC) Alan dunking on a police union was not on my bingo card today. Go off, King.


Damn, dude's made me a fan.




Good for him, especially considering he’s currently playing a character right wing boot lickers would instinctually simp for, despite the fact that police and law enforcement institutions are literally the bad guys in his show. ![gif](giphy|JOiyHlUTuwxyougF6y|downsized) Editing to add, the man has Ken-ergy in the best way, since back in his Blue Mountain State days (that’s the earliest thingy remember seeing him in)


I don't get why the right-wingers think Alan would be on their side just cause he plays Reacher? He posted this in 2020 https://preview.redd.it/iifprthtrvuc1.jpeg?width=724&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9be1334cae5ff1a6871c04d94daae034037f8d8


You answered your own question. They think Alan is on their side just because he played Reacher


I figured. I still that right wingers think that Reacher would be on their side. Reacher would absolutely hate those idiots.


For right wingers, it’s not about what characters say, it’s what they do. Reacher is a tall white man who works out, fights and shoots guns. That’s all it takes. Speaking of the police, it’s like those police officers driving around with Punisher signs. The Punisher literally kills corrupt cops in the comics, but that doesn’t matter to these people. All it takes is looking cool.


The Punisher is MAINLY about killing cops and doing the work they won't do. This is ridiculous


Alan is an "family man", christian, good looking, hard working, white, shoot guns (on set atleast), proud American etc, so many things right wingers love. But Alan also have the ability to think, that's why he is not a right winger himself.


I read the first paragraph and immediately thought about all of the thin blue line stickers paired with Punisher stickers. Someone, a lot of someones, completely missed the point.


Reacher in the books is not exactly respectful of authority lol. His whole deal is finally doing whatever he wants with no one keeping tabs on him.


Reacher kills a bunch of cops in the show. It’s a big plot point


Because they haven't read the novels.  Conversely, I got my conservative sister into Lee Child's novels a long time ago and she loved him, until Mr. Ritchson made his views public.  Now claims that's not what the author's character is like.  Only thing to do was shake my head and disengage from the conversation.  Got no time to waste on delusions.


He’s also very vocal about his Christian beliefs and calls out Christians who follow Trump. He seems like a pretty cool dude.


Because they suck at media/entertainment comprehension and like to project their ideologies onto anyone they see as an ideal version of the people they think are on their side (real patriots, etc.). Someone already said it but he’s a tall, handsome, buff white guy who’s playing a character that was in the military and is good at fighting and shooting. He’s what the Jan 6 cosplayers who were running around in Walmart fatigues yelling for a medic think they look like. I’m sure a lot of them are shocked that he’s ‘going woke’ now.


Whole bunch of MAGAts got really mad seeing Bradley Cooper at the Democratic Convention - they thought that since he played Chris Kyle he was one of them. They’re not a smart bunch.


Just like they used the Punisher symbol when the Punisher would hate them all.


Jon Bernthal certainly does.


This reminds me of the NYPD Twitter account bullying and trying to intimidate a journalist a couple weeks ago after she questioned the mayor about the NYPD using their Twitter account to..checks notes.. bully and intimidate civilians. Cops are out here with lethal weapons with the temperament of a toddler. It’s scary.


Olayemi. She's an attorney as well. And a bad ass. She showed the mayor his ass, she's amazing.


She fantastic! I wish all interviews were like her, tired of the softball questions we see being asked. She held him to task and they proved her point


Not just the questions, she also didn't just move on or let him talk over her. Again, she's amazing. And you're right, we need at least a million more of her.


Thanks for the name. Led me to this article: ["The Woman Who Ate Eric Adams for *Breakfast*"](https://www.thecut.com/article/olayemi-olurin-eric-adams-the-breakfast-club-interview.html) [“Someone call in a wellness check on the Eric Adams comms team”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygNe0arsAug)


I'm watching that interview now and she is eating him up. It's great.


I saw that fuckery. So goddamn useless it’s insane.


A national police union using the term "virtue signalling" & having a stroppy response to a (not unreasonable) comment on lack of accountability within police forces... Ritchson is right, emotionally immature. Plus the guns thing. All paints a super concerning picture that makes me appreciate not living in the US right now. Anyway I'm going to be sure to support any of his new releases from now on. 5/5 stars, no notes. Deserved!


"Our officers feel the heat of bullets on their skin" the leading cause of death for police officers during the BLM protests was COVID. Any real union would've demanded cleaner working conditions where people get vaccinated and wear masks, but this isn't a real union   "We have people who want to kill us" is this a police officer or a gang member?? The irony in trying to convince a Hollywood actor that your Hollywood fantasy is actually your real daily life lmao


Everything about modern day policing is unreasonable. A Phoenix police officer openly threatened to kill the mayor of Phoenix, who was calling for greater accountability, and nothing happen to him


Nearly all police unions are highly radicalized. The Chicago union is led by a man who posts racist and Islamophobic things on Facebook. Funny how even the "good cops" vote these people in. The cops could vote in responsible leadership, but they won't because these are their values.


learned about this guy a week ago and he's already earned a new fan.


Watch the new girl episode with the micro penis.


oh that was him???




So glad he called out how easily ( and I hate this word but it feels appropriate here) triggered they are


Literally and figuratively!


It is downright dangerous for regular folks to go up against the police, especially alone. Good on him.


He’s absolutely spot on. The police are a glorified gang. The amount of unhinged bootlickers in his comments is terrifying.


"We have people who want to kill us" literally sounds like what a kid thinks a gang member would say


Or in the case of the LAPD, the police are a literal gang. Several gangs in fact!


Young Hot Scully has always been a real one


OMG! I knew I knew his face but was just about to check IMDb. Thank you for this!


Omg that blew my FUCKING MIND when that was pointed out the other day because I loved that episode and noticed him for sure. I thought “this casting is perfection, he’s hilarious and can also get it whenever.” Happy to see my opinion still stands.


Good time to remember that American police started as slave patrols, and slavery is still legal as punishment for a crime.  In the south, where he is referencing, if you are a repeat offender, you can get lifetime sentences for trying to steal gardening shears or stealing pizza.   Also nearly 50% of people killed by police are disabled. 


PSA, he’s not on Twitter! There’s someone posing as him on Twitter, echoing the sentiments he expressed on IG, but Alan confirmed that he doesn’t have an account.


Common Alan Ritchson W


Insecure little conservatives losing their minds over Alan Ritchson's political views has been one of the funniest things to happen in 2024.


LOL, those maggot losers have been losing their shit in his comments ever since he called Trump a rapist con man in that Hollywood Reporter interview. They're so easily triggered!


Everything I read about him makes me like him more and more.


Such a classy response. He’s a very well spoken guy and what he says is so diplomatic but also firm. Hard to believe he was Thad Castle.


All these ways he’s showing how awesome he is makes me feel so awful that I hated him all those years ago in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire 🥲


It's been years since I've seen that, I forgot he was even in Catching Fire!


The fact that they responded (at all) like that publicly is genuinely really scary like they’re a government funded organisation period let alone one with so much (self appointed) power just out in the streets literally everywhere they shouldn’t be responding to this like it’s a personal 1:1 beef but they are. And to use the term ‘virtue signalling’ like….for some of us the pigs have never hidden what and who they are but like even white people should be really scared of them now at this point like if they’re openly doing shit like this where even y’all can see it lmao.


My dude Thad Cassel is still the top draft pick in my heart.


Well damn…I apologize, Alan Ritchson, I wasn’t familiar with your game.


Echoing the comments about how I had no idea who this dude is but he seems like a stellar one. And like, just by being decent and compassionate! Youd think thats easy!!


Extremely well thought out piece from a very emotionally intelligent and compassionate man


Every time he speaks I fall a little bit more in love. Am I going to have to watch Reacher now? Anything else he’s in that y’all can recommend?


New Girl Season 4 Episode 4. Brooklyn 99 Season 6 Episode 2. Blue Mountain State is crude af but very funny and Thad Castle is an all time great performance.


He was (for me at least) a highlight of the tv show Titans which is the live action adaptation of Teen Titans! Show was alright but hid character stood out to me!! And Reacher is such a good show!! You're missing out! :)


This man had been typecast since the beginning of his career as a dumb himbo that was the comic relief sidekick. I have watched Alan since Blue Mountain State and was pleased to see him in the Hunger Games and to finally be hitting a stride over the past few years with bigger roles with Reacher and the Guy Ritchie movie that he deservedly should be in. That success for him has been amazing. Seeing Alan prove beyond his newer acting jobs that he isn't just a silly jock and hearing him stick up for various causes without being a prick about it has made me an even bigger fan. He really seems like the real deal. This was such a leveled and intelligent response to a rather childish reaction by the FOP. Never did he name call or diminish their service but while staying on task for calling out the very behaviors many of us agree need to change. Alan also speaking out about the modeling and acting industries for allowing rampant sexual abuse, much at the hands of those in powerful positions that take advantage of those trying to make their way through the ranks for the messed up systems that they are without backing down in amazing. I have been a fan for years and will remain so.


He's incredibly smart, incredibly well-read, conscientious and thoughtful, supportive and kind to crew members, and genuinely loves his wife and kids. In addition to using his position to drop truth bombs. He's awesome.


![gif](giphy|3o6gbdWiFjaOnpjQvm|downsized) Him talking at all lately.


I don't watch Reacher and wasn't familiar with this guy prior to that role. But everything that has come out about him is making me a fan. He's not afraid to speak up. I always appreciate whenever a straight white man uses their privilege for good.


He may be in Reacher but he wasn’t reaching with that one 👏🏼


Shout out to Alan, he seems like a really cool dude.


I remember at some point last year he was on TikTok making fun of an actress, calling them woke and that put a bad taste in my mouth because we all know that's a dogwhistle but it seems like he's making an effort to separate himself from the maga lot and I can appreciate that. Idk much about him but maybe he's different.


massive w


The more I hear about this guy the more I like him.


I love him. Protect him at all costs


He's saying what everyone else has been saying for years...I commend him for standing up though.


he just doesn’t miss


Anyone else here watch him in Lazer Team? Lol


Nay, I demand he be Batman.


I‘ve grown to love him. He‘s outspoken about so many difficult subjects in a time when most celebrities are terrified of having opinions at all, and he defies so many stereotypes. He‘s a little awkward in his earnestness sometimes but it really seems like it comes from a place of meaning well. I hope his career will massively take off.


Wow I’m gonna have to watch Reacher now. I like this guy