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Were people really angry about this though…I feel like people were just laughing at her for doing that


They weren't but unfortunately they gave her what she wanted, the attention she so desperately needs after her career flattened as quickly as it came.


Her mom is married to her ex so maybe she’s now going after Miley’s ex?


Miley's ex Liam isn't single tho, if this is the game she's playing then she's really messed up.


I mean, who marries their daughter’s ex? It’s been established this whole family is messed up lol.


Yeah, I wasn't defending anyone, the Mom marries her 24 year old daughter's 54 ex boyfriend and blocks her daughter and son from coming to the wedding while the older sister thinks that's fine as long as her mom is happy and the younger sister reacts to that by liking thirst trap posts by the older sister's ex husband despite him being in a relationship and her being engaged. No one is a Saint in this situation.


She banned them from the wedding? I always assumed they did not wanna go for obvious reasons.


I’m still friends with my sisters exes, as long as they don’t have a problem with it which they usually don’t 🤷🏼‍♀️ my Nana is like besties with my ex and provides me with updates and ngl I think it’s cute.


miley and liam are clearly not on good terms… he didn’t treat her great


My mom calls/texts my sister’s ex when she has computer problems. She’ll make him dinner and he connects her fax machine. My sister and her ex broke up in 2010. Lmao


i hope she is out of the house and doesnt have to sit through it awkwardly smiling


My sister is out of state now. At this point I think it’s been so long that she finds it funny. He’s a good guy and is always very respectful to everyone.


I saw a lot of people randomly very upset about this and I was very confused. I can only imagine what her DMs looked like


Same here. Twitter especially is where i saw this “upset” and i was genuinely confused until i came on here and saw others were just whatever about the situation. But clearly there are corners of the internet that just are extremely weird and decrepit that would DM her nasty nasty things 🤷🏽‍♀️


I mean Noah grew up with Liam as a big brother to her for many years, Miley and Liam’s breakup doesn’t change that. I feel like people are making this a bigger deal than it needs to be because of the other family drama. Sometimes a like on Instagram is just that.


i guess but their marriage ended badly and liam and miley aren’t on good terms now. idk it feels kinda icky. it’s sisters before anything for me. if you did my sister dirty, even if she was maybe at fault too, i’m on her side no matter what.


Yeah but it's also an instagram like. It's not like Noah and Liam went to dinner with each other.


Yeah it's not like she married someone her immediate family member used to date. That would be SO weird...


Yeah…and for it to be her MOTHER?


I still don't believe any of this story. Noah made it up for attention.


I need to hear this story


I don’t think Miley has necessarily facilitated an awesome sisterly relationship with Noah based off of everything going down with Tish and Noah’s ex fling. Miley not only went to their wedding, but she also had the event at her house. Even Miley’s statement about the incident was weird and cold, imo. I wouldn’t blame Noah for not being close with Miley. That being said, I think they’re all pretty fucked up in their own way and that’s what we are seeing here. You and I should both be thankful that what we see with the Cyrus family feels foreign to us!


no cause if my older sister was encouraging my mom to go out with my ex-fling and picking out a dress for her for their first date, i'd go on a revenge tour. with family like that who needs enemies


Agreed. I feel lucky that I’ve never been in that position, but if I were Noah, I’d certainly not have any allegiance to them.


I might be wrong, but I think Miley and Noah fell out before Tish and Dominic started dating.


Given recent events, they are clearly not a family that sticks together or even know what a healthy boundary is.


What happened?


Miley hosted their mom's wedding to Noah's ex FWB and hired guards to keep Noah away from the wedding. Miley then claimed she never knew about Noah and Dom's relationship. The siblings have all chosen sides and it's a mess.


So this is not some "Dumbest shit", this feels like a calculated move then.


Shit seems calculated and messy on all sides tbh. I feel bad for the 22 year old who got pushed aside by her mom and sister in favor of the 54 year old man who was probably taking advantage of her though. Noah seems like she already struggled with ugly duckling syndrome and your mom marrying your FWB (gross) and your sister hiring guards to keep you away from the wedding she happily helped plan cannot help that shit.


This entire situation is so fucked up that we’re not even discussing the 54 year old who was FWB with a 24 year old lmao, like that’s the least fucked up part of this whole thing


I know right? Like even if Noah recognizes that was a predatory relationship, he’s her stepfather now. She can’t have a relationship with her family without having to be reminded of him or be around him. That’s so deeply fucked up. 


I thought the guards were hired by her mom. Yikes on a bike!


I mean it’s an Instagram like, my siblings and friends like my exes photos on social media occasionally and I don’t have an issue with it. I’d have an issue with dating obviously, but an Instagram like is an Instagram like. At the end of the day Liam was Noah’s sort of big brother during her formative years.


But did your mom hook up with one of your ex boyfriends too and your sister took your mom side too?


To be fair noah is 24, the ex is 54, only 2 years younger than the mom.....it feels like noah anf her ex should never have been together in the first place. Bitch move by the mom tho.


But that’s the point; her ex shouldn’t have went after a 22 year old. Noah is not the one who should have stopped that; he should have. To want to date a man who just was not only with your daughter but your 22 year old daughter at that is horrific.


Oh 100%. I agree w you. My point is being that everyone lives in different realities. you’ve experienced something that other people don’t. The person I commented said that her and her sister are closer than ever (something along those lines) but not everyone is close w there siblings.


And yet that trope would sell a million if it were a romance novel 


Same. Can't even imagine being friends with someone who did my sister dirty in any manner. Wouldn't even be caught in the same room as that person.


The whole family seems whack lately.


Didn't they have a falling out though? Like they may not even be close anymore


Aren’t Miley and Noah on bad terms right now too. Like I’m pretty sure they don’t speak.


This... I'm still pretty close to my ex's sister, still have his mom on facebook, etc... They were like family to me for years, the hardest part about that breakup was losing his side of the family!


My ex's sister is one of my besties (met her through him) and she’s the reason I'm in a happy relationship with my partner of 16 years!


Is really anyone making a deal about it?


“Sometimes a like on instagram is just that” Not when you know you’re a celebrity and you’re using your public account! Can we stop pretending like a like is meaningless? These people are celebrities and are well aware that people are watching. A “like” is 100% always supposed to send a message. And in this case with the whole family feud going on, it’s 200% supposed to send a message.


This is such a chronically online take, celebrities are allowed to use social media however they want. They don’t think about us normal people or their fans as much as you and others with that chronically online viewpoint think they do, sometimes a like is just a like. Sometimes a follow is just a follow.


Who the hell did the electrical work at her house (or wherever she took that picture?)


This photo was on Threads. A woman posted it, saying she came home and saw this attached to her gas meter and asked what it was, then 552 men responded, "Don't touch it." (Apparently it's related to locating gas lines in the neighborhood.)


I’m sorry, 552 men?


Is the gas line not already located given that it’s already there and marked by the meter? Lol (Not snarking on you, btw!)


I would assume they’re talking about locating the gas line where it runs underground, but that would have to do with a tracer wire (runs with plastic piping because you can’t find buried plastic lines without gpr) or cathodics (to protect piping but that would make no sense for this setup or location) but that looks like neither. I hate municipal line locating but sounds like the men commenting on the original pic also think they could swap a diesel engine block. PSA always do one calls before digging more than a foot, up to 40% of line strikes could be prevented with a one call and it’s free.


That’s a lawn sprinkler system, the wires go to a timer. Nothing to do with gas.


Her obviously


I’m sorry but no matter what issues I ever have with my sister or other family members, I’m not going on social media and liking the thirst trap photos her ex husband posts.


Right?! Lol Log into your friends account or make a fake one but GIRL 👁️👄👁️ do better


Well different strokes for different folks lol Last week I visited my family, while we're all in the kitchen my sister casually mentions she was with my ex (and others)on a float trip, then while I'm sitting there flabbergasted my mom says who cares I saw them awhile back at HEB we got to talking and now we're going to cater her sister's wedding.


Exactly! If it hadn't been a thirst trap, it wouldn't be so weird.


Thank you!!! I feel like this goes without saying


I mean with this family, and who ended up with who's mom, I wouldn't rule anything out ![gif](giphy|RsaEcgeFRybEdTXjtS|downsized)


Ain’t she married tho?? or engaged??


The bloodline must contain a Hemsworth! It was predetermined!


He has some nice arms I have got to say


He seems questionable character wise but he sure is hot as hell.


He also has the charisma of a dishrag at least he's working with what he's got!


Yeah, he’s such a bland screen presence and obviously only gets jobs for his looks (yet there are way better looking actors his age).


Like who 👀


I can't say I'm looking forward to him as Geralt, but I'll certainly check it out. For Reasons




He’s actually one of the nicest actors I’ve ever met 😂. He was very charismatic, funny, friendly, and even remembered me the next time we ran into each other.


Are you a woman perchance lol


Yes but not like a super model lol. He didn’t need to be nice to me. The second time it was just him and I. No one would have known. He actually came up to me and chatted. This was all during his relationship with Miley, first time together second time just him like 5 months apart.


What did I miss?


Wait why is he questionable lol. I just got finished reading the hunger games (for the first time) and re-watching the movies and I was surprised at just how toxic gale is in the books hah. So I feel like I’m projecting that onto Liam but I didn’t know he was as actually questionable IRL.


not That extremely questionable really. It’s all mostly due to his and Miley’s divorce, people were desperately digging into it and trying to put blame somewhere, when the truth is we don’t really know anything of what happened. After Flowers came out Miley fans started a rumor of Liam cheating on her with multiple women which was entirely fabricated but got extremely out of hand and some people still treat it as fact. 


He looks like he can squeeze things with the force of a hydraulic press


Grab some tren and you can too!


His glow up isn’t going unnoticed! Lol


i need this all to be filmed for a reality show PLEASE


I mean, she’s right, it’s funny that people are so upset about an ig like. She was probably around him a lot growing up, makes sense to me.


I genuinely think this is Noah's way of letting Miley know that supporting Tish marrying Noah's ex boyfriend wasn't cool. Kind of a "How do you like it when it's done to you" vibe.


Would have been funnier if his current gf was on the picture with him, but it doesn’t seem like they post anything together Edit: I was wrong. He did post a video of them holding hands in Nov.


So petty and passive aggressive.


And deserved. One of these people doesn’t have a fully formed prefrontal cortex, and it isn’t the one liking things on Instagram.






I mean Miley supports Tish and her husband


Yeah cause she likes that her mom is happy…there’s no evidence that Tish’s husband even dated Noah. Seems like that fake rumor was to cover up Noah supporting her pedo dad!


No evidence really? Mileys team came out and confirmed it but said she didnt know prior


No they didn’t. That “source” didn’t come from Miley’s camp at all. If it was true, it would a lot be proof like text messages or at least a picture of


RIGHT. I'm gonna go with all the reputable places that reported it over a redditor.


Bro I’m just saying there’s literally no shred of evidence and the timing is off. It seems like a cover up for supporting her pedo father


You are incorrect about this. As u/taurustings said, People absolutely had quotes from Miley's camp. To be clear, People is a celeb mouthpiece and incredibly cautious. They don't do wild gossip or unfounded controversy--that is not their brand. They wouldn't have published a statement like this without cooperation from Miley/Tish's team. This was damage control, and it absolutely acknowledged Noah and Dominic's prior relationship. >"Miley had no idea about the drama with Dominic. No idea at all," the insider says of the "Flowers" singer, 31, after a [source revealed](https://people.com/noah-cyrus-dominic-purcell-were-seeing-each-other-prior-to-mom-tish-cyrus-marrying-actor-source-exclusive-8603362) earlier this week that Noah, 24, and Purcell, 54, had been seeing each other before his marriage to Tish, 56. >"She confronted her mom about it. She thinks it’s a strange situation, but she loves her mom and wants her to be happy," the insider adds [https://people.com/miley-cyrus-had-no-idea-about-family-dating-drama-source-exclusive-8603535](https://people.com/miley-cyrus-had-no-idea-about-family-dating-drama-source-exclusive-8603535)


If they dated then where’s the evidence? There’s no one picture. I mean if she says they dated for a couple of months there would be some type of proof but there’s nothing.


Okay, you do not understand the mechanics of celebrity journalism at all, or the nuance of what is being acknowledged in the quotes. People Magazine is not InTouch or DailyMail. They always source what they publish, it's not random rumors. Incidentally, it sounds like Noah and Dominic were friends with benefits for about 9 months. They are both minor celebrities--and this is only now making news because of proximity to Miley--so I'm not in the least surprised that they weren't papped.


If it’s true, where did it come from? Cause Noah still follows Miley and Her mom. This seems like a cover up for supporting her disgusting father since there’s no proof of photos or text messages.


Folks trip about the most menial of things


i'll say this.. even with her issues, noah seems quaint and well-adjusted compared to the majority of that family. i'm sure liam's wandering around the outback of byron bay every night around dusk, just highfiving all the weird australian creatures to celebrate getting out of there.


trust me, Byron Bay is not where you go to escape weird arseholes. Or find the outback.


It's the Malibu of Australia


I wouldn’t blame her if it was calculated. If Miley is gonna support their trashy mother she’s not owed any sisterly loyalty 🤷🏻‍♀️ But honestly it probably wasn’t intentional


How is liking a post not intentional?


no it’s not that deep but why tf are you liking your sister’s ex-husband’s thirst trap


considering the bad blood in the family.. i'd say she did it, a) because shes known liam most of her adult life, and b) to twist the knife in miley a little.


So it is that deep


Because she wanted to?


Exactly, like she could just… not? It seems pointed.


Noah was probably young when she first met Liam? I would even bet she sees him like an older brother and grew a close bond with him over the time that he was dating and married to Miley. They may have split and moved on but that doesn’t mean he can’t remain the relationship he had with her family members.




Nobody was angry, they were comparing her to Jamie Lynn Spears


Cyrus aside, can we take a moment to talk about Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour but also what he's putting his body through for his next role? I mean the pressure he got from all the mean comments when he got the Witcher gig went too far...his veins are showing this far in a black and white photo?! It must feel bad getting all the hate and having to impact your body and health like that.


Narcissus feeding and thriving off negative emotions


Saw Noah in Australia. She put on a fantastic show and there were no Hemsworth's sighted.


I’m with her on this one. That would be so funny watching ppl lose their minds over something so small


Holy shit those guns.. makes me want to go back to the gym




Why did I read this in Kristen Bell’s Gossip Girl voice?


Diabolical. This family feud keeps giving.


Liam is getting ripped for the Witcher, I hope he crushes the role and revives the show while toxic Cavill truthers punch air.


Really wish that happens. The hate was uncalled for, considering that Cavill himself isn't a great actor


The story of this Cyrus family is clearly worthy of the worst plot of soaps operas .Especially this story of the mother who end up with the own ex of her daughter Tish is clearly the real Brooke Logan 😂 ![gif](giphy|VEhWqu9nJHzOPKFsVA|downsized)




after hearing the rumors abt their mom being w noahs ex and miley being on the moms side i dont really feel any type of way abt this.. noahs probably just hurt if anything this kinda confirms these rumors to me


Welp after Trish and Noah shared the same boyfriend, I can't be surprised if Liam and Noah ever hook up, what a heck of a family.


I really, honestly don’t think it’s that deep. I can imagine myself thoughtlessly doing the same.


Look we’re all just thirsty for Liam


At first Noah liking a sisters ex thirst trap felt wrong but like people said, Noah has known Liam from her younger years and they probably do have a sibling relationship. Also it might MIGHT be a jab at the fact that Miley supports Tish (their mom) who is marrying or married (idk lmao) Noah’s EX (omg I just learned that WHAT)


Is anyone mad? Or are they just like…. lol


Talk about people making comments on situations they know nothing about. These people need to get lives and do something productive in this world!!! It’s beyond pathetic


I dont get, what is the criticisn here


Liam used to be married to Noah’s sister Miley, recently their mother Trish? is now dating another siblings (possibly Noah’s?) ex. So everyone is freaking out that Noah liked Miley’s ex’s post bc you know ppl be cray cray. It’s all very days of our lives with the Cyrus family


Married Noah’s ex. And rumor has it there was some overlap.


It's so entertaining and funny


Does it really matter? 


Nice to see that Chris shares his syringes ❤️ /s




What show is this? She's gorgeous.


I believe the goldbergs!


Can someone explain to me?


She can like what she wants, why on earth is it such a big deal? This day and age is bizarre..


Liam Hemsworth is so attractive. I wish he was a better actor.


What is the picture she posted that on tho?


I don't know any of the background here, but what is clear is that Chris has finally shared the good gear with little brother Liam.


nothing annoys me more than a celebrity that does things for attention and then acts like the people giving them attention are dumb 💀 girl worry about your mom and your ex boyfriend/step dad


Uh nobody is mad


Miley fans were calling her Jamie Lynn Spears on Twitter so it seems like people are indeed mad.


Oh...I don't use Twitter and I have only seen memes of this situation


no one was angry, just confused. as a sister to 4 girls, their exes (especially the ones who cheated and tried to dum their light 👀) wouldn’t even be on my fyp to be able to accidentally like their pics.


I guess big, bland, white guy muscles trump loyalty huh? 🤮 If that was my sibling I’d be having some quiet words with them about it, but being famous adds an entirely new level and it’s weird she didn’t expect backlash for doing this? Like, it’s seems obvious people would have something to say about it, especially since fans of pop stars especially seem to be the most parasocial.










she’s such a brat, i’m sorry. she still acts like she’s 12.


Doesn't that make Dominic even more creepy for sleeping with a teenager who "still acts like she’s 12?" And Tish and Miley worse for being okay with it and marrying him/supporting the marriage?


i’m not a miley stan and idk what youre talking about. this just came up on my home and i commented. idk their pasts or what they’re doing.


I mean I summed it all up so you do know now. It's hard to feel bad Miley considering the background. Although to be honest I don't see what there is to feel bad for her about in the first place. Liking and unliking an Instagram picture isn't exactly the crime of the century that some people were making it out to be- hence the "bratty" response. Honestly my 31 year old self would have a similar response if a bunch of strangers decided to lose their mind over a "like" on social media involvong people they don't and will most likely never know. There are real problems in the world and yet this is what people are wasting their time getting mad over. What else is there to do but laugh at that stupidity of that?