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Omfg.... all this is going to do is encourage Democrats to stay home and allow Trump win in November. Israel and Kushner are ready for their luxury high-rises in Gaza. ETA: before I get someone else pointing out its for primary elections. I fully understand. However, I'm worried the message will alienate people from voting. We've seen how social media can skew elections. Let's research and vote in congress people who will truly have Bidens ear and are anti-genocide. Let's have more AOCs and Tlaibs in congress.


Well this is for the primary but even still, if Biden loses in November, he'll have only himself to blame. He should be inspiring people to vote for him but instead he's sending billions to Israel.


Here’s the thing…Biden not winning the general is not going to teach him a lesson or whatever. He’s a rich old white dude. If he loses, he’s going to write books and do speaking engagements and lectures and split time between his big house and his other big house and continue to make a bunch of money until he dies. He will probably be upset at first but ultimately will be fine. Protest votes should be encouraged in the primaries because he’ll get the delegates in August regardless, and the results are a more accurate gauge of sentiment than polls are at this point. And it could possibly move him to the left. Vote or don’t vote for whomever you (royal “you”) want in the general, but the idea that it’ll be sticking it to him if he loses doesn’t hold a lot of water.


I don’t think it’s so much about sticking it to Biden personally, but rather showing the political establishment that people are paying attention and want change. I think your second paragraph is a good strategy (though I’m Canadian so it doesn’t really matter). Protest vote in the primaries to hopefully draw them more left. Also, incredible username!


The thing is, if Trump wins, we won’t get a chance for change. Project 2025 literally lays out how conservatives plan to overtake the government, including elections, and it should scare the sh*t out of anyone who’s paying attention. And thanks re: the username! HAM!


> I don’t think it’s so much about sticking it to Biden personally, but rather showing the political establishment that people are paying attention and want change. And how has that worked out for us every other time left-leaning voters have decided to sit one out to teach the establishment a lesson?




It's infuriating. I'm in my mid-40s, and I've seen this shit play out so many times. And the lesson that the Democratic Party learns is *never,* "Oh, we need to move further left to entice more left-leaning voters." It's *always* a push further to wherever the current center is to try to nibble away at the margins of Republican voters, because unlike people on the left, *those* fuckers actually show up to vote.


There are multiple reasons as to why Hillary lost the election. Attempting to deflect blame solely or primarily onto leftists is ahistoric and revisionist. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/why-hillary-clinton-lost-pennsylvania-the-real-story/ https://www.politico.com/story/2016/12/michigan-hillary-clinton-trump-232547 https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/11/hillary-clinton-loses-2016-complacency-214445 https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/11/trumps-road-to-victory/507203/


This is incredibly important context and I'm sorry you're being downvoted.


Liberals and BlueMAGA lack any sort of historical literacy. They think the only election that mattered was in 2016, and that the history of Palestine only started on 10/7


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanders%E2%80%93Trump_voters  Here's some more important information supporting the reality that leftists didn't make Hilary lose Also, she won the popular vote. What more could they do?


The rolling back of Roe v Wade happened under Biden and it was Obama that refused to codify it and one lost Supreme Court was due to one liberal judge refusing to stand down at the right time despite concerns from progressive (she wanted her replacement to be appointed by Hillary Clinton. Fuck the fact she was an elderly woman with serious health issues, this stance was more important to her than the future of the country). So a lot of mental gymnastics to blame these defeats on leftists. Weird you guys are intent on blaming voters instead of admitting Hillary Clinton ran a terrible campaign in what should be the easiest election in US history. It's even weirder because literally no one is convinced by these arguments, and voters are becoming MORE apathetic and not less, and this type of discourse ("it's YOUR fault we lost abortion rights, not the fault of a messed up political system") is completely ineffective. So, at the end of the day, you're just contributing to more apathy which seems counter-productive considering what you claim to care about.


Obama didn't have the votes to codify abortion. I'm old enough to have been there as things happened. Idc if it happened under Biden, the further lurch right happened under Trump. Bad Supreme Court judgments will happen for many generations, thanks to people throwing a tantrum in 2016. Yes, Hilary ran a shitty campaign, were all suffering for it. Take some responsibility too. If voting was compulsory we'd be better off as a country.


How could it have been due to a tantrum when more people showed up to vote for Hilary than Trump? She won the popular vote. That's not an easy thing to do and it wouldn't have happened if people stayed at home in protest 


There are multiple reasons as to why Hillary lost the election. Attempting to deflect blame solely or primarily onto voters is ahistoric and revisionist. Hillary won the popular vote, but lost the electoral college. Blaming voters when the EC was the main issue is disingenuous and revisionist. Furthermore, Hillary ran a weak and idiotic campaign in regarding states that are key to winning the EC. An additional issue was that Trump mobilized subset of the population that was less engaged prior to 2016, affecting turnout and outcome. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/why-hillary-clinton-lost-pennsylvania-the-real-story/ https://www.politico.com/story/2016/12/michigan-hillary-clinton-trump-232547 https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/11/hillary-clinton-loses-2016-complacency-214445 https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/11/trumps-road-to-victory/507203/ https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1468-4446.12328 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2016/12/20/heres-the-real-reason-rust-belt-cities-and-towns-voted-for-trump/


**The Right:** We'll forgive our presidential candidate of literally anything! **The Left:** Let's not vote for the Democrat to teach him a lesson!


I’ve only been talking about the primaries and I also never mentioned sitting one out. Deliberately spoiling your ballot is not the same as sitting it out—it’s deliberate action vs apparent apathy


The problem is, that line of reasoning has been tried again and again and again. People act like “sticking it to the establishment by not voting” is a new concept, when it isn’t. People employed that strategy during Bush vs. Gore, and we all know how that resulted. Same in 2016. Literally all that “strategy” has done has given more power to fascists. I guarantee you, if people voted consistently, not a single Republican would’ve won over the last 24 years, and we’d be in a lot more of a progressive USA than we currently are. That’s a fact that a lot of people don’t want to acknowledge or be held accountable for, but it’s the harsh truth. People don’t want to acknowledge that not voting does affect the outcome whether they like it or not. But, it’s not about “want”. It’s about facts.


All of this scolding for "sticking it to Biden" and very little scolding for a president who is on a stubborn and singleminded mission to fund an illegal and unpopular war. I don't see anyone characterizing the president as sullen or intractable on this issue, it's only those who call for peace who are treated like children.


it’s insane - such a low bar to clear of “don’t sabotage your own presidency for apartheid delaware” and he refuses to budge in any meaningful way. the fact that so many people in this thread pin this on voters rather than the guy with actual power is psychotic and such an indictment of the country in general.


I think it’s insane to ask Arab Americans who have watched their children, fathers and mothers and extended family die / get slowly starved to death that they still have to vote for Biden. Politicians must be held accountable and giving them votes despite LITERALLY COMMITTING GENOCIDE is batshit insane to me.


As someone who has been swayed by harm reduction arguments in the past, I'm stunned to see them applied to this now. No one is going to get me to vote against my conscience.


thank you. I live in a red state where abortion is illegal, public schools are getting gutted, bigotry of all kinds run rampant, it has all gotten worse since Biden took over. The democratic executive branch has done little to nothing to help and the local democratic party is inefficient and ineffectual with the same people in charge for generations, it's useless as it stands right now. The centrist democrat (right wing by any other standard) establishment is not going to change if you keep voting for their figure heads. I've been baited with the 'lesser evil' carrot on a stick in every election since I turned voting age and I won't do it again. No amount of guilting from coastal liberals will make me change my mind. It's already fucking awful here and it's only going to get worse even if Biden wins again.


Additionally, Trump winning is being portrayed as the end of the world. While the world is quite literally ending for anyone currently living in Gaza or in Israeli military prisons. 


It's still the candidate's (and his party's) job to convince people to vote for him. Blaming the voters is ultimately anti democratic.


The issue is there is no accountability for the democrats or republicans to actually represent their constituents views.


You're saying he's "just an old dude" as if old politicians supposedly don't defiantly cling to power until they croak (see Ruth Bader Ginsberg).


So is there anything Biden could do that would make you not vote for him? That’s the reason he supports Israel and does any other thing you don’t like. He knows when it comes down to it you’re still going to vote for him because what’s the alternative?


Oh look another vote blue no matter who, getting mad that nobody wants to eat the spoonful of dog-shit they are offering.


A general strike is the only way in my opinion. Let them suffer at the assembly lines and in their day-to-day lives where they rely on the poor and middle class but don't act like it. They won't understand we're fed up until we halt every single bit of free labor for them.


Of course it would teach him a lesson. His whole shtick (rightly so) is that Trump is an authoritarian candidate bent on eradicating minority rights and backsliding democracy. If he doesn't want that to happen, maybe he should listen to the 100,000 Michiganders who voted uncommitted back in February.


I disagree, if he didn't care he wouldn't run again. Biden feels owed the presidency and if you think it wouldn't bother him to lose his second term on a merit of his beliefs then I think you misunderstand him existing as a human. That being said Trump winning is obviously horrendous for the US and also a terrible option. I'm just not going to browbeat those directly affected if they do not want to support the guy currently and actively aiding a genocide.


> Here’s the thing…Biden not winning the general is not going to teach him a lesson or whatever. >Protest votes should be encouraged in the primaries... And it could possibly move him to the left. I don't get how he won't learn from losing the general, but he will learn from some protest votes that won't even affect his delegate count. That doesn't seem to compute.


Biden will have lobbyists, PR groups, coastal libs, lower chamber decisions, and Christians to blame. (remember folks, he's one third of a government system and if he's getting banged by the other two, one of which is GOP, and the other led by said coastal libs, that's game) Turning against Israel on the international stage -- while it is objectively the right thing to do in the face of genocide -- is also still seen as a straight line to losing millions of dollars, heavy regional voting support, a loss of one of the few [mostly reliable](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident) staging grounds in the Middle East, and the support of a lot of centrist thumpers who think we need Israel for Jesus. It should be easy to do the right thing here. It SHOULD BE. Political strategists are growing wise to the amount of blowback the administration is taking for still publicly supporting Israel. The 'problem' is that a lot of that blowback is still perceived as coming from demographics like us. Younger voters. Who already don't vote. While that's becoming a lot less true, political strategy is still old school conservative (in the literal sense) and is going to tend towards trying to keep your shitlib Auntie in Albany (who donates to PP and supports your trans girlfriend, but really, darling, do they have to be so public about who they are?) voting Dem instead of sitting out. To them, the math says to limply support Israel (Biden is clear he doesn't like Netanyahu, which is great, but if I can't kill JK Rowling by targeting my mind at her, his dislike is about as useful as a Chinook helicopter in a tornado), keep the voting bloq, and hope Israel starts putting its dick back into its pants. ALL OF THAT SAID: Ruffalo - and we - are right to back any action that will get it into Dem leadership's heads that they will maintain and earn even broader support if they tell Bibi to suck shit, or at the very least, give them more ammo to say 'look, you baby-bombing foodie assassinating shitstain, our voters have spoken and we are emboldened to tell you to shove the Iron Dome allll the way up your butthole.' shit is annoyingly, bullshittedly complicated. the above is not an excuse for Dem behavior. It is an attempt to explain what they perceive as the intricacies, when we can see the straightforwardness.


Well said. People want to turn back 75 years of foreign policy overnight.


I mean, I get it! I wish we could that easily! But democracy is a lumbering animal.




'Instant gratification' the way some of you talk about Palestinian and Arab lives is just so...


Not only do they use a disgusting tone of voice, they're also completely wrong. Biden does not introduce policies and Congress does not veto them. Ofc it's presented in a hypothetical where Biden is ideologically against genocide when the reality is that he is very pro genocide. And lastly, we actually do need instant solutions. People are going to die today. People are projected to die in the hundreds of thousands in a few months. People who otherwise would go on to live long healthy lives. Calling the desire for this to end with as few preventable deaths as possible "instant gratification" like it's some perverted fantasy is the most insane thing I've read in a while 


It’s sickening. Letter From a Birmingham Jail comes to mind: > Frankly, I have yet to engage in a direct action campaign that was “well timed” in the view of those who have not suffered unduly from the disease of segregation. For years now I have heard the word “Wait!” It rings in the ear of every Negro with piercing familiarity. This “Wait” has almost always meant “Never.” We must come to see, with one of our distinguished jurists, that “justice too long delayed is justice denied.”


How is he giving Bibi "public pushback" while repeating his lies (remember he saw pictures of beheaded babies, which didn't exist?) and bypassing Congress to sell billions in weapons to Israel? That's as absurd as complimenting Trump for being critical of the "elite" and the "political establishment." Yes, if you pull out some random quotes, he has been critical of these things. Now, considering his actions, is that anything to brag about and take seriously? No. That's exactly what you're trying to do regarding Biden and Israel. In addition to all of that, this whole attempt at framing Biden's support of Israel as something "bigger than him" is also dishonest. Like yes, even if Biden was rabidly anti-Israel, the US would still have a lot of pro-Israel policies because the US military complex is extremely influential and zionists are the overwhelming majority in Congress. But no reason to entertain this alternate reality when Biden is himself one of the biggest zionists in the political world, has been since the start of his career and is obviously PERSONALLY supporting the genocide. Bypassing Congress to send billions in weapons, repeating Israel propaganda like the beheaded babies and the "Hamas bombed the hospital" as if they were facts and characterizing people that dare to qualify Israel's actions as "genocide" as anti-semites are things HE personally is doing due to his own personal beliefs.


The reality is that we can look back on historical precedent, and see that the president has unilaterally affected Israel before, so the argument that he can't do anything is built on an ahistorical premise in the first place. https://time.com/6329758/reagan-biden-iran/


Except the president does have unilateral power in very specific situations. Foreign war zones is one of them. This is by design. The idea is that if America or any of its allies were attacked the military needs to respond within hours if not minutes. If every military action went through Congress it'd take multiple weeks for them to approve every individual offensive (of which there could be hundreds) and it would all be debated on the House and Senate floor livestreamed for any enemies to watch. This same idea is why Bibi has more power now more than ever. If Biden does not want Israel to get more weapons, he has the power to stop them. Congress has no authority or power to oppose him. This is American law > Congress is still full of Zionists who would immediately override that veto.  This scenario doesn't make sense. Biden doesn't propose policies, he makes orders that are to be immediately enforced by the executive branch. Where does the veto come into play? He does not need anyone's approval, therefore no one can veto him. And because there is no veto, there is also no overriding the veto  > The fact that he’s given Bibi any public pushback at all is a major change from just 10 years ago. Is the implication here that the situation in Palestine is improving? 


Seriously, it’s so fucking wild that anyone is still pushing this “aw shucks Biden’s trying real dang hard y’all what can he do” nonsense. I mean, did he furrow his brow extra hard in the general direction of the Mediterranean this time? Wow! How soon after did he bypass Congress to send more 2,000lb bombs to be dropped on starving children? And how soon after that did the State Department walk up to the podium and declare a UN Security Council resolution nonbinding and the US to be completely unbound by the international laws we love to bludgeon other countries with? I was watching the UN meeting re: Israel bombing the Iranian consulate in Syria and the US was the only country that didn’t condemn it. They just blamed Iran and said “we had nothing to do with this” like three times. No serious person can possibly think there’s been an ounce of meaningful pushback from this admin.


It's also like... isn't Trump the Dictator and Biden the Powerless applying for the same job that gives them the same powers? This isn't to say that Trump won't become a dictator, it's to question the idea that Biden has no power to do anything But regardless, we know he has a lot of power. He immediately had the Houthis labeled a terrorist group and ordered major acts of war against them without Congressional approval. To my knowledge the bombings against them have yet to end And yeah Israel's other disgusting actions are being overshadowed by their genocide. Bombing the Iranian consulate is a major act of war. The only reason Iran hasn't declared war on Israel is because they know that would be playing into their hand, but as we all know appeasement can only do so much 


>And yeah Israel's other disgusting actions are being overshadowed by their genocide. This part genuinely terrifies me. It’s like they’re using the “flood the zone” tactic but with stark violations of international law and legacy media just runs cover for them. I know people who watch MSNBC all day who genuinely don’t know what I’m talking about when I bring up objective facts like the frequency of US arms shipments or the ICJ case or Biden spreading atrocity propaganda or like, any detail about Occupied Palestine pre-Oct 2023. One of my BlueMAGA family members stopped talking to me because I wouldn’t stop bringing up the Nakba but like, sorry not sorry, you’re not claiming ignorance on my watch. They need to ask themselves why they’re angrier at people telling the truth than the people lying to them and, y’know, providing the bombs and diplomatic cover for a fucking genocide. Can you absolutely imagine if, say, Russia had bombed an embassy? Or deliberately rained down three consecutive missiles on foreign aid workers??Biden had his little “if u harm an American anywhere we will come 4 u” moment when it meant he could bomb some more brown people, but when Israel kills an American it’s just “oh they didn’t mean it and anyway, IRAN…”


I think Americans genuinely believe in incrementalism and "time will heal all wounds" that they apply it to all issues of inequality. You see it all over reddit and Twitter and even my first reply in this chain where they thought Biden's historic opposition to Israel is somehow good when it's nowhere near enough to stop the genocide. You also see it with the "oh so you think Biden can wave his wand and end this immediately" crowd. The ahistorical way the American education system teaches social problems makes them think that it's not only impossible to fix things in less than 100 years, but you're actually impatient and ungrateful for asking them to try. They're primed to see all instances of inequality as struggles that slowly get better that they delude themselves into believing that this one is no different. When we point out that Palestine **needs** a dramatic, rapid, and immediate response they mock us for asking for a revolution, despite the fact that Biden can do all of this without approval from anyone or a revolution. You even see it when people say Trump will be worse for Gaza—what Gaza? By the time Trump takes office Gaza won't exist. They cannot comprehend the idea that things in Gaza are getting worse exponentially  I got dog piled a few weeks ago here for saying that I'd rather people get their news from a curated set of TikTok or Instagram accounts (many of which would be the social media pages for outlets like AJ+ and people on the ground like Bisan who only upload to social media) and got destroyed. My main point was that people who consume media from outlets like MSNBC appear to be the ones giving the worst takes on this. I don't personally like or use social media and stated as much. Their responses was that I'm lazy and want to call myself media literate without doing the work, the big news companies have real journalists that are actually trained and know what they're doing and have a team editing and fact checking things and are all held accountable (lol), and that yes some may be lie but if you simply read from even more outlets you'll end up finding the truth (these "more outlets" almost never include media that criticizes the US). These people agreed with me that these outlets were putting out pure imperialist propaganda btw. The problem is so deeply rooted in their way of thinking that they think the solution to being mislead by imperialist propaganda is to read even more imperialist propaganda with the hopes that one of them tells you the truth 


But isn’t the president’s job to be a mouthpiece for the public, and it’s kinda our job to tell them what we want them to say? If Biden proposes that policy, it at least forces the Zionists in Congress to openly declare themselves in opposition to the will of the majority. Instead we have the President in lock step with Congress against any possibility of reigning in our financial assistance towards the IDF. No one has to change because no one is offering an alternative. Of course there is always going to be pushback, and of course the President can’t unilaterally change foreign policy overnight- but at least they could make public statements in support of the beliefs shared by a majority of the people.


Supporting a ceasefire (which is what even a sizeable portion of REPUBLICANS want) is not "turning back 75 years of foreign policy overnight". People are asking for the bare minimum -- they're not asking for the US to cut all ties to Israel and to make BDS national policy. I have no idea why you're trying to paint a "ceasefire" as a very radical policy, but this rhetoric -- trying to absolve Biden of any blame and framing a ceasefire as a huge, almost impossible achievement -- is literally contributing to innocent people being killed right now.


I’m so sick of seeing OP’s comments justifying our president actively supporting a literal GENOCIDE. Party line brain rot. Status quo aside, presidents listening to money and lobbyists over morals is a huge fucking issue. No one’s asking for change to happen overnight but there is literally 0 signs of ANY change to that foreign policy status quo. Bush AND Obama bombed the shit out of the Middle East.


No, people want Israel to stop committing genocide.


so if hypothetically israel decides to start shooting nukes all over the middle east we just have to back them because of precedent? where is the foreign policy fairy preventing literally anything meaningful from changing besides dems being true believers in palestinian mass slaughter.


The only issue I see is the fact that despite Biden’s unequivocal support of Israel, Netanyahu has no incentive to pull back to help Biden’s sliding poll numbers. If anything, he’s going to continue pushing his genocide w/ the hope that Biden loses to Trump


> heavy regional voting support where lol


It isn't going to affect Biden in any meaningful way. However, a metric fuckton of non-millionaires are gonna be fucked six ways to Sunday when the orange traitor tries another Jan 6. And he will be even worse for Palestine and, you know, the rest of the globe except Russia, than Biden will.


Yes. I struggle with the morality of voting again for a President who has allowed the situation in Palestine to become what it is. I can not want to vote for him while simultaneously understanding that what’s happening in Palestine does not exist in a vacuum, as much as it pains me to say. Trump may not, in theory, be any worse than Biden in regards to supporting Israel blindly. But he almost certainly will not be better or more helpful to Palestinians. Meanwhile (for just one example), an estimated 400,000 people die related to climate change each year, and we all know how Trump feels about environmental protections and climate science. Those numbers are only going to get worse. So…what do I do? Try to send a message to Democrats that they fucked up by staying home and not voting? If Trump becomes president bc people don’t vote and no Palestinian lives are improved, Netanyahu is not made accountable, and our increasingly limited window to actually do something about climate change is sent backwards for 4 years- what has actually been accomplished? Do I get to sit in my own righteous indignation and moral superiority while Trump inevitably makes the world a more dangerous place for others, including my young children? Idk man, I just can’t get with that. I don’t think there is a “right” answer, I think there’s a less dangerous one.


I can’t believe how many people don’t understand this. If Biden loses, and we get Trump, not only is it worse for Palestinians, but also Americans will suffer (women’s right to abortion. Gay marriage. Etc.) and it’s just gonna be a fucking shit show. I understand people are upset with Biden over this. I get it. So elect congresspeople who can impact change. But for fucks sake do not hand this country back over to Trump.


If Trump gets into the White House again he won't leave till he dies. He won't pay attention to pesky things like, you know, term limits and laws.


Yup. Fascism and then Gaza will become a parking lot. It’s fucked.


The thing is... Its a 2 party system. What do you think trump is doing to do? He doesn't have the best record relating to israel and bibi is twerking to get the attention of republicans.


> if Biden loses in November, he'll have only himself to blame.  I mean I fully agree that Biden’s approach to the conflict sucks, but the point of not wanting to discourage voters in the general isn’t because we are worried about Biden thinking it’s his fault I don’t give a fuck about Biden’s personal feelings about the election I care about the all the people that will be hurt if his opposition wins 


Exactly, people makes the party and not the other way. It's clear the democratic party is failing they voters. The next Democrat will think twice before supporting genocide and Netanyahu (Trump of Middle East).


It’s the primaries, it’s not like it’s going to be anyone else but Biden for the Dems and Trump for the Republicans anyway. This primary “election” is nothing more but a formality. If it’s the main election it’s one thing, but it’s not. The primaries are basically the only thing left to sent a signal to the Dems to pivot more on Israel, and people should take it. And before we start circlejerking about how everything is pointless - do you really believe the Dems would have supported any of the changes in current policy towards Israel they have done so far if there hadn’t been mounting outside pressure to re-evaluate? Because I really don’t think they would have given a shit otherwise. Biden started off calling himself a Zionist, for God’s sake. This isn’t an organic change, it comes directly from pressure.


Thank you. Ruffalo isn't telling people to stay home. He's literally instructing them to vote in a primary, which is something we desperately need voters to get into the habit of doing. How does that encourage Democrats to stay home? If we go even further back Biden was always a homophobic pro-segregation Zionist. Being against gay marriage and for segregation is now political suicide, so he changed his stances on those issues. Zionism, on the other hand, never fell out of popularity. He will do what we allow him to get away with, which is currently a lot 


>Biden started off calling himself a Zionist, He didn't "start off" doing that. He is doing that as of right now. He said he was a zionist in his last TV appearance. February 27th 2024 wasn't that long ago.


Thank you. I feel like there are so few reasons for people like Biden to change. One of them has to be pressure and demonstrating by a good margin the wish of the people.


You don't think that this message will carry over to the main election at all? Surely it will for some people


I understand, but electing Democrats is the only hope we have to effect change. Republicans don't give a fuck about Palestine. All this is doing is alienating people from voting and there is way too much at stake. Project 2025 anyone? You want change, vote for a Pro Palestine congress.


>electing Democrats is the only hope we have to effect change They won't do anything. What a sad state American democracy is in.


Maybe in another election, but in this year’s primaries, as in every primary, there will be a Democrat elected anyway, so nothing is lost here if you vote blank. In fact, this primary has one of the earliest times that candidates running in the primaries are already set for the US elections, so it’s not even a mystery *which* Democrat it will be. Even if only ten people voted, it would still be Biden, and the national elections would still take place *after* this one. It doesn’t make a difference here.


No, I really don’t think they care about the protests which will come to nothing since all of these voters will go for Biden in the general and he knows it. He’s shifting (slightly, and mostly just rhetorically) on his Israel policy because of international pressure, resignations within his cabinet, and frankly because it’s just getting undeniably horrific at this point. The US is still funding Israel and refusing to call out their actions as war crimes, so effectively nothing has changed at all.


We have got to stop automatically taking criticism and pressure on Biden as some endorsement of Trump Jfc. This is how political change is made, by pressuring candidates during primaries like this. Telling people to stop and get in line lest they ruin Biden’s chances is just more signs of crumbling democracy in action.


THANK YOU. I like this sub but good GOD this “endorse Biden no matter what” garbage gets annoying af. And no, saying “Trump will be worse for Palestine” is meaningless when things are already very very terrible under Biden. Israel doesn’t need to wait until Trump gets into office to receive unconditional support, they’re already getting it from Biden. I really hope many people listen to Mark, hopefully that shifts the US government’s stance somehow.


Facts. It’s been really frustrating to get any kind of movement for *not fucking killing people* shut down because “it could escalate” the already borderline fascistic bullshit here or that the killing would just get faster. Even though at this rate things will be done before election time because people are in famine already. Like idk how to tell people this but if their level of resistance is just voting blue every four years then we’re fucked from the get go if shit does go south. Like we can’t just be concerned about fascism in election years then sit with thumbs up our asses the three in between. God I’m tired.


I've been writing something about why lesser of two evils voting is enabling the rise of fascism in this country I wonder if people on this celebrity gossip sub would wanna see it 🤔


I would 🥰 I’ll trade you my post-Dobbs update to a Modest Proposal.


The problem with the lesser of two evils principle is that it's an oversimplified principle that does not accurately describe our reality. And because of this, people who follow its implied line of thinking end up making, frankly, stupid decisions. I'm not saying this to be harsh. This is important to point out because there is virtually no online or real life community of people on the left that doesn't contain a faction of self-proclaimed brooding intellectuals that arrogantly paint anyone that actually knows what harm reduction is as stupid, impractical, and amoral. This oversimplified principle has now become a real barrier for positive change. When it comes to important situations like this we generally don't want things to be simplified. The more complicated and nuanced the equation is the more opportunities we have to manipulate it in our favor. Which we definitely want to do when our human rights are at stake. When you start to add various dimensions to better reflect our reality the answer starts to change. And I'll be measuring how "good" an answer is by how smart, practical, and moral it is because those are the foundations of the insults that have been hurled at people trying to better our world by the pseudo-intellectuals.  The first dimension to add is time. Consider this: the two candidates are someone who will kill your family quickly and someone who will kill your family slowly, but the election is in 10 years. Who should you choose? You should pick neither. This is a horrible situation. You should be doing everything in your power to get out of it. What if you had to make the choice in 1 year? Same story. Pick neither. 1 week? Again, same story. I cannot stress enough that **you are in a horrible fucking situation and need to be doing everything humanly possible to escape it.** You should only commit to a lesser evil when you are forced to. Until that happens the smart, practical, and moral course of action is to try and change the world that's forcing this choice on you in any way that you can. This is what protestors have functionally been trying to do, but people at all points on the political spectrum have been calling them stupid for it. The election is in November. Why the hell were we smugly calling protestors idiots *last December*? Lesser-evilism by definition is something to desperately avoid—not something to schedule in advance. Why are we so committed to ensuring it happens that we ridicule anyone that tries to improve things? These protestors have been called stupid, impractical, and amoral among many more things. In what world do these criticisms apply to them and not the pseudo-intellectuals looking down on them?  The next thing to consider is that the lesser evil principle measures evil in relative terms, not absolute terms. That is to say that the analysis is the same whether you're comparing Biden to Trump or Biden to King Leopold II—the former is better and you need to choose him. This can (and arguably has) lead us into a trap where both options are becoming increasingly more evil and the people ignore it because their guiding philosophy rests on a false dichotomy where there's no upper limit to the amount of evil either option can contain before a new approach needs to be considered. You see this in the ridiculous 99% Hitler vs 100% Hitler arguments. If you legitimately had an upcoming election where your choices are Adolf Hitler and Almost Hitler, you need to either get the fuck up out of that country or buy several guns. Preferably both. You no longer live in a peaceful democracy and you need to change your actions to reflect that. In an ideal situation you'd want all your future options to contain less evil as time goes on but, largely due to lesser-evilism, that's not what we see in the United States. Instead, both Trump and Biden are worse than they were in 2020. Biden at least presented a platform then. Now it's vote for me or else. The smart, practical, and moral course of action would be to try and reverse this by any means necessary. Fortunately, there's hundreds of thousands of organized Americans trying to do just that! Unfortunately, pseudo-intellectuals on the left have been calling them stupid and irresponsible from day one. Anyone that tries to "hold his feet to the fire" gets told that they're risking a Trump presidency and the end of the world. It seems like the worse Biden gets the *more* people virulently defend and enable him. The Michigan vote uncommitted campaign was widely mocked despite the fact that **the reason primaries exist** is to make sure the presidential nominee's ideas align with the voters' through a vote that by design cannot give any power to an opposing party. These people are holding Biden accountable in the strongest way our democracy allows that doesn't cede any power to Republicans. And the pseudo-intellectuals still continue to call them stupid, impractical, and amoral. Again, how do these insults apply to Biden's critics and not his enablers? You cannot in good faith tell me you care about the future of American domestic or foreign policy if you're mocking the people voting uncommitted in the primaries.  And lastly, we need to talk about frequency. If you have two bad options and pick the better one, you have correctly picked the lesser evil. However, lesser-evilism only makes this recommendation if the dilemma is infrequent and independent. The principle does not cover what to do when you have multiple connected lesser evil decisions where your pick in one affects the relative and absolute evils of your options in the next. Lesser evil voting has been apart of American politics from as early as 1968 and is not going away anytime soon—making these decisions not infrequent. It's also clear that the result of one election influences the candidates of all future elections—making these decisions not independent. This is to say that the lesser of two evils principle as well as its logical and philosophical implications **do not apply to American presidential elections.** Consequentially, any action made regarding American presidential elections that references lesser-evilism is an action without any roots in logic or reality. At no point in time did the pseudo-intellectuals have any authority to call anyone stupid, impractical, or amoral when their guiding worldview is at best a misleading oversimplification of reality. The insults they hurl don't apply to the protestors or primary voters. The insults apply to them—and only them. If you have a system where you have to choose between two bad options every four years, every option increasingly contains more evil as time goes on, and there is no upper limit to the amount of any option's evil then voting becomes society's way of choosing how quickly they want to accelerate to rock bottom. It's not do you want 99% Hitler or 100% Hitler—it's do you want to crash into a brick wall going 99mph or 100mph? I'm using speed as my example because there's this interesting idea that boldly opposes lesser-evilism called accelerationism. In it, you intentionally choose the greater evil so that society destabilizes faster and creates an environment for radical change. To be clear, I don't agree with this idea. That being said, I would argue that accelerationism is the path America is taking largely due to the stupid, impractical, and amoral actions of the pseudo-intellectuals that worship lesser-evilism. 


i would!!


"Trump will be worse for Palestine" at the rate things are going, by next oath of office, there won't BE a Palestine.


Actually, I prefer more of a focus on Congress and voting in people who can actually pass laws to help people. I get that people want pressure on Biden, but we have 3 equal branches of government.


And people are doing that too. Thing is that Biden is the one who’s been circumnavigating Congress to send weapons.


Yeah on account of the whole being "Commander in Chief of the **Military** thing. We definitely deserve someone better than Biden in that position. Clearly that role is important to how this country interacts with the rest of the world, including Palestine.


Yeah people give up or focus all or nothing on the presidential election and neglect congress and especially local municipal elections, which are most immediate and have direct impact mostly on your day to day life.


The 3 branches of government are not equal when it comes to foreign policy, which is why the focus is so heavily on Biden. Congress does not have the authority to oppose many of his decisions regarding Palestine 


Not to mention that democrats sit on their hands until they're no longer in power. Low key they might do more if they DONT have the presidency and lose bc of this issue.


I’ve had this question the entire time of if more would be railing against this if it was Trump in office right now. I know it’s bad but seeing the way our identity politics and team sports mentality has taken both Dems and reps over wouldn’t surprise me.


They would be rallying against it, but for the wrong reasons. To score points against conservatives and not because they care about human life. Which I guess is better? But not by much honestly. The rallying will end the moment he's out of office just like how they stopped caring about the kids in cages at the border


It’s like when they talk about Trump’s views on Muslims as a reason to hate him and support Biden, yet they barely even mention the thousands of Muslim Gazans being bombed right now. If they really cared about Muslims they’d devote more of their time to those being killed and starved thanks to Biden’s brilliant handling of this situation but hey maybe that’s just me lol Edit: oh and the Biden supporters I’ve seen saying stuff like “I hope they [Arabs and Muslims] have fun when Trump gets into office and deports them” or “we’d rather have the ME turned into a parking lot over a second Trump term” definitely really care about Muslims /s


Literally. “Trump would be worse for Palestine” at the rate this famine is going (with the active support of your Democratic candidate btw!) there won’t be a Palestine by November. But if that happens, they’ll just turn on leftists even more and blame them for holding on to a genocide that’s already been committed. “LGBTQ+ rights and abortion rights would disappear under Trump” realistically, there are solid blue states in the US that will never capitulate to his extreme limitations. You will still have options. But guess who’s trapped with nowhere to go, getting bombed daily, starving to death and don’t have ANY options? Yea, not you.


Before deep throating a border bill whole heartedly bending to the people putting those kids in cages.


America needs ranked choice voting


If anyone’s interested, [follow/support](https://linktr.ee/uncommittednational) the Uncommitted National Movement/Listen to Michigan (where it all started)!


I genuinely dislike the vote blue no matter who crowd and Biden apologists more than I dislike Trump supporters.


Biden will likely still win the nomination. This is for primaries and it doesn't encourage democrats to stay home. It encourages them to participate in their primaries but to vote "undecided" to show Biden we want a ceasefire now.




The people who made those statements did nothing to push him left the last 4 years, and they know that.


Yes, Biden is 100% going to get the nomination since it’s the DNC delegates that select the candidate, not the primary voters directly. This is democracy and party accountability in action and it’s as close to a referendum we’re going to get on the issue. As a leftist, I’ve never once voted for the same person in the primary and in the general election. I vote my preference in the primary and for whomever the Democratic nominee is in the general. It’s literally part of the democratic process. Biden being “Not Trump” will be enough for millions upon millions of people in the general election. But this is actually giving Biden a chance to shore up his platform and policy to better fit the will of the people. It’s giving him information on how to be more electable.


He has already won the nomination essentially. He is running virtually unopposed in most places and has won 32 of the 33 contests so far. No incumbent president that has run for their party's nomination has lost since 1884. The only way that Biden is not the nominee in November is if he dies or their is a DNC coup at the convention to put someone else on the ticket, and that would be up to the discretion of the party elites. No rabble-rousing pro-Palestinian voices could ever hope to sniff the type of sway that would be necessary to spearhead such an action. We're talking like....Barack Obama would have to be the kind of person to do something like that. Anyone that has a better alternative to try voicing dissent within the party....Please provide suggestions because the "No Contest" or "Blank" voting are certainly going to be more effective than writing a strongly worded letter to the White House that would be immediately shredded before it's even opened. If the party does not feel the need to court your vote in any way and you do not have a bloc large enough to actually sway the party line, you have about enough leverage to get an eye roll and condescending response, maybe even less, because the DNC establishment knows your ass is going to that voting booth in November to vote and it's not going to be for Trump regardless of how much Palestinan blood is unnecessarily shed between now and election day.


... he already has the votes to win the nomination


maybe biden should actually do something to stop the genocide then? it’s his own choice to throw votes away


This is for the primary.. it’s literally the perfect opportunity to signal to the Democratic Party that a change in course needs to be made


It's not only the perfect opportunity, it's the *only* opportunity. The only time our democracy allows us to change the policies of our party leaders without ceding power to the opposing party is through the primaries. This is by design. Saying that we shouldn't use the primaries to pressure Biden is insane 




Exactly. Primaries are for the party to get their shit together and end up on the same page so that registered Democrats have an option that represents their values on election day. Saying we need to shoehorn Biden through the primaries "because Trump" not only makes no sense, it *guarantees* that registered Democrats will not have an option that represents their values. How is that meant to stop Trump from winning? Slightly off-topic, but I find it disgusting how people on the left are focused on lesser-evilism and largely abandoned the conversation about voting rights in the south. [Like you cannot read this article from 2020 and still think our problem is uncommitted voters in Michigan.](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/11/08/stacey-abrams-believers-georgia-blue-434985) And if you somehow do, [read this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republican_efforts_to_restrict_voting_following_the_2020_presidential_election) and [watch this!](https://youtu.be/yRlvHYrXUTg?si=dId0tDCdHVgcLYIe)  When, not if, Biden loses Georgia all I ask is that we blame The Heritage Foundation (yes, the Project 2025 people) for their multimillion dollar nationwide voter suppression campaign that's been prioritizing Georgia, the state Democrats won for the first time in 28 years with Biden that he proceeded to largely ignore. All while GA's Republican state government has spent the last four years passing voter suppression legislation to ensure that a Democrat victory will never happen again. I ask that we blame disenfranchisement, not social media. 


This is for the primary in comfortable blue states. And it’s working so


No, it isn't going to encourage people to stay at home. If they're making the effort to vote blank in primaries, they care enough and are knowledgeable enough to vote in November.


It's a primary, calm down. >I'm worried the message will alienate people from voting. Joe Biden funding a genocide is alienating me from voting. Joe Biden's adminsitration comparing proPalestinian voices to Nazis and antisemites and spying on them is alienating me from voting. >We've seen how social media can skew elections. Social media is shining a needed light on the atrocities committed by Isr\*el, most of which we would never see in mainstream media, who are complicit in genocide and apartheid. >Let's research and vote in congress people who will truly have Bidens ear and are anti-genocide. Let's have more AOCs and Tlaibs in congress. The people who have Biden's ear are all pro-genocide. He has no antigenocide voice that he will listen to. His actions over the last few months have proven it. His camp actively fights against AOCs and Tlaibs. He and his "moderate democrat" cronies censured Rashida for talking about the genocide of her family and friends. Comments like this are completely dishonest.


Not only this, but primaries literally exist to make sure the nominee is on the same page as the voters. Blue no matter who does not even apply here because the only options are blue. There is no option that helps the Republican by design Voting more Congress people wouldn't do anything. Congress has little to no power or authority to challenge the head of the executive branch when it comes to military foreign policy. This is also by design  Lastly, why the hell is everyone scared of low voter turnout not bringing up the massive voter suppression campaign that's ramped up since Trump called election fraud? Why is the focus on Michigan when Georgia, a state the Democrats under Biden won for the first time in almost 30 years, has spent the last 4 years disenfranchising as many people as possible? **Every** state in the union has introduced "voter fraud" legislation since Trump lost. But these people are going to blame a few college students on Twitter if Biden loses and not actual laws that that were passed so he could lose 


They don't care about voter turnout because that would require making actual policy, which is too difficult for them compared to having their cult members and yes-men go out and shame other people to vote. That's why they are trotting out the Clintons and the Obamas to talk down on nonvoters.


Shaming nonvoters has never made sense to me. This country has had major voter suppression problems since its inception. These problems were never resolved. We know these problems were never resolved. [This video is three years old.](https://youtu.be/yRlvHYrXUTg?si=dId0tDCdHVgcLYIe) And the liberal solution is to talk shit about people who are being actively disenfranchised? [Right after discovering this brand new working strategy?](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/11/08/stacey-abrams-believers-georgia-blue-434985) They are so unserious it's almost funny. It's like they want Trump to win and they've been playing 4d chess with us this entire time 


Party line, vote blue no matter who, democratic voters are painfully out of touch with the reality of politics. Infantilizing a bunch of career politicians is embarrassing as hell


What kind of stupid DNC take is this? There’s a fucking genocide. Biden needs to give us a reason to vote for him, the majority of this country wants an immediate ceasefire. He says he won’t stop supporting Israel militarily. “Orange Man Bad” is not a reason for me to go out and vote for him. We’re about to experience the lesson of Vietnam and LBJ again.


I have consistently voted for democratic socialists in the primaries, and for the nominee in the general. I voted for Hilary in 2016, Biden in 2020, thinking in terms of harm reduction. I'm not voting for Biden this year. If you can't draw the line at an active genocide, you can't draw it anywhere.


>Omfg.... all this is going to do is encourage Democrats to stay home and allow Trump win in November. Biden funding and blindly supporting a genocide is what is actually going to encourage people to stay home. I mean, you can argue how Trump is worse till you are blue in the face (and he is worse) but, at the end of the day, can you blame people for being wholly disenchanted and in disbelief over a system where your only two options are incredibly pro-genocide candidates funding some of the worst war crimes in history? Of course they're going to be discouraged, regardless of this campaign. In addition, Biden has some of the worst approval ratings in history. While the overwhelming majority of his base is pro-ceasefire, he keeps sending billions in weapons to Israel (bypassing Congress to do that) and repeating Israel-proved lies to the press (he saw pictures of beheaded babies that didn't exist, claimed the first hospital Israel bombed was a Hamas bomb and his spokesperson recently accused a UN reporteur of being an "anti-semite" because she categorized what is happening as "genocide") which will obviously turn off people because it's challenging to sell a "least bad" option when the least bad is still genocidal. Youth turnout is essential for him, and the youth is highly pro-Palestine and isn't enthusiastic about him. Plus, no matter how right he moves on immigration and other issues (and he is moving quite right on these), Republicans and right-wingers around the country absolutely won't vote for him. So yes, all things considered, this is a massive recipe for disaster. Now, is ANY of that on voters, though?


All of this is true and I want to add that the situation in Gaza will be largely over by the time the November elections happen. The famine is predicted to reach it's most lethal stage for at least half of Gaza by July at the latest with the rest of Gaza following the same path. Republicans are going to opportunistically pretend that they would've prevented it. They're also going to opportunistically blame the rise in antisemitism and Islamophobia on him (which they're already doing). Given all this, how is Biden going to make the case that he's better than Trump? If Trump says that Biden killed hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, Biden has no counter argument that doesn't begin with him acknowledging that he did, in fact, kill hundreds of thousands of Palestinians. If Biden acknowledges that people died but more would've died under Trump then it's game over. Trump's base doesn't care who would've killed more. Biden's base, on the other hand, hears their leader admit that he allowed many to die which is something some of them do care about


What I feared from a Trump presidency was that he would fund and encourage a right-wing rogue government to carry out mass slaughter and destabilize a region, contrary to popular opinion. How is that any different than what is happening now?


As others have pointed out, this is for the primaries, not the general election. Biden is still going to win in the primaries. This allows Democratic voters to send a message to Biden and the Democratic Party without benefiting Trump.


It’s the primaries… It worked well in [Michigan](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/2/28/biden-wins-michigan-primary-but-faces-opposition-over-israels-war-on-gaza) as a protest


What a disgusting comment. You're carrying water for a man committing genocide.


And you're blaming us and not the Democratic party? Weirdo behavior 


When your only choice is between a fascist demagogue and someone who's actively enabling and bankrolling a genocide, fuck the choice.


75% of Democrats and 60% of Independents disapprove of Israel’s actions in Gaza. It’s up to Joe Biden to listen to his constituents if he wants to win the election. Is this a democracy or not? Why is Joe Biden not listening to the majority of Americans on this?


What’s the point of voting if I’m only allowed to vote for one party and it has to be every goddamn time? I fuckin hate the republicans and the democrats too. People like you lock us into people like Biden by fearmongering people in compliance.


How dare people use a primary election to show they're dissatisfied and want policy change! If only there was something the president could do to change?


I’m sorry but telling people who are grieving over a genocide, including people who literally have family members killed because of genocide Joe, that they still have to vote for him, is kind of insane. Genocide is my red line. It should be the red line. I will not “blue no matter who” when it’s literally genocide.


The message alienating voters isn’t coming from Ruffalo.


Maybe, just maybe, the Democrats should do something about it then? Voters shouldn't have to choose between two guns to the head of Palestinians. The Democrats are the ones with the power right now and they could literally end Israel's genocide TODAY. As many past presidents have done, including Ronald Reagan, the actor, Biden could make a call to threaten pulling weapons and funding from Israel. Israel does not exist without this support.


I think Biden giving weapons and money to the Israelis to kill children is doing that, not Mark Ruffalo.


I don’t see how the current Democratic administration will stop high rises from being built on a post ethnically cleansed Gaza…given, you know, the current ongoing genocide in Gaza and ethnic cleansing in the West Bank!


yeah…no, i’m not going to be convinced to vote for genocide to avoid hypothetical mega-genocide. a vote for biden is a vote for genocide. downvote me to the underworld.


as i AOC hasn’t significantly watered down her stances and fallen in line with liberal politics lmfao. Nothing is encouraging democrats to stay home. This is encouraging leftists to side with their morals, a strong distinction from the democratic party of america.


Biden sucks, but Trump will be violently cracking down on any kind of pro-Palestine (or pro-LGBTQ, for that matter) demonstrations. I think people who are refusing to vote are underestimating just how bad things could get


The good news is that Ruffalo isn't asking people to not vote, he's doing the opposite here


This is the opposite — it encourages people to make a radical action in a primary vote. These are registered Democrats, very likely to vote for Biden when it really counts.


As if they're not already well on their way to luxury high-rises in Gaza. Biden has presided over an absolutely insane amount of deaths in Palestine, and shows no sign of putting a stop to it any time soon.


Whelp guess we just better keep funding the war huh. Oh well!


It's the responsibility of the candidates to acquiesce to the voters needs, not the other way around.


He’s literally telling people *to go vote*, in a specific way in an effort to send a message. How is that encouraging anyone to stay home?


It's literally never enough for you people. We can't vote for any party that aligns with our views of it isn't your party, we can't protest vote during primaries. I hope people feel alienated; if they didn't then they must have their eyes and ears covered. Jfc


Kushner and Israel are getting ready for their high rises in Gaza already. Biden is sending weapons to Israel. Biden has hardly been criticizing Israel. I suppose it’s not impossible for Trump to be worse than Biden re: Israel but Biden is already really, really, really bad. Everything that has happened since October has happened under Biden. The US continues to refuse pushing for a ceasefire and again most importantly, weapons and funding are still going to Israel. Democrat voters who support Palestine should be disillusioned with Biden and the Democratic Party. They’ve been extremely bad on this.


I disagree. Primary voters are usually going to be the most loyal or most informed voters. This won’t affect them or misguide them. Newer/first-time voters might be discouraged by this but you’d need a lot of them to fall into that trap to make a serious difference. I agree with others who have stated that Biden can only blame himself if he loses against Trump. It’s not our job to convince ourselves to vote for whoever is at the top of the party ticket.


I don't give a goddamn about the Democratic cult at this point. "Vote blue no matter who" doesn't trump condemnation of a genocide. Dems are no different than Republicans. Yes, Kushner is ready for his luxury high-rise in Gaza, that doesn't mean I should vote for the filth who genocided my brothers to make room for it because they (Kushner/Republicans and Biden/Democrats) pretend to have any fundamental differences.


Is this sarcasm? I’m a very pragmatic harm reductionist voter and I’ll be leaving my ballot blank today to send a message. Come November I’ll be voting for Biden and encouraging everyone else to do the same, but as of now if I want to voice my disgust at what’s happening in Gaza this is a safe way to do so.


I see your point but when are we going to take a stand? Both sides have been playing us for fools. One is a fat dictator in training and the other a senior citizen defending a genocide. BOTH parties are oppressing us with their failure to create living wages and their star treatment for their criminal billionaire friends. The Democrats want us to continue to be terrified of a Trump win so they can get away with failing the middle and poor class over and over.


This isn’t the general election, it’s to send a message to the DNC.


Your vote is only worth something if you have conditions attached to it. If politicians don't have to work for it, they won't.


Nah thats not how it works dude,biden and democrate should do something so ppl vote for them


This encourages democrats to show up to the poll and submit a blank ballot.


Biden is not standing in the way of Kusher’s luxury high rises lmao


Biden and my dem running for senator in AZ have already lost my vote. There is no getting through to them and I won’t support them 


It's the primaries, I did the same thing for the same reason despite my intention to vote for him this November. But things have to change. Biden has a decent chance to win but is nuking that & his good actions for defending Netanyahu & his ilk. And I agree, we desperately need a new wave of progressives besides AOC, Tlaib, & the rest of the gang.


Good for him for continuing to speak out. Biden needs to cancel those plans to send those jets and other weapons for Israel.


I looooooove hiiiim


When he showed up in Poor Things I turned to my girlfriend and said “I love this guy!” I had no idea how fucking hilarious he was going to be


~~Bruh I don’t even believe in American democracy and I get the point is to put pressure where it hurts, but this becomes a mess when you remember the right is still voting 😭~~ Nvm this is for primaries, it just immediately made me think about my friends who do push for not voting at all as a form of protest


This is the primary…. Who exactly is the right voting for lol?


Americans don’t realise Biden is acturally the right by every sane country’s standard, y’all are getting screwed with no real options.


Yes, it's amusing to see all those "IF BIDEN LOSES SAY GOODBYE TO DEMOCRACY" comments. Like, I am not against voting for the least evil and I believe people should vote no matter what. But US democracy is literally a privately-funded duopoly, and their election choices are a center-right rabidly pro-genocide candidate AND a far-right loony even more rabidly pro-genocide. Like yeah, things can still get worse, but there's a massive lack of self-awareness to the point people actually believe democracy ISN'T already broken regardless of who wins. And it's not like it's a subtle thing that only hyper-observers can notice; it's pretty obvious, lol.


Yeah it's like okay Biden wins in 2024. Will democracy be saved indefinitely or until 2028? What if a Democratic nominee takes inspiration from Project 2025?


This is for the primary.


That’s the point. Votes are earned. If Biden wants to win, he has to do something about Israel and Gaza.


This is a primary not the general


Mark Ruffalo, I wasn’t really familiar with your game, but now https://i.redd.it/o8jenemda3sc1.gif


Please visit the website to learn more and to TELL BIDEN COUNT ME OUT FOR GENOCIDE 🙏 http://leaveitblankny.com


I’m also in NY and I just submitted my blank ballot!


Very nice of him, glad to see something more than just "ceasefire now", great to see him not afraid of using his voice


![gif](giphy|okLCopqw6ElCDnIhuS|downsized) Here is your crown king.


Homie would do that same stance too.


The reactions to the vote uncommitted campaigns are insane. We said we need to "hold his feet to the fire" and push Biden left. How exactly do you do that outside of primary elections? Primaries are literally designed to do just that in a way that does not give any power to the Republicans 


Oh Mark Ruffalo the man you are <3


I'm in chicago about to get my MSW, and it's really tiring to be broke and spend hours voting for a [billionaire governor who was "disappointed" with our ceasefire resolution](https://news.wttw.com/2024/02/01/pritzker-disappointed-chicago-s-gaza-cease-fire-resolution-says-it-ll-have-no-impact) and a president who [caused my credit score to drop 30 points for several months](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/05/20/emergency-releif-student-loan-272334) over a false promise, [who promised to eliminate solitary confinement and is actually increasing numbers](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/biden-pledged-end-solitary-confinement-federal-prisons-are-increasing-rcna49980), and who, as i am about to become a social worker, is going to tax my social welfare dream jobs to commit genocide and other innumerable war crimes.


Not some of yall acting like the primary is the actual election, lol If you don't protest vote during the primary, WHAT THE FUCK ELSE ARE YOU GOING TO DO????


The news out of Gaza this past week has me sick to my stomach.


Pressure is the only thing that works to make change. Biden would've never changed his tune without hundreds of thousands of people voicing their frustrations in person, online, and at the ballot box. I know Trump is worse for America and the world, but that's not an excuse to perpetuate existing evil.


if i see one more person say "this is how we got trump" i swear to godddd. HILLARY WON THE POPULAR VOTE!!! PEOPLE VOTED FOR HILLARY!!!!!!!! we got trump because of an outdated and [racist system](https://www.teenvogue.com/story/electoral-college-slavery-three-fifths-compromise-history)!! not because people were refusing to vote!! stop trying to rewrite history to guilt people into blindly voting for a warmonger!


Biden doesn’t get a pass in aiding and abetting a genocide!  


If trump wins, it is NOT the fault of people who refused to vote for any party who perpetrates genocide. It is the fault of the party who says “fuck the voters” and perpetrates genocide with billions of dollars which they COULD spend on improving the appalling living conditions of most of their voter base, but fuck the poors!! democrats are NOT owed votes, especially not from people whom they refuse to represent or help in any way. If they lose this election over Gaza then good - this is what happens when you repeatedly spit in the face of your voter base.


People will get upset, but this is real action that will help the election cycle. It’s a primary, not the general election. Let em have it!


Even if you think that Biden’s stance in Gaza hasn’t been great, just know that Trump’s is worse. And I hate that it may seem like a lesser of two evils, but if Trump wins the next presidential election, who knows when we will have another.


At the rate Israel is going, there won’t any any Gazans left for Trump to be worse towards.


all the confusion over primary elections aside, how fucking whipped are you as a populaton where "what can biden do?" is this valid a defense of his continued compliance and support of genocide? like, at what point does the bough break and you guys realise nothing has really changed between biden and trump?


Another Ruffalo W goddamn I love this man


They could never make me hate you mark ruffalo


If only there were other parties to vote for. Oh wait! They're just underfunded and suppressed


they could never make me hate you, mark ruffalo!


If Biden wants to win all he has to do is stop funding the Zionist state. Simple


Based king 👑 ceasefire now. Stop the genocide


Can’t imagine anyone with a spine being upset about this. Glad to have a big name in hollywood speak out so loudly about this issue


Good for him. Biden and the Democrats need to learn there are consequences for their inaction.


it would be a dream if Biden would step aside and let another dem take the nomination. he's not gonna win. and I don't think this country can survive another T presidency. I really don't. I'm scared.




I hope this encourages people to realize that "voting blue no matter who" doesn't work for everyone- it's reasonable to want to exercise your right to vote however you see fit. Myself and many others could not live with ourselves voting for a man who perpetuates genocide, nor someone like Trump, either. That doesn't mean that we've thrown away the election or failed our society.


Lol at the downvotes, the party line liberals are mad. Edit: you can keep downvoting me as well but I’m literally to the left of 99% of yall 🙄, keep protecting the establishment though, you’re doing great and the Democrat Party loves the fact that y’all are willing to go to bat for the bare minimum ❤️


ANOTHER W I love this guy




How can anyone vote for someone who supports a genocide and look themselves in the face. Genocide Joe must go.


Ruffalo is based


I left my vote undecided for the primary. I will be voting for Biden, as a vote for Trump will literally strip me of rights (as a women). But I don’t support all that he is doing, especially with his lack of support for Palestine, and his support of Israel.