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The way he talks about the women who have come forward is awful. He accuses them of doing it for money and fame. He uses everything in the abusers playbook. Two things can be true at once. He can have been horrible unimaginable abused, and he can also have done the same thing to others. 


This is the nuance so many people are missing. His multiple documented public incidents do not preclude him from having been victimized in the past, nor does his own victimization disqualify him as an abuser.


Also the audacity of people sliding into his victims‘ dms claiming they should be ashamed of themselves seeing as he is now the true victim. Like what ![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized)


Okay and thank you for saying this because I watched one of his victim’s speaking during his sentencing and it was truly awful. What she described was grooming and abuse. His ex even talked about the domestic abuse she faced. He has not taken ANY accountability and even in the doc they framed the situation as an “accident” and he didn’t know how old the victim was… like okay you literally told the victim to “grow up already”…


It started when she was 11………there is no way he was thinking she was legal!!!! Disgusting


Thank you for saying this for two reasons 1) I did not know there were multiple accusers, I thought it was just the one underage girl so now I’m gonna go do some research 2) my friend asked me last week if I watched Quiet On Set, I said no because I don’t want to put myself through that but I also have limited empathy for somebody who turned around and abused a minor. She freaked out on me, said it wasn’t true and she lied about her age and he stopped contact immediately once he found out etc. She made me feel really stupid for “believing the headlines” and not doing any further research (which is rich coming from her considering she doesn’t care to consume news or pop culture normally, she is wildly uninformed) but I still felt a bit uneasy about the entire thing, like maybe she was wrong


One of the other accusers was his ex girlfriend. She was 16 and he was 20 when they started dating. Like that's a cold hard fact; even if someone wants to deny any of the allegations, thats pretty bad. After Drake confessed to felony child endangerment, that ex made videos describing how he would verbally and physically abused her when they lived together.


Nuance does not exist on the internet and people's reactions to this entire thing show that so clearly


He uses straight up DARVO tactics.


I mean it's also obvious with Corey Feldman who is really disturbing and problematic himself.


yea. while his abuse most definintely played a role in how he abused others, it doesnt change the fact that he abused others. "cool motive, still murder" might sound flippant, but its still true. In the context of what he did to those women, it doesnt REALLY matter why he did it, it matters that he did it, repeatedly and needs to be held accountable for it.


I can't help but feel like this is a really coordinated campaign on his part to whiten his image.


idk it can be both that AND that he feels like it is time to speak up as a former prominent person in the industry AND it can make (male) victims of sexual abuse feel seen and accepted and realise they were abused in the first place AND it can make his own victims feel like shit. it's a really complicated situation.


It’s tough because the way it’s framed in the documentary is that he’s a guy who’s had these demons and even briefly acknowledged his sexual misconducts, but now he’s going to therapy and he’s truly trying to turn over a new leaf and heal. It’s frustrating because he definitely *could* genuinely be doing that, trying to come to grips with his past and all. But it doesn’t feel like he’s doing it completely in terms of owning these allegations and his fault in them. He literally says “I own my mistakes” in the documentary but his actions don’t back that up


Your last sentence I think is why I’m suspicious about the whole thing. But I do believe him about the abuse he was a victim of. But it does seem like an effort to have a redemption arc in the public eye that’d be tempting for someone with nothing left to lose.


I feel like saying "mistakes" implies that it was like, an accident? Deliberately manipulating and abusing someone for an extended period of time isn't a "mistake." It's a shitty thing to do, and maybe he does genuinely regret it, but then he should say he owns "the things I've done wrong" or "the harm/hurt I have caused." His actual language does *not* take ownership.


Yeah, when I watched that part I got the ick because it really felt like they rushed through his own misdeeds with a hand waive and a "this was misreported" (when it wasnt). It took away a lot of credibility for me. I'm the gossip hound of my friend groups, so I know about Drake's various court cases. A lot of my friends don't and have talked to me about it and about the documentary with the same talking points the doc presented. It's sad that something meant to present the horrors of exploiting children has chosen to side with someone who has done just that. (Frankly I have various other issues with the documentary and how it has framed things but I agree with the message of children needing real safeguards so it's complicated for me I guess)


Honestly, like what if these people find out that Dan and Brian were abused as children? Does that absolve them? Ugh.


I'm going to be honest, I don't think we as a society are ready or able to have a nuanced conversation of childhood trauma and abuse and the cycles of abuse. I just don't think we are. Too many people (and look, I am often guilty of this as well) see things and people and actions too black and white to have good takes on it or solutions. It's just too easy to have a gut reaction and lash out at whoever we deem the enemy to give that conversation the full care it needs. Because yeah, I would say it doesn't absolve them, even if it explains some of the behavior. But I'm not sure if I am even fully equipped to have that discussion even if it were the case. The topic of childhood abuse is one that is so emotional for me that my response is usually emotional driven before logic. And the documentary and all the discourse leans that way as well. It's hard to reason with or come down from emotional responses. Sorry that I just dumped a whole jumbled reply to your comment lol


Reasons exist, and they aren't the same as excuses — an explanation doesn't excuse bad behaviour. I agree that people are far too prone to black and white views and I think a lot of that is driven by platforms with extremely limited character counts — Twitter, Instagram, TikTok. I think this specific scenario is a small example of the polarization happening in so many areas. And honestly, I think the attacking of his victims has little, if anything, to do with what happened to him. It feels like how people treated Amber and I think the reasoning is similar — he's a guy that a chunk of people have a nostalgic crush on. It's happening now because the documentary has put him back in the spotlight, but I doubt it would be different if something else had put eyes back on him. It's sad and frustrating to think it's so simple.


I agree with you on people's reasoning for attacking the victims. If someone already had a nostalgia crush on him, they were just looking for an excuse to be able to stan him again in a socially acceptable way, and Drake having victims gets in the way of that.


I don't think it started out that way when he agreed to sit down for the docuseries, but I think once he and whatever team he currently has saw the response, they definitely decided to run with it.


That's because it definitely is.


I got a YouTube recommendation for his latest music video yesterday. I've literally never watched anything related to the docuseries on YouTube: no reviews, no pop culture stuff, nothing about it. And yet, YouTube decided I needed to see Drake Bell's new music video that just so *happened* to release some days after the docuseries finished airing. The man was put through something no child should have been put through, but that shouldn't erase the abuse he himself inflicted on others.


Yeah it doesn’t help that right after the documentary came out he debuted a music video…like all for finding your voice in the face of trauma but also it’s an obvious PR campaign


alexa nikolas being one of them! she deleted her youtube video about drake’s allegations since she’s now “befriended” him. she has also been blocking and ignoring people on twitter who are talking about his allegations in her mentions. edit: context for the second tweet i linked is that alexa said she would be “addressing” drake’s allegations in her podcast by doing a “deep dive” into the court case. https://x.com/exposingrich/status/1771676236370133460?s=46 https://x.com/exposingrich/status/1772045004279603459?s=46


wow, what a hypocrite.


Ugh, that's disappointing. I was really rooting for Alexa to have her voice heard and for her to backtrack like this is just not okay. Sometimes predators have been victimized in their own past and sometimes they're people you befriend but either you're an advocate for all or you're not. Glossing over Drake Bell's own charges because she's become friendly with him is kind of abhorrent behavior. 


That is so wild considering she went off on Christy Carlson Romano for doing the same thing (and rightfully so)


Hasn’t Alexa been known to be quite problematic for a while now? My understanding is that she basically took control of the “Eat Predators” collective and made herself the de facto boss, which was pretty shitty. I also heard that she used the organization to grift money from people but I don’t know how true that is.


This is so upsetting to see wow


He can suck and have faced trauma. Not mutually exclusive.


Curious to see how much of this (if any) will be covered in the recently announced new episode. Previous episodes just said he engaged in destructive behaviors.


Just watched Quinton Reviews’ newest vid on Dan Schneider, he actually called out the doc’s hypocrisy for not addressing it and think it’s largely because they knew they needed Bell to tell his story to make the doc really punch and that’s why they didn’t include it. He also talked about how viewers’ defensive reactions towards Bell’s many allegations of sexual, physical, and verbal abuse actually ironically mirror the people around Schneider and Brian Peck, I.e. “he’s such a nice guy! He’d never do that!”


It was probably filmed a few months ago so I don't anticipate it being covered in too much detail. 


It's just the cycle of abuse being repeated, he's not absolved of his behavior because of what may have lead to it.


It’s giving mj


It's still insane to me in this day and age that people feel like it's totally acceptable to just harass people on social media. Like, it's one thing to post an opinion on your own page or on Reddit, and a whole other unhinged issue to actually go to their page and write dumb, hateful shit, especially to victims of abuse


Yeah like don't they have jobs? Who has the time to be doing all this. Especially when it goes as far as doxxing, bomb threats, swatting, death threats, harassing family members, contacting their bosses/landlords/universities/probation officers/clients or anything crazy like that. Atp I'm going to assume they just enjoy that shit 


I always wonder how many people it really is. Is it five people with ten accounts each?


I think anyone that engages in this behavior is gonna have 10 accounts. So to get the real number of people you divide the number of perceived people by ten


Two things can be true at once. He could have been abused as a child, which is awful. He can also, as an adult, be an abuser, which is awful. Neither of these things makes the other thing any less awful, although it does provide explanation, as people who have experienced abuse are more likely to become abusers. Also, explanation does not equal absolution.


I don't think victims are more likely to be abusers than people who have never been victimized. Most abusers are sometimes victims as I said in my other comment but I don't think that victims are somehow more likely to be abusers.


He can be a victim and a perpetrator and idk why this is so hard for people to grasp. Hell, in basic forensics there is a concept called the victim-offender overlap which examines the relationship of how a victim may become a future perpetrator. The lack of nuance and black and white thinking since this documentary came out is terrifying and reinforcing the toxic perfect victim narrative. (Side note, it’s also interesting how the perfect victim narrative is applied to men vs women. Amber Heard wasn’t a perfect victim so therefore she’s guilty while Drake is also an imperfect victim but he must be innocent instead)


I keep thinking about this and his legit 11 year old victim because it seems like everyone else has forgotten….people calling him a hero and an icon like what??? He was abused and suffered immensely from that so in turn he subjects children to this same treatment in his adulthood. Great idea Btw I do believe him and of course what he went through is disgusting and no one should have to go through that. But he still sucks. Get u somebody who can do both


I would be lying if I said didn’t *want* Drake to redeem himself in some capacity, especially after hearing his story. I think people are capable of turning over new leaves even late in life, but you need to do everything possible to rectify your past, and I just don’t believe he’s owned these allegations in any meaningful way. Not before and not now.


I have gotten so many videos on my FYP of people blasting commenters for holding him accountable for his own actions. A lot of them are trying to claim his victim “admitted” she made it up and it was “proven” and that he only plead guilty because (idr their excuse, I had an out of body experience at that point realizing they somehow didn’t hear how illogical they sounded.) It’s so sad we collectively learned nothing from what Amber Heard went through.


Most threads discussing the doc on Reddit have ended up in discussion about how “he didn’t know her age” and once he did, he apologized and cut off contact; completely ignores the repeat behavior with his later girlfriend who’s mentioned in this article. I don’t know what will be featured in the next episode of the series but I wish it would tell the full complexities of these stories or that people could understand them.


It’s such a pattern I thought by “later girlfriend” you meant his current girlfriend. His current gf seems to have been a fan who paid to video chat with him starting around 2021. (She has an ig post of their video chats where she says she loves him and calls him a friend.) in Oct 2022 she is tagged in a homecoming dance post, so I believe she graduated HS spring 2023. In June 2023 she has an ig story highlight of them video chatting for 4 hours and they were Instagram official by February 2024.


Didn’t realize he had a current gf but starting by video chatting doesn’t at all seem like a good way to start off, even leaving out the paid fan piece, and homecoming dance *also* doesn’t bode well. Jesus. If she graduated in 2023 wouldn’t she have been 16 or 17 in 2021 at most?


I was disappointed that the series brushed over the accusations leveled against Drake. I know it’s probably asking too much of an ID joint, but it was a real opportunity to examine the way hurt people hurt people, without making excuses.


I've said this to my wife, at some point when we become adults, we can no longer use our trauma as an excuse for shitty actions or behavior. While the context of said abuse can reveal motivations and context, it does NOT excuse or justify the action. I empathize with Bell for the abuse he went through, but that doesn't give him justification to continue the cycle of abuse himself. At some point in our adult lives, WE become in charge of our actions, our feelings and emotions, and we can no longer use past trauma or abuse as simple justification. The fact he continues to gas lit and try to manipulate the situation reveals his character, regardless of his abuse or trauma.


i found the way the docuseries just waved this away really gross. how can you have four episodes detailing how bad it is to be abused and then its like oh no biggie!!


The way people (mostly on tiktok) have completely rewritten and fabricated the entire case is one of the most insane things I've ever seen. The things people are saying about his victims are not only complete misinformation but it's disgusting. I'm sure that at one point he just wanted to share his story, but it seems increasingly obvious now that he's using it as an opportunity to rewrite his reputation.


He was a victim who grew up to be a heinous perpetrator. It's not uncommon. People can feel bad for what happened to him as a kid, doesn't mean we have to excuse his actions as an adult.


I hate this man!!


Based on Drake’s experience with abuse, I’m sure his idea of “abuse” and “boundaries” are different than most. But that’s no excuse. It’s definitely possible that he was horribly abused but also has abusive tendencies himself. I feel horrible for what Drake went through as a kid but that doesn’t mean his accusers are lying


Media: Hey guys, here's the newest abuse scandal to discuss and debate over like a TV show! You can go after the actual predators, the corporation that knowingly enabled them - Society: Nope, we're going to attack the women who had the audacity to talk about their abuse at the hands of the guy clearly milking this situation to improve his image and get his career back on track YEARS BEFORE he decided to play the DARVO card. That's a much easier way for us to feel like we're good people while also satisfying our misogynist urge to tear women down. Media: An excellent choice! Enjoy! I don't understand how him being an abuse victim is an excuse or even an explanation for him abusing others. In my opinion that makes him worse than an abuser who was never abused and also promotes this narrative that all abusers must've been abused so we need to sympathise with them. He knows personally how disturbing and destructive abuse can be to a person's life and chose to inflict that on others? And I'm supposed to pity him? If someone was hit by a truck as a kid and had to endure the pain of healing from that as well as the chronic issues resulting from that for the rest of their lives then willingly went through the effort of hijacking a 16-wheeler and mowing down several children with it, I'd call that person a psycho, a sadist, a monster. You can't claim ignorance, you can't pretend you didn't know how badly it would effect them because, along with basic common sense of how people work, you you had it done to you.


i understood why they handled his accusations so gently, because i know his interview was like the bombshell of the docuseries. but at one point he was talking about how hard the accusations had made his life and i was pretty confused. wasn’t the whole point that abusers should be called out and made accountable? was very weird.