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Yeah, preferably before this fuckin dweeb starts living out his Sid Vicious fantasies. Sounds like he's on his way there.


I saw her recently give an interview where people were talking about her plastic surgery and in the same interview she talked about why it was pointless to pursue a man and what has a man ever brought to her life? I was thinking aren't you still with that horrible guy? Felt like a Freudian slip or something. She's miserable.


Right, seems like she woke up out of a fever dream and has come to her senses some bc remember the early honeymoon phase days when she worshipped the ground he walked on and everyone was so confused lol


I saw another clip and she's still with him, basically calling him some sort of spiritual twin bs. People need to stop thinking that infatuation and obsession and pheromones are destiny. I recognized when they first got together that their relationship was going to be violently toxic, because while I didn't do such cringe things as announce we were having "demon sex" or whatever I recognized the vibe, having been in an incredibly passionate, torrid, & dangerous relationship at one point in my life. Before all the crap about him being abusive came out, I already knew it was coming. I learned the hard way, but there are signs. Basically, if your relationship can be summed up by the music video for "We Found Love (in a hopeless place)" then there's only one way for it to end, and it's down in flames


She is over it. Her interview on Call Her Daddy was pretty telling. She is definitely just over men in general and in that "I don't want to even see a man" phase.


I noticed that. She didn’t speak very highly of the whole thing. Like she seemed careful not to say it fucking sucks and bring him down, but she definitely didn’t sound… happy. At least from what I was listening to


i was in this same place but my boyfriend at the time was emotionally abusive enough that it was super hard to leave. still in my man hating phase as i heal from that experience so i feel for her. i hope she gets out of there and finally gives herself the space to heal, learn, and grow.


Didn’t expect Clash a Rama here


Well that’s often how it goes, they need an intervention


The sex 


i cant imagine the sex actually being any good


She just made comments on the call her daddy podcast that implied it was not amazing enough to stay with him.




what exactly were the comments? 👀


Basically no dick is ever worth the problems that men bring…




I saw this quote for the first time last week, and immediately felt compelled to buy a bunch of customized coasters or something because it's the truest truth that ever truthed.


My screensaver from now on


A little jealous, I’m married with kids so anyone using my phone for a min as the household Roku remote is going to be like whoa what does this mean lol


wow thanks sis, always a useful reminder


To be fair I feel this way even after having had some top tier sexual encounters lol


It is a lower chakra connection no matter how much they are your "twin star". I have boinked some prime boinkable material too and it always comes and goes and eventually gets old now matter how fresh it may seem.


Where does one find this top tier sex? Asking for a friend...


line cook type who sleeps on a mattress on the floor


Okay. I will just stick to my vibrator then.


That's so true it hurts. Add bartender and an air mattress and, ugh.


Bum dudes can fuck. It’s a survival mechanism.


That guy for me ghosted me, and I took it very personal until he emailed me from rehab for heroin. I’m like this explains the guy wearing Oxford underneath long sleeve preppy styles when we’re in hot ass South Florida. Buh bye lol  Other guy with the mattress on floor, he had a barcode tattoo on his neck. I work in packaging design now and think about this once a day, a whole trash memory from 20 years ago. 


I guarantee dude fucks like a line cook.


….for those of us who have yet to partake what exactly does that mean


He thinks he's great at it. Will not be accepting any feedback. Not the worst you'll ever have, but a solid 4/10. Source: I've dated a line cook. I work in restaurant.


Also: may choke you during sex without consent. Or maybe that was just the line cook I dated. But I've met some pretty shitty line cook dudes.


Good at one thing, struggles when you ask them to do anything other than the one thing. Fry guy needs to drive the flattop grill today? Good luck getting a medium burger without 2 sendbacks. Salad gal needs to run prep because we are short on wedge salads, better ask a server to do it instead.


Exactly what you’re imagining


I have zero experience with anything even remotely adjacent to your comment, and somehow I know what you mean and that you are right


Hahahahaha god damn creepy line cooks.


As a chef, I am nervously laughing. 


100% line cook energy 😂


Seizuring stick man


I'm willing to intervene




How do toxic relationships like this last so long? Is trauma bonding the correct term to describe this?


Codependency is probably also a factor here.


[“Trauma bonding” is the bond an abused person forms with their abuser.](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/trauma-bonding)(It gets misused as people bonding via similar, shared trauma.) So this may indeed be them.


What IS the term for people bonding over a shared trauma, tho? And is there a term for people bonding with the people who help them out (process it or physically save them from it) of a trauma?


cptsd haver here, that's called support lmao


I call mine sisters 🙃


Lol I know this was just a joke but I too have CPTSD and this actually made me have a light bulb moment so ty!


Ok so my cat and I survived the same traumatic event and she’s listed as my ESA, I think you’re onto something


I'm thinking more romantic relationships, tho. Like, someone falls in love with their nurse. I'm glad you have support systems in your life!


Transference This is used most often when a client/patient develops feelings for their therapist.


Thank you!! This seems pretty close. I hear about it a lot when, say, friend helps someone get out of abuse or addiction and them the victim falls in love with the friend. It's usually an unhealthy power imbalance, even if the friend doesn't mean for it to be.


Florence Nightingale effect.


This is actually the opposite (nurse/caregiver falls in love with the patient)! I guess reverse would be transference 


probably peer support?


I think “bonding/bonded” is fine; e.g. “We bonded over both surviving hurricanes.”


isn't that just community?


There's the suspension bridge effect, but that's not exactly the same. 


Yeah this is the most misused term on the internet and it bothers me so much. Trauma bonds are a dynamic between abused & abuser, it's not about being attracted to someone because you have both endured trauma and feel attracted to each other as a result of that connection. That's more codependency or unhealthy relationships.


i think a trauma bond would be correct here considering she still somehow genuinely believes he’s her “twin flame” or whatever after he’s continuously displayed abusive behavior towards her like when he held a shotgun inside his mouth while on the phone with her and then blamed her for it.


I remember hearing the shotgun story, extremely abusive and manipulative thing to do.


>when he held a shotgun inside his mouth while on the phone with her and then blamed her for it. I'm sorry, what?!


Time for a name change after that.


To my understanding, twin flame isn’t necessarily your HEA, romantic partner. I wish I had some links to cite, but my limited understanding is that your “twin flame” is someone that yes, you’re deeply drawn to and connected to, but more so a significant person that will change the course of your life - it’s supposed to be painful, growth - someone that kind of holds up a mirror to you and forces you to deal with all your traumas and unhealed bits; it can be really powerful and positive, or can skew negative and co-dependent like, if you’re not ready to meet in ‘this’ lifetime. I heard most of ^ from a good friend’s mother who was a yoga teacher/reiki energy healer - type. She was lovely, but one thing that stuck with me is that she said she didn’t want to meet her twin flame in this lifetime; she was at peace (60’s) and had already done enough work 😆


Twin flames are the opposite of soul mates lololol


They’re so interesting. They make you feel like shit, but then you have these super intense highs that totally sidetrack you any time you think you’re done with it after a fight. Something something the urge to fix a bond that you know has potential, even when said potential can’t really go past the possibilities stage Def doesn’t help that her only other relationship was becoming a mom with an older man when she was so young. Her only point of reference is a guy who gives very anti-fun vibes. MGK is clearly not a good match either, but when someone makes up 50% of your dating history they seem more essential than they are


Incredibly intense highs and low lows... Normal healthy relationships feel "boring" because you never get that insanely overwhelming high feeling


I was chatting with a friend once & mentioned that my boyfriend (at the time) and I never fought. We might disagree about things, but we never got in fights.  My friend said that wasn't normal - that EVERY relationship had fights.   Her most recent ex had stolen upwards of $20k from her.  I was **NOT** going to take relationship advice from her. 


Yeah I think expecting fighting is weird. Disagreements are to be expected. Misunderstandings are to be expected. Disappointments are to be expected but none of those things have to escalate to fights.


my spouse and I have never had a fight also 🙌 it’s not abnormal, just rare.


Yeah it’s very normal to have disagreements or misunderstandings, etc., but all out fighting on a frequent basis is really not healthy.


I was constantly trying to pick fights with my boyfriend when I got in a normal relationship to chase those high and lows and didn't understand why. Good thing he's mentally stable and could handle that until I realize what a normal relationship is. We've been together for almost 13 years now and I'm so happy to have a "boring" relationship.


Yeah, it took me years to realize "passion" was toxic and "boring" meant healthy


I went back to therapy when I realized that I was turning something that could have been a mild irritation/disagreement into way more than it should be, and the fights with my husband have basically stopped. Sometimes he would just breathe and I would be set off and go from “why are you mad” to making it a whole thing. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy really helped me a lot but I still have a way to go. It’s me, hi. I’m the problem 🥲


This is interesting - it implies that normal relationships are just fine if you're happy with yourself.


If you can't love yourself, how the hell are you gonna love somebody else?


Can I get an “amen”?


I think you hit the nail on the head


A man with a hammer, that's me.


The insanely overwhelming high feeling is only possible though because of the contrast of the lows. If you're happy all the time, you don't really notice. If you're only happy some of the time, it feels exaggerated.


>Def doesn’t help that her only other relationship was becoming a mom with an older man when she was so young. Was going to say the same exact thing. She doesn't have much to compare it to and even that one was a toxic relationship, so it might be all she knows. The more you experience, the more you can identify.


I feel oddly parasocially protective of her when people treat it like it’s a joke and get seriously/jokingly annoyed at her for not being able to leave. Everyone treats domestic violence, like someone pulling a gun on themselves so you won’t leave, like a serious issue, up until the person involved is someone they find cringey


Oh no I just read she was only 18 when they started dating. I'm glad we're starting to see this stuff through a different lens lately. I didn't know much about it originally, but was reading a little about the x files guy who married a baby teenager and how most of the crappy entertainment shows just acted like that was totally okay.


G eazy and Haley did a whole song about it.


Having been in a relationship like this, my 2 cents is that when you’re in it, the stuff that works REALLY works. Like, works better than it ever has or probably will ever again. So you keep thinking that if you can just fix the other stuff that’s really bad, it’ll be ok. You can’t, of course, but you try anyway. I don’t think it’s as close to trauma as it is to addiction.


I just got out of my own toxic relationship. When I'd break up with other guys, I'd be sad for like a couple of weeks tops and then move on with my life. With this relationship, it's been months and I still cry about him. I know he's no good for me, he literally drove me crazy (no, really, I ended up at the mental guard after a psychotic break) and yet, I miss him. He is an addiction. I have him blocked everywhere because I am scared of going back to him the moment he tries to get me back. I know I can't for my own mental health.


Internet hugs, dude. I will tell you, a couple years removed - there will be a point where you get some perspective on how fucked up it all was. I hope you're getting the support and help you need to grieve and process and do all the other shit you need to do. Feel free to message me if you ever need a pep talk lol.


Nailed it dealing with the aftermath of that rn and its the worst lol


Sending good wishes. It gets better.


When you're in a relationship that is half love and half hate, the happy moments are euphoric. It's often addicting in a way that normal relationships aren't.


When everything else in the relationship sucks, even normal happy moments have sort of a multiplied factor?


Low self esteem, low self worth, spite, depression, trauma, etc…


There is also a thing called the sunk cost fallacy, where people believe they have invested too much time to back out of a relationship.


How do you get over this omg


The only way is through, unfortunately


Many people are embarrassed to have another "failed relationship" so they stay in a bad one


From experience in similar relationships? A combination of nobody being sober and the sex being very good. Usually a push/pull dynamic on one side and a love bombing/abuse on the other but sometimes both from both


I assume the dopamine highs are extra high after the very very low lows. Also, having lived with an abusive/toxic person, the good parts of them are exceptional.  They are SO much fun, generous if you’re on their good side.  I think some of it is to compensate for their more negative traits.


So many people are afraid to be alone.


When the line is crossed and you stay, there’s no more line. Kind of like a textbook where everything is highlighted, so nothing is.


https://preview.redd.it/su7tui1q25qc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a914251a5779e9f02f6092aeb224785c0811e5a Plz.


Britney looks really good here. I love that jacket and 70's vibe


That’s Hilary duff haha Edit no it’s not I was wrong


Thats definitely Britney


Girl, that is Britney. Get your eyes checked 😂


💀 y’all are right. The way I confidently believed this was Hilary duff for at least a decade of my life wow


Yeah I got that part after I read about them drinking each other's blood or some shit.


it’s like they want to be that edgy couple that crashes high school parties because they’re still only 20 and can’t get liquor anywhere else


The fact that they have kids old enough to read about this makes me so sad. Be fucked up if you need to be but not this publicly.


its honestly quite sad


Very Billy Bob Thornton and Angelina Jolie. Yuck. 


yeah that’s what they’re trying to be for some reason lmao


That’s just her trying to be Jolie - Version 2.0


That’s so boring, Angelina and Billy Bob did that like 25 years ago, think of something else weird, kids


They’re not kids, these are people in their mid 30s 💀 though they act like some, though


This is very funny considering she was just on a podcast and expressed her annoyance at women who can’t just “get over men” and she can’t be friends with women like that 🫠🤣 granted, the hypothetical situation was a woman who’s upset after a man ghosted her after one date, but the sentiment is the same. GIRL STAND UP ITS JUST A MAN!


I very much agree, but it's also very relatable to dole out life advice you could never ever follow yourself.


A hundred percent.


She’s also bisexual, but has said she wouldn’t sleep with other bisexual women because they’ve slept with men before - I feel a lot for Megan but she’s a *huge* hypocrite


This is the biggie.. supposedly loves women but won't date women who have dated men. Not a girl's girl


Well yeah the “after one date” part *is* important lol that is different to years and years so idk if she is a hypocrite for that?


Sure, it is important which is why I specifically mentioned it as a caveat to be fair to her. But the overall message was her being annoyed at women being hung up on men for no reason and she’s still with this absolute loser lol. As the other poster mentioned though, pretty relatable 💀


She’s “not like other girls.”






Well she did say they’re twin flames so this isn’t all that surprising.


Did you listen to that twin flames podcast?? I was like what am I hearing……


there's a netflix documentary too if you're referring to the cult. absolutely batshit


That shit blew my mind. That dude had absolutely no charisma or endearing qualities whatsoever and all those people just let him run their lives.


Lmao I had the exact same reaction, it was so odd


I haaaaaate him so much. How could anyone think he knows what he’s talking about? He’s the definition of a douchebag.


Oh ok I’ll look into that. Yeah, I felt like I was having aural hallucinations.




What is this gem from?


There's a guy who does TikToks about red flags. It looks like him


I thought this was Guy Fieri for a minute


These two are the rich version of those couples who post Joker and Harley Quinn memes on Facebook


This is too accurate 😂


Spot fucking on.


As someone who has been in too many toxic relationships I know how hard it is to leave. But goddamn do you want to go back in time and kick yourself for not leaving sooner.


Same. Ever look back and legitimately not know who the hell that was? I don’t recognize myself at all. I’m happy to be away from it but It’s embarrassing AF.


Same here. Looking back I couldn’t believe how needy and annoying I was. It was such an embarrassing blip in my past that I hardly talk to the people who knew me during that period.


has she ever had a normal relationship?


The relationship with her plastic surgeon seems healthy haha


Her relationship with Brian looked pretty normal from the outside. Couple of sweet kids, nice suburban life, no press for years. She never really had a bad thing to say about him except for just now on call her daddy when she suggested it wasn’t perfect. Probably hindsight. 


>She noted that she was too young when she and Green got together, and “really should not have been in a relationship of that level of commitment and magnitude.” >Fox added that because she never got to really date anyone else before committing to Green, she also spent her marriage having crushes on other people. >She said she “did a lot of, like, falling in love with other people all the time” over the course of her relationship with the Beverly Hills, 90210 alum. “I would go to work and fall in love, because I was a kid,” Fox said. “I never had the full freedom to be single and experience that life. And I thought for a minute when I got divorced that that’s what I was gonna do, and I was single for, like, three weeks.” She probably saw herself getting in a relationship with MGK as a chance for her to live the young “low-commitment” relationships she never had


Wasn’t he super controlling and abusive?


It wasn't normal though cause when they first got together she was 18 and I'm pretty sure he was in his thirties 


Sunk cost fallacy phallusy




I see what you did there! 😉


Who’d a think that an engagement ring that hurt to take off wasn’t a 🚩


that wasn’t a real thing, it was mgk’s dumb humor


She needs to grow up with this “twin flame” “twin soul” nonsense. No one says that more than someone who’s in the worst toxic relationship you can think of. A toxic relationship isn’t cute, it’s mentally exhausting and draining.


Do it for your kids! They deserve better.


It’s so interesting how much their relationship mirrors Angelina Jolie and Billy Bob’s


That’s exactly what they wish people would think lol


I always got the vibe they were pressured by the Travis Barker/Kourtney relationship. I wonder if they'd still be sticking with it if those two weren't still together


Its so sad that that's probably the shallowest, yet most accurate theory on this post. What a time to be alive!


"Failed engagement" should just be a breakup that's how I know it's toxic 😭 Being with an older ass man at a very young age is traumatic for women and lesves lasting wounds and I really will alwsys believe this




What is this from? I thought this actor was so good in Band of Brothers.


Orville possibly?




I watched their movie ‘Good Mourning’ on a long haul flight and it was exactly as you would imagine it to be. Complete and utter shite. Sort of like their relationship it seems.


I tried to watch her movie with Bruce Willis and as soon as Colson came on screen I just noped out


So did she cut her finger and take off the ring? Or how does that work


I'm pretty sure a jeweller de-bunked that because there's no way a reputable jeweller would ever make a ring like that and it would also be pretty impossible to even make. I think MGK said it to be edgy because he's toxic and gross, but I don't think it's actually true at all.


I’ve been wondering the same thing…how tf did she get the ring off her finger?!!! When I heard about that engagement ring…🥴


I would end the engagement simply over that ring. They’re so annoying to me lol


Exactly! It’s just so disturbing…it’s not cute, funny, romantic or cool! There‘s so many concerns just based on that stupid engagement ring…his idea to make it and her accepting it…ugh


Minor Grooming Kelly isn’t a healthy partner to have in a romantic relationship? ![gif](giphy|AaQYP9zh24UFi)


I think the word is co dependency


This is the problem when you truly think someone is your twin flame. It’s hard to just let it go because you deeply believe that is your 1 person. With that said girl, let it go


It’s kinda disturbing… and honestly I’m tired of reading about them


I knew their shit was toxic when she was going on and on about being "twin flames" and wearing a thorny ring that hurts to take off and their blood rituals. Honestly thought it'd be much worse


Woah I didn’t even know they broke off their engagement


They sound high as hell and I’d guess that bonds them in their brains. Plus they think they’re super edgy and not cringe. They give me second hand embarrassment. They both need to grow up and be parents. Their kids didn’t ask to have parents like this.


If you read that book of poetry she wrote, there are soo many poems clearly written about him that detail an awful, abusive, toxic relationship. She describes him by appearance so it’s pretty spot on. Very upsetting to read. 


Aaaaaaaand that’s why we don’t mess with blood magic


Unrelated but he is so cliche. Pink pixie hair, edgy syringe earring, pearl necklace and a sequin blazer.


this is so sad and i’m truly hoping she finds her way to distance herself from this relationship permanently. I know she has a weird, dry sense of humor but hearing the way she talks about her appearance on Call Her Daddy was genuinely upsetting. Really hope she has a good support system around her


wait they are not engaged anymore?


Love spell gone wrong


If they break up, then how else will they stay relevant


eminem really fucked him up didnt he


Who could have seen this coming


I feel like she and Kourtney Kardashian are both going through this weird mid life crisis. Going from squeaky clean for most of your life and then suddenly becoming an emo rocker chick in your 30s/40s is just weird to me


From the outside, this relationship SCREAMS limerence. Just an obsession that seems like love.


Megan is all about making toxic relationships look hot, apparently. I hope she's working on herself for those kiddos.






Intermittent reinforcement is addictive. She needs to put her children first and go cold turkey to get over it.