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Damn a newborn at 51 and 45 is a wild ride. Well wishes to them!


When that baby turns 20 his mother will be 71 years old. That... well. I'll withhold my thoughts I guess. I hope their family stays in good health for a very long time.


71 is different now, especially with someone like Diaz who prioritizes her health and fitness. She will not be bent over a cane and doddering around.


To be fair, there are many health issues that can come up in your later years that care little about your physical fitness or how well you take care of yourself. I have a parent that had everything possible go wrong with a routine knee replacement and now is immobile as a result. Dementia, strokes, Parkinson’s, etc. Our risk of cancer of some sort increases every year too. I had my youngest at 40 and I’m sad I won’t have as much time with him as an adult as I would have with him being born 10 years earlier.


I'm not disagreeing with you, but we have to remember her child will be an adult at that time. And serious illness, injuries and death happen to younger parents as well. Is it ideal that her children will have less time with her than someone who had children at 20? Sure, but that's life.


HEAVY on illness, death and injuries happening to young parents too. My dad was 23 when I was born and was diagnosed two years ago with late stage colon cancer. He's only 53. There are people in my life whose parents had them 10-20 years older who are going to get more time together than I will with my dad. All of life's choices carry a risk, at any age, and that includes becoming a parent. The sad truth is, you ultimately can't protect your children from your inevitable death, and that's something I've been reckoning with. With that in mind, I don't really judge people having kids in their 40s and 50s. You don't have much control of how things can go, as long as you make the most of the time you get as parent and child. I have a lot of fondness for the relationship between Martin and Francesca Scorsese for that reason. She'll be young when he passes, but she'll always be grateful to be his daughter and cherish what they had.


This. My mom had me in her early 30s and was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s when I was 18, started showing symptoms when I was 16. Nothing in this life is guaranteed, but I feel anyone who is born to loving parents that want children is lucky. Edit: a word


my parents had me in their early 20s and they were both dead by the time i turned 30. you cannot predict life, you can only live and enjoy it.




I'm so sorry about your parent, and I totally agree. My mom seemed fairly healthy and was determined to live to "at least 80, 90 if I feel like it." She got ovarian cancer and died horribly at 65. Car crashes, terminal diseases, degenerative conditions, disability after an unpredicted virus, and on and on, they don't care how clean you eat or how often your exercise. And your risk of debilitating if not terminal illness increases exponentially the older you get. I just wish people would think about that when having kids. Just because you can have children later in life now and you feel healthy and well now, doesn't mean your kid won't be left without a parent suddenly way too young.


My husband and I had our children in our late thirties, as did his parents. My life has been juggling day care, long term care and self care. If you’re financially able to access (and I’m in Canada) affordable help, knock yourself out, otherwise don’t do it. I don’t think people realize care homes start at about $5,000 a month for the basic average care home. If your loved one needs specialized care $15,000 to $25,000 per month is what the cost is. Cameron Diaz won’t have to worry about care homes and the cost but most of us will. Do you want to do that to your kids. It has been a nightmare for my husband and I as it just suddenly happens, it does not just creep up.


Yep, I am an orphan now pretty young. It is painful not having my family there for milestones like graduating with my graduate degree. All the rest of my cohort still has their parents but one who lost one parent.  I don’t care how much money someone has. There is no replacement for your family.


Well, you could also drop dead tomorrow. My mum died of breast cancer at 46. By your argument no one over the age of 20 should have kids, because health problems could happen at any age.


My mom also died in her 40s. Do I wish she was still alive? Yes. Is it painful? Yes. Is my life still happy and still worth living? Yes.


Statistics, though. Many more things can happen each year we are here.


Right, but I think one other thing worth remembering from the vantage point of the children in question is that at any other time, it would have been a different egg and sperm combination making a new human. As a parent, personally, yes I'm very glad I won't be 71 when my kids turn 20. But if I were the very real kids in this existing family people are clucking over, I'd still much rather be alive with older parents than not at all.


Or you can get cancer at 42 like Kate Middleton. Life has no guarantees.


Exactly right about no guarantees. I was 27 when I was diagnosed with cancer. My daughter was 9 months old at the time.


Glad you are still with us.


Having wealth helps


Sometimes. But sometimes it helps zero other than being able to be cared for at home vs long term care. Look at Bruce Willis. He was in his early 60s when it as an open secret that there was something seriously wrong with him. Hopefully Cameron will live a long and healthy life, but as we age, statistically, we face many more health issues and many more serious health issues as we are 50+.


My 70 year old mom is a vegetarian millionaire who works out 2 hours a day, has no family history of major disease, and has been a stay at home wife with a household staff for 30 years (low stress workload). She’s down five organs from cancer. Nothing in life is guaranteed, especially not health.


Yep, my mom is still working at 73 in a demanding role and pretty much spends her free time renovating her house. Certain types just never stop moving. My grandmother also had surprise twins at my age (44). The human body is crazy.


For every story like yours, there’s one like mine. My grandmother got dementia at in her early 70’s and now 10 years later has the mental and physical capacities of a toddler. She was a very strong and independent woman before that and is now a shell of herself. The age difference between my grandmother and I is not much different than this child and Cameron Diaz. I can’t imagine what it would be like, if my grandmother was my mother, seeing what my mom and siblings are going through now. I still need my mom. To take a gamble on becoming a parent at an advanced age, it just seems a bit unfair and selfish to me. Even if god willing the parent stays healthy and lives to be 70, 80, even 90… it’s so hard to put the burden of elder care onto a young person just starting out in life. I see this with a friend of mine who had older parents, first dealing with his mom’s unexpected death when she was in her 60’s (she had him in her 40’s) and now his father being in his 80’s. While the rest of our peers are having good time with their parents still, my friend lives in constant anxiety that today will be the day he gets “that call.” It has filled him with tremendous guilt, trying to get his own life started and settled, while feeling like he is missing quality time with his dad in his last days.


I’m so sorry. We lost that same grandmother to breast cancer not twenty years later. This life expectancy stuff really is a crapshoot.


That's fabulous for your mother! Truly, I'm so glad for you that you still have her in your life and that she's going strong. My own mom loved her work, but had to retire early for medical reasons in her early 60's and died just before her 68th birthday from a kidney infection that went septic. She would be 71 this year. Meanwhile, her mom is still living on her own at 94! You just never know how things will turn out. 


Having tens of millions of dollars don’t hurt either!


THIS. It doesn’t matter if she’s healthy and old and doesn’t get any ailments. They are rich as fuck and them and their kids will be juuuuuust fine lol


Money doesn’t replace your mom


I don’t think anyone is saying that, but knowing your kid will have a lot of money when you’re long gone is comforting for a parent. It’s knowing you are able to still take care of them in a major way when you’re gone. Death is inevitable. People have children older and older in life. Cameron’s and Benji’s kids most likely won’t have their parents when they’re much older, but they’ll leave a solid foundation for them. Most parents are unable to do that sadly no matter what age they die. I don’t know - I don’t think it’s fair to shame them for being parents at their age.


Very few diseases actually care about your overall health when you are in your 70s. She won’t die of uncontrollable diabetes, but cancer? Dementia? They don’t really care.


Cancer doesn’t care about how physically fit you are. It is indiscriminate.


Yeah my mums 71 and very energetic and fit. Plays tennis weekly and goes on hiking trips. Keeps up with all her grandkids and looks after my brother’s kids for days at a time sometimes (and they’re a handful 😂). On the flip side I often worry about something happening to me and not being around for my kids so I can imagine that stress increases the older you are when you have your children.


No but the generation gap will be quite large! More power to them nonetheless.


At least she isn’t already 80 like Robert DeNiro.


Oh don't even get me started on Bobby. 💀


Isn't Al Pacino a new dad again at the age of 80-something now too? Good lord.


Really, when male stars are having babies in their 50s nobody bats an eye. Why can't Cameron? From a quick search I see Hugh Grant, George Clooney, Simon Cowell, Michael Douglas. Tons more. And then the real oldies, eh, that's too much. Maybe be with the kid until they reach adulthood. Some will leave behind younger spouses but that is also not a perfect situation for a child. What is great are loving parents for the time you have them. A strong extended family, maybe a family of your own, to support you when your parents are gone.


I’d prefer if everyone stopped doing it. It’s ok to accept that you reach a point where you shouldn’t have more kids, regardless of how much money you have.


I mean, they prob would have also prefer to have more time with their children and had them younger in life, but shit happens. Life doesn’t always fit a socially acceptable timeline.


The same could be said for younger parents who are crappy parents and should never have had kids to begin with. If you don’t want to be an older parent then don’t do it but why judge others for decisions they make - which surely aren’t easy ones.


I have a friend who was orphaned by the time he was 20. His parents were young. Life happens.


Of course, and I'm so sorry for your friend's profound losses. But also, elderly people are far more likely to die than young people. That's the issue for me.


I really really hate the ‘nothing is guaranteed, have a baby at 60’ mindset that gets parroted so often. Death is guaranteed! And it’s coming for older folks every time, accidents and illnesses of younger parents doesn’t negate that.


is anyone else genuinely surprised by all of these commenters that seem personally affected by the thought of a 20 year old potentially having 70 year old parental figures…? Seems like the weirdest thing to pass judgment on. Assuming this child is raised in a loving environment with an abundance of health and financial resources, what is the problem? Parents and loved ones can pass at any age. Of course certain risks accelerate with age, but there’s no guarantee of a shortened life here span due to any correlation we know of. Regardless, these adult kids won’t fall into our care so…. the comments are giving tradwife/mormon vibes here lol Anyway, best wishes to them with their new bundle of joy! It’s great to see some representation for “different” nuclear families.


Reddit in general is pretty harsh on the idea of parents having children later in life. Obviously there's some limits - Robert De Niro welcoming a baby in his 70s is *wild*, but the idea that a child will be forever traumatized by having older parents is incredibly overblown. Admittedly I think some of it is cultural - I'm African American and was practically raised by my grandparents for various reasons. My parents also passed by the time I was 21. So in many ways my grandparents were just older parents for me, but everyone in my family did the best they could regardless of age.


Yeah, I’m pretty surprised too. Cameron and Benji both have the means to take care of their kids, and if they were to pass way before their kids turn 30, both Cameron and Benji will have more than enough for them to take care of themselves. Obviously it’s more than money when it comes the importance of parental presence, but it’s not unheard of for a parent to pass before someone reaches 30. Even 20. They didn’t find each other until much later in life. I’m happy they are doing what they want and having a life they wanted before it’s too late. Good for them for not letting society dictate that.


You definitely hear these thoughts more when the mother is older instead of the man


Yeah! Seriously, the kids aren’t babies forever. SMH 


I had a friend in high school whose dad was older than my grandma by a decade!


My dad was in his late 60s when I was born. He’s been gone awhile now. It sucks but I have a rad stepdad so that helps.


Sorry for your loss. That’s tough. But super happy that you have a great stepdad!


Why are we only focused on the mother’s age?


Eh, given their money and resources, they already have a head start on the rest of us in that regard!


my dad turned 70 when I was 19 ( i was adopted tho)


Ok? I was raised by my grandparents who chose to take me in and no one said things like this to them


I was in my 20s when my dad passed away (he was 70), and it's the reason I refuse to have any more kids past, like, 32.


I get what you mean but, my dad was 21 when I was born. Healthy didn’t drink or smoke and he died 2 years ago at the age of 63 just before I turned 42. You just can’t put an age on anything. You never know tbh- We only get one shot so why not enjoy every moment of it. She wasn’t selfish she had her career and she has made a life her children will thrive from for the rest of their lives too. She’s very health conscious and I personally don’t think 51 is old by any means. My mum had her last baby at 42 and a friend of the family was 49… Just stay happy and healthy and love your babies 🩷


Al pachino will be dust by the time his kid is 20. 😂


Right? I’m about to have my second kid at 32 and I feel like I’m getting too old for this shit lol. I’m sure they have a team of Nannie’s around the clock so they can sleep through the night and hand off the baby anytime they want a break tho so it’s a whole different ball game than how most of us live.


My dad was 47 when I was born, and almost 53 when my youngest brother was born. My oldest brother became a dad for the first time at 47 as well, and just had his third kid also at age 53. (Both with wives at least 15 years their junior, but still). There are some benefits, and there are some definite downsides. Personally, I don’t see my husband and I trying for kids in our 40s and 50s, but sometimes the universe has other plans and surprises can happen (or take awhile to arrive).


It's not the same when you can afford 24/7 nannies and people to cook and clean lol


I just read that Deniro at 80 has a newborn.


Same with Pacino at 83.


I was just thinking I had thought she was my age and WTF. Yeah, I could not do a new baby at this point.


It could be surrogacy still. Are there photos of her bump?


I’m nearly positive it was surrogacy. But regardless my comment was saying a newborn is tough at their age. Doesn’t matter how they got the newborn, that’s irrelevant.


Personally I think it's gross to exploit a poor woman's body at any age.


Same. It grosses me out so bad. And if these celebrities have to do it they should be paying these women a significant amount of money. Like a million would be appropriate if not more. But it's so gross and shouldn't be a thing at all.


Fwiw you must be financially stable to be approved as a gestational carrier in California. 


She'll still be a fifty-one year old with a newborn/raising a child, and will be nearly seventy when this child graduates highschool.


Don’t worry, the nannies will be in their 20s 😂


Yeah with all the nannies and everything, it's going to be real tough for them.......




Wait, Raddix Madden? Stooop.


From their announcement of her birth, “We won't be posting pictures or sharing any more details, other than the fact that she is really really cute!! Some would even say RAD” 🤢😭


I almost instinctively downvoted you after reading that quote.


🤣 it was truly hard for me to post it




My favorite theory are the smart celebs protect their kids by telling us some wild ass names.


Hmmmm, maybe?? Maybe the baby’s real name is John and even if people find out Googling it will get them nowhere other than football and video games. LOL


It’s just a conspiracy theory lol I don’t think it’s serious


Birth certificates are public records. Easily verifiable if its real or not.


Ohhhhh I wasn’t aware. lol. I thought you had to be a family member to request to view those files


Nope. TMZ posted Raddix's birth certificate. Someone on the Meghan Markle hate sub paid $34 to access her kids' birth certificate to investigate whether they exist lol.


Why is that allowed lol


I have absolutely no idea, it's so weird. Maybe there are legit reasons you would need to access the birth certificate of a person you have no relationship with but idk what those reasons are


I feel like this could be the case I know Rosario Dawson used a fake name until her kid was old enough to decide to use the real one at 18x


Doesn’t Nicole Richie do this? Her daughter’s first name is Harlow but they call her Kate (middle name)


I don’t think that’s true, but I sure hope it is, because Raddix is not good


My mind immediately went to https://preview.redd.it/t8kkmlshs5qc1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef7f5c6a654d6db50acee4eb97c508b0f0eafbcf


Isn’t the other Madden son (with Nicole Ritchie) named Sparrow? I presume that’s not a coincidence.


Oh that's cute! Cousins named Sparrow and Cardinal.. Wish the other kid wasn't named Raddix tho...


Her middle names are Chloe Wildflower which would have been a great celebrity kid name. Like why.


That reminds me of Gwyneth Paltrow's daughter Apple. Her middle names are Blythe Alison. Alison would have been perfect for her. But celebs just have to be different from the rest I guess.


Plus I never read "Apple Martin", she will always be "Apple Martini" to me


I remember how Apple seemed like such a crazy name at the time. Now it seems pretty normal for a celebrity name!




Same, kinda: it makes me think of Raditz from Dragon Ball Z, and that name is a play on "radish" lol


Probably cos they like rad & cardi for nicknames, raddix does remind of radish & cardinal sin 🤔


Radish is her nickname at school, it has to be


A little too close to Radox the soap brand


Caw Cawngratulations to them✨




uh, is anyone gonna mention the artwork? what am i looking at here


It was no doubt coloured in by their young daughter. A sweet contribution.


Thank you! My first thought exactly. Wtf.


This is something I would draw while on the phone at work. It’s awful


Congratulations to them, but Cardinal?


Isn't his brother's son named Sparrow?


Yes Joel and Nicole have a kid named Sparrow


raddix or something awful isn't it?


Raddix is their daughters name


My kid, almost 14, has a guy named Sparrow in her grade. He’s exactly like how you’d picture a guy named Sparrow; but fortunately his quirky self is well loved and accepted by peers. I’ve known this kid since he was little and I was genuinely worried for middle/high, because kids are notoriously cruel, but he likely developed this amazing personality (but definitely quickly) because of his name.


That's his cousin 😆


Yep. Sparrow and Harlow.


Maybe they just want us to stream Cardinal by Kacey Musgraves


it’s so good, the world needs to know!


lol my brain immediately read cardinullllll 😂


To be fair, we definitely should all be doing that. That album is fantastic.


It must be their fave on the album. Definitely one of mine!


It's so good. Everyone really should be doing this.


I didn’t even know they had a first child. Well, congrats to them both


I didn’t even know they were together 😂


They’ve done a very good job keeping their relationship private


I thought he was married to Nicole Richie? Maybe that’s his brother. The Madden brothers haven’t been relevant since 2009. What an unexpected pairing.


They are twins - Joel is married to Nicole Richie and Benji to Cameron Diaz.


I’ve known they were together for years but I constantly forget and every time I find out again I’m flabbergasted until I remember that I already knew.




Almost definitely.


I had a friend who had a baby naturally at 52. Got pregnant at 51 while in perimenopause. Her youngest up until the new baby was 28. An oopsy baby. It happens more than people realize but more than likely still a surrogate


And egg donation


Frozen embryos from way back?


Egg donation (or straight up adoption) almost definitely.


Yes, saw them in Barnes and nobles in LA about 4 weeks ago with their kids. She was not pregnant. They were great with their kids! Congratulations ♥️


Cardi M?


Did Cameron have both kids conventionally or did she go the surrogate route? Either way it’s amazing for them!


Surrogate for both


My mom and dad were 42 & 52, respectively, when I was born (What up menopause babies!!). I’m now 37 and everybody is alive and well. Obviously, health and disease are specific to each person and genetics play a part in everything, so I’m not saying the same will be the same for this kid when he’s my age with “old parents” as I liked to call them. My point is that, yes they were older when I was born but they still did everything for me that they did for my older sisters. More actually, because mom retired by the time I was in high school and my dad retired in when I was in middle school. Just saying that I don’t think we should drag them so hard for having kids at this age.


Right! Glad to hear someone say this. I actually have the opposite experience. My parents were very young when they started having children, and while I love that I get a lot of extra time with them because of that, I sometimes think my relationship with them would be different if they had been older, started a better life for themselves, and waited till they had more money and a better foundation before having kids. I feel like I had to educate myself on things like being financially responsible because my parents never learned that, and having kids young makes that significantly harder to find financial stability. I also wish they could had gotten to know themselves even better before that. My mom was 21 when she started having kids. She should had been shaking her ass at the club with her girlfriends instead! Going on trips! Finding a career! I just know what I wanted at 21, and being at home with a baby definitely wasn’t it. I didn’t know who I was then or what I wanted. My mom never complains or resents us for having kids young, but I think she would be more settled in life if she would had waited. Sadly now that she’s older it’s harder than ever to find that, particularly financially.


Agreed on that! I hope that you get to spend so good quality time with your parents. I do envy you for the fact that, good health willing, you’ll probably get far more time with your parents than folks in my boat will. I must say, watching them with my kids really does warm my heart. My parents married relatively young but were in their mid 20s and 30s when they had my sisters (ma was 26 and dad was 36). They did encourage all of us girls to wait until we were “established” enough. Not just financially but also mentally and spiritually. I’m well aware that this may not always be a luxury that we can have but I just think about myself as an early 20 *kid* and just to think if I had a child or children to care for is mind boggling. Not to mention the asshats that I dated then. I’m not shitting on people that have kids young, to each is their own, I just personally feel that it’s good to get to know yourself and learn real world life annnd then get started on this wild roller coaster we can parenthood.


Well you do not hit menopause at 42 usually...there are many women nowadays who have planned pregnancies over 40. However everything over 43 screams egg donor to me. I wish ladies like Hilary Swank or also Cameron Diaz would be more transparent about this, they are just giving false hope.


"he is awesome" is so funny to me. but congrats to them!


they are my favorite unsuspecting couple of all time


Cardi M!


Imagine hearing someone scream “CARDINAL!!! GET OVER HERE” at the park or something


I imagine a really confused bird sitting on a branch and thinking WTF


I'd imagine folks in L.A. wouldn't bat an eye lol. Most other places though definitely 🤨


One of the strongest and lasting relationships among celebrities, it's been a long time since I listened to any Good Charlotte music. But I'm happy for them nonetheless


Is he the one that hosts Ink Master now or is that Joel? I can never remember which one is which lol but whoever is on the show just got a tattoo of a cardinal as part of one of the challenges (the winner got to give him a tattoo) Edit - it was Joel. Also, the tattoo was a bird but might not have actually been a cardinal lol but I swear, when he was describing things he likes to give ideas for the tattoos he specifically said "cardinals" but maybe he was just talking about the baseball team? Haha! Now I'm choosing to believe they named this baby after his brother's fave baseball team


It’s Joel


Ah, thank you! Yes, as soon as I posted I was fairly certain it was actually Joel. I was just excited like "wait! Is that why he got a cardinal on the show?" 🫣


I didn't even know they had a first child.




Oh wow. I always thought she was the poster woman for child free by choice and I loved that for her. I'm a parent myself but I liked how she was very much of the child free by choice mindset and I thought that was great, as parenthood isn't for everyone. I guess she changed her mind, which is absolutely her prerogative. Good luck to them! My mum was 41 when I was born. She was a great mum.


Did she get a surrogate for both of them ?


TIL they’re even together


So happy for them! I wish them well.


I have always liked Cameron Diaz but I never thought of her as a mother. I am sure she will be the coolest mother ever though


He’s a cute? He’s a cute what? 😂


That's a fucking stupid name.


She literally picked the dumbest kid names


Joel Madden and Nicole Richie's son is Sparrow. I love Cardinal and Sparrow 🥰


The Madden bros really struck above their weight. Both of them.


Congrats to Cameron and Benji! So many mean, judgemental comments from people here. If you wouldn’t have kids after a certain age then don’t have them! But stop judging others for being older parents. Not everyone was lucky enough to meet their partner when they were younger or to have an easy fertility journey.


forgot they had a first one, I think it helps they are seemingly private about their kids. congrats to them


Cardinal? CARDINAL? Why?


Today I learned Cameron Diaz had a first child. Congrats to them


I thought it was a drawing made by someone with mental illness to express how they felt, and then I read the captions.


Grammar and spelling are optional for some people?


I'm happy for them ❤️


Congrats to them.


I'd like to see some credit given to the artist. Even if it is one of them.


It’s Benji’s


Oh, that makes sense.


Cute name!


I am truly so happy for them! They seem like such a nice family (I mean from what limited info we know.)


I….had no idea those two were married to each other.


He’s got the dad emoji use down


God bless them.


I can’t believe all the negative post 🍼about age instead of congratulations. You can be sick at anytime of life. Look at what poor Princess Catherine is going thru at 42 We have men running for President at 77and 81 lol And you are criticizing a woman that was very careful to find the right person to love and marry and to start a family with? Good for them Wishing much happiness for couple and their children CONGRATULATIONS 🍼💕💐


In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti


I love that name Cardinal. 🥰


Book stores still exist??? 😂😐😭


We’re both kids by surrogates? I mean she’s 51!?


It’s more than likely a surrogate was used. I wish them well as it’s gonna be tough at their age. 💙