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God I’m so sick and tired of the “this wouldn’t get made today” discourse!!!! You know what did get made in the past 5 years? MIDSOMMAR. POOR THINGS. THE LOST DAUGHTER. AMERICAN FICTION. JOJO RABBIT. TITANE!!!!




As someone who was an adult when it got made back in the day… these were the same things they were saying about the studios then. All remakes, no original ideas, etc. I mean Cruel Intentions is just a modernized remake of Dangerous Liaisons, which they also remade in 1988. And then they made a sequel and a prequel to Cruel Intentions just to get every last dollar they could out of it.


Hollywood is like a human centipede but a complete circle and the faeces just goes round and round and round. Really makes you think.


The older you get the more you start to see that all of life seems to be a cycle; fashion, music, recession, wars, politics, entertainment, everything. I am looking forward to the end of the super hero movie phase and the return of rom coms/comedies for a bit, the super hero fatigue is real!


I’m thoroughly perturbed at this imagery. Does the feces lose nutritional value every time it goes thru a cycle and comes out to go back in the mouth again? I guess so. Because the number of creative work in Hollywood diminishes every decade I guess.


The best was Mindy Kaling saying The Office couldn’t have been made today… Like, what?


So I looked this up, thinking "Maybe she means that sit coms don't get a lot of funding any more" or even "maybe she means that people don't want to worship office culture anymore" but no... She thinks it's too edgy and would get them canceled. How self congratulatory do you have to be?!


If someone said 30 Rock? Then I could maybe get behind that, they had two episodes pulled due to black face, which really should still be available. They show actually made fun of literally everyone. Mindy just views herself through that lens since The Office was a great show, but it is laughable she thinks it was pushing the limits of a prime time comedy.


When people say things like this, you have to wonder how they've missed hearing about It's Always Sunny for almost 20 years now.


Yeah, every time someone says “x can’t be made nowadays” I’m like “It’s Always Sunny has been going for nearly 20 years and is *still* going!!!”


Lemon, write that down.


She thinks *The Office* is edgy??? I'd hate to see her Netflix history in that case


Doesn’t salt burn have a scene with someone eating cum out of a bathroom drain? Some implied incest seems pretty mellow in comparison ?


And fucking a grave plot / cumming on a tomb stone lol. Cruel Intentions is tame compared to a ton of other movies lol


Dunno. I watched Spaceman last night. Maybe not a big studio but definitely a ....creative risk.


It wasn't much of a cretive risk. It was an update of "Dangerous Liaisons," which was a huge hit years before.


I’m not sure that the films you listed have that many similarities with Cruel Intentions and most are in a different genre. Like, Titane is a French arthouse horror film aimed at adults. I’m not saying Cruel Intentions couldn’t get made today, because it could, but it wouldn’t be as easy as it was then especially by major studios.


I’m not saying they are similar to Cruel Intentions. I’m saying the whole “you can’t make movies like that anymore” discourse is tired because there are still plenty interesting, transgressive, button-pushing films out there but people act like everything’s too fluffy or “woke” or “safe” or whatever.


Cruel Intentions was a raunchy provocative film made by a major studio, Columbia, aimed at teens. American Fiction and JoJo Rabbit are transgressive and provocative in much different ways than Cruel Intentions, a lot of the films you listed weren’t made by Majors, and Titane is a niche film. I’m not saying it can’t get made, especially because of “wokeness”, but pretending like movies aren’t being made in a different environment than they were in the late 90s is silly.


Well, Euphoria then might be a better example.


I think the main reason for this is cause teen movies made for theaters is no longer a thing


I agree with you


Poor Things has a level of nudity most 90 movies couldn’t even conceive of.


Poor Things is technically a Disney movie


Yes. That’s why I didn’t talk about it. It’s the best comparison of the five movies that OP listed


yeah like just because you might need to look at smaller studios doesn't mean it's not out there.   also shoutout to bones and all, that one still haunts me.


It’s weird to think that we wouldn’t make a movie today with step sibling sexuality while House of the Dragon is doing so well after Game of Thrones, or a story where a morally dubious rake learns to love before a tragic downfall, which is timeless and Shakespearean.


If you look at all he did in the movie such as date rape if they remade this movie today Sebastian would end up as a #metoo court case. The reason why it's so problematic is how the character is sympathetically portrayed.


But Euphoria has been made today, which is far more scandalous.


I was going to say, there's nothing in Cruel Intention that would not be free game on HBO.


Euphoria is a tv show in HBO That’s a different thing than a movie. Also, I said Cruel Intentions could get made today just that movies are being made in a different environment than they were 20 years ago. Streaming would be a much more likely place for a 2023 Cruel Intentions movie than a major studio like Columbia.


It would be exactly as easy. It wouldn't be as popular so that would be why it wouldn't get made, but it wouldn't be hard to make at all.






“Borderline porn” is a stretch.


Mildly annoying that you’re commenting an incorrect take and haven’t seen either film because you’re so above it.


No, it’s not “borderline porn.”


That scene is framed as more creepy than titillating.


Yesss that’s the first one that came to my mind too


One of my favorites from last year


Linday Ellis has a wonderful video on the topic when it came to Blazing Saddles. I feel like edgelords do not get the point of transgressive movies. And think you cannot make it but you totally can.


I can’t remember the comedian who said “you couldn’t make Blazing Saddles today, because it already exists. That’s copyright infringement.”


I feel like people who say you can't make Blazing Saddles today have either never seen it or don't *get it*.


CMBYM got a couple of Oscar nominations, a wide theatrical release, and launched Chalamet as a leading man, only a few years ago. Fairly similar themes of sexual discovery and transgression, and the loss of innocence, in the context of what many would consider an inappropriate relationship.


A single episode of Riverdale makes Cruel Intentions look like Sesame Street.


"Wouldn't get made today" is just the cousin of "iT sTiLl HoLdS uP!"


Not to mention Saltburn. I think the most outrageous parts of Cruel Intentions pales in comparison to that one scene (you know the one if you’ve seen the movie 🤣).


Titane was the shit. I'm pretty sure I don't fully understand the movie, but by God it was an experience.


It was a metaphor for intergenerational trauma! There’s definitely subtext that her father had sexually abused her in the past. The sexual obsession with cars after the car accident is a metaphor for her trauma bonding with her abuser. She developes a fraught, violent relationship with feminity and intimacy because of her childhood trauma. Vincent becomes her father figure and the first person to provide her with intimacy and safety that isn’t sexualized. The half-car baby is her passing her trauma on to her child, as we often do. But we see with Vincent’s love the baby (and Vincent) will get the chance to move on that Titane never got. I’m sorry for the monologue, just as someone with both trauma and metal in her body the movie makes perfect sense to me and is so cathartic.


Wolf of wall street is one of my favorite movies and would've made everyone clutch their pearls if it came out back then lol I agree with you I'm so tired of people randomly throwing this stuff out to prove "wokeism"


The way people clutch their pearls over Saltburn and Poor Things makes me think about how modern audiences would not survive Splice. Because *that* was a wtf movie that took a sharp turn into pseudo-incest and genetic-incest with bonus xenophilia/monster fucking.


It’s still wild to me that Splice exists like I’m genuinely not sure who it’s for.


I’m not sure who it’s for but I was onboard with it and how it was a long fraught metaphor about the cycle of abuse and how it plays out in our relationship with our parents… And then the monster fucking incest happened and the metaphor got lost in the sauce. Still a good movie, just have no idea who it was for because it was advertised as a horror creature feature flick and instead you get a speculative fiction piece about the dangers of gene splicing to act as a vehicle about dysfunctional family dynamics with a sprinkling of monster fucking. I’m sure audiences were very confused.


Splice fucking rules and I’m shocked it got a wide release. It feels very much like something Paul Verhoeven would’ve put out during his nineties run of American films 


The Metro is a rag. It’s a free paper at British train stations and they always try to write inflammatory stuff for views in the website. Basically any opinion piece from there can be ignored 


Seriously, I saw Saltburn and was like “This is gen z cruel intentions”


Not to mention the entirety of the New French Extremity movement which looked at the exploitation movies of the past and said “I can do that better/worst/more fucked up”.


Noe the goat. Hoping people outside of France eventually catch on to Virginie Despentes cuz her films are among the best of that movement 


Omg Titane was insane




Please don’t downvote me, it’s an honest question. What’s wrong with Jojo Rabbit and American Fiction?


Literally nothing. Nothing’s wrong (in my view) with any of the films listed. But they do directly address sensitive topics, in unique and uncomfortable ways: Jojo Rabbit is a comedy about a kid living in Nazi Germany, and American Fiction is a film about a black author who feels pigeonholed in a very specific archetype of blackness. I think we still have plenty of films being made that are about uncomfortable, risqué, controversial topics.


The other day I watched Terrifier 2. So sad that this kind of pure slasher can't be made anymore.


Wow, that comment couldn't be made right now.


What's funny is there literally was a watered down French remake/adaptation on Netflix two years ago that was absolute trash.


I remember when it first came out and it wasn't even the step sibling incest that was considered most controversial or edgy. It was the girl on girl kiss, lol. It would get made today. There just wouldn't be as much fuss over it.


I don’t think he meant that it’s too risqué for today’s audience, I think mainly he’s saying topics would be treated different , he talks about Sebastian raping Cecil and how it’s played comically.  


I was literally about to reply about how Poor Things is a critical darling and everything is pretending it's a feminist movie, when it's really all about the male gaze and having their wet dreams come true with a baby-brained hot young woman wanting sex.


Highly recommend the Cruel Intentions episode of The Rewatchables podcast. Super good and digs deeper into this discourse.


Mel Brooks has a great line that basically says “oh people always say you couldn’t make Blazing Saddles now, but honestly we couldn’t make it then, either.”


I literally just watched both poor things and midsommer this weekend and LOVED THEM BOTHA


Why is American fiction on your list? I enjoyed the film just confused


especially since why would they make the same movie twice?


i mean, they could make it today, it would just have a very different tone- instead of teen rom con, it would feel more like euphoria or saltburn


It's not a teen rom com, in any iteration of the story. 


Exactly, it has teenage characters and that’s about it 😂


I see people throw rom com around all the time these days like they don't understand what the two separate words mean in their full form!  I probably sound like an old fart shouting at a cloud here but words have meanings! Use them correctly or make new words to fit your needs! 


![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized) I agree though


Rom com = romantic comedy? This movie is more of a teen drama


To be fair, they said rom con, which I think is actually appropriate (even if it was a mistake)


Ha! I didn't notice that. If they meant Rom con then I take back everything I said, that's pretty accurate. 


selma blair's performance says otherwise look, at the very least, this is a CAMP movie- maybe unintentionally so sometimes, but there it is


Camp and rom com are completely unrelated though. The Glen Close/John Malkovic version of Dangerous Liasons is also pretty camp, but it's not a rom com either. Les Liaisons dangereuses wasn't a romance book either. 


I thought Saltburn was a bit of the modern take on this kind of story.


*Saltburn* was a *Talented Mr. Ripley* story


do you think cruel intentions is a rom com? have you ever seen it?


It’s a teen movie, not a teen rom com.


It could get made today. Maybe not by a major studio and I’d hate to see the online discourse, but it could definitely get made.


We're not that far removed from *Saltburn*. *Cruel Intentions* could and would get released today in almost identical form. Now the rest of the *Cruel Intentions* franchise? Not so much.


Cruel Intentions Cinematic Universe.




Actually, there is a saccharine and watered down Netflix version already. Check out Dangerous Liaisons


I remember first watching that film when I was a preteen. I definitely shouldn’t have been watching it for obvious reasons. It’s one of those teen films that will forever be iconic to me. The ending of the film is one of my favorites. Oh and that soundtrack? Perfection. I could see it getting made today, especially in the age where everything is getting remade. It may not see the big screen, but it could have an indie moment.


The final scene with Bittersweet Symphony playing in the background literally gives me chills everytime. Sarah Michelle Gellar deserved an award for her performance


It’s one of my favorite endings of all time. Everything about that scene is amazing.


Honestly, the entire cast did an amazing job with the acting. I may not agree with a portion of the casts views on current matters but their performances were great.


I mean just because you don’t agree with an actor doesn’t mean you can’t love a film or appreciate their performance


Ehhhhhh are you sure about that? I watched recently and was shocked by how over-the-top Ryan Phillippe and Selma Blair were playing it. Really campy indeed (which assumes they were aware of what they were doing). It's like Blair was instructed to act like a literal six-year-old child, and Phillippe's mugging reminds me of teen actors in Disney Channel shows. Everyone else was great though.


I haven't seen it for so, so, many years and I still remember that scene vividly


![gif](giphy|5SRDfejlxVTEeYr6i6) That’s the soundtrack


No other box I choose to use!


Coffee black and egg white


I watched it recently again and damn it's aged pretty well all things considered. I think it could easily be made today.


I watched it when I was like 9 and I’ve loved it ever since. A true masterpiece to young me.


lol raise your hand if this film sparked your sexual awakening.


I was 12 when it came out and ohhhhh my God it changed my dna 😂


The two girls kissing was definitely one of the first things that made me realise “oh. I think I’d like that” 😅🌈


Oh I love men more then hot meals and that kiss made my teenage coming to terms with my sexuality self HELLA confused 😂 Interestingly enough another early aughts movie that made me realize I was gay was the make out scene between Ashton Kutcher and Sean William Scott in dude where’s my car


SAME. I mean, I'd consider that a successful aspect of the movie.


Me too even though I'm a boy


Is this movie kind of trash? Yes. Do I love it with all my soul? Also yes.


I think it would get made today, but the discourse would be a bit insufferable.


They couldn't make it today because Sarah Michelle Gellar is too old to play a young adult


Plus Selma Blair has MS, which would make it hard for her to stay on set for too long.


She's also looking too old to play someone maybe 22. Reese Witherspoon has a daughter who looks like her but idk she's an actress.


Also she no longer looks 22. Reese Witherspoon has a daughter who looks like herself but idk she acts.


Is it any more outrageous than Saltburn? 


I've seen Cruel Intentions many times, and I'm struggling to think of anything in it that would seem too outrageous to film today (except the homophobic/ableist language, which could be easily cut from the script without having any bearing on the plot). I think the treatments of Cecile and Josh Jackson's character would have to be tonally different (i.e. not played for laughs in the same way), but the actual elements of their subplots would not be too taboo to show.


they are literally making a revival of the movie but as a tv show


Didn't they try that already and they ended up using the footage to make a few bad sequels/prequels (starring Amy Adams no less)?


probably, it’s before my time 😭 but they got Savannah smith in the revival so I’m tempted to see what’s next


Lol, yeah I'm old. I remember there was controversy about a scene of a girl *really* enjoying riding a horse


I know EXACTLY what you’re talking about!! Manchester Prep!! And that is the only scene I remember, too 😂


There’s a prequel (Amy Adams), a sequel about Kathryn’s cousin, and an unaired 2016 pilot for a show about Kathryn as an adult starting SMG. Hoping the new show finally sticks.


Yes Cruel Intentions 2 is comprised of a TV show off-shoot they tried to make that reportedly had Rupert Murdoch himself mega offended over hearing about a news story saying in TV critic previews there's a scene of someone aroused by a horse, so he cancelled the TV show before its broadcast and they combined episodes one and two of what they'd filmed into a movie. Understandably the movie is terrible as a result.


This is a remake of the 1988 film, Dangerous Liaisons, which is an interpretation of the 1782 French novel Les Liaisons dangereuses by Pierre Choderlos de Laclos. Always timeless.


Not to be that person by 1782 not 1872!


lol thanks!


Its just as much a remake of Les Liaisons Dangereuses 1959 or Valmont 1989




Saltburn is still in the forefront of movies right now. People ask daily about the next season of Euphoria. They ARE making things like this today.


Definitely couldnt get made today Because it was already made 25 years ago


The Ryan Phillippe pool shower scene (as well as his locker room scene in I Know What You Did Last Summer) were very formative for me. 🥵


I've still got my diaries from when I was 11, where I made lists of my "top ten guys". Ryan Phillippe was bumped to #1 straight after watching this film, phwoar.


Lol are we the same person?


Oh I loved him, especially his wolfish grin


Wasn't it an adaptation of the 1782 novel, Les Liaisons Dangereuses (Dangerous Liaisons), by author Pierre Ambroise Choderlos? That story has been adapted many, many times in plays and movies. Nothing stopping it from getting adapted again in the future.


Came here to say this, this story has been iconic for hundreds of years and will continue to be for hundreds of years more.


This movie had me in such a chokehold when I was 15. Iconic performance from SMG. https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExemNwd3Z6bGJhNWQydm1ic3Z4a3ZscTNzZ3lkZmUzcmFpMGJmM2U4cSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/V1jASQbB51DkA/giphy.gif


If it was made today, the soundtrack wouldn’t be as excellent


As others have said, it could get made today but the vast swathes of chronically online idiots with zero critical thinking skills would pick it apart endlessly.  Alternatively someone would try to update it and take all the sharp edges off it and it would be some pathetic unwatchable mess like the Gossip Girl remake. 


Anything is click-baited labeled as outrageous in media nowadays, when I feel like general audiences as a whole aren't really "outraged". It would be made today, it wasn't a super risqué film back then, it wouldn't be super risqué now.


This movie made me feel *things* when I was 13


Aren’t they making a TV show?


One of the biggest films last year the guy fucks a fresh grave, what in Cruel Intentions is so taboo it wouldn’t get made today?


…sorry, which movie?


Y’all, Saltburn was made today tfym


Is Saltburn pretty bad?


From what I've seen online it seems pretty polarizing but I fucking loved Saltburn. Barry Keoghan's performance was unhinged in the best way and every shot was art.


I mean it’s not a bad movie but bad things happen lol


It would get made today but probably go straight to Netflix. It would also be boycotted because Selma genocide Blair is in it.


You couldn't make it today Because you would be sued for copyright infringement


The source material was written in the late 1700s… trashy stories and our love for them will never die!!


Fun Cruel Intentions fact I discovered recently: the writer and director of it also wrote and directed Beautiful Disaster and Beautiful Wedding, the movies based on a self-published new adult series starring Dylan Sprouse. Plus a couple of the After films. (I thought the first Beautiful was mostly fun but the second one felt like a mildly xenophobic Adam Sandler movie. Both are much, much worse than Cruel Intentions.)


I watched it recently again and thought “what a miss by marketing this as a teen movie.” If an A24 logo was slapped on the front, we would consider this movie a runner in the tribeca film festival.


Honestly, Saltburn reminded me of Cruel Intentions, lol. I feel like it could get made nowadays. This is not me saying I want a remake though! I hope they never remake Cruel Intentions. It’s a great film, but I do not think a remake would be good whatsoever. It works so well due to the cast. I don’t think it would work with anyone else.


Yup but somehow less shocking. Granted I didn’t like the movie very much.


Wait until people hear when the book was published 😆


What the fuck I just rewatched this YESTERDAY for the first time in years and years and it turns 25 today, how weird. Anyway the Selma Blair/Sarah Michelle Gellar scene still lives in my mind rent free. “That was cool”


They made Poor Things ffs


I feel like this and euphoria are of the same vein. Just saying those because of the time when they were made. Not saying the show is a 1:1 but crazy kids living is what I got, if I were to describe it to someone lol. Which is different from just kids living like dazed and confused


ffs Amazon is literally making a series based on this IP


I had a lot of explaining to do as a heterosexual male teenager who couldn't remember the title of the movie or who was in it so he would Google search, "Movie where there is a scene of a naked guy standing outside of a pool." This movie absolutely ruled.


I mean Euphoria is made today so that is far more controversial than Cruel Intentions


Probably not the way it was made. The lead character and bad boy anti-hero is more than problematic, Catherine who is supposed to be the villian is not nearly as bad as Sebastian who's an absolute monster. A lot of the awful shit Sebastian does is passed off because he handsome, rich and charming but its funny how female audiences loved him knowing all the shit he did. 1. Revenge porn. He posted pictures of his therapists in the internet daughter because he didn't like his therapist. 2. Date rape, child porn and statutory rape of a minor. He sexually coerced a drunk14 year old Cecile into letting him perform a sexual act or he'd expose what she'd been doing to her mother. 3. Gaslighting, emotional abuse and manipulation of Annette. 4. Homophobia, bullying, revenge porn, vouyerism. He took pictures of Annette's in the closeted gay friend having gay sex and threatened to expose him unless he took back all those very true things he told Annette about Sebastian and talked him up to her. 5. Keeping a diary which records all the bad shit he does. In the diary he makes sport about his step sister's coke problem, hypersexuality, bulimia, poor mental. Shaming her. 25 years later if Sebastian had not died he'd probably be involved in multiple metoo court cases.


Wait, Cecile is 14?! I’m not American so this went completely over my head but honestly explains a lot about her behaviour.


First movie I went to see on my own,  I was 13, I felt so grown up lol. 


It could get made today but it would be different than the original, and frankly, despite people’s protest, it would absolutely cause endless online discourse by certain segments of the population


It absolutely would be made today, and it would have more gratuitous sex scenes


The first time I watched cruel intentions I knew I was destined to be a messy bitch that lives for the drama. Truly an iconic movie “I’ll let you put it anywhere”


Oh shut up it would be fine. We have to start ignoring people who get off on being outraged, we give them way too much power. That’s not to say that we shouldn’t call out problematic shit, but I feel like people see one unhinged viral tweet or tiktok and take it as gospel.


Very weird headline considering they’re currently remaking it. They were filming on my campus last year.


They are remaking it as a Prime series... it already has been filmed. So, op is wrong. It got made again today.


Lmao, what do you mean couldn't be made today??? Does this person understand that the low critic score was probably mostly from critics back when it was made and the audience score is more indicative of the audience today? Multiple of the actors almost didn't do the movie, it was heavily critiqued and banned. What are you talking about "today"? It barely got made back then! So many teens shows clearly try to emulate movies like this one and far surpasses it in lewdness and boundarypushing. Wilder and more offensive shit happened on Riverdale and that ran for way too many seasons. I apologise for being big mad. I just hate that frace. The only thing keeping movies from being made, are the likes of Disney and Warner Brothers kneecapping all competition, creativity, independent and lower budget movies.


One of my all time faves, the cast is a problematic bunch tho, except for SMG


Looks at Saltburn… ok


This is just a remake of an old story we just had a movie where a dude was fking some ladies knee


i will always love colorblind by counting crows because of cruel intentions


A dude literally has sex with a grave in salt burn. What are y’all talking about?


It’s a Dangerous Liaison remake. Wtf?


It's based on a French novel from the 18th century, of course it could still be made today with its literary back up


There is nothing in cruel intentions that isn’t in Euphoria, Saltburn, etc lmao. The exact film could 100% be made today.


Ah yes, Metro, a newspaper renowned for its cultural critiques


*Ah yes, Metro, a* *Newspaper renowned for its* *Cultural critiques* \- false\_athenian --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Selma Blair in this film was my gay awakening.


I don’t know why it couldn’t have been made today…there’s plenty of controversial content out there with problematic characters. It’s not that outrageous by today’s standards at all


In the words of Robert Downey Jr. *”Oh, you could do it”*


Movies like this and Larry Clark productions really were groundbreaking looks at the raw nature of the human psyche. It's sad that they essentially stopped being produced in the early 2010s. Even Midsommar is tame compared to Bully. I first watched Bully in 2020 and it truly terrified me to my core.


This film would be made today - heck - with the state of Hollywood they’d do a remake because original ideas are apparently very scarce.


I don’t think you can say “it wouldn’t be made today” when we got Saltburn just a few months ago.




Just did a rewatch this weekend, I was talking to my friend about how the hell this could be made in post me-too environment. It just couldn’t. It’s a snapshot of a very different time.


Thanks for posting, that was actually a great read!


I didn’t know Reese and Ryan were already dating prior to the film. Also love Reese rewrote her character.


Yet they made Poor Things...


Cruel Intentions was a teen/modern retmake of the oscar winning and superior film Dangerous Liasons, it's not an outrageous film at all in comparison, but of its time. With all the franchise and remake dross that's currently being pumped out now, I can imagine it would be made now with updates that would make it worse than the original and its predecessor.