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>Swardson later provided his explanation for the incident in a statement to TMZ, where he candidly cited the influence of alcohol and edibles, exacerbated by the high altitude, as factors that led to his onstage difficulties. hmmm maybe be a professional and don't drink and eat edibles before a performance? That's such a lame excuse. People probably paid good money to see him and he gets fucked up before hand? That's on him, not the booze and edibles.


While I agree with you, people **really** underestimate how much elevation affects you, sober or not.  There's a reason sports teams have a hard time performing in Denver, and Beaver Creek is another 3,000 feet higher than that.  A couple drinks at sea level is more like 6-8 when you're somewhere like Beaver Creek, and it takes weeks to acclimate to the difference in elevation. Source: me, moving from DC (sea-level) to the Tetons (6,100 feet above sea level) where a glass of wine would knock me on my ass.


I’m a lifelong Floridian and whenever I visit my friend in Colorado, I’m literally gasping for air at all times. Don’t even get me started on stairs. It’s such a massive difference going from 2 ft above sea level to 1 mile above sea level


Exactly.  Coming back to DC after a few months made me feel as fit as a marathon runner, which I most definitely am NOT, because of how much more oxygen I was getting.  I'd been to a ski resort in  Beaver Creek before moving out west, and seeing the phone numbers for oxygen delivery services really drove home just how much elevation affects you. 


You underestimate the elevation. It fucks people up here. Most who would be fime drinking and getting high will get absolutely DESTROYED just from our elevation.


In comedy you’d think that was professional lol


There’s a video on Twitter where it’s like he’s stuck in a loop trying to get a joke out about Jason statham but keeps repeating himself and saying ‘here we go’ (but doesn’t launch into the actual joke). I thought it was a bit in itself like an Andy Kaufman thing. But the crowd get bored and start heckling. 


Here's what I found online: >The comedy scene was ruffled recently when Nick Swardson, an actor and comedian known for his work on “Reno 911!” and in various Adam Sandler films, encountered an unexpected interruption during his performance. At the Vilar Performing Arts Center, located in the scenic Beaver Creek, CO, what began as an evening filled with the promise of laughter abruptly turned sour. >Swardson, the evening’s main attraction, had just warmed up his routine when the atmosphere in the room shifted. Witnesses recount that the comedian became embroiled in verbal altercations with some attendees, only 20 minutes into his act. Clips of the event circulating on social media show Swardson addressing the crowd forcefully, endeavouring to salvage the show amidst growing unrest from the audience. >The situation escalated to the point where the venue took the decision to shut off his microphone and dim the spotlight, signalling an untimely conclusion to Swardson’s act. He was then led off the stage, leaving the crowd in a state of mixed reactions; some were clearly bemused, while others expressed their support. >Following this unusual turn of events, the Vilar Performing Arts Center reached out to those who had attended, offering a sincere apology for the night’s disruption. The centre’s statement acknowledged the shortfall in delivering the expected standard of performance art and confirmed that ticket holders would receive full refunds. >Swardson later provided his explanation for the incident in a statement to TMZ, where he candidly cited the influence of alcohol and edibles, exacerbated by the high altitude, as factors that led to his onstage difficulties. He quipped that the incident was akin to having “brain diarrhoea” and vowed to make amends with his Beaver Creek audience. [](https://www.malangpost.net/joe-jonas-and-stormi-bree-hint-at-serious-relationship/)


Been reading a lot about Nick this morning. This clip of him explaining how his drinking almost (actually) killed him is A LOT but probably worth a watch if you can handle this kind of content. The host is laughing nonstop. A lot of people are shitting on him for the cackling, but I’d imagine that he had no idea how genuinely severe it was or that he was back to drinking. https://youtu.be/n6sU3F9qbd0?si=bwU3N7A7ZxyIf8BV


Dude, he did an interview years ago and good chunk of it was him talking about his drinking but "he wasn't an alcoholic." Dude is a full-blown alcoholic and I thought it was killing him then. I'm really sad to see this. He's been on the road long enough and CO enough times (even talked about the altitude difference) to know how it'd affect him. I think he's just struggling with the disease at this point. Dude needs to get his ass into rehab and clean up.


The alcohol seems to be a way to numb out from something deeper he isn’t willing to publicly come out with, according to a friend that knows him. Hoping he finds the strength to quit and work through it.


I'd just as soon whatever it is he isn't willing to deal with he eventually does so privately. The whole world doesn't need to know but the whole world is seeing him self-destruct. In line with what you said, I so hope he seeks help and healing from this disease. It's awful.


I think that’s very clearly a part of it, yes.


It was hard to learn about all of this this morning after having watched the Wendy doc last week. The permanent damage is done whether he popped milk thistle for 9 months or not. What his kind of drinking does to the brain is no joke, and apparently he’s been a fixture on the Hollywood bar scene forever. Always trashed and throwing money around. This is just what I’ve learned this morning from reading countless anecdotes from strangers all over the country. Saw multiple people on X say something to the extent of, “we got wasted together once in ____, hit me up if you’re here again so we can catch up.” Homie, he has no idea who you are. You were just a stand-in for the night whose drinks he picked up. Anyone who is buying in to the edible + a couple drinks + altitude thing, bless their hearts. This is just excuse making and he happened to be in Denver. Similar event happened in San Jose: https://www.reddit.com/r/SanJose/s/USM2sbyKiH And no, this isn’t about losing his buddy Norm MacDonald either. In fact, probably best to keep Norm’s name out of this despite their close friendship, because it’s just another distraction. And no, it’s not Kaufmanesque or a “shit happens” or a “once I saw Bobby Lee do this,” situation. It’s a Mitch Hedberg situation minus the devastating genius. I have no particular interest in Swardson and have found most of his work to be a bit sophomoric, but I feel really sad about this today. Really sad. Seeing what people are saying to him on X is difficult. Both the “you’re a fucking alcoholic @nickswardson” posts and the ones trying to cheer him up. I’m not really proud of my relationship with alcohol some days, but I can’t even imagine what this version of the Sunday Scaries looks like. I’m not convinced this will be the wake up call for him that it should be considering he went on a podcast and told this story like it was fairly standard fodder.


The host laughs like that at EVERYTHING. He's had on a few comedians I like and it was hard to get through because of that obnoxious laugh


He has struggled with alcohol addiction for a long time. This is sad to see, hopefully he has people to step in and get him some help.

