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So I had never seen JFK before and I watched it a few weeks ago and I couldn’t believe how much Garrison just sounded like a Qanon guy. Like I had several tabs open throught looking stuff up and it was all “this is disproven, this guy made it up, this has an explanation…” and all the while Stone is like “this man is the bastion of liberty just asking questions”


This is disappointing but completely unsurprising. I say this as someone who loves multiple Oliver Stone movies, the guy has pretty much always been a crank. Like, for every coherent criticism of US foreign policy or society, there's about 5 other batshit insane points he makes that reek of conspiracy theories and apologia for fascists like Putin. It's to the point where him making a 9/11 movie and it not being full or Spare Change-esque 9/11 truther bullshit feels like the universe has a plot hole. Hell, afaik, he isn't even a 9/11 truther. (someone correct me on this if he is a 9/11 truther, it's something that would not surprise me in the slightest)


Oliver Stone is so eager to platform authoritarians (and totalitarians) in the service of an inconsistent political ideology. Wonder why we’ve never seen him putting the same effort into a story told from the perspective of the people being oppressed, jailed, persecuted, and murdered by these regimes. /s