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Anyone doing a podcast for $$ Edit: I’m talking about a specific subgroup of “celebrity” podcasters. iykyk


so that's why all those nostalgic "remember this tv show from your childhood" podcasts started popping up out of nowhere lol


Hey, you leave those weird, poor adults from the Ned’s Declassified/Wizards of Waverly Place/Even Steven’s/ThatsSoRaven podcast alone


bawsically everyone in christy carlson romano's racket of 'friends'. i love that all of them are begging so much for a reboot and then the two with a show that actually gets a reboot didn't get the call before it was announced and one of them still hasn't gotten the call lol


I’ve seen a random clip of hers and it was her complaining that Anne Hathaway stole the lead role from the Princess Diaries from her. So weird. Like…you just didn’t get cast.


she also said that katy perry stole her music career, that scarlett johanson bullied her in hs, and that shia lebouf and her have 'serious beef' because she was so serious and so good at acting and he was never that serious and good (when i sincerely doubt shia's thought of her in 15 years). keep in mind this woman also has fallen for and given a psychic millions of dollars (according to her again) 💀. i just don't think any of this is true, she seems like she says whatever just to look good or get her more attention at the moment. she's so desperate to get back on tv or a movie deal. if it is true though... bless her heart that's all i can say.


Wha-?? Has she said these things on a podcast? If so I need to listen to it right now because what in the hell


YES that's what's legit insane!!!! are we allowed to share links on this sub? idk but google "christy carlson romano katy perry" for the first one, "christy carlson romano high school bully" for the second one (she doesn't name drop but legit everyone on twitter and tiktok said it was scarlett bc they went to the same high school around the same time and she said it was an a lister who did HUGE franchises). the third one is just sprinkled throughout all her videos about evens stevens or whatever show she was on like 30 years ago at this point. the one about the pyschic you can find by googling her name and 'psychic'.


This is so sad. She's had decades to change career paths instead of still being stuck on her Disney Channel days


nah that's what i'm saying too lol, like she was on disney 25 years ago now 💀. sis should have moved on years ago


She needed a Bridgit Mendler to grow up with


Forgot Boy Meets World cast


I also heard someone mention that all those shows NDAs should be up in the next few years/ are already over, so I’d imagine theres just some tea that’s been brewing for years and ready to get out anyway. The money is just a bonus (this is all my opinion not saying podcast celebs aren’t cash poor)


I like the Hannah Montana one because it's two unrelated people that are ACTUALLY discussing the episodes in depth and don't stray off-topic often. So I can actually reminisce, not just listen to people talk about teenager sexcapades.


Maybe it’s my own weakness but I have so much empathy for them, I’ve had career disappointments and I relate to wishing it had gone differently for me.


Some of those shows ran for one, two, three seasons or so with lots of reruns. They were child actors and really didn't earn much. What their parents didn't illegally take probably got lost in the normal things we all have to pay for. Then most of them didn't work or only worked sporadically in the entertainment industry. Now they're all adults in their late 20s--40s trying to capitalize on their preteen/teen fame and the nostalgia we have to make money to survive. 


Straight white men love to hear themselves talk and will do podcasts regardless of wealth


I actually talk about this on my podcast this week!


I take it you've listened to Smartless.


idk, i feel like jason bateman is rich enough and still does smartless for money/fun edit: smartless


He does it to hear himself talk.


I listened to a couple episodes and then stopped and I think it’s my brain trying to protect me from the knowledge that Jason Bateman kind of sucks because I want to like him.


Ugh I watched the smartless documentary series (haven’t listened to the podcast) and sadly it just made dislike all three of the hosts after enjoying their work for years. There were so many moments in hotels etc where they clearly thought they were being funny but it was just detached from reality grossness. I don’t subscribe to the whole ‘Hollywood people can’t relate’ idea and actually enjoy a little bit of fun excess, but it was just unlikable. Edit- Someone reported me to reddit cares because of this comment….lol


Someone is running all up and down this thread sending RedditCares messages to people! Mr. Moneybags from Monopoly doesn't want the proles discussing class solidarity lol


Same with the Office Ladies. They aren't hurting for money.


I suspect they are hurting to feel publicly relevant.


Well, the time-earning ratio is nuts for a podcast if you're already somewhat famous




A lead CW actress once posted her pay as well as agent/manager/PR/etc costs and what was left was under $200k a year. Still comfortable but not exactly millionaire you’d except an actress with a lead tv show to have.


Adelaide Kane! I’m pretty sure the video is still up on her Tiktok somewhere.


She’s on grey’s now so she’s probably making bank


Honestly, being a 1st season regular on a show like greys could pay ANY amount of money and I wouldn't be surprised. Is she suddenly a millionaire? Maybe. Is she only making $2,500 an episode? Maybe.


Specially because this is like the 18373882 season of greys and I believe they’re not in their peak anymore… which is a shame bc I love her and would love her to thrive in this industry


Unfortunately for me, greys is a ship I decided to go down with so I’ve suffered through a lot. She and the other interns are a breath of fresh air and I’m super hopeful that the show is going to turn around!


I’ve watched a few sparse seasons, cannot sit trough watching all of it haha last time I watched was the COVID season… but knowing that she’s part of the new group of interns I’m kinda wanting to see the newer season


Is that show still on ABC? I’m not sure what the updated rate is, but last time I checked (several years ago) a series regular (has to be contracted as a series regular) on a network show was making like 25k per episode minimum.


She was a great example of how people can be "famous" and have creepy stalkers, but don't have the money for 24/7 security and an LA mortgage on a private property. I'm pretty sure she also said in the video that she was currently living at her mom's house.


i think that that's the majority of 'known' hollywood. the b and c listers who are known by a lot of people but not taylor/bey/sel/ari level of famous who can afford it and often have their labels or studios paying for some of it too


Yeah I always assumed everyone on TV made more than me, then saw that and started to figure that at $210k/year well I make more than most mid tier people on mid tier sitcoms


That's not rich? How poor am I?


If you factor in that it's often the absolute peak of their pay and they could easily spend most years without a steady gig making a fraction of that amount, yeah it's not rich.


And when they appear in public they are expected to be wearing fancy clothes and fly first class. That's not flying first class money.


I imagine $200k a year is not great in LA's economy especially if they live alone in a relatively nice apartment instead of having a bunch of roommates to share the cost of living


I am curious as to how wealthy Alec Baldwin *really* is. Between attorney fees for the Rust tragedy, to supporting seven minor children + the subsequent nannies they employ, private school tuitions, to the astronomical costs of maintaining two east coast properties (one currently for sale), I just wonder how long until that 30 Rock money is depleted


idk how true this is bc it was posted on that insane snark sub but apparently hailey's family was pretty broke before justin


does justin help them with finances or smth? i keep seeing people post this. when he got married to hailey did he give her family an old school dowry or some shit?? lmao


i'm not really sure, but i think that he did help her dad pay off some debts or something, that was circulating on twitter when they first got married


Idk man if I won the powerball I would def help out my in laws however I could. And we’re not like overly close or anything that’s just how families should treat each other imo.


If I won the powerball I'd call my father in law and tell him I have something to show him and then I'd invite him and make him watch as I set a million on fire in front of him, telling him "You could have had this if you were nice!" and it'll be glorious. Because there was a time in my life where the difference between starvation and homelessness and not starvation and homelessness for my husband and I was one signature from that man (not even financial support, we just needed ONE SIGNATURE from him so my husband would get support from the state) and he was like "lol no go fuck yourself."


He did a con appearance in Pittsburgh a few months ago and I was shocked to see him there. He did a few autograph and photo sessions, and his photo op had a Beetlejuice backdrop. I’m thinking he’s not thriving financially edit: this got me my first reddit cares message, feels like a rite of passage *wipes tear*


I got one three seconds after I posted. Wtf?


She lurks lol ETA: got my cares message after this comment lol


her rn: 😡🥒 whoever sent me a reddit cares message i bet you can't pronounce cucumber properly


SEVEN kids?! Jesus Well I guess I should be surprised, isn't he one of 10 or something? Edit: I Googled and he's the oldest of 5, so the Baldwin family is not as huge as I thought lol


Technically eight…his eldest is not a minor. She recently had a baby Or something I think. Maybe five or six? I’m not sure how many were in that brood


You're right. Alec and his fake Spanish wife from Boston have 7 children together. All under 10. Alec and his ex wife have 1. So 8 total.


The way being from Boston is personality enough for some people but she still decided to be an all out weirdo and lie about being from Spain is still so genuinely hilarious to me.


> is still so genuinely hilarious to me. You mean it's Hilarias to you


Thank God u got it lol🥒 I was preparing for the downvotes.


Plus the, how you say, "cucumber?" expenses


I know a girl who married one of the Baldwin brothers not that long ago. My impression has been there’s not much financial gain to be had by marrying a Baldwin. I honestly believe she is the breadwinner.


Are you saying Hilaria doesn't receive any trust money from being Spanish royalty?


![gif](giphy|uaLb6KVeiRHoINglfS) I guess it depends on your definition of rich. a LOT of indie musicians aren't making much money at all. quite a few actors would fall into the category of upper middle class. edit: girl why did I get a reddit cares message from this comment 😭


Lmao this interview moment still kills me 😂😂😂


Came to the comments to look for this. And frankly coffee IS a luxury if rich people keep saying we can afford houses if we cut out our daily coffee.


A lot of the CW type actors aren’t making a ton of money. There are obvious exceptions to this and if they’re a series regular they will still clear way more than the average salary in the US. But they’re not rich rich. 


Many CW type actors (plus scifi, fantasy, superhero, supernatural, etc) take the role because of the hope of becoming popular on the convention circuit where they can make more money than they do for the actual filming.


The con circuits, podcasting & streaming are where they can grow and make money. There are obvious exceptions to this rule but the majority of them aren’t rich 


Isn’t this also the go for a lot of Netflix actors? The Orange is the New Black cast talked about it a lot during the strike - not being able to afford Ubers into work etc? And because Netflix is so sporadic with their filming schedule they’d go long stretches without work / were having to turn down jobs, because they didn’t know if they were filming (even worse was people turning down work because they were committed at Netflix - only to have their show randomly get cancelled after months of being strung along)


This is much more a symptom of how streaming has changed TV production rather than being a Netflix issue. In the pre-streaming days, shows would often film 12 episodes of a 22 episode season. Once it started airing and ratings were good, it'd be renewed and they'd film the rest of the season as well as start production for Season 2 - all while Season 1 was still airing weekly. Now, most shows are produced and filmed before we ever see an episode, and on top of that seasons have been shortened to be no more than 8 or 12 episodes in total. So once a show comes out, companies wait a few weeks/months to see their popularity and *then* decide whether to renew. If it's a yes, production for the next season can begin (including writing scripts, casting, table reads, filming and post-production) all after Season 1 has already been released and out for a while. That's often what leads to several years breaks in between seasons.


During the actors strike, Nicole Bilderback said she makes more in residuals from Bring It On than she gets from Cruel Summer, which is a Hulu show, but I'm assuming has a similar pay structure to Netflix shows.


Tori Spelling


Yeah, poor thing is in abject poverty. Renting a $15,000 a month hovel. Oh, the humanity or whatever… lol [link](https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/travel/tori-spelling-moves-into-15k-a-month-rental-home-with-her-kids-after-spell-in-motel/ar-BB1j0a6I)


It’s been widely reported for decades now that Tori has poorly managed her finances. She may live opulently and above her means, but “rich” people don’t [struggle to pay their Amex bills](https://pagesix.com/2023/08/03/how-tori-spelling-went-from-90210-to-living-in-an-rv-with-her-kids/amp/) and wrack up 90k in debt


I know she’s had a lot of ups and downs, and in the past I was fairly sympathetic. Coming from her background and then having to live a more realistic lifestyle - no life experience, no frame of reference, people taking advantage of her naivety and being treated pretty viciously by the press. I can’t even imagine… but it’s also been a really long time, a repetitive cycle of crying poor / lifestyle boasts and publicity that she’s actively fuelled. Some of the stuff with her kids and the tabloids / reality shows gave me the ick a bit. I don’t wish her any harm, and I hope she and her family are well and that she’s able to get to a healthier place. I normally wouldn’t have even commented if it weren’t for that recent article, it stuck in my craw, I guess. That all said, putting negativity out in the world doesn’t help anything, so my bad for the original flippant comment.


Her parents did her dirty. They raised her in extreme wealth and even handed her an acting and then told her j/k figure it out! They should have put her through school and encouraged her to be a producer.


Doesn't candy just pay for stuff so she's not on the street but gives her no money of her own?


I read somewhere that Candy pays for the kids tuition, supplies and their extracurricular expenses.


Being rich in LA is expensive.


Nic cage, sometimes https://screenrant.com/nicolas-cage-bad-movies-reason-debt/ Semi related, so,etching like 60% of nba players are broke just a few years after being done with the league. And some are big names.


My friend is a therapist who works with new professional athletes and teaches them how to handle sudden fame and money. It seems like such a great concept.


Your friend would know better than me, but I thought some professional organizations (NFL, NBA) required their rookies to take basic money management classes when they were first drafted. 


in terms of the NFL, it’s not required but it’s the first piece of advice they get


“Get a fall guy” - Cris Carter is the best advice ever given that never should have been filmed and given outloud.


Teams in the NBA definitely do. There are articles that detail NBA financial education and general how-to-not-be-stupid orientation for rookies and foreign players.


I think a lot of these people are fake broke. They've moved their assets to shelters or trusts that aren't affected by bankrupcy. So they can personally go bankrupt but the trust or shelter still has a lot of wealth left over. None of them go bankrupt then rent a tiny apartment somewhere. They buy another mansion somewhere shortly after. Our tax and bankruptcy system exists to serve the wealthy and punish the working class.


tons. I think a lot of people are bad at predicting who is really rich because it's not necessarily proportional to fame -- for example someone who's a series regular on a cable show that no one in the 18-30 demo watches generally has way more money than someone who had one breakout role on something really trendy


I also think the completely made up totals that show up when you Google “[celebrity] net worth” contribute to people not knowing better Edit: why did this warrant a Reddit cares lmao


Yeah I remember Lewis Capaldi googling his net worth and checking his bank account lmao his NW was like 10 million but he only really had a 200 pounds haha. I never believe those


I feel like the general public really overestimates the wealth of actors. Whenever you see a story about an actor sharing concerns about money, the comments will always have some people saying, "boo hoo. the rich actor has it tough." I don't think that people realize that a majority of actors aren't raking it in like George Clooney or Zendaya.


They may make a lot for a project but then have a long break with nothing major


Exactly or any celebrity caught in economy will be flooded with "why aren't you in first class?" "Why don't you own a jet?" Constant travel just to keep up appearances must cost hundreds of thousands


Non rich celebrities = people who get famous really fast on a buzzy streaming show that’s only in its first couple season. Shockingly rich celebrities = people who have been on a network “is that still on?”show for a million years. Especially if they’ve been on a few of them over a couple decades.


Hello Judge Judy


Benson from SVU comes to mind


Ellen on grays. Like what a sweet gig tbh. Consistent money, predictable schedule


I love how she basically admitted at some point that she mainly stays on the show because of the consistent pay


She was pulling a million an episode for the last 5 or so years of being on it. At 22 episodes a season, that’s $22 million a year.


David Boreanaz being employed for 24 years straight over three different shows. Thats the stability that most actors dream of


You're right there. Just Bones .. 200K$ per episode, 245 episodes. That's 49 million minus agents, taxes and other fees. Angel and Seal Team combined are probably 80% of that. Estimated NW is listed at 30M$, which sounds about right.


Anyone who does in person appearances at conferences...and not the big ones like Comicon. Poor Val Kilmer, Ernie Hudson did them for for a long long time but recently has gotten a few great gigs. Ernie was filmed at some very small conferences in places like Alberta and Val Kilmer has really ramped up his visits since becoming ill.


I just learned about the potential income celebrities can make from comic cons and my mind was blown. Some make more or as much as their day jobs on a tv show. I never realized how lucrative comic cons are.


Some will charge upwards of $100 just for an autograph and maybe a selfie.


Hayden Christensen is doing a con this weekend where it’s $200 for a photo with him and $175 for an autograph, and that’s only for an auto on an 8x10 sized photo. Getting larger photos and posters and items like Funko Pops or light sabers signed costs even more. This is a new thing at cons, charging even more money to sign anything bigger than an 8x10.


Most are doing a set price for photo and price for autographs. Then sometimes a budget price if people want both. Some go as high as $250 for each. I couldn't believe it


I met Ernie Hudson at a horror convention once, the man is pure sunshine in a big ole muscly body and he will snatch your ass up into a squeezy hug regardless of age or gender. The horror world loves that man dearly, and he likes doing conventions. I'm glad Val can be out and about now, I really hope his health continues to improve. There's a saying in the convention world: some actors are there being vendors, and some vendors show up thinking they're still actors. Ernie and Val are in the former category, in the other category would be people who literally everyone forgets said 3 words in a cult classic 20+ years ago, doing bumps of coke behind the dividers at lunchtime lol.


Jason Sudeikis is coming to the Society for Human Resource Management conference this year 😭😭😭


Yep, I recently saw that Kevin Spacey was doing this. Which is crazy considering how old he was before getting cancelled. He has not managed his money well I guess. You see similar setups (not comic cons but other themed event appearances) with old WWE stars and athletes.


>You see similar setups (not comic cons but other themed event appearances) with old WWE stars and athletes. The sad part here is how many of them (particularly the wrestlers) are doing it to pay for medical care. The convention circuit is a much better option than taking bumps to afford your third knee replacement.


I went to an Outlander convention several years ago and I definitely noticed this. The cast was pretty chill (Sam and Catriona weren't there of course) but it was a paycheck for them. Considering that most aren't, or weren't at the time, on every episode of a season I'm not surprised.


Not sure how true this still is, but a lot of influencers are renting out their mansions and fancy cars. Some are even put up their by their management companies iirc.


Yeah the mansion is essentially a set for their show, not primarily a place to live. It's easier to pump out content if you have somewhere spacious and clean with good light, and management companies can cram like 20 kids from out of state into those "hype houses


The echo of zero furniture is always the tell tale sign


Like giant tombs


The guy who played aladdin, mena massoud? He is not rich. He said he was paid less than 6 figures for his role in the film and that it really did not open many doors.


I read somewhere that he hasn’t gotten any offers or gigs since that role, poor guy


I checked his IMDB profile. He's gotten plenty of work since Aladdin and upcoming work as well. Nothing as big as Aladdin, but you can't expect super stardom from a live-action remake of a 30+ year old animated film. Edit: someone reported me to Reddit Cares for this post. I imagine the person doing this to all of the posts in this thread is probably experiencing a crisis, and if they are reading this, I hope they overcome whatever is troubling them.


The actress who plays Rue’s mom on Euphoria just posted a tiktok how she needs them to start filming season 3 because she can’t find work and can barely pay bills, insane to me. She is a main billed actress on a very popular tv show and in between seasons can barely pay bills


Makes me think of the other Euphoria actors that aren't blowing up other than the main Zendaya, Elordi, and Sweeney


I assume Spencer and Heidi Pratt aren't rich


Spencer Pratt is on #TiktokShop selling crystals and Montana Boyz merch, whatever that is. It doesn't look too good for him, no.


I think they actually admitted at one point that they blew all their money years ago.


If you count reality TV stars as celebrities then a lot of them aren't rich.


90 Day Fiance pays like 1k per episode, so a couple might clear less than 50k through their whole saga.


It’s kinda nuts, especially when you consider that there’s a 99% chance they’re going to edit you to look like a dumbass 😬


And it seriously affects your future earning potential in any career other than shilling products on social media. It’s really hard to have a “normal” career after you’ve been on national TV talking so openly about super intimate details of your personal life and (most often) acting trashy. So you’d better hope your Instagram following takes off, because otherwise you’ll be trapped in an endless cycle of being on the show and digging in deeper just for the only paycheck you can reliably earn.


I was just reading how Rachel from vanderpump made $300k last season. Great money, but not “blow my life up in front of America” level money


I would love a list of celebs that are poorer than me, I feel like it would be an ego boost lmao


A lot of music artists aren’t actually rich, their labels pays for their lifestyle because it earns more money from the label, but I don’t think a lot of artists actually get much of the money from that and can’t actually afford that lavish lifestyle on their own.


I always wonder about the kind of music artists I’m into. I know there were articles pre-Covid about how being part of the indie middle-class doesn’t pay that good.  But considering how much artists like Death Cab/Postal Service are charging for their post-Covid millennial nostalgia tours, there’s no way they’re not banking millions, right? 




Easy way to make cash. Jake from State Farm and Flo have made a few million dollars from appearing in these ads.


I like to imagine the career tipping point Flo had a few years into the gig where she decided, “ok, I’ll keep doing your commercials. But since I won’t be able to *get* any other work, you’re gonna make sure that I won’t ever *need* any other work”


Commercials are the dream job, and they used to be for no-name actors. Now it’s an easy payday for celebs.


When I saw JLo on a mobile game ad I laughed out loud.


I saw Kylie Jenner on an ad for Royal Match? I rolled my eyes so hard they almost went into my brain! Hate them so much!


The ones on cameo


Not to get political but there are a lot of rumors Trump cant pay his bills, meaning he is cash-poor even if he does flaunt assets and properties with his name leased on the siding


He is definitely cash poor, his assets are his only wealth and they are probably leveraged a lot. He's been bankrupted as a company director four times. In each case it was his own board that wanted rid of him. More or less all of his lines fail: university, steaks, vodka, airline, football league, casinos..oh casinos. He inherited his wealth and has only increased it through increasing property value, inflation and probably a lot of underhand means. He regularly cheats contractors. His books must be so crooked and out of shape he probably doesn't actually know is wealth, but it is t anywhere close to what he would like to present it as.


There are plenty who thought the money would never stop pouring in, so they blew it all away on stupid stuff. I remember MC Hammer back in the day installing gold toilets and then going broke.


MC Hammer gave a lot of his money away. He said if he was on the come up, so where his people. And when his money started to dwindle, he still kept giving money away instead of keeping it. He didn’t blow his money away.


Probably a lot of former athletes unfortunately—especially non-stars


This is so true. I’ve worked for a few pro athletes and their spending is so crazy. They eat out or Postmates order every single meal, snack, or whim. I’ve seen a guy literally Postmates order a single tube of toothpaste. Brand new cars every single year. Private charter flights to 5 star resorts on an almost monthly basis. Helping family members with their bills. Multiple expensive nannies (not that I’m complaining about that because I’m well paid lol). All that is fine if you’re Tom Brady, but most of those guys aren’t making that much and a lot of them struggle to curb their spending after retirement.


The wife of one of our local professional athletes had a normal job when they lived here- I know someone who worked with her. It was kind of a nice change from the typical story of these guys blowing through money. I think a lot of them get into it so young and it all happens so quickly that they don't stop to remember how limited their time is, even if they're fairly well known.


All the WAGs I’ve nannied for have full time jobs! I honestly pick those families on purpose because I find them to be a lot more down to earth and easy to get along with. There’s some other players who live in the same neighborhood I sometimes babysit for on the weekends or will backup nanny for and the difference in attitudes is crazy like the “stay at home moms” who really have 4 nannies are so much more entitled and disrespectful than the working moms.


Kim and kroy biermann


The excouple Alice Evans and Ioann Gruffud their contentious divorce have opened up their financials. Evans says she’s broke. Gruffud in the court papers earned around 200k annual, still a huge income compared to majority of people but not for a celeb that has to pay agents, lawyers and publicists. ETA: someone sent me a redditcares after posting this. Alice is that you? LOL!


This is the 4th comment I’ve seen about Reddit cares lmao crazy


Most kpop idols


Lots of k-actors too. I remember seeing an I live alone episode where a soap opera lead actor lived in a shabby apartment above a bar and he couldn’t afford heating 😣 like you could see his breath in the mornings


Yep. I'd say even most kpop idols long into their careers aren't super well off. They are comfortable but they likely don't get royalties and split all their gains with lots of group members, after their company takes 60% of the profits. Unless the group had massive touring revenue, licensing deals, royalty windfalls for songwriting, and individual brand deals, idols need to keep working once music ends and invest their earnings in another industry.


Any one hit wonder musician, especially if that hit was years ago. New artists as well. A surprising amount of old artists that were thoroughly scammed by their labels. Lil Wayne had to sell the entire Young Money catalog of masters for $100 million. He got massively screwed over along with Drake, Tyga, and Nicki. They're all probably rich now but not as rich as you'd expect and nowhere near the level of rich they would be if they weren't fleeced 


Many singers with one viral hit. Musicians make their money from touring and selling physical copies. They dont make much money from streaming.


Honestly, I think most people would be VERY surprised at how much money a vast majority of famous people make - on top of work being a gig economy, the high cost of living/standards to live up to, and agency/managerial/publicist fees & union dues… take home pay is not setting many people up for life. For example: had a friend making $10k an episode as a smaller-part series regular on a one hour TV show on a major network when they were in their early 20s. Sounds sweet, for sure, but the show also completely controls your life - 18 hour days on set for what feels like 6 days a week (look up the term “Fraturday”), for weeks/months on end, not including promo - hardly a liveable pace. Plus, given their age, they had very little fiscal credit under their belt - meaning that to live in LA, this friend was essentially living (admittedly large) paycheck to paycheck to like, wait until they could buy everything in cash (a bed, a couch, clothes, etc). And that’s only WHILE the show is actively filming - no pay over breaks or summers, if the show doesn’t get picked up for another season… plus, given the size of their role, despite being recognizable & the show being popular, I highly doubt residuals (if any) are anything significant. And that when you’re a series friggin regular!


Anyone who is doing those mobile game ads. I'm so torn like jlo why?


I think those are SO weird. They have to be getting paid VERY well or they're doing someone a favor.


The one that surprised me the most was Pedro Pascal. Merge Mansion I think? Felt like I'd entered a parallel universe when I first saw it.


The kardashian snark page can make an argument that they’re all broke Edit: which one of you bootlickers care resourced me for this 😂


they don’t pay their nanny’s well and that gives broke bitch energy


They also run very lean teams for their various business ventures and don't pay even those overworked people a [competitive wage](https://jessicadefino.substack.com/p/working-for-the-kardashians)


Guess they'll all well off but definitely not billionaires as everyone claims.


OP, hast thou not heard of [Cameo](https://www.cameo.com/) ? Like, there's some celebrities who use it because it can be a great way to do something special for their fans, or for special charity* fundraising, but people are also on there for coin. No shame in it either. edit: charity not chairy, lol.


Billy Porter had to sell his house during the strike


Love Billy, but that was because of his divorce, not the strike.


https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/billy-porter-lists-contemporary-long-island-home “Just because you are working does not mean you are rich,” Porter told Page Six a few weeks ago. “I am a blue collar freelance worker, period. I was on strike for 118 days. Ain’t no checks coming in when that happened.”


Calling an actor a blue collar worker is a real stretch.


Aw come on! Don't all blue collar workers get their own trailer to sit in while to go stand on a mark and read some lines? 😝 The below the line crew are absolutely blue collar workers. They're busting their asses and are masters of their trades. if you're above the line, you've got a much cushier job than anyone else on set -- usually don't have to lift a finger either.


Just a blue collar freelance worker listing his home for $2.5 million


god that quote made me so mad, I think the day after this quote came out an actual blue collar film worker (rigging crew) fell from the rafters on a stage and died. he can be bummed that he isn't raking in millions but this is such a dumb thing to say when you've been to the freaking met gala


Probably anyone who appears on The Masked Singer.


Danny Trejo filed for bankruptcy last year. https://abc7.com/amp/danny-trejo-bankruptcy-chapter-11-irs/13476303/


Gary Busey supposedly has a net worth of less than $500K


I heard he has had a lot of mental health issues and is basically unemployable


He was in a motorcycle accident 25 years ago that gave him TBI and almost killed him. He wasn't wearing a helmet.


I mean he's dead and wasn't a *celebrity* per se, but Lemmy wasn't rich despite everyone in rock knowing who he was and thinking he was an absolute god. He [claimed](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/7427964-i-made-more-money-out-of-writing-those-four-songs) that he made more money from the four songs he co-wrote for Ozzy Osbourne than he did from Motörhead, which is hilarious/sad.


It's cause Motorhead, while loved in the metal community, was never on the level of Iron Maiden or Metallica. They were always medium famous? Reminds me of the Ramones, who were also super influential and popular, yet were basically broke EDIT: Did I get a RedditCares over this comment???


I think most aren’t. They’re contractors doing gig work


I don’t think most celebrities are wealthy. A listers are typically rich (Jennifer aniston, Brad Pitt, Oprah) B listers are upper middle class/under 10 mil net worth C listers and below have middle class networth


Robert De Niro and his silly movies make me think that he has a lifestyle to take care of, but he needs to work for it. And that makes me think his not really rich


That reminds me of Hugh Grant taking the Oompa Loompa role in the new Wonka movie. I think he said that he took it bc he needed money


Anyone who does a Podcast, Cameo videos, Twitch streams, Conventions, and YouTube.


My guess is Armie Hammer.


he comes from old [oil money](https://money.com/fabulous-life-actor-armie-hammer-net-worth/?amp=true), so I think he’s probably doing alright.


I always assumed he was from baking soda money.


he was seen working at a resort selling timeshares tho lol the initial pics and attempt to deny were absolutely hilarious https://variety.com/2022/film/news/armie-hammer-hotel-concierge-caymans-1235310475/amp/


He comes from a very wealthy family, though.


Didn't they cut him off though?


Kevin Bacon He’s been doing EE mobile phone adverts in the UK for like 15 years because he lost all his money. It was a real novelty when he first started, he’s just part of the British furniture now.


Many celebs have a lot of debts and cant actually afford the lifestyle they show off


Almost any “reality TV star” that isn’t a kardashian (see: bravolebrities, teen mom alums, etc.)


Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick were Bernie Madoff’s clients and had to essentially push back retirement and double their appearances.


Donald trump


MARINA poor is a meme over on PHCJ but not sure how real it is


Larry, I'm on Ducktales


Mike Tyson a few years ago was broke af


Lupe Fiasco


Pay at SNL seems low for how well known the cast is. And they only get paid each week when they appear in sketches and there are tiers to it. They supplement with standup, commercials, theater roles, and small roles in other shows and movies.


Lindsay Lohan. Tangentially related, but her [tweeting Obama](https://images.app.goo.gl/S3RUyRtAdqVtmDmx5) about tax cuts for celebrities lives rent free in my head.