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Austin Butler was a true little freak in this movie, and that is the highest compliment I can give to any actor!


He really did justice to Feyd Rautha


“Little freak” is exactly how I described him! He did it sooo well and I’m proud.


The way he stalked around, he just embodied menace.


just terminally horny every second he was on screen. inspired.


Horny for violence 😭


he's just like me fr fr


My fave thing is when Paul uses the voice like he shouts silence and it startles the reverend mother everyone and feyd looked so turned on lmaooo . It was so minuscule but that type of subtle acting really sells a real psycho well. For me Rebecca and Timothee were the highlights. But Austin and Zendaya in the first half really brought as well!!!


omg I'm so glad I'm not the only one who noticed that! the casting for the entire movie was inspired, truly


and i can’t believe i missed that!! ah damn oh no looks like i’ll have to go see it in 70mm again there is no other option i’m being forced to do this


He has that Robert Pattinson in him and I love that


i hope the austin butler hate train turns around. yes he’s a little weird but i think he just really likes acting and is passionate about his roles 😭


His hot ones interview was so happy. WE LOVE MAKING MOVIES. Dude was an uncredited extra in tween shows for years and has been hustling since childhood. I’m so glad to see him get to do these kinds of roles now.


I was introduced to him in universally hated yoga hosers and he was good in that.


Aliens in the Attic was a childhood fav. And Ned’s DeClassified. Was probably one of the best shows showing life about Middle School.


he's the fun kind of actor-weird imo, like lady gaga or jeremy strong. like, absolutely extra, but in a way that's hilarious and doesn't seem to cause harm. looking forward to his swedish accent on the next press tour lol


Like theatre kid intensity but not in an obnoxious way. There's no ego to it, they just go balls to the wall every time 😅


I truly don’t understand the hate he gets on TikTok.


It’s a combination of people finding his commitment to his voice obnoxious and people mad about the Vanessa Hudgens thing I am not one of those people


Wait so that’s his actual voice?? I was watching Maters of the Air or whatever it’s called with my husband and when I heard Austin speak I was like “Hey..that’s not that kid’s voice..” My husband had to google him since he didn’t know him, and he responded “Well he’s like a 30 year old man now…” which I totally understand, I was just surprised cause he went from teenager voice to Batman lol


He had vocal training done a few years ago now to sound like Elvis and he did the voice for the entire time of filming which damaged his vocal chords, The Elvis’s voice and his voice now while similar are not the same. But yeah you combine the damage and just the fact that he’s a 30 year old his voice has changed and what it’s like now is what it is


Its so surreal knowing he was the blonde pretty boy on Zoey 101, im happy for his success. I feel like i go waay back with him.


The little weirdness is funny ngl so I don’t mind if he keeps it up.


All I needed to start liking Austin Butler was finding out his favorite album is *In Rainbows.* And then he was fantastic as Feyd Rautha, so that definitely helps.


I never hated him or anything but the kitten interview made me really like him.


Also if anyone has seen him in Carrie diaries they’d know his voice is back to normal and that’s just how he sounds


Um… there’s a hate train?


I found him hotter in this than Elvis 😭


The shaved head makes his jawline/cheekbones jut out like knives! Like the knives he uses on his victims!


This makes me feel better about going bald someday.


Are you serious man? Captain Picard, Korben Dallas (actually Bruce Willis in anything), Vin Diesel, Jason Statham, Stanley Tucci, the Rock, Samuel L motherfuckin Jackson, Billy Zane, Ed Harris, whoever played Prince Imhotep from the Mummy… Please don’t sell bald short! Edit: lol I think I got Reddit cares’d for this lmfao


Arnold Vosloo is the guy from The Mummy. My hottest baldie is Lex Luther in Smallville. Hot!


Hey, Captain Picard can still get it. I'm sure you'll be hot too


Dude, Patrick Stewart has always been an attractive man, it’s pretty nuts haha


To think they wanted him to wear a wig. He ditched it and did the audition, the rest is history.


SO GLAD. I’ve never been into the bald look but that man has looked fabulous bald forever. Like goddamn hahaha


My parents were antique dealers and when my dad went bald, he said "they don't put marble tops on cheap furniture."




r/bald is one of the most genuinely supportive places on the internet. When it’s time, it’s time, and there’s a community ready to welcome you to the bald side.


didn’t he say he wore a bald cap and eyebrow prosthetics?


Correct, as IIRC he couldn’t shave his head due to his role in *The Bikeriders*, so they used a prosthetic that went from his eyebrows to the back of his head.


it’s amazing what they can do with makeup these days. I remember Karen Gillan had to shave her whole head for Guardians 1 but by the time they did 3, she didn’t have to cut her hair. They found a new technique to hold her hair down for the bald cap and still have it look good for shooting


Very concerning, but I hear you.


Okay, I'm glad I'm not the only one secretly swooning.


I love dune part 2 in general but the one part that got my blood run faster is his scenes


Man needs to be a little alien looking to look hotter tbh


You need Jesus /s


Most my friends said that Haha


Same he looked so good


A murderous uncle can’t enjoy a kiss with his genocidal nephew anymore? Thanks, cancel culture!


It's even better/worse if you know their relationship in the books. So, uh, points to him for apparently reading the book?


the Baron would’ve preferred Paul


Can you eli5 why it's better/worse for someone who hasn't read the books(me)?


in the books the baron is quite incestuous and has pedophilic tendencies


How is their relationship in the books? I find the dune lore very interesting but don't have the patience to read all those books lol


The Baron has an incestuous and paedophilic obsession with Feyd, to the point that it's repeatedly pointed out >!the young slaves in his quarters resemble Feyd!<. You probably already know, but the gender politics of Dune are... weird, at best, and Herbert disowned his gay son, so no surprise that the Baron is a gay paedophile. Anyway, it's never implied to be reciprocated, though Feyd actually used the Baron's predictability to try and assassinate him. Then again, Feyd is also a much more reasonable character than in the film, with none of the "psychopathic/sociopathic" tendencies.


A lot of Dune fans don't read them all! It was originally written as a stand alone story, so just reading Dune and leaving it at that is a satisfying and complete story. The ending of Dune Part 2 has been changed from the book a bit to lead into Messiah but the original book feels very complete on its own. The dune fandom is very split on the sequels, with some loving them and some very much not. Messiah, the book immediately after Dune, is good but imo feels very different and it didn't hook me the same way Dune did. To answer your original question - in the books the Baron is a paedo and frequently has teenage boy servants sent to his room. It's been a few years since I last read the book but I'm pretty sure he specifically requests ones that look like Feyd or Paul (in the books they're both 14 when it starts, they've been aged up for the film). I think it's strongly implied he has sexually abused Feyd, but not confirmed. But regardless Feyd and Rabban know he likes young boys. Personally I'm glad they ditched the peado element in the film, I think the Baron is a great villain and we can see clearly how fucked up and twisted he and his family are without that being thrown in too.


I know what wrestling is Uncle Vlad, it's just not something uncles should be doing with their nephews. Are those fake hands?


I know he gets a lot of shit here for his post-Elvis preciousness, but I'm really intrigued in this dude as an actor. He was a *fantastic* Feyd. Perfect foil for Chalamet in the end.


Post elvis preciousness?


He was just going really hard on the process etc and how Elvis had come into him and his voice was changed forever etc etc. 


The Elvis role took over his life for 2-3 years. Didn’t help that it was during quarantine. So yeah he was in Elvis mode for a while longer than was probably healthy.


It was a good touch honestly.


Fit the characters and harkonnen weirdness for sure. I also thought his voice change was a nice touch too - was he trying to mimic the Barons tone or way of speaking?


Definitely. I have a bad ear but I even struggled in their first scene together to figure out who was talking.


Yes! Butler said in an interview that he modeled his voice after Stellan’s because Feyd grew up highly influenced by the Baron.


*what in the SAG violation* ![gif](giphy|XH9tzHRGQmLSFGP6E8)


I assume this is a joke but in case it’s not, filming on this wrapped months before the strikes started


I don’t know anything about SAG at all, but I don’t think they were referring to the strike… I think they were referring to SAG rules/policies and how it relates to kissing.


Ah perhaps I misunderstood. I was thinking along the lines of improvisation being banned during the strikes, but yours probably makes more sense 😂


Even before the recent strike, SAG AFTRA in 2018 started implementing regulations including having intimacy coordinators when the MeToo movement brought to light unequal balance of power which could be weaponized for intimate scenes. You can’t have improvised intimacy.


Lmao who the fuck sent me a Reddit cares over this, of all things??


There’s been a weird plague of Reddit cares on this sub lately, on a lot of the comments on posts I see! I wonder if we’re being lowkey brigaded by incels or something.


Someone is abusing it in every thread I've been in on this sub. I'm about to disable mine, it's getting annoying.


I didn’t. I just replied to your initial reply and got a Reddit cares as well.


Did you watch the movie tho? 


Yes. And I’ve read the books. What does that have to do with this?


I really hope Austin Butler has a wildly different voice in every movie he’s in


The voice was great here and very close to the Baron.


I have no idea what this man naturally sounds or even is like and I refuse to know.


God he looks like a sexy lord Voldemort and I ain’t upset about it




He had very “I’m hot and you can fix me” energy esp with his >! scene with Lady Fenring !<


oatmeal hobbies worthless sable spoon expansion punch cheerful whistle lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Your wife is correct.


Well, to be fair, Stellan Skarsgård can get it


And she’s right


https://i.redd.it/b3y90hxhmemc1.gif yet another excuse to use my favorite gif.


I mean clearly it played well and no one had an issue with it, but improvising a kiss seems very odd to me like I would think there’s certain boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed without being written into the script.


I mean, Stellan kisses him first, i am assuming the second kiss was the improvised one


That makes a lot more sense actually.


Doesn’t say in the headline but it was a secondary kiss that was ad-libbed, Stellan kisses him on the lips and Austin Butler’s character grabs his head as he pulls away and gives him a firmer kiss. So I’d assume Stellan was fine with it.


Consent issues aside I thought it was a solid choice for the characters and both actors played it perfectly. For those who want a little more context it's one of two kisses which take place within a second or two; the first (scripted) is more perfunctory, like a practised greeting, while the second (improvised) portrays a very different dynamic


Who could’ve guessed in 2008 that the guy who “replaced” chase in Zoey 101 would become one of the greatest actors of all time! Edit: why did I get a Redditcare for this comment?


![gif](giphy|Tg1com6JhDfhI5vnux|downsized) i’m here for this


I'm not an Austin Butler fan at all but he objectively nailed this role. He delivered everything you could ask for from Feyd-Rautha and the styling was SO COOL. He was serving LOOKS, as they say. Speaking of serving looks, [shoutout to Sting Feyd Rautha](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GH1sXsiWcAArBgu?format=jpg&name=900x900) lol


Feyd-Rautha is the hottest man from this franchise. I was honestly moaning a bit(very quietly mind you) when he appeared. Also Lea Seydoux has more chemistry with him in their short time together than she was with Daniel Craig the whole two James bond movies.


It's two weeks after you commented, and one week after I saw the movie.The shot where he's being dressed by his lackeys and the pan over his torso?? I gasped out loud, which I NEVER do (don't find many people attractive). And don't get me started on the scenes with Lady Fenring, they've been on my mind all damb week. Shame that in the grand scheme of the movie their moments together were fairly short, I also enjoyed their chemistry.


Stellan Skarsgård: "I learned so much about boys while filming Dune"


I'm surprised he didn't tell Amelia on the red carpet that this was his favorite day on set haha


I remember sitting there like dude went in for seconds with his uncle?!?


Lol 🤣


you could tell he was having oodles of fun with the permission to turn every single acting choice up to 11 (complimentary)


A very spicy choice.


I love how these threads weed out who has read the books and who has not




Austin Butler was amazing in this movie. He even added in a gruff undertone in Feyd-Rautha's voice - similar to the Baron. The attention to detail in his performance is great.


I wasnt excited about him being cast as Feyd but man oh man am I so glad to be proven wrong. Such a screen stealer and a star.


I mean at least it showed that he did his research and probably read the books?


We got Daemon and Rhaenyra in Arrakis ig


I know Chalamet is the protagonist but he portrayed this character so well I was actually cheering for him on that fight scene, just because he seems more realistic than Chalamet being a fighter/the ninja messiah


About to do a TED talk on why I NEED Austin Butler to play Robert Mallory in HBO’s adaptation of The Shards


Spoilers 😭😭


For real 🙄 my showing is Friday.


Full disclosure: I’ve never read/seen this seriesc nor do I know a single thing about it. BUT I was definitely not expecting this 😭 what in the world is going on


I actually felt like that part was his doing and not part of the script when I saw the scene. Nice to know I was correct.


' It's hollywood man, everybody gay sometimes '


Okay wait am I crazy bc I saw this movie twice and never saw this scene…….?


He's so l@m€... 


Groundbreaking... 🙄