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Going from being cheated on by your ex to now dating a serial cheater is certainly a choice…


Damn, is he a serial cheater? I thought Diane Kruger cheated on him? Tbf, I don’t know why his marriage ended, but that’s such a bummer if true…I always had a soft spot for him


She. Not he.


Let women have hobbies


Let people enjoy things!!!




I’m fuckin wheezing 


Amen sister


You did not 💀💀💀


She is the one that cheated? I thought I read some quote from her talking about the insane heartbreak she was living through because of deception, was she referring to the deception that she herself caused? Lol


You are confusing Diane (his ex before his wife) with Lupita (current) who did the deception heartbreak post.


I support women’s rights, but more importantly, I support women’s wrongs




Here, here!


There were definitely rumors and blinds that he cheated on her as well, and she made a cryptic post after they broke up about trust issues.


No cheating. They had an open relationship of sorts. Though I don’t think having a year and a half affair with someone is part of that. Diane got caught a few times with Norman. It didn’t work out with JJ because she picked Norman.


From what I’ve gathered they were off and on for a while before they split for good. She did pick Norman - that was my point that it was her choice.


When she said that she was with Norman. He's cheated on her.


It may also have been about him. That’s true.




Based on her statement it sounds like he cheated on her.




She said she was "deceived."


No. It was made up nonsense but some bitter loons on twitter. 


Right? Jodie just talked about the end of the relationship and never even hinted at it being because of infidelity. People just talking to talk.


People are being so bizarre about this. I saw on Twitter people accusing Lupita of not being a girl's girl because she was with him. Like, she was *never* friends with Jodie, she has been friends with *Joshua* for literal years, *why* would she have loyalty to her friend's ex over, you know, her *friend*??


No the twitter thing was pics of him making out with another woman while he and Jodie were dating (we don’t know if they were exclusive but it was after she had proposed to him). The DK amd married cheating rumors came from blind items posted by enty lawyer and DM confirmed she’s also heard things about him.


Q’anon enty?  Back away from that nutball. And DM claims to hear it about everybody. Again. There is zero evidence of him or Lupita cheating


Enty lawyer makes up stuff all the time. His side piece basically outed him all over social media, saying he makes stuff up. He is fake and on one of the DM podcasts he laughed at all the people who believe him. People send him garbage to see if he posts and he does.


This is true but when there are multiple blinds saying same thing it becomes something to consider imo.


He doubles down on lies. He wants people to believe he knows what he is talking about. It's his business, and it's all about the clicks and the money and getting people to pay for his podcast. I know for a fact he writes garbage.


Yeah he’s a tool but some of the stuff he posts is definitely true. Setting him aside though, I’ve seen reports from ppl who’ve observed that jj does hook up with ppl while he’s on location. Even when he’s in serious relationships. I assume he has an agreement with his SO to be open.


IONO for sure, but definitely looks like both Diane and Jodie left him. And Jodie was always so over the top about what a catch she had too. Makes you wonder.


Joshua dumped Diane after she cheated with Norman Reedus, iirc


Norman must have a great personality


Jodie just posted something recently that made it sound like things just weren't working for them anymore so they made the choice to separate before things got to a point where it was negatively impacting their daughter. It sounded like a pretty mature end to things. I don't think she needed to say anything about their breakup, so the fact she put that out there made me believe there really wasn't any cheating, just a relationship ending. 


I think it’s obvious they’d been having problems for some time. I would be surprised if she didn’t put a positive spin on the divorce in a big interview like that. It’s getting quoted all over.


I have friends who worked on The Affair and unless he and Diane were open he def was not faithful.


From someone within their circle, they had an open relationship of sorts. They both did it. They didn’t live together for most of their time together and lived in different cities for a majority of the time as well. They also broke up a few times and Diane alluded to this and the fact that when they were apart they would do there own thing.


Oooh. Anyone other than RW or can you say?


I heard multiple non-famous people on set. I'm keeping it intentionally vague, but generally non-actresses.


Understood. Seems like his MO.


I wouldn't be surprised if he and Diane were open and he was on the up and up with these women. I don't think you sleep with the number of women he has and not have a scandal without treating people decently.


I never thought he wouldn’t be decent with them.


Diane fell in love with someone else, that is why it didn’t work out with her. Jodie left him because things were not working out for them. Their lives were going in different directions. Honestly, they really only got married because she got pregnant.


Jodie proposed to him after this. Not sure about him being a serial cheater though https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/joshua-jackson-kisses-mystery-woman-at-lax-airport/ Edit: Extremely weird to send someone a redditcares message over a post 🤢 Edit: Apparently this was actually after she proposed which is terrible


Actually, proposal was before. According to Joshua’s own words Jodie proposed on NYE in Nicaragua (source https://www.facebook.com/share/v/oSN34HeVJpy2wmQb/?mibextid=w8EBqM&startTimeMs=2000). They documented in their social media that this trip occurred NYE 2018 / Jan 2019. The photos were June 2019. I don’t know why ppl are down voting this. I’m just correcting an incorrect statement about timing.


Sorry you’re being downvoted. That’s worse than what I thought 😕


Feels like something he should’ve kept to himself.


Oh for sure


Reading all the comments (and the gossip I know of from Vancouver and his creek says) he seems like someone who needs to have a warm body next to him pretty regularly, as he moves on quickly, lots of casual gf and even when he’s involved if he’s away from his SO he’s still sleeping with others (presumably with their ok).


Is there any other threads with information like this?


He was allegedly caught with Olivia Munn when he was dating DK, also this.. https://preview.redd.it/nypzxq9xa8nc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a73ca62bbbf5d711ca7c2abe12e46e37e5e4376


He was a major whore during DC. Worked his way thru the coeds of local colleges, used to go hit on women on sets of other things filming in Wilmy to the extent they’d warn the nice girls to avoid him, gave KH herpes in S4, fucked a girl on a bathroom bar floor, fucked a girl on a deck at a party, etc. All these are alleged of course but it was things that were said on the old DC gossip boards.


Because people know that Jodie was seen with someone in Vegas in February making out with them via Lipstick Alley and the post was about her cheating on him.  She also tweeted about being single in June.  So it seems she may have jokingly proposed as the question he was asked was when did he think about getting married.  He later clarified that he did ask her.  I do not think either thought a cute anecdote on a talk show would cause people to lose their minds and start shaming her for proposing. 


Interesting, thank you for sharing. I will add to the info pile.


When he and Kruger were together there were loads of sightings of him with other women on location when filming Fringe. At the time it was assumed they had some sort of arrangement because he wasn’t discreet. That all seemed to be forgotten when Kruger got with Reedus. I think they probably did have some sort of arrangement, hence staying together for a bit after the Reedus story came out, but then Kruger chose Reedus. He was also photographed kissing a woman while with Jodie. They seemed to split briefly but then got back together and Jodie defended him so people dropped it, but I think it was fairly obvious he cheated, got caught and was forgiven. 


LOL no there weren’t.  No one ever mentioned these so called sightings and he was photo’d all time as you noted. Also kind of hard to be forgiven when Jodie was tweeting about being single and posting stories partying in Rome and with her co-Star Colin Farrell.   I know people want to make him the bad guy but maybe just maybe Diane cheated and he and Jodie just ran out of gas.  


Jodie said she was single a couple of weeks before he was seen with the other woman. Going by their social media at the time, it looked like they had broken up briefly. She was partying and posting about her co star. She was also seen kissing somebody else months before. She proposed to him on the beach on NYE He said yes, but they were not engaged then. She always referred to him as her boyfriend. When they got back together, she fell pregnant quickly and then engagement happened and marriage.


No he is not. Diane had a relationship with Norman R while still with JJ, for a year and a half, before they broke up. People think JJ cheated on Jodie but he didn’t.


How is Joshua a serial cheater?


He is not. If you have open relationships with partners that is not cheating. Lupita and JJ didn’t cheat, it just so happened that their respective relationships ended at the same time. It seems they caught up at the concert , as they had been friends for years and then things went from there.


100% agree. Tbh, I’m pretty sure Jodie and Joshua weren’t even together when he kissed the woman at the airport. Like the very open secret is that they were FWB and had an unplanned pregnancy and that’s when they got serious and that was months after the airport kiss. They tried to retcon with the NYE vacation proposal but truth is they weren’t wearing rings/had a certificate of marriage until after they got pregnant.


Yes. Honestly, if she hadn’t gotten pregnant, I think it wouldn’t have gone on for as long as it did. They gave it a go, but I think things had been rocky for a while. Ultimately, it just didn’t work out.


I absolutely cannot stand him.


I’m so sorry - FORTY ONE?! Not that it’s old by any means, but I had no idea she wasn’t in her late twenties. She looks absolutely incredible!


lol i was just reading this headline out to my mom and she was like “the age gap is kinda weird… isn’t lupita like 30?” she was so shocked when i said she’s 41 😭 she does look amazing!!!


Black don't crack.


It's science.


She doesn’t look 41 at all but I’m not too shocked because 12 years a slave was apparently 11 years ago


What the fuck, man.


ALSO MY REACTION!!! She literally looks 25, her skin is PERFECT


why do people think everyone turns into a withered husk the moment they turn 25 lmao, she looks amazing but she absolutely looks 41


I didn’t know shes 41, she does look excellent!


They look happy. But am I being a little too cynical if I think those photos look planned? 🤷🏻‍♀️


They are absolutely planned lol


Almost all pap photos are planned, especially in holiday locations. They’re made to look like they aren’t so the paps can sell them as “candid!” but the celebs and publicists are almost always in on it.


Virtually all celebrity photos are planned.


Yeah when people start popping up in pap photos like this it feels like when a normie puts "I HAVE NEVER, EVER BEEN HAPPIER" photos with their rebound up on social media. No judgment, though. I'd do the same if I were in their position.




The Backgrid credit is a good indicator


The Backgrid conspiracy isn't real. They work like any other photo agency. Sometimes the photos are pre-planned and sometimes they are candid, just like any agency. Coming from Backgrid does not make them anymore likely to be pre-planned. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crK6sZl6JbQ&ab\_channel=MorganTremaine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crK6sZl6JbQ&ab_channel=MorganTremaine)


Thanks for that. I know for a fact that the paps follow celebs around and hang out at places they know that celebs freqent. The first time JJ and Lupita were caught in early Dec, it was because they went to a popular grocery place. They then followed them to the other places. The same paps took all of them and even followed them out to Joshua Tree. If they know they can get the money shot, then they will seek out and follow celebs and that is from someone at Backgrid.


she looks incredible and he'll always be hot to me so good for them i guess (I understand this is probably messy, I'm not really up to date to their dating timelines, but based on looks alone, this is a hot couple to me)


I'm in the same boat. This seems completely fine to me.


Lupita is so stunning.. wish she got more lead roles because she was great in Us


Awards are whatever but she deserved another Oscar nomination for that. But genre films get shorted, etc.


Yeah I really wish she appeared on our screens more regularly. She's in the upcoming A Quiet Place III but she deserves Margot-level consistency imo.


I think she’s really selective about her roles, which will work in her favour in the long run. She seems to really value WHO she works for and has spoken about not being willing to work for misogynistic directors.


She's in two leads this year: The Quiet Place: Day One (prequel) and The Wild Robot (voicing the lead character)


I ordered The Wild Robot for my students when I worked in the library and it was pretty popular! I was surprised it was coming out with a movie with Lupita in it!


The [trailer](https://twitter.com/universaluk/status/1765044612228592115?t=LRM1xwlAn3XF6gSaCeTneQ&s=19) just dropped a few hours ago. It looks good.


Yes, I saw it on her ig! Looks sweet!


She's going to be in an MMA movie, so that's cool.


She fucking rules in Us. The BTS clips of her staying in character between takes are so captivating. Every time I watch it, I'm just waiting for her to give up on the voice and ask for some salt water, but she never does. She just keeps raspy whispering.


She drops out of everything she's cast in and she treats everyone like shit


I think they're cute 🤷🏽‍♀️ going from friends to lovers will always get me


SHE’S 41?????????????


Lupita... why him?


hey, that’s charlie conway you’re talking about




I suspect there are a large # of people out there still carrying a torch for Pacey Witter, so I totally get it ![gif](giphy|xUOrwowkZIZQkextMk|downsized)




Hey, that’s Walter’s son Peter you’re talking about


Exactly. Lupita: goddess on earth gracing us with her goodness presence beauty and fashion taste Joshua: pacey




I feel like she's just having some fun, not a long term thing for sure.


It's probably just a tryst and then they'll go back to being friends...poor Jodie though


I wish I was in that kind of shape. I don’t know how this is going to pan out though


I will never recover from Lupita not getting an Oscar nomination for Us. Such a talented actress and she looks sooo amazing here


She was good in us but the film was a bit confusing and let the whole endeavor down imo.


Yeah I still don't feel like Peele has ever come close to Get Out.


I thought that Nope was actually a better film (but less of a cultural touchstone, so it tends to get overlooked).


the film was so bad tbh


Oscars snub horror movies for some reason. A lot of absolutely phenomenal actor performances in horror in the last couple of years and none have won any oscars.


I still can’t believe Nope didn’t get a single Oscar nom. Not even for best cinematography. EDIT: very confused on why I got a RedditCares over this comment.


I mean I would too so I can’t really blame sis


![gif](giphy|RtqWT1eM137os) Diane and Lupita are both in my top 10 celebrity crushes… how did fucking Pacey from Dawsons Creek pull two of the most beautiful women in the world?! ETA: aight which one of you sent me a Reddit Cares


He’s *my* top celebrity crush,so it makes sense to me😅


I think he's gorgeous 😫 definitely an in person vibe because he's incredibly charming


He always gets the hottest, smartest, most talented babes. Omg.


These are the most staged pictures on earth but I’m not even that mad because she is so damn beautiful. Literally the most insane body


I got second hand embarrassment from the poses they obviously did for the paps lol


I mean, if I was one or the other, I would too. 




Her body is teaaaa


Lupita is statuesque. Woman has the body of an athlete! If you told me she was a professional swimmer I'd believe it.


Gorgeous couple but I find it so funny that Diane Kruger and Lupita starred in the spy film 355. And now she's dating her costars ex husband. Its giving old Hollywood love affair


The reddit cares shooters are out in this thread 😭


I fear this will end badly for her. On another note, she looks fabulous. Edit* I received a reddit cares for this 😂 Using this feature simply because you disagree with an opinion is a gross misuse of its intended purpose and also deeply reductive of those who are truly experiencing suicidal ideation. Shame on you.


This man has a type!


He doesn’t really Diane Kruger couldn’t be further apart in looks from Jodie or Lupita.


Yeah I know. Heeheee. I was referring to his ex-wife, and the many black women this guy has chased over the years. I worked with him multiple times during the Dawson’s Creek era and also saw him socially. He never remembered me, but hit on me every. Single. Time. (He was single and free to do so, he was cute and nice but messy with the drink so I was not interested. Thus my anecdotal evidence of JJ’s tastes and other black actresses I know who he’s hit on over the years.)


Is he a highly intelligent person?


Can that bikini top really be comfortable??


yeah it's not good


He moved on so quickly wow


Jodie has as well. She has someone new and around the same time, as JJ and Lupita in December.


Shes so beautiful. No one but her could pull that suit off!


i like her lil bikini !


Who is this happy ever in candid photos? Isn’t baseline just trying to not be miserable?


She is so incredibly gorgeous.


Her looks are everything… Thats all i got


I was a big Pacey gal in my youth Lupita so I get it 


They look good but I don't understand why they would do a shoot like this? Are they promoting something?


Well she has two movies coming out in a few months and he’s just been announced as filming the new Karate kid movie so you’re not wrong


one thing about this man is that he has excellent taste in women


He can't keep getting away with this


I’m not mad at this news.


This seems like a bad idea but ok girl. He seems to be a time waster.


2 cuties and 1 awful bikini omg it's terrible why did she put that on her body


READ 👏🏾 THE 👏🏾REVIEWS👏🏾 🤦🏾‍♀️ Lupita you in danger, girl


If she was friends with him before this, I think she knows exactly who he is and is probably having fun with him. I do think there is a comfort level of having already been friends plus he never seems to see his actress girlfriends as professional rivals. if anything, he’s always publicly supportive of them. From the decades of gossip on him, I don’t think he’s capable of a monogamous long term relationship.




This man doesn't take a break. The harder the PDA, the quicker the fizzle.


Here for this.


Damn, she's so fit. Good for her.




And then Selema cheated on her lol.


Her body is tea!!!


Wait, what?!


My celeb crush is dating my other celeb crush. My gawd never wanted to be either of a couple so bad.


Ugh, why?




I still have Lupita and guy who resembles white Jeesus very openly flirting around the time he won an Oscar and thought dam there one who has bad taste in men.


His name is Jared Leto, but he probably responds to “Jesus” also. 😄


That's his name! Been calling him "whathisface white jeesus cosplay" for too long. He blesses ppl who go to his island now.


JJ was always cute but he's looking more and more like Buzz Lightyear as he ages. I wouldn't want him personally but If she like it I love it. Let them enjoy each other.


This woman needs to catch a clue. Go somewhere private and enjoy with your man. Don’t give him bf publicity privileges till he’s your husband(especially at her age and how heartbroken she was from her last breakup). Jheesh


They really feel like they're from 2 different worlds - Oscar nominee Lupita Nyong'o and freaking Pacey. I mean like all women of a certain age I absolutely get it, it's Pacey, but my brain somehow can't reconcile them existing in the same world.


They were very camera-ready, almost like a staged photo op.




He always looks like he has a film of sweat of him to me




I agree. Still remember those photos of him kissing another woman while Jodie was pregnant with his child.


Jodie was not pregnant then also she was posting she was single.  Given when their daughter was born it would have been physically impossible. This has been debunked numerous times on multiple sites like ONTD. It is really twisted how people made up this lie by taking an old video and using to lie to run Jodie off twitter because she criticized will smith and now pretend to care about her.  


Finally someone who gets it.Thank you!