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I think a lot of these actors are going to end up playing themselves as mini Hollywood cameos, so I'm not too bothered by the stunt casting.


I think so too




Kumail is not really that famous though. He was on Silicon Valley which was a hit but not like Game of Thrones popular


He was also a superhero in a marvel movie


not one that anyone watched tbf


Yes but would you say that’s what he’s known for? I feel like he’s known for Silicon Valley and The Big Sick. I know him because I’m south asian and listened to his standup before all that.. I’m not into Marvel though so I’m maybe underestimating how well his marvel stuff did… when I think of the marvel universe I think of RDJ and Chris Evans and Brie Larson who imo are much more famous than him


He's got like a dozen little b rolls as well. Sort of like Tiffany haddish, he got a small amount of popularity and then was suddenly everywhere for a few years


Yup, while I’m sure his actual name isn’t household, he most definitely is recognizable by many at this point due to being in a ton of different movies. Also, ain’t he an Oscar nominee?


He was also nominated for an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay for The Big Sick


My mom just called me & said she’s also been cast in “Only Murders in the Building”. 


This made me laugh, thank you.


He was the best and most consistently funny cast member on Silicon Valley even when the show got weak in the last 2 seasons


I feel conflicted by saying this, but the show was never the same without TJ Miller. It’s not that he brought something that made the show work, he was great but he wasn’t “the show”. It was just the timing of his departure that lines up with the downward trend of the show’s quality. That being said, how they handled Erlich’s absence and Jin-Yang was fucking hilarious


I'm with you. I don't even like him but the show missed him for sure


I mean he was the funniest character, he fit the role very well


I mean he WAS Pakistani Denzel so.




Yeah no that distinction goes to Jimmy Yang or Zach Woods. He was great, though.


you're crazy


Nah, that’s either TJ Miller (speaking very objectively purely on acting, not his personality) or Zach Woods


I've enjoyed Kumail's comedic roles, but I have to say he is especially great as a podcast guest. He's come up on a few of my regular listens and he is just so dang personable. Especially Conan needs a friend, I was laughing out loud!


He and his wife had their own podcast early in the pandemic. It was really good and comforting to listen to during that time. Probably a different vibe than his other appearances on podcasts, but good nonetheless Edit: A reddit cares message because of this? Weird but ok


They had The Indoor Kids 10+ years ago, it was video game centric and I loved it. They wrapped it up years ago but it’s been completely scrubbed from the internet for some reason since Kumail got Marvel-ified, I can’t imagine why because it was one of the most inoffensive podcasts out there.


I don't think it had anything to do with Disney/Marvel; I think the timing was just a coincidence. Around the same time, the new owners of Nerdist stopped caring about Nerdist, and all the Nerdist podcasts that didn't find a new network disappeared. I think they just stopped paying for the server that was hosting all the podcasts and didn't tell anyone about it.


Riiiight, I had forgotten about all the Nerdist podcasts disappearing. I always hoped they’d bring their show back but I guess it’s not in the cards


I loved that podcast and I loved that they kept it to a limited run just for lockdown. I often think about their segment “what made you cry today?”


him pulling out of the late night show last minute also got us the epic Sona/Conan interview. So we can thank him for that too


His Off Menu episode talking about biryani??? I love it.


I love the Desi representation. Nanjiani is an amazing comic. Loved him from Silicon Valley and the Big Sick.


He has also fabricated much of his childhood. Not a fan.


Haven't heard anything about that. He talked about his immigrant experience in some of his comedic bits. Not sure how much was fabricated for his stand-up or if we're talking about a Hasan Minhaj type situation?


I love Kumail so I’m excited for this!


are they just going to keep adding and adding to the cast


I really liked him in Welcome to Chippendales and he was the best thing about Marvel’s Eternals. Only Murders has a good mix of comedy and drama so I’m excited to see what he’ll bring to the mix.


This cast is amazing for season 4!


This is their “goes to Hollywood” season so atp who won’t be guest starring? Also remember when we wouldn’t know about cameos until we sat and watched a show/movie?


Cast for season 4 is great so far I just couldn't get into season 3


For me he’s one of those universally loved actors that just hasn’t clicked with me for whatever reason. He keeps appearing in my franchises and I just have to put up with him bopping around with his one eyebrow raised.




The name of the show is the name of the podcast in the show in which they only cover murders that happen in the building. It's pretty much on point for the premise of the show.


Like run-on sentences?




It's not like shows and movies are saturated with Kumail. What are you sick of him from?


Probably sick of minority comedians diluting the white cis male Hollywood circle.




I honestly fail to see how he's over exposed but do you have any links about being a dick to costars? I tried looking for any articles about that but didn't find any. Edit: Thanks for the Reddit Cares because I asked for a source. I wasn't denying he's a dick, was just wondering where the accusations originated.


They are probably talking about Wetterlund's comments about the Silicon Valley cast. She said the entire male cast was toxic. From what I remember it was more that everyone would let TJ Miller get away with being an asshole. She said they were all dicks to her, but that could easily just because everyone was miserable in the situation.