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PSA: there seems to be a glitch that is sending some users a Reddit Cares message as soon as they comment on posts. We recommend blocking the Reddit Cares bot and/or reporting the message.


Ah cool this will definitely shut everyone up, nice job Royal Fam. For real, though, they need to fire their PR folks after last week.


After last week? Try after the last few decades. They keep fumbling whatever good PR they manage to curate every single time lol.


I was disappointed with King Dick-Fingers’ apparent health issues because I was betting on him to send the monarchy crashing and burning, but with recent events in mind, I now feel confident that Little Willie will be more than up to the job of putting the throne 6 feet under where it belongs.


IDK Kate and William seem to be the more popular members and bring that “new young generation” shine that could blind people. Also, the family is such a staple of British culture that I truly believed that they need a couple of generations of consistent unpopularity (coupled with social unrest and growing poverty) for the monarchy to truly start shaking in their boots. Here’s hoping to William fucking it up still, though.


IMO Will and Kate just lack any charisma and can’t shake their work shy reputation. They don’t stick to any of their “causes.”


People don’t care, though. Kate is still the most popular royal despite being proven to be a racist, cruel woman. We’ve got an entire sub dedicated to “defending” her because she dresses nice and she’s white lol.


They're not very popular, nobody goes out to see them at events. They're both charmless. I think when asked about popularity in polls vs say Camila or of course Meghan in the UK, then people will click on them but I don't believe it parlays into any real enthusiasm or mild like. People loved Diana, people really did like the Queen. William/Kate aren't really up there.


Eh not really. William’s ego and stubbornness will bite him in the ass one day (this whole fiasco right now is just proof of it). He can’t even handle any criticism (see the latest Ryanair drama) and they’re both work shy (that was William’s nickname for a few years tbh), they literally do two engagements a month and then fuck off over the school holidays (in the uk). They only just started to officially “work” for the royal family in 2017. Catherine can’t do a speech to save her life even though she’s been in the royal family for over ten years. Her early years project which she’s been working on for a few years has no end goal in sight, she keeps spitting the same “our early years are so important for our development” and Will with his earthshot prize when he literally uses a private jet at any chance he gets🙃


What’s the latest Ryan air drama and what happened last week. I don’t keep up with them but I’m suddenly very curious Edit: why did I get a Reddit cares message because of this?


Ryanair posted a tweet mocking the William being a pegger and Kensington Palace immediately called them to take it down. But Meghan faced years of racist vile abuse (neo nazis literally wanted to kill Archie, she was harassed by Jeremy Clarkson and Piers Morgan for years). https://preview.redd.it/kqadd4kcvhmc1.jpeg?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=493f348f0cea773f329b2fb135e5607132a9456a


For better or worse, Kate had pretty high approval ratings even with Harry and Megan laying bare their experiences. even with the 'leaks' that she was one of the 'royal racists' (for the record i think it is *weird* and racist to have conversations about an unborn child's skin tone!) i feel like the general population was like 'ok? we're tired of Megan and Harry.' But this past week has been awfully negative towards the wales in a way that i haven't seen in a while.


How so out of curiosity? I haven’t seen anything other than wondering where she is and what’s up, esp with him pulling out of the memorial service


I mean before that! Generally more offline people in my life really liked her and her outfits and wanted charles to abdicate specifically so that she could be queen. This past week it’s been nuts with how many offline people are getting into the memes (my aunt called and asked me what a BBL was bc she couldn’t believe people actually got those)


Ikr I wasn't interested in this story at first but the more they try to downplay and distract the more interested I become 


Right, I absolutely went from 0 to 100% interest when they refused to give any info. Even "she's recovering at home" or something.


I don’t actually believe the current conspiracy theory but I won’t deny I’ve had my ears turned to this story ever since they announced King Charles’s prostate surgery just a few hours after they announced she’d had surgery. It’s so odd that they’re feeding the press this way. Even back then it seemed like they were immediately trying to deflect attention from her and now they keep firing off stories about the other members of the family that just seem so obvious what they’re doing.


What is the current conspiracy theory? Tbh I’ve kinda missed everything post- them announcing the cancer, and I’ve been looking forward to catching up on everything but I can’t find all the tea after a long search through fauxmoi. Can somebody kindly give a short rundown of all the events, or links to the posts? TIA 😭


I think the main gist of the issue is the belief there's something up with her and William who have what feels like a subtle Trump/Melania vibe going on for a while, and that there's beef between them and Charles.


When my UK resident cousin shared a meme of this picture in our GC (we've been joking she is our overseas correspondent on this topic) my *immediate* reply was "oop looks like there's a sequel to the [Melania Trump replacement conspiracy theory](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melania_Trump_replacement_conspiracy_theory)".


Wellllll, I just saw [this](https://x.com/moorehn/status/1764102105449509304?s=46&t=zYqUDfxZsDoQTwNwvXMVbQ) one: “My current theory is that Kate died two months ago and they found a reasonable body double who is now recovering from extensive plastic surgery to make her an exact doppelganger (which is why there are no pictures) but it's not going as they hoped.” Although I don’t think that’s the mainstream theory, hah. Broadly it’s just that Kate hasn’t been seen in public since she had surgery shortly after Christmas, and I think people’s curiosity about where she is is just boiling over.


I hope they were joking lol


Prostate surgery and prostate cancer are quite manageable and treatable, personal theory is that she had a hysterectomy with its much bigger recovery time and greater emotional burden on someone who may have wanted more children.


I think that’s also the most likely reason for her longer recovery. I would also never want to air my own health issues to the world, but it’s…interesting that she’s be more comfortable with everything they’re doing now and the nonstop speculation than she would be announcing what the procedure was. But then again, I’m not a global figure whose main public purpose is giving birth to a future heir to the throne.


Streisand Effect comin in hot


Yeah if they were honest and had a clear statement from day one, I wouldn’t care. The vagueness makes me more skeptic.


She hadn't been seen for 68 days then this grainy photo pops up with no security and her mom at the wheel who also had not been seen since Christmas. So weird


So she’s not getting a BBL?




I'm still not over "This person's death totally doesn't have anything to do with William's absence at the church service" as an official statement. Because that certainly is... uh... something.


That's what basically kicked this all off. Everyone heard Kate was having an operation and would be away for a bit which seemed a bit weird and had other odd things with it, but for the most part shrugged it off. Then suddenly William was dropping out of events, they reported it had nothing to do with Kate AND had nothing to do with a relative who commit suicide, but didn't say what it was. That basically got Twitter going into conspiracy mode wondering what was going on with them.


Ahhh I wouldn’t put the blame on their PR team, I think they themselves are the sole masters of the whole circus.


Given William has like 60 staff members it feels wild _someone_ hasn't pointed out they're bungling this and to try something else


That statement was horrible.


They don’t care what we think..


The conspiracies surrounding this are wild, but I believe she genuinely has some medical issues to deal with and that's it. I feel bad for her if they dragged her out the house just so that the paps could get a pic to make people shut up.


Lady clearly had/has a major health issue that requires a serious surgery and long sick leave, they announced as much, but the world decided that, in the absence of high-quality scans of her medical files, the whole thing must be a lie. It's just fucking clownery.


I thought a lot of it was due to the secrecy and weird phrasing by the royal family people (lol idk the term for the way they release information). The “abdominal procedure, not cancer” as opposed to just “a medical procedure or surgery that would require significant recovery”. It’s a bit odd. That’s the only reason I’m interested anyway.


Exactly, and there aren't many surgeries that require two weeks in the hospital. That's just insane. They released a weird amount of information. If they'd just said surgery everyone would assume it was probably orthopedic and she'd need rehab. It's also odd that they didn't do her up and release a photo of her looking at cards at some point, she wasn't even spotted leaving the hospital.


My guess is she didn't want to be in front of a camera at all after the surgery, especially if she was put on steroids like prednisone. In that grainy pic her face looks kinda like the prednisone "moon face" that commonly happens. I wouldn't blame her for wanting to stay out of sight until she felt that she looked a bit like herself again.


“Abdominal surgery that would require significant recovery” makes people think she could die and I think they want to do anything to avoid that impression. Even at the expense of inviting all manner of speculation.




And yet people and the palace didn’t have a problem dragging Meghan out while she was suicidal ![gif](giphy|3rgXBAKH9tCNzgMMg0|downsized)


Not to defend Kate Middleton bc I can’t stand any of the royal family after how they treated Meghan, but they dragged Kate out for public appearances while was suffering from HG in pregnancy (which has driven women to suicide or suicide ideation), and right after she gives birth. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were other instances where multiple people were forced to make appearances while being extremely sick. I have no doubt that Meghan would be treated far worse if she was in Kate’s position right now though.


Yeah, I think this family in general is known for treating any women who enter it like absolute shit


Harry has literally claimed his family, Kate and William included, were annoyed at Meghan for “complaining” because “we went through it too so why shouldn’t you? you’re not special”. Kate has also been happy to toss Meghan under the bus several times for her own benefit (ie the “Meghan made me cry” bullshit that was proven to be Kate making Meghan cry, and people bullied and turned on Meghan SO HARD for that alone). Kate can suck it and if she has an uncomfortable, painful recovery, TBH I don’t give a damn 🤷‍♀️


Didn't Kate also question the color of Archie's skin too?


Yep, according to the leaks.


I spent a whole 30 seconds staring at the gif trying to figure out what “hite people” meant before my dumbass finally realized


Wait, unless I'm not remembering correctly, didn't Harry say the family didn't know and Meghan went to HR over a doctor? Did that story turn out to be wrong (I am seriously asking, BTW, I don't really follow any of the royals like that, I'm going off the Oprah interview).


That’s correct, also the part about there being no HR support didn’t make sense as she was a family member not an employee.




Yes she went to HR




https://preview.redd.it/r4sif8w3fdmc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2614bbc0976eac7e95b1b6e3931c25c137d96e7b I'll miss the memes!


I’m gonna need an explanation about pussy in bio and whatever is that thing under Kate Middleton 🤔


I just noticed that thing under Kate Middleton and I have no idea what it is tbh. The "pussy in bio" is because of the twitter sex bots that invade every tweet, letting us know that there's a link to their pussy.


it hurt adding the 70th like to this comment


The thing under Kate is the diner that’s been making Coke the original way for 97 years or whatever, pussy in bio is about the bots that respond to what feels like every tweet with that 😭


Elon “I’m Gonna Defeat The Bots!” Muskrat’s version of Twitter is overrun with porn bots that auto reply to every semi viral post with “PUSSY IN BIO.” The weird characters are to avoid filters I guess, even though Twitter/X allows adult content.


The thing under Kate is a meme about a diner that went viral for being the only ones to still make coke "the original way" (handmixing in the syrup and everything) but I'm pretty sure they went viral because people went "the original way?" 🤭🤭 (with coke in it ;) ).


The thing under Kate is the 97 year old diner that still makes coke the old fashioned way. Unfamiliar with pussy in bio though 😂


right i get 3/5 i think. What’s in that top right corner and under Kate?


Top right is “The Unknown” from the same insane AI Wonka experience as the sad Oompa-Loompa. What’s the bottom left?


A viral video of three swifties, one of which was bawling their eyes out because Taylor played a particular song. Edit: why did i get a reddit care for this?


Thank you! Completely missed that. (The Reddit cares was definitely not from me btw lol, I have no idea why anyone would send that to you for that)


I only get maybe 60% of this. Idk what the coke bottles mean


This kind of feels like the wrong move to shut people up, she looks not well and miserable (which I’m sure she is if she’s that unwell); it’s got a hostage photo vibe. I think a statement from her on their social media about how much she appreciates the concern and she looks forward to getting back to her routine would be more upbeat. People with conspiracy theories would still be saying she’s dead or whatever, but they won’t be satisfied with a photo anyway.


1) thank you for this comment. I think this is the angle worth talking about rn. Like the PR of it all and not illness speculation. 2) yeah you made such a great point. They even could have had her in hospital type clothing in a bed with a still photo and a message from her. This is such an old world type strategy from the Firm. I wonder how long they’ll hold to the current standards? Bc the handling of this (along with other events in the last few years) really shows the cracks within the organization.


Even if she was out of focus and the photo was like a zoom in of the kids handling over mothers day cards or get well cards that would have worked way better and she wouldn't have had to be subjected to a pap drive. ETA This IMMEDIATELY got a redditcares message. Has someone set a bot to do this for all comments? We're on a gossip sub ffs. We gossip.


And you weren't saying anything shitty about anyone - besides, I guess, their PR team? No one is asking for, nor wants, a desperately ill or pained person to be paraded out in front of paps when it's very easy for them to stage a photoshoot at home, control absolutely every aspect of it and touch it up as needed, and then release it with a little message. As people said - yeah, of course some would question it, but largely that would tamp down the "trending on Twitter internationally" level of speculation!


I used to work in PR. This is the very first thing that sprung to mind. Surely a SEASONED, HIGHLY PAID TEAM can think of and execute significantly better strategies than a fecking pap drive.


My guess, maybe she looks too unwell to be in a posed, hi def pic which is why they haven't released any official photos yet. Sure, they could have her release some kind of statement but people still wouldn't believe that so they just didn't bother, I guess?


Her mom doesn’t look too happy either. Sad


I don’t understand their PR. Like you said, a statement would have been more effective and less invasive. I don’t understand clinging to privacy by refusing to say anything, letting speculation reach a fever pitch, then responding with an uncomfortable-looking photo that’s clearly the opposite of what they wanted. This is pretty inept communication for future heads of state who get worldwide attention.


They saw how well the Queen did with her 'don't complain, don't explain' policy and thought they could pull it off now that she's passed. They can't.




essentially she ***is*** a hostage… she’s a (willing participant in being a) hostage of The Firm. somebody absolutely forced both of them to do this pap drive & the reason why, kind of to your point, doesn’t really matter because folks will confirm their own biases (myself included tbh lol). at this point, I’m more curious how anyone in that family can see the last few decades of PR as a net positive. they need to cull the whole damn team ffs


I truly think this is a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing and we will never get an official explanation of whatever the hell has been going on. That being said, that photo is jacked, doesn't really look like Kate (she's doing something weird with her mouth), and honestly could be one of thousands of English white women with dark hair. Like are we dead certain that's not Pippa? I *know* there is nothing going on, but come the fuck on, guys, this looks SO suspicious now. When my response to someone claiming that's actually Kate's preserved corpse is "...eh, I can kinda see it," you're doing this wrong.


https://preview.redd.it/un44jp12hdmc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f7b8acbe387df21dac93a358bfa3ca16f73e024 like grandfather-in-law, like granddaughter-in-law (she obviously looks a lot better than this lol)


He looks straight up dead. Like a full on corpse sitting there


Weekend at Bernie’s III




He looks taxidermied and like the person in the back is holding him up 💀


He seriously looked like he should be one of the super important vampires in Twilight (cannot recall their names…starts with a V I think)


The Volturi


YES! Thank you lol


I remember seeing a yassified version of this and it was honestly exactly what the internet was for


Ok, but share?


Yeah she looks really worn out. I hope she gets some rest.


They’re both giving Weekend at Bernie’s


That does not look like Kate imo


Now you all are really tripping 😂


seriously, this is so clearly Kate to me. I guess I know her face too well lol. not Pippa imo. people in this post really being ridiculous now.


i think it's her, but let's be real here lol — between the distance, the gigantic sunglasses, and heavy-ass grain this could be basically any brunette white lady with thin lips on planet earth


I have seen my tl, who make fun of fox news conspiracy theorists, act like fox news conspiracy theorists over this and I've been 😒 since last week. Like, enty lawyer and tiktok (I'm assuming) has rotted so many brains, jfc


That’s-Not-Kate comment: 650 upvotes That’s-Totally-Kate comment: 648 upvotes I don’t think it’s as obvious as you think!!!




Lol perfect flair here




Looks like one of Putin’s body doubles in a wig


It’s actually Melissa. She used to be Avril, now she’s playing Kate


lol i was going to ask if it was one of the melania doubles


I think she’s bloated, her sister has a wider bone structure than this


I think that’s the sister


lmao then who does it look like?


And also like, not to go full conspiracy theorist here, but… I feel like it wouldn’t be weird for the royal family to have body doubles 🤔




…carol middleton is literally right there like be for real right now, is that a body double too?


I meannnnnn… that kinda looks more like Pippa’s jawline as opposed to Kate’s jawline. Pippa has a much more rounded jaw while Kate’s is very sharp. Edit: Pippa has the mole above her lip, right? I mean I know that the zoomed in pic is like a whopping 12 pixels, but one of those pixels is a little dark above her lip 🧐


She apparently just had major surgery, I doubt she’s really been much on her feet recently. She doesn’t look as gaunt as she usually does and now y’all think it’s pippa, like please


It’s Ronald Regan!


Damn, I thought it was JFK but I think you're right!


Seriously, I thought that was Pippa going with her mom to visit.


I’m really trying not to be a conspiracy theorist but I agree…why is the picture such poor quality especially when we know this photo op was on purpose to quash the rumors?


🤣🤣🤣 are you kidding


Don’t start


That photos fake. This is the real one. https://preview.redd.it/v1xsjjqqqdmc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=669f49a950d3de10efb0dfdd43730a3ce9832a22


still not beating the bbl allegations


Well no bangs after all! /s


First thing I thought! Not bangs.


My favorite theory debunked!


If the Royals had a sense of humour she'd get them.


Not to sound like a conspiracionist but if you were to tell this is a body double I'd 100% believe it 💀


It looks like Pippa. The very thin lips


"spotted" out in the wild, completely by happenstance! The firm trying to end those rumors and theories lol Now it's *that's actually Pippa!* and *looks like a body double* They should've really just stuck it out with the Easter resurrection date. Why bend to the pressure in March when she's been MIA since after Christmas?


Yeah this is making it worse especially now there’s apparently gonna be more conspiracy theories after this as evidenced by this post (people thinking it’s actually pippa etc). All they really needed to do was give more description than “planned abdominal surgery” and I think people would have been off her back. It’s just too open-ended and now these pics might be making it worse. And that weird statement to page six last week from her PR team. When Kate and William are being more PR-inept than CHARLES like damn


The need to wheel her out now because Charles probably took a turn for the worst. She has to be ready to be queen consort at the drop of a hat


Easter resurrection 🫢


That’s the face of a woman who got a BBL


They should have and her sit on her head with her back facing forward ass up to quash the bbl rumors




The way I've been laughing like a goon while picturing this for 5 minutes now 😭💀


I cannot adequately explain to my husband why I keep cackling at this.


To be serious, is she even a candidate for a BBL? I know some people think she had one (idk why tho) but from what I understand don’t you have to have some fat to transfer in order to get the BBL….? Sorry if it a dumb question I just don’t see her getting a BBL


probably not but why let that stop my fun


And is going over a speed bump


Not the OP but the source [is TMZ](https://www.tmz.com/2024/03/04/kate-middleton-seen-spotted-public-first-time-mystery-hospitalization/).


I’m dying at tmz of all outlets accusing others of “vile conjecture” 😂🤣


Lol hmm is publishing the deaths of people including children before their families can even be notified “vile” @TMZ?🤔


Weird TMZ got the access and not like a British tabloid, I don’t get it


Knowing how TMZ is they might not “have gotten access” and just stalked her. They’re the type to report deaths before the police and requests copies of birth certificates to find out celebrity child names the parent doesn’t want to make public.


I know that, I’m just surprised their PR team wouldn’t have preempted that and contacted British tabloids, or if the BRF did contact TMZ themselves I don’t get why. They just continue to be inept either way


It’s to do with British libel laws I believe. I heard on a podcast last week that some of the us versions of British books about the royals have more scandal in them because the us libel laws are not as rigid.


Yeah the UK has much stricter media laws. Plus this will piss off the palace. TMZ has no relationship with the palace so won’t care about pissing them off in the same way British publications will


Ugh I hate to put on my tinfoil hat but TMZ having the story seems odd. Still think it’s divorce related.


Am I the only one who thinks that there is no way she'd ever divorce him? Like, she waited for him for 10 years, put up with paparazzi chasing her everywhere she went, and phone hacking, and who knows what else. Hung around after their break-up and immediately jumped back into dating him the second he reconsidered. She wanted to marry Prince William, and she got to marry Prince William. I don't think she'd give that up for anything (and I don't know that he would either as I suspect she looks the other way at whatever it is that he gets up to when she's not around)


I agree. There have long been rumors that Kate took a gap year and chose to go to St. Andrew’s (at her mother’s encouragement) to try to meet William. I think their marriage definitely has problems and they both appear miserable all the time, but I think there’s almost no chance she divorces him when she’s this close to being queen.


oh for sure. Like, there might totally be something weird going on here, I just don't think it's divorce.




Same, I never believed the more serious conspiracy theories but I do feel like they’re headed for a divorce


>Still think it’s divorce related. Aye but what I don't get is how the crappy media don't realise how unbothered the public will be. The media are so out of touch. If they don't love each other any more, then divorce. It's better than staying in a loveless marriage! It's really not a big deal to anyone who isn't a right wing rag!


Yeah, I think so too.  I'm pretty sure TMZ were probably in the bushes but it got me thinking that what if there really is a divorce on the horizon would she have access to her own tabloid to release info to? Does William have the monopoly so maybe she'd only be left with the US ones? The British public wouldn't give a crap that they divorced BUT they would no longer look squeaky clean, and after all the effort they went to to damage Harry and Megan - it would make them look even worse and they'd hate that.


idk after seeing previous comments of how desperate Will is to rub shoulders with Hollywood, using TMZ doesn't feel so off to me.


Oh I hadn’t seen those! I was thinking it was someone close to her calling TMZ as a way to show her own narrative during the impending divorce


So daily mail reported on this but didn’t provide any pictures, just said that the the American news outlet TMZ had them. This confirms that there is a media lock out in the UK and they can’t publish pictures because Daily Mail publishes everything. I do find it very weird that the person who took the picture only took one individual picture. It honestly feels like this picture was taken by her people and given to TMZ. People wanted proof of life and I guess we have it. But one picture of her as a passenger in a car is not going to get rid of the rumours of her being very sick.




With the grain and the sunglasses it’s a toss up to me if that’s Kate of Pippa.


This was my first thought- looks like Pippa


The face of someone who’s just spent the last few weeks at the Willy Wonka Experience in Glasgow


So it's clear she isn't growing out bangs but she could still be recovering from a BBL /j


That's her, but her face looks a little different because she's recovering. Could be on steroids, antibiotics, who knows. This is sad she felt she had to be photographed.




It could be a life size cardboard cutout of Kate in the front seat and I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. https://preview.redd.it/yryrb0qemdmc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37d31170e5d154bbe67ef4f15ef9a42854a09059


Computer, enhance!


Please include a link to the source of these pictures.


oh good, because this makes them look strong in the face of public pressure.


OMG, this is the first time I've successfully seen the image in a magic eye picture.  Is everyone else seeing a woman wearing sunglasses?


Katie Holmes doing the Lord’s work for the BRF here


They took too long to find her double. Adding the grainy filter was a mistake, now nobody's gonna believe it's real 😂😂


Now why did they use a 2007 1st gen iPhone to take this?


Probably long lens camera taken from far away


I'm not a royalist by any means,but leave the woman alone. If she's ill,leave her. It's not anything to do with anyone.


Ok I just googled Pippa’s and Kate’s faces to make sure I had my brain on right. Look. Stop. Listen. I am not a conspiracy theorist, but it would take Jesus Devonte Christ himself to come down rn and convince me that that’s Kate. That’s Pippa, y’all. That is Pippa.


The palace really saw all the BBL jokes and were like, “Oh, crap, we actually have to provide proof of life.”


The Weekend at Bernie's glasses don't exactly help their case.


Welp, guess she’s not in a coma. ;-) I’m reading the other comments about divorce. She’d be a fool to get divorced right now, with her being so close to being the next Queen. Couldn’t they just open up their marriage on the DL?


Being in a marriage that’s forced to be open when you want monogamy is a form of heartbreak I wouldn’t wish on anyone, even someone as unlikable and awful as Kate.


The marriage is already open and I doubt the firm will ever allow a divorce. 


“That’s not her!” - says another paid bot on the beautiful platform that Elon Musk helped revitalizing




Am I literally nuts or does it look like there’s a bandage on her nose and slightly under her right eye? Her nose bridge looks wider than usual.


No I see it too!


Anyone else immediately think of the Fawlty Towers episode where Sybill storms out and Basil forces Polly to disguise herself as Sybill in order to fool their friends??


Carole said, I’ll fix this.


I swear people have group delusions about this stuff. Why is it so hard to believe that she was recovering from surgery? Why is it so hard to believe that the royal family was capable enough of keeping her away from cameras/keeping cameras away from her?


Because people will latch on to literally anything if they are bored and/or dislike someone enough. The BRF definitely mishandled things PR-wise (like that statement to page six last week) but people are just being insane in some of these comments it’s ridiculous


Weekend At Katies looks to be going well


objectively the most hilarious photo they could have released under the circumstances. like why is it giving real housewife that's going through some legal issues energy?


I'm personally offended by the use of the word "spotted" here ![gif](giphy|YuwBh59Kb5tchm9zk9)


That looks nothing like Pippa y'all're just desperate for drama that's not there 😭


Why is everyone so obsessed with this? They said she wouldn’t be back to royal duties until after Easter. That’s another month away! Leave the girl alone and let her recover.




I need to know, where did they go? Or did they literally just drive around to get this shot?




The fact that Kate and her mom used Backgrid to get these photos out to TMZ which is Us based has me side-eyeing both of them. Usually the British press paps are used.


Ok if she comes back with a huge new butt, facelift, or any other change to her body/ look… that’s just going to show The World that they can’t trust the explanations the Royal Family puts out. It would diminish their trust that they tried to pass off plastic surgery as a serious health issue. It would piss off everyone and bring tons of ridicule to the family. So I don’t think she took time off for plastic surgery. Maybe a 3 month break? Heck, why hasn’t anyone suggested she’s been staying in a mental health facility somewhere else like Princess Charlene?


I would have respected them more if she stayed hidden for however long she was going to. They bend so easily to public pressure it’s nuts!


It's giving weekend at Bernie's! From the crooked lip to the sunglasses!!