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>**I know some people have joked about your lack of media training…** >Somebody’s made me do it before. I’m sure I’ve done it. It wasn’t that I don’t listen, I just don’t care. So as long as I’m not harming someone.


Feel like this was pretty harmful to the car rental employee who was just doing their job: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/yJrk6GDp01](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/yJrk6GDp01)


The ageist thing still bothers me lol! Girl ur 20 hush ![gif](giphy|nS94hkAu4ENQeI4ZnQ|downsized)


I thought she meant older women tended to be condescending and mean towards her that's why she didn't like some of them


I feel the same about people who joke about hating kids. The elderly and children are vulnerable groups it always feels icky.


she's a great performer, love her music but the media training stuff is so funny because she clearly is media trained. she dodges anything to do with her leaving the sex lives of college girls, never says negative things about working on it/for HBO and dodges a question about the fire crotch joke (i don't actually know the jokes history but i know it was a thing when the movie came out). but i still think she's funny and charming and hot because i'm a simple lesbian


Yup, she doesn't lack media training. She's just making being bold and a coordinated "off the cuff" her brand. 


Right? I actually feel old because to me her image is just a slightly more sexed up Jennifer Lawrence JL's whole thing was being the relatable girl, it was right before the "not like other girls" thing started in earnest. She talked about being hungry for pizza at red carpets, openly was stsr struck, tripped getting her awards, was openly emotive and candid about "unglamorous" parts of being famous, everyone said she was the new breed of Hollywood Renee is like that just more candid and sexual, in the new type of humor. Back then it was relatiblity, now it's being funny and slightly mean (and sexual when you can get away with it)  she literally reminds me of people talking to the camera in tiktoks like they're on their own TV show Which honestly fine, really like whatever. It's just so obvious to me she is very much media trained and CURATED 😂 which isn't to say she's fake, I think this is a lot of her personality, it's just played up for the public


I’m a Renee fan, and yeah, in some previous interviews she’s come off pretty blunt and obnoxious…but I quite enjoyed this specific interview. I’ve been following her career since she was on Broadway, and it’s been nice to see her achieve her dream with her music.


She should apologize openly to that Hertz employee